A Comorbidity Infographic

Comorbidity is one of the co-occurring illness. Over 9 million people suffer from co-occurring illnesses, with most of them having no idea they have one especially comorbidity. The most common symptoms and issues associated with co-occurring condition vary from person to person. It’s essential to locate a recovery center that can address your mental health and your addiction.

What are the Co-occurring Disorders?

Addiction’s threats are also exacerbated by untreated mental illness. Dual diagnosis refers to the prevalence of both substance abuse and mental health conditions. One type of it is comorbidity.

Common Conditions

  • Severe depressive disorder
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Antisocial personality disorder (ASD) 
  • Schizophrenia (a psychiatric disorder that affects individuals)
  • PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)

Comorbidity Testing and Assessments

When an individual has both drug abuse and alcohol problem and an extreme mental health condition, this is known as a dual diagnosis. The existence of two or more co-occurring conditions, also known as comorbidity, is much more common than one would expect. According to estimates, nearly most people diagnosed with extreme mental disorders still have a drug maltreatment problem. It means comorbidity has greater ratio. According to the  National Collaboration on Mental Illness, a high proportion (37 percent and 53 percent) also have mental disease in people who misuse alcohol or drugs.

Facts on Mental Illness and Drug Abuse

Individuals with two or more co-occurring illnesses can feel powerless in the face of their conditions especially in comorbidity. Some of them are incapacitating, making a person feel frail, lonely, and vulnerable. Others may cause hallucinations and delusions that appear to be accurate. In addition to the data discussed above, epidemiological evidence indicates that drugs, alcohol, and mental illness including comorbidity are all linked:

  • Alcohol consumption is expected to be 68 percent over a lifetime, while opioid use is estimated to be 30 percent.
  • Nearly one-third of people with reported mental illnesses (comorbidity) have struggled with drug abuse.
  • 36.6% of persons with alcohol addiction disorders and 53.1% of persons with medical abuse disorders were psychiatric diseases. 
  • Nearly 20% of the 9.9% of the population who had experienced significant lifelong depression also had a co-occurring opioid addiction including comorbidity.
  • Five times as often as patients with bipolar disorder have drug or alcohol abuse, whereas schizophrenic patients are four times more likely.
  • Depression, anxiety, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are common mental health conditions associated with drug abuse and comorbidity.

Comorbidity’s Effects and Care Obstacles

Comorbidity, if left untreated, can lead to a slew of problems for the person. And when treated, comorbid people may have more severe symptoms, poor social performance, and more excellent rates of physical conditions of comorbid like liver disease, kidney disorders, as well as suicidal thoughts.

According to Biomed Central Psychiatry, comorbid diseases have historically been classified as two different disorders, with one being treated after the other. Recent research shows that combined therapy for comorbidity, rather than concurrent or simultaneous treatment, is the preferred form of Dual Diagnosis treatment. Unfortunately, comorbid individuals continue to face challenges in recovery due to insufficient or inaccessible services, longer diagnosis times, and lower treatment enforcement. Thus, comorbidity disease is long-lasting in the body.

Recognize Which Approaches First: Material Abuse or Mental Disorders?

The relation between substance abuse and mental illness is one of the most common comorbidity conditions. As the University Of Columbia points out, this includes induced alcohol depression, a bipolar disorder caused by stimulants, and psychotic disorder induced by cocaine. All are the sources of comorbidity.

Co-Occurring Illnesses Diagnosis and Evaluation

Due to the co-occurrence of the conditions, evaluating and handling a comorbidity illness can be particularly difficult. Substance abuse and mental illness including comorbidity are often associated with one another, but they may also occur independently in some situations. Determining which disease is the cause of the other can be difficult and time-consuming especially in comorbidity condition.

After a time of detoxification, doctors are more likely to diagnose a patient with one of the forms mentioned above of substance-related comorbidity. Many drug use problems have signs that fade quickly until the substance is stopped, making a correct diagnosis easier especially for comorbidity.

So, what’s next? How do doctors know how to diagnose a mental health condition after drug abuse has stopped? In order to help psychologists, clinicians, and medical practitioners better regulate what conditions are present within a person, some illness-specific models have been developed.

The PRISM-IV is one of the most common models of clinical evaluation interviews. The PRISM IV stands for the Drug and Mental Disease Psychological Study Interview, a series of standardized questions that can help an interviewer identify the mental disease and its relation to drug abuse. An interviewer can help classify one or more mental disorders with a standardized collection of questions and seriousness scales. Out of more than ten mental health illnesses unregenerated throughout the questionnaire are PTSD, personality disorders, social phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), actual phobias, severe depression, manic depression, and schizophrenia. Medicine questions usually come before mental illness issues to serve as a basis for potential mental health issues and explain how they interact with one individual.

Four additional assessment templates include a YMRS, a Structured DSD-IV DSD-IV SCID-II, and AHCL, which evaluate hyperactivity and hypomania, including a Young Mania Rating Scales (YMRS) on manic and bipolar disorders, and a Depressive Symptoms Assessment (IDS) Inventory. SCID-II (useful for bipolar disorder evaluation).

Together with detoxification, these focused tests can help a doctor evaluate mental disorders or disorders in a patient with drug abuse problems. Although it is not always likely to have a 100% correct diagnosis, the aim is to achieve the best possible diagnosis.

A suitable facility is there for you or your loved ones to get a diagnosis and develop an individualized care plan for co-occurring diseases especially comorbidity. We’re specialized in FRN dual diagnosis and would like to help you. Call us today, and we will help you identify which treatments are best for you and start a rehabilitation plan as quickly as possible.

Infographic and Report on Comorbidity

The word “comorbidity” refers to the presence of two or more diseases or illnesses in the same individual. They can happen simultaneously or one after the other. It also refers to illness-to-illness experiences that can exacerbate the course of both. Mental health issues especially comorbidity can arise in many individuals who develop substance use disorders (SUDs) and vice versa.

The infographic data summarises statistics on the comorbidity of drug use and mental illness and the rates at which people receive care for these conditions and descriptions, treatment services, and obstacles that could discourage people from getting the support they need.

Infographic on Heroin vs. Prescription Opioids

  1. Heroin: Prescription medication is made from morphine, a natural material obtained from the Asian opium poppy plant’s seed shell. 4.8 million people have used heroin at some stage in their lives.
  2. Prescription Opioids: Pain relievers of a similar origin to heroin. Opioids can induce euphoria and are often misused, resulting in overdose deaths.

In the Year 2019, 4.5 Million People Used Pain Relievers for Non-Medical Reasons

Comorbidity and Hospital Stay Affect Covid Mortality Rates in Mexico

IMSS and ISSSTE mortality rates are considerably higher than those of private hospitals or the Secretary of Health, according to an analysis of mortality rates across Mexico. Is this an issue with the standard of treatment given in these locations? This Nexos study suggests otherwise, proposing that more studies be conducted to understand better the role of comorbidities, age, and care access in patient outcomes across Mexico’s hospitals.

Even though the proportion of men and women seeking care is roughly equal across hospitals, private hospitals in Mexico treat more men.

Even though patient age variations are minor, some hospitals, such as ISSSTE and IMSS, have a slightly older patient demographic.

The sickest patients are admitted to IMSS and ISSSTE, and they often have one or more comorbidities, such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and a history of smoking. Since IMSS and ISSSTE only consider terminally ill patients, the time it takes to receive care may have a substantial effect on COVID survival rates. Across the six-hospital groups, there are substantial variations in mortality rates for various types of patients. About 80% of intubated patients in IMSS and ISSSTE hospitals died, but only about half of intubated patients in private hospitals died.

Comorbidities and Osteoarthritis

Reduces physical activity levels, comorbid conditions, and adverse drug effects cause a 55% rise in mortality from all causes. A review of older adults with osteoarthritis to see if there is a correlation between pain and depression. This is almost double the rate of heart disease in adults who do not have OA. Conditions of the Heart affect one-third of adults with OA. Obesity is an issue that affects many people. Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Anxiety and depression One-third of arthritis patients over 45 suffer from depression or anxiety.

People with OA are more likely to become depressed due to their pain’s increased disability, and exhaustion. Compared to 25% of people with no/mild joint pain, 50% of people with extreme joint pain are not physically involved. Inactivity makes asthma, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease more difficult to treat. Physical Activity Metabolic Syndrome OA is associated with elevated comorbidity and mortality. About half of people with OA have another chronic medical condition, and about one-third have five or more chronic conditions. 

Fifty-seven percent of patients with knee OA are obese. More than a third of knee and hip OA patients have diabetes and comorbidity.