Latest Study: Women Who Suffered from Childhood Abuse Are at High Risk to Die Young, and Drug Addiction May Play a Role

Women who suffered from childhood abuse are highly exposed to death at a young age. Here are the study’s findings; In JAMA Psychiatry, a new study shows that women who suffered from childhood abuse are in extreme danger of death fastly and at a young age. 1

A little bit of reason might be trauma-incorporated drugs and alcohol use. At the Northwestern University of Chicago, Edith Chen and coworkers studied and analyzed the collected data from approximately 6,295 adults who took part in a national level examination of Midlife Development in the United States Of America.

All of the 6,295 participants disclosed encountering childhood abuse. Nearly all of the 6,295 victims were white people, with an estimated age of forty-seven. The representatives include both males and females.

The individuals in question were asked about physical & emotional abuse and the intensity and occurrence of the exploitation.

As stated by the World Health Organization, On average, one out of five individuals who faced childhood abuse, and nearly out of four women suffer sexual misapply in pre-teen.2 Numerous previous studies have found a link between childhood abuse and drug addiction at the later stage of life cycle, however this is the initial and most important factor to demonstrate how abuse manifests itself in comparatively shorter periods.

As researched in 2015, there were around 1,100 through and through firm deaths out of 6,285 exploited adults. JAMA reported in a press release.” The findings showed no link between Men’s lengthy danger of death (mortality) is linked to self-reported childhood abuse.” as per the report.

As stated by one of study, “Those women who confessed encountering extreme physical exploitation, During the 20-year, the study showed, children who suffered physical or psychological childhood abuse from their parents were at a high risk of all-source mortality (death) investigated period, relative with the women who never had reported such type of mishaps. Such type of linkages did not seem to be very specified to any outlined abuse, even though an accretion of many types of exploitation was correlating with a higher danger of death in women. Moreover, these discoveries could not be elucidated by childhood social and economic status, adultary dejection or personality attributes.”

How Is It Possible that Abuse that Occurred Years Ago Lead to Early Death?

“Why does childhood abuse carry lengthy consequences in maturity, culminating in a higher death rates?” The writers expressed their thoughts. “One theory is that trauma makes us more vulnerable to psychological disorders (such as depressive symptoms), which leads to increased illness incidence and death. While we found no evidence to support this theory, a larger study of further frequent and detailed psychopathology evaluations is required to firmly answer this problem. Another theory is that adolescents who are abused may adopt unhealthy health habits (e.g., opioid use) as a means of dealing with anxiety, and these adverse experiences may therefore lead to illness incidence and death that should have been avoided.”

For years, many people have been carrying around residual childhood abuse. The related psychological disorders problem fuels the abuse in the majority of individuals who experience drug use illnesses. For those with dual diagnoses psychiatric problems like childhood abuse, detoxing accompanied by attempts to avoid alcohol or using medications does not often end in long-term treatment. Even though the incidents occurred several years ago, they need to obtain assistance in getting with the traumatic pain they have experienced.

Idan, Heim, and Jennie, writers of an intervening JAMA article, agree with the report writers conclusions.  They said, “Maybe the most apparent justification of elevated physical and mental health condition is a reduction in long term success.” “Another approach is to use undesirable health risk habits, including drugs, opioid and alcohol abuse, as a way to deal with ongoing emotional damage.”

What Is the Reason Behind Women Die Younger than Men as A Result of Unresolved Trauma?

Why do females die at a younger age or face childhood abuse than males as a result of traumatic experiences? The editorial’s writers, including social science and psychological researchers from Pennsylvania State University, give this reason for why a female especially could be dying young, after several decades of violence.

In Study on childhood abuse, writers stated, “With a developmental, life-history viewpoint, individuals posing threats that might limit their probabilities of living to mature age could, if appropriate, improve their growth and thus maximize their chances of transmitting on chromosomes to subsequent generations while being powerless to do so due to an untimely mortality.” “In the end, the organism hands off the enhanced likelihood of having offspring before death for the relatively long healthcare costs associated with accelerating growth. In this sense, the genetic encoding of childhood maltreatment may interfere with this existence viewpoint to intensify increased biochemical reactions including telomere cell death putting woman victims of childhood abuse at an elevated risk for premature death. This is a hypothetical hypothesis that has yet to be evaluated in human beings.”

Catherine L. is a victim of childhood abuse, due to medication for her dual diagnosis gambling and alcohol addictions, and also the depression she experienced as a result of her childhood abuse. She did, though, try suicide several times before receiving the treatment she required.

She blogs on Heroes in Recovery, a forum that celebrates the experiences of individuals that are still leading safe, abstinent lives, that she is a dual-diagnosed individual who resides in rehabilitation and faces mental health problems. “As I found, it can render achieving healing a little more difficult. There was always work to be done on the bad attitudes, actions, and diseased mentality. Before life throws you a curveball, you can make a plan.”

Catherine has also published a novel with the expectation of assisting others. “I want to shatter the taboo of gambling abuse, rehab, and mental and emotional health by publishing my book and shared this with the public. I need to become an advocate for others who have been sexual childhood abuse.”

“Finally, the long-term health consequences of accelerated growth have finally been offset by individual trades for an increased reproductive probability before death. In this context, the biological integration of childhood abuse can interact with this view on life history to boost accelerated biological processes such as the shortening of telomere and to increase women who have survived childhood abuse’s risks of early death. That’s an assumption that people test it. This is assumed. This is hypothetical.”

Incurable Maltreatment Can be Defined as “Recurrent Incidents of Long-term Mistreatment”, and It Is Linked To Worse Results than Short Term or Isolated Incidents of childhood abuse. One of the research shows that types of abuse are interconnected with one another. One perspective is that a vast population of adults who have undergone the phase of childhood abuse or neglect are usually the victims of more than one type of abuse, known as multi-type abuses. Moreover, Other types of abuse like bullying or peer smacking have also been related to childhood abuse. The second perspective is that other than that, some are those who have experienced more than one type of abuses, or they are the victim of more than one exploitation are at high risk to undergo extreme signs of trauma, confusion, and depression.

One study explores how the main negatives of childhood abuse, its neglect, and how this extends to adulthood are often related to fitness, cognition, psychology, behavior, and social impacts as well as to the negative effects of past childhood abuse and neglect (e.g., Problems of substance abuse or risky sexual conduct can cause physical health problems). However, the effects are primarily connected to all types of abuse, some types of abuse and neglect, and specific adverse outcomes, if appropriate.

Adults with a history of childhood abuse are at high risk of physical complications, including diabetes, gastrointestinal problems, arthritis, headaches, necrosis, stroke, hepatitis, and heart disease than people in general experience physical health problems. In one literature review, it is found that, according to most studies, adult childhood abuse survivors have more health problems than non-abused peers. Also, a study shows that childhood abuse was associated with a higher risk of neurological disorders, breathing, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal, but not gynecological problems are contrary to some other studies. The exact way in which childhood abuse experiences relate to physical health problems is unclear, even though there appear to be several causal mechanisms and factors. For example, some researchers suggested that if adult survivors of childhood abuse are poorly affected by health, their direct effect on the immune system, or their risk to adult survivors (e.g., smoking, alcohol abuse, and risky sexual behavior).

Any type of abuse whether childhood abuse or adulthood abuse but whether it is corporeal, sexual, or it is physiological gives rise to psychiatric complications in childhood or in adulthood. As the affected individual condition will induce extreme feelings of anger, shame, and disappointment that in return leads to complicated symptoms like anxiety, insomnia, depression, suicidal thoughts, and stress linked with trauma and such conditions may arise the emotions of hostility, abruptness, hyperactivity and childhood abuse.

A number of persistent psychiatric disorders may be fueled by childhood abuse. One is somatosensory disorder (also called psychosomatic disorder), in which patients have no apparent medical cause for their physical conditions. Another is agoraphobia panic, where patients have a sudden, acute onset of terror and may restrict their activities to prevent them from being outside, particularly in public when an attack is carried out. There is a lot more to research about the mortality rate of women associated with childhood abuse.


  1. Chen, E. et al. (2016, September). Association of Reports of Childhood Abuse and all-cause Mortality Rates in Women. (2016, September). JAMA Psychiatry. Retrieved Sept. 30, 2016, from
  2. Child Maltreatment. (2016, September). World Health Organization. Retrieved Sept. 30, 2016, from
  3. Shalev, I. et al. (2016, September). Child Maltreatment as a Root Cause of Mortality Disparities: A Call for Rigorous Science to Mobilize Public Investment in Prevention and Treatment. JAMA Psychiatry. Retrieved Sept. 30, 2016, from
  4. Heroes in Recovery. (2015, Sept. 10). Addicted to Dimes. Retrieved Sept. 30, 2016, from