Nature vs Nurture both have provided us with many alcohol options, many of which have shown tremendous success in overcoming alcoholism. When a family faces an addiction problem, their inner detective comes out stronger than ever; they start inspecting; and even sense the clues left behind by the addictive substance i.e nature vs nurture. Their utmost try is to reach a narrative that can encapsulate the problem completely. Frequently, the victim’s family tries to work upon all the possibilities of the problem’s root or origin. Explicitly the suffering family wants to know whether the problem’s origin is linked to their genes or genetic behavior you may call it nature vs nurture.
The question may appear silly for many people, but this can be crucial to the sufferers of addiction issues or their families. After all, there are bright chances that if the problem is genetic, then it can hit the next generation with the same might or even more as it is affecting the current family members. Whereas the problems coming from nature vs nurture can be tackled with much ease as they only require amendments in habits and behavior. Becoming an alcohol addict explicitly by environmental reason may be due to peer pressure or sometimes people do it for fun initially and end up finding themselves deep in this alcohol drinking pit i.e nature vs nurture. If the reason is what mentioned before then the addiction can be stopped and controlled by little therapy, self-control, medication, attention, and self-will. Moreover, these problems can be controlled and stopped by only one person without stressing about the chances of it being transmitted to the coming generations. Here in this piece of writing, we’d relate alcoholism against the relation nature vs nurture.
Unfortunately, when the problem is an addiction, untangling the concept of nature vs nurture is nearly impossible. The shreds of evidence from both sides are compelling, while many times, it can be a combined effort of genetic factors and environmental concerns. The combination of genes and behaviours often compliments each other and result in drastic damages to people’s perception towards the consumption of alcohol and suffer from alcoholism. The combined sources for a particular problem for sure have a deep impact and always make the roots of the problem. This nature vs nurture combination can cause alcoholism is drastic and is a bigger problem than it appears. Its causes, solutions, roots, treatments all have some serious tangles in their threads making it difficult to get out of it more than a spider web.
Issues Related to Genetic while Studying Nature vs Nurture Related to Alcoholism
People suffering from alcoholism or alcohol addiction select to drink it repeatedly as Nature vs Nurture. Having a sip and not liking it cancels out the possibility of developing an alcoholism issue. This depends upon the relationship of nature vs nurture, that what are the factors and which of them are strong and which are week. In most cases, the person who does not like the beverage will probably never return for another drink. While on the other way enjoying the burning sensation and the manner the beverage makes its way in your body could cause alcoholism in the consumer. As obviously, someone who likes the drug feel will take it over and over again and that is clear relation of nature vs nurture. These people actually enjoy the substance more than average people without having specific alcohol supporting genes. This built-in leisure takes them to the dangerous ride of addiction with ease, pleasure, and satisfaction. They don’t feel liquor destroying their inner systems as well as intoxicating their personal and social lives and that is what we call as nature vs nurture. The enjoyment and satisfaction that alcohol gives due to the specific genetic structure never allow them to feel the changes in habits and routine until they have become the servant of the liquor in a worst-case scenario. Many researchers about Nature vs Nurture are of the view that the likeness towards alcoholism nature vs nurture can be determined by using genetic data.
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, individuals with Asian ancestry bear a special gene that makes drinking alcohol not so pleasant.
When people with this gene drink alcohol, they always feel nauseous, flushed, or even faint. People with the particular gene have fewer chances of developing alcoholism as they can never drink a significant amount of the beverage. On the other hand, Alcoholism Nature vs Nurture: Clinical and Experimental Research journal published a study backing the point that some people have a special gene that generates a pleasing feeling and quickly transmits the calming signals from one part of the brain to another when alcohol is in action. Experiencing the behavioral changes brought by alcohol is more common in people possessing the particular gene than others. Even a single sip has a significant impact on them and can bring drastic changes in their manner and the way they act. These people have brighter chances of developing an alcohol addiction as the relaxation, intense changes spurred by the beverage compel them to consume it repeatedly. The results of the above-mentioned study clarify that there is a strong relationship between alcoholism against nature vs nurture.
Studies in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research also show the existence of a strong relationship between alcoholism and nature vs nurture factors acting upon alcohol addiction, that genes play a role in determining the impulsivity levels of people.
The inclined impulsivity can lead the way towards alcoholism and the development of bad drinking habits. As highly impulsive people feel themselves calming down after drinking. This impulsivity burns themselves emotionally while alcohol provides a burning sensation physically. Most people prefer physical pain over emotional pain and ends up drinking a lot more than normal.
This finding nature vs nurture factors holds importance as impulsive people are likely to:
- Act without considering the consequences
- More likely to make bad choices as they feel invincible
- Have less control over their behavior and cannot change it once it becomes a habit (also an illustration of nature vs nurture)
- Experience behavioral escalation
This type of behaviour can make a person go through public drinking stages to solo drinking real quick. There is another research convincing us of the active connection between alcoholism and nature vs nurture factors.
Researchers from the University of Michigan Health System propose that the genetic setting determines people’s impulsivity levels, and these genes variant can guide people towards drastic decisions involving alcohol.
Genes can also compliment and sometimes play with one another in Nature vs Nurture. For example, if a person tends to enjoy alcohol, they may go for another drink once the first one has been digested. Still, if the same person has the impulsivity gene, the person can continue to decide to continue drinking even in a situation where stopping would be a better option. This particular gene seems to be explicitly involved in the poor choices one people make.
Despite all this evidence, we can not rule out the behavioural effect of addiction completely but keep in mind the nature vs nurture factor which affects alcoholism differently in different individuals. It’s not like all addicts or alcohol loving people are genetically inclined towards it. Many start it for fun and then become habitual. Many people drink to look cool or under peer pressure. All these behavioural actions are brought by one’s environment leading them towards the killing habit of drinking alcohol regularly as Nature vs Nurture. Therefore, the behavioural aspect can play a vital role in introducing alcohol and the choice to continue drinking alcohol. Behaviour combined with genetics or even solely can be a vital determinant of alcoholism in a person’s life.
Characteristics of Environment while Studying Nature vs Nurture
The adoption of behaviour that can lead to addiction does not end when adulthood begins. For example, the environment and people around a person as an adult can profoundly impact both consumption and chances of developing alcohol addiction.
Research published in 2012 in the American Sociological Association’s Annual Meeting which highlights the relationship of nature vs nurture against drug abuse, explains that married women tend to drink more compared to divorced women.
The excessive drinking of the married women may be because they are forced to drink with their husbands, or they might have alcohol on the hand regularly, causing them to drink more often. This can lead them to develop the addiction i.e the relation between nature vs nurture. If a single woman doesn’t drink or they don’t have alcohol on their hand, it makes them less likely to develop an alcohol addiction. In this case, it is their behavior, not their genes, that protect them. Drinking women’s brain cells may be impaired, causing them to lose control of how much they drink. That is the clear detail to alcoholism nature vs nurture.
According to the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, consistently exposing brain cells to a large amount of alcohol over a long time will cause the cells to be weakened to the point that it is difficult for an individual to have control over their actions. Because of the changes in the brain cells, the individual becomes more impulsive.
It is the person’s actions, not their genes, that trigger impulsivity. The findings of these and other research indicate that people who drink and continue to drink on a daily basis cause harm that biology will never be able to compensate for. Finally, the truth of addiction can be more complicated even now because of the nurture component of the equation, which weighs more and is more strong. Although in the comparison of nature vs nurture factors against alcohol addiction, nurture weighs heavy but genetic factors that relate to nature should not be undermined.
An Other Way to Study Nature vs Nurture; Relationship to Alcoholism
Rather than declaring nature vs nurture factors responsible solely for addictions, experts suggest that these springs up with the intricate interplay of both nature vs nurture. Exhibiting just one type of risk factor is still dangerous, but the factors involving both aspects “nature vs nurture” can cause damage to the extent that nothing less than therapy can figure a way out.
A person having the genetic inclination towards liking alcohol might enjoy the inaugural sip of the drink. Still, if the same person lives with a habitual drinker, that inaugural drink might be a way to repeat consumption. The two factors complement one another and reaffirm one another’s effect, making the full chances of solid addiction possible. We can not say what factor is a strong cause of alcohol addiction from nature vs nurture but we can support the hypothesis that alcoholism has a strong link between nature vs nurture factors.
There is no practical way to control the genes one inherits (nature vs nurture); there still are certain things that a person at the risk of developing alcoholism can adopt to ensure that they do not develop drinking habits in real-time.
Some of the good steps include:
- Declaring at least two nights in a week as sober nights and try hard to achieve them (an example of nature vs nurture)
- They are going for only one drink during a drinking occasion.
- Use water, coffee, or fresh juices as mealtime drinks.
- Navigate away from those who drink excessively and regularly
So, what you need to do is that first understand the relationship between nature vs nurture factors related to alcoholism, then try to find out the ways to get rid from your alcoholic addiction. If someone you love to have already suffered from alcoholism; yet, the above-listed steps may not be helpful in the case. The chances are it might be too late for them if you don’t understand the relation between alcoholism nature vs nurture. However, if the person is already suffering from the problem doesn’t mean they should ignore their condition. In fact, in this case, therapy can prove a lifesaver and lead them to leave drinking habits for good. For your ease, we can help you to make that happen for your loved ones. Just call us and talk through the treatment options for Alcoholism nature vs nurture problem.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for