Intermittent Explosive Disorder and Its Relationship with Substance Abuse can be discussed with the help of examples and news stories from different news papers of the past.
In 1985, the rumor was heard by an Illinois man that his wife was late. He was convinced she had a relationship, so he opposed her and stabbed her twenty-three times. In the Chicago Tribune, it is mentioned that she did not endure the attack.
In a similar case of intermittent explosive disorder, a young New York man admitted that he caused a young woman to miscarry when he stroke her in anger. For an attack on his girlfriend, the same man was on trial years later in the ABA Journal. What are the common perspectives in two cases together? The perpetrator of the attacks claimed that a mental illness caused violence (IED). These men claimed that they paid for this severe illness, the persons they loved the most. They did the terrible things they did.
Whether or not you think these men are IED victims or anything else, these stories should give you a pause if someone like you with your struggles to maintain a severe temper. Things can grow dangerously and quickly without assistance, but several therapies can be highly effective and important.
A Traditional Explanation
People who have IED are totally out of proportion to the problem at hand. They are irritated. These are kinds of people who can be angry at something tiny and small, including:
- Buffer benders
- Overheard conversations
- Never heard puns and jokes
- News reports
- Minor arguments
- Trauma
Where a healthy person can get irritated or even upset in response to such things, an intermittent explosive disorder person may be angry and risk physical or mental damage in the near vicinity.
Symptoms of IED are deceptive, Mayo Clinic explains. They simply do not recognize that there is something amiss with the person they are talking to, and even start to feel sorry for themselves. These are episodes in which the victim has dealt with everything that concerns good health and the right ways. These are the people whom the angry feelings within them consume entirely.
The Treatment Timing
It is simply because these people have been involved in IED since young people that people may turn to drugs and alcohol. In a study of nearly 6,600 adolescents, scientists found, for example, that around two-thirds of the population admitted they were experiencing angry events involving someone’s threat, violent growth, or destruction. About 6.2% satisfied IED criteria of those adolescents, and the experimenters observed that the average age of onset was 10-14.
Young people are often unable to cope with anger. During adolescence, portions of the brain dealing with pulse monitoring and decisions are still developing, making it far more likely that adolescents are impulsive. A young person with an intermittent explosive disorder might use this momentum and make a lousy drug choice. As teen brains are more susceptible to harmful drugs, an impulsive teen with drug IEDs can become an IED and addiction adolescent.
This central issue often has been going on for years. The University of Harvard suggests that IED individuals may often pause ten years or more before requesting assistance. This is a decade in which anger behavior is becoming increasingly more robust, and addiction can increase. This can have severe implications.
Mayo Clinic reports that those who add to substances of abuse who suffer an intermittent explosive disorder are at higher risk of self-harm than those who use drugs and alcohol with IEDs. These substances appear to deteriorate an already weak connection between higher thinking and harmful impetus. Untreated IEDs can have such serious results that auto-harm may seem like a good idea, and drugs can make it easy to do that.
Breaking the cycle
Whilst it is difficult or impossible for people with anger to talk with, people with IED need to speak much more to improve their skills, and they need to speak with a trained professional. Techniques of psychotherapy can help IEDs to discover indignation before they have a chance of growing and spreading. In psychotherapy, anger management techniques can be invaluable in allowing people with IEDs to understand anger and to figure out signs before they develop into full-blown explosions of rage. They learn that anger comes with physical signs, not just be swept away by their feelings which appear from northern countries:
They can observe the following:
- Fastening-up pulse
- Perspiration or Sweating
- Declined ability to hear
- Flushing or Blushing
- Muscle grasping
If you are able to read the signs of anger in your bodies, new innovations will help you cope. Rather than caught, the situation could be removed, meditated or a better outcome visualized. With words, not violence, they might learn to express their anger. You could look after your mental health overall so that, first and foremost, you are less exposed to attacks.
Research work conducted in the Journal of Clinical Psychology and Consultancy indicates that this conversational treatment assists people with IED to feel less angry, harsh, depressed and aggressive as they deal with any annoying feelings.
The therapy focuses on craving control for a long time. Many were still improved when the treatment stopped, and researchers examined it in 3 months. People can improve by coaching, speaking and learning.
The Subject of Anger and Addiction
Mild episodes of unexpected anger attacks coming and going seldom cause concern. Experts often refers to mental illnesses, such as intermittent explosive disorder:
- Confronting defiant disorder
- Bipolar disorder
- Objectionable personality disorder
- Intermittent eruptive disorder
Individuals like this have little to no control over their angry emotions. An outbreak of anger is a natural reaction to an external threat. That small bubble of power enables someone to stop an attack without harm and get out of the situation. When a crisis occurs, like a car accident or an outsider’s verbal threat, wrath can help people move fast and react appropriately.
However, anger problems sometimes change from healthy to hazardous. Some people develop intermittent explosive disorder in which they are not very angry at all. Such people often run an increased risk of dependence.
Are the Anger Habits Very Hard to Change
When you feel a little wrath, you follow this feeling until you are entirely consumed with the need to shout, hurt or humiliate. You may not like to act in that way, but you may find it challenging to change your habits.
Connecting the Dots
Humans are hardwired to feel angry when they are offended in intermittent explosive disorder, injured, or in need, witness or experience injustice, or feel compelled to defend something. This rage can be highly beneficial. When we show our frustration constructively, we will bring attention to a problem that is troubling us. Since the problem has been identified, it can be resolved, and the rage can subside.
While it is evident that many people who suffer from intermittent explosive disorder abuse drugs, codependency is not helpful. In some instances, as has been mentioned, the use of narcotics strengthens the feeling of anger. But the consequences of anger can sometimes be much more evident with drug abuse.
Anger is a primitive emotion that small children learn to convey early on. When small children don’t get what they want, it’s normal to see them throw tantrums, and everybody has seen small children erupt in violent rage when they are especially offended in intermittent explosive disorder.
Then how To Provide Help?
While people with an intermittent explosive disorder certainly have a therapy problem, people like this remain very dangerous and can inflict significant damage in no time whatsoever. Consequently, it is not wise for families to approach such people without professional support. The conversation might take an awkward turn in just minutes, and someone could get hurt without a professional’s help.
An interventionist with professional expertise will help families better understand how anger problems function and crafting an addiction dialogue that is responsive to the intermittent explosive disorder at hand. If the individual continues to respond with anger as the discussion progresses, these professionals may intervene. Some angry people do not respond to the first intervention. If that happens, the interventionist may help the family take action to discourage the angry individual from causing further harm.
Medicines can also play a role in chemical imbalances in sensitive brain cells, which appear to be intermittent explosive disorder. The doctors can correct this imbalance by supplying antidepressant medicines, which may make it easier to control the temperature a little. Researchers found in one research work of the problem that fluoxetine helped to reduce impulse and propulsive aggression in intermittent explosive disorder.
Therapy focuses on craving control in people with IED and substance abuse concerns. Drugs of abuse cause brain tissue changes in their chemical processes that make it much harder to withstand drugs’ allure.
People think they need these medicinal products and are ready to take them nearly anything. They can use intermittent explosive disorder therapy to overcome their push to use the power of thinking. Therapists might also help people with addictions to restructure their liveswhich means that their sobriety is less likely to be compromised. This means that some people can learn how to choose to live in a community. Some districts provide easier access to drugs, and people with a history of drug exploitation can have profound memories of good feelings caused by drugs bought in these neighbourhoods. By selecting a house in another area that needs to be used, it can fade.
Another recovery method is Family therapy that can also be an essential part of the restoration in intermittent explosive disorder. People with IED and drug abuse could have a long history of terrorizing the family, and people who jump and cow on any word they say might surround them. This behaviour is a bit like a relapse initiation triggering device, as people might wonder why their families won’t just trust them and stop fearing them. All the family combine can discuss the behaviour due to IED and addiction in therapy, and an explosive episode of cold can cause them to work through the trauma. Over time, they will build new ways of connecting and living together in a much natural and healthier way, helping everyone live together.
Things can rumble through people with intermittent explosive disorders throughout their lives, as a wrong decision can cause things to rumble again. People in recovery can maintain contact with the therapeutic community and continue learning and growing in mental health and sobriety. The only way to avoid a relapse could be a weekly meeting.
We want to help if you are prepared to work on IED, and we will let you help your family heal. We can contact you with an accurate treatment facility and help you to speed up your recovery. Just call, and we’ll tell you how we can assist.
However, an angry person often doesn’t believe therapies can help or may not think that treatments are adequate or necessary. By performing a procedure and explaining how the cold affects the entire family, people can help clarify the problem and help the person get the help he needs in intermittent explosive disorder.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for