The Most Popular Intervention Methods




Every addiction story is different. And because this is true, there are different types of interventions designed to help different types of families and individuals. What works best for someone may not work for another. Keep in mind that the descriptions in this infographic are basic, and the best type of intervention is one that is carried out with love and attention to the details and interests of your loved one. An experienced counselor or interventionist can help you make the best plan for you and your family.

Here are four of the most popular intervention models:
1. Johnson Model: The addict’s friends and family confront him or her in a surprise intervention
2. ARISE Model: The whole family comes together to address the addict without surprising him/her
3. Invitational Model: Friends and family invite the addict to a meeting with an interventionist
4. Love First Model: Family and friends share letters written to the addict at an intervention

