Anger addiction is a response to the risk it feels. The response is natural and intuitive. Rage is essential for endurance. When you have trouble containing your fury, it causes you to say or do things you regret. A new study suggests uncontrolled frustration can lead to anger addiction anger addiction. It can also quickly escalate to verbal or physical violence, causing harm to you and those around you.
The factors that trigger anger include stress, family problems, financial concerns, and anger addiction. Frustration may be triggered by a latent illness, such as alcohol dependence or dissatisfaction, in certain people. Rage isn’t considered an illness in and of itself, but it is a symptom of several mental health issues. Anger is a common reaction to a threat from the outside world. The small burst of force enables a person to repel an attack and escape the situation unscathed. A fender bender or a terrifying threat from a pariah can trigger anger, helping people react appropriately to anger addiction when they are in a time of need.
On the other hand, Rage problems can sometimes shift from beneficial to harmful. In some cases, people become overly enraged for absolutely no reason, leading to anger addiction. People who are like this are at a greater risk of being addicted.
Anger-Induced Disorders
Gentle scenes of rage that fly in all directions are sometimes caused for concern. When experts discuss unquestionably rage issues, they often refer to psychiatric illnesses such as bipolar disorder.
- Personality Disorder with Antisocial Characteristics
- Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
- Bipolar disorder
It is defined as an antisocial behavioral disorder. A person consistently manifests a lack of concern for good and evil, disregards other people’s rights, and displays feelings of anger addiction. Individuals with antisocial behavioral disorders will, on the whole, annoy, control, or treat others cruelly or indifferently. They make no apologies or express remorse for their behavior.
People with antisocial behavioral disorders often disobey the law and end up breaking it. A lot of them lie, behave rashly and savagely, and struggle with alcohol and medication addictions as well as anger addiction. Individuals with this condition are typically unable to fulfil responsibilities related to family, job, or school due to these characteristics.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
There is also the possibility that most well-behaved children can become problematic due to anger addiction. If your child or teen consistently displays rage, irritability, fighting, disobedience, or animosity against you or other authority figures, he or she may have oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). As a mom, you don’t have to go it alone when dealing with a child with ODD. Experts, such as psychologists and child development specialists, may offer assistance when it comes to anger addiction. Conducting ODD care entails learning how to help develop healthy family relationships and manage tricky situations. For those suffering from anxiety, depression, or certain types of psychotic disorders, further treatment may be required, and a prescription may be needed for anger addiction.
Bipolar Disorder
A mental health condition is known as hyper misery or bipolar disorder is characterized by extreme mood swings, including ecstatic peaks (craziness) and melancholy anger addiction. When you are discouraged, you may feel pitiful or depressed, and you may lose interest or delight in a lot of the activities associated with anger addiction. When your mood shifts to craziness or hypomania (a milder form of insanity), you can feel euphoric, energized, or oddly peevish. Rest, energy, action, judgment, actions, and the ability to think clearly can all be affected by mood swings. Scenes of mood swings can occur infrequently or at different times throughout the year. Even though most people can discern enthusiastic manifestations, some may not recognize anger addiction.
Although bipolar disorder is a long-term illness, you can manage your mood swings and side effects by sticking to a treatment plan. Bipolar disorder is often treated with medications and psychological counselling (psychotherapy).
Addiction to Anger: Highs and Lows
When anger is released healthily, it can be rewarding and therapeutic, but it can also become addictive and lead to anger addiction. Some people experience the same impact from anger as those who want thrills for the adrenaline rush. When people are frustrated, they produce endorphins, leading to addiction. Individuals can feel nervous or depressed after the “high” wears off, as it does for all “highs.” This can lead to a person seeking thrills through narcotics. Cocaine and other stimulants can offer stimulation and enhance euphoria feelings, which can replace frustration. It is possible for people who cannot obtain their preferred drugs to develop anger addiction or to revert to angry feelings when unable to get their preferred drugs.
It Is Difficult to Change
When they sense a slight burst of rage coming on, they pursue the feeling until they’re completely overwhelmed by the need to scream, injure, or shame. They may not want to continue in this manner, but they may believe that improving their methodologies is difficult.
The Drugs of Concern
A person who tends to be angry or insane may accept that medication could benefit from anger addiction. Many drugs seem to relieve the negative thoughts and motives that people have in their minds, and they may also appear to be essential in creating a brief positive feeling. A few drugs are especially appealing to people with rage disorders or anger addiction. Liquor, a depressant drug and calms overactive brains and stifles reflexes, is especially popular among those with rage disorders or anger addiction.
In a study published in the journal Alcoholism, researchers discovered that drunkards’ rage levels were significantly higher than those of non-drinkers. This difference remained constant between the two groups. According to studies like this, alcohol is common among people who struggle with rage. There is also evidence that marijuana has a calming effect, making people feel comfortable in their surroundings and at peace with anger addiction. Of course, a study published in the journal Substance Use and Misuse discovered a connection between heavy cannabis use and high rage levels. With the link being more vital, the client often consumed drugs anger addiction. Studies like this suggest a connection between marijuana use and anger, but they also indicate that cannabis can intensify absolute outrage. It may be possible that drugs increase rage levels and that substance abuse might not be beneficial for the treatment of anger addiction.
Resolving the Puzzle
While it’s undeniable that many people with anger disorders misuse drugs, it’s undeniable that this codependency isn’t beneficial. The use of drugs can cause anger addiction, frustration and more profound feelings. On the other hand, drug misuse can also make the effects of anger even more palpable.
Know More About the IED
A person suffering from abnormal touchy disorder (IED) has reenacted scenes of violent, imprudent, or rough conduct. In situations involving angry outbursts, they can overreact when they are not in control, which is inappropriate for anger addiction. Scenes are brief (under 30 minutes) and end abruptly. People with the condition are more likely to be irritable and frustrated.
According to a Science Daily post, about 7.3 per cent of adults have this condition, and when they’re squeezed or upset, they respond with extreme viciousness. I think it’s an impulsivity issue because people like these are so enraged that they can’t control their actions, and that’s another form of anger addiction. When they consider hitting or yelling at others, they abandon the notion. Unfortunately, medications can exacerbate impulsivity problems throughout the long run. Using drugs destroys the part of the brain that controls planning and regulation, which means that those who take them are often unable to control their impulses, leading to anger addiction.
If someone with an IED damages this brain area significantly more anger addiction, hollering could turn into viciousness. Anything gets louder. Additionally, anger can prevent people from receiving the help they need to overcome drug addiction.
When People Are Consistently Angry, Dysfunctional, and Wild, Their Families Will Typically React By:
- Holding a strategic distance from all sources of conflict
- Keeping the person safe from triggers
- Keeping a low profile during tumultuous times
- Violence is met with more aggression.
Families who respond in this way are unprepared to have a legitimate conversation about habit and its consequences. They are frequently too afraid to make a noise, and they are too stressed even to consider getting up. This allows for change to grow uncontrolled, potentially increasing frustration feelings.
How You Can Help
Although those who suffer from an anger disorder can benefit from therapy, they are still extremely dangerous. Any means of anger addiction enables them to do great harm in a matter of moments. As a result, families do not approach anyone like this without professional assistance. In a matter of minutes, the conversation could get out of control, and without the help of a professional, anyone could be hurt.
An interventionist with the expertise to assist families in understanding anger problems can facilitate conversations about the obsession with anger addiction. These professionals may also intervene if the individual becomes enraged as the conversation progresses. In the case of some upset, primary mediation anger addiction are unlikely to work. If this happens, the interventionist will discourage the angry person from causing further harm.
If it’s not too much hassle, call us on 615-490-9376 if you’re ready to begin this essential healing process. We will guide you to various resources to assist you in diagnosing and treating anger addiction and mental illnesses.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for