Cocaine detox, which is the aftereffect of uncontrolled cocaine usage, has led to uncontrolled withdrawal symptoms. This stimulant drug, which is derived from the coca plant, has been around for centuries. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), there are an estimated 14 million people who abuse cocaine every year in the United States alone.
Cocaine, and other psychoactive stimulants, work to improve energy levels, treat hunger and stimulate the brain, cocaine detox. A high dose of Cocaine has been shown to increase blood pressure and heart rate, and the brain’s neurotransmitter production. In this case, the brain does not fully supply the neurotransmitters norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine, so anxiety symptoms may be temporary. At first, your heart rate may appear to be elevated because of the transmitters being reabsorbed. Compared to cocaine detox, this “reabsorption” temporarily reduces brain function and causes heightened moods.
There is a risk associated with cocaine addiction in the absence of a cocaine detox program. In addition to the fact that it is a stimulant, it can also lead to sudden cardiac arrest because it is highly addictive. When addicted to cocaine long-term, the brain can become tolerant to the drug and change chemically and the way it works.
If normal brain functions are impaired, cocaine abuse can lead to dependency.
What Is the Detoxification Process?
A Variety of Factors Can Affect the Cocaine Detox Phase. These Include:
- Amount of medication consumed
- Abuse for a long time
- Drug purity or type of drug
- The abuser’s physiology
The withdrawal symptoms from cocaine are no different in almost everyone. However, there are three stages of withdrawal: the crash, the craving, and the extinction stage. There is no indication when cocaine will be in the system for more than approximately 90 minutes, which means that withdrawal symptoms might start with this drug. During the cocaine detox process, the third phase in the cocaine detox process, the crash phase, is a period after quitting cocaine use. Usually, it is followed by the crash phase immediately following the cessation of cocaine use. People usually experience low moods, low energy, and increased appetite during the withdrawal phase since the drug is no longer suppressing and stimulating these areas. Cravings can be a major force during withdrawal, also known as the craving process, and can last for up to 10 weeks as long as cocaine users are using.
The extinction process begins after ten weeks of cocaine detox and withdrawal. Cravings can be spontaneous and sporadic at this point, and they are often triggered by environmental factors. After (28 to 30) weeks of treatment, cravings typically go away. However, since everyone’s drug addiction is different, certain people can need a longer/shorter detox period.
Detox Health Concerns
Withdrawal symptoms linked to cocaine detox do not usually include the extreme physical discomforts associated with other medications, such as vomiting and trembling, although they may be very emotional.
These Signs and Symptoms Include:
- Agitation
- Anxiety
- Concentration Issues
- Nightmares and vivid dreams
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Insomia
- Mood swings
- Hostility
- Paranoia
- Irritability
- Restlessness
Physical symptoms such as body aches and also chills are common among cocaine users engaging in cocaine detox, but they usually pass quickly. At their worst, psychological signs can be crippling, so it is best to seek medical help in a safe detox center that provides the quality psychological treatment.
More Information
A cocaine addict will often kill herself due to the resultant depression from the addiction. Cocaine is estimated to be in 18-22% of suicide victims, say estimates from the Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. Thirty-nine per cent of cocaine addicts attempt suicide at least once, according to a report published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, despite the risk of going through cocaine detoxification.
Those poisoned with cocaine may also undergo anhedonia, a condition in which the brain does not receive enough dopamine. Cocaine detox does not relieve anhedonia. A connection exists between coca abuse and depression. It cannot be told whether this results from depression and people trying to self-medicate themselves or whether it is the result of addiction to cocaine which creates various brain changes that cause depression.
It has been reported that 87% of the patients in a Cocaine Detox and Addiction Recovery program at the Australian Government’s Department of Health have met the diagnostic criteria for severe lifelong depression. The challenge of recovering and detoxing cocaine can be increased by other drugs or contaminates. In the future, chances of rehabilitation might be improved by entering a program that can treat multiple mental health issues at once.
Alternatives to Pharmaceuticals
Any FDA-approved or medically recognized medications do not cover cocaine detox and addiction treatment. Various medications used to treat the side effects caused by taking other types of drugs, such as opioid receptor-blocking drugs, have undergone tests in both experimental and clinical settings to determine whether they are effective in treating drug abuse.
The cocaine detox phase may cause psychological withdrawal symptoms and secondary mental conditions. However, many medications can relieve the symptoms. Cocaine users may alleviate their anxiety and reduce their fight-or-flight response with beta-blockers like propranolol. Generally, propranolol is prescribed to treat hypertension, though it is also prescribed to treat other health conditions.
Cocaine abstinence can be strengthened with propranolol. This reduces both cravings and the euphoric effects of cocaine. Cocaine withdrawal symptoms and cravings are managed by Amantadine, a Parkinson’s disease medication.
Cocaine detox causes the brain to lose dopamine. A neurotransmitter called dopamine is responsible for enforcing our sense of pleasure and relieving our depression when its levels reduce. Mood-regulating chemicals such as dopamine and acetylcholine are derived from the brain’s dopamine system and, in some instances, may be prescribed as part of medical treatment to assist depressed people. A dopamine receptor stabilizer, bromocriptine, is also an antidepressant and desipramine, phentermine, and fenfluramine. In cocaine detoxification programs, these drugs are given to patients to help them eliminate toxins present in the bodies. A high degree of dependence is associated with diazepam and several other drugs such as ketamine and benzodiazepine.
Remedies to The Abuse of Cocaine
Almost everyone can be helped by cocaine addiction and depression. It isn’t safe for a person to do cocaine detox if they are physically separated from the places where it is facilitated. While detoxification is a term that is typically used for this procedure, certain individuals are certain to have to undergo this procedure even if they are not addicted to cocaine. There is no shortage of anti-anxiety drugs that are beneficial in recovering from cocaine withdrawal, such as desipramine or phentermine and fenfluramine cocaine detox.
Patients must learn how to cope with the psychological effects of the drug once they have been weaned off its cocaine detox before reintroducing it. As it is often called, behavioral therapy, or cognitive therapy, is a procedure carried out to help individuals in a depression for whom they have been using cocaine inappropriately. Psychologists can help someone active in substance abuse gain control over their lives if they choose to pursue cocaine detox. Patients who benefit from effective CBT programs learn how to uncover the causes of their cocaine addiction and then create new, creative ways of dealing with those causes during cocaine detox.
Additionally, coke rehab facility cocaine detox also hosts a community of recovering addicts to assist patient recovery. Cocaine will continue to be used for years and decades to come, perhaps even for generations. In cocaine detox, people who receive support and accountability from others have probably been motivated to change their lifestyles.
Follow-Up Care
Since most of the withdrawals symptoms in a cocaine detox are psychological, recovery involves medications and social support. To be a healthy person, you must understand that detoxification is an essential, integral part of the healing process. Therapy can help cope with negative thinking and behavioral patterns by identifying social stimuli and an environment. It has been proven that motivational rewards can instill positive energy into individuals and help to cleanse the environment of negative energy cocaine detox.
Continuing support, group and individual therapy, along with education and family support, can help prevent relapse after detox from cocaine. It is difficult for someone suffering from cocaine dependence to escape without the help of a cocaine detox. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that in 2007, over 13% of drug abusers needed detox at treatment facilities.
Considering the high co-occurrence of poly-drug abuse and mental disorder with cocaine addiction, a dual diagnosis treatment model is the best choice for recovery in cocaine detox. Integrating health care services to treat a patient’s co-occurring mental and physical illnesses is vital to the success of a dual diagnosis treatment model. Throughout the history of FRN, we have pledged to provide unmatched services in expertise and are delivered by professional and competent personnel.
With dual diagnosis therapy, the goal is to heal the whole person with the mind, spirit, and body and provide a controllable setting to detox from cocaine. Alternative therapeutic options, such as dietary changes, sleep and exercise routines, and a healthy lifestyle are studied. Cocaine detox and poly-drug abuse co-occur with mental disorders, so a dual diagnosis treatment model is the best choice for treatment. Because of the complexity of co-occurring disorders, dual diagnosis treatment models emphasize integrated care. At FRN, all of our employees know dual diagnosis treatment techniques to provide the highest standard of care.
With the proper treatment, cocaine addiction and depression are incredibly treatable conditions. Cocaine detox is easily attainable if the proper treatment conditions are available. If you would like to find out more about the dual diagnosis treatment model, get in touch with us today by calling 615-490-9376 and subsequent services regarding cocaine detox.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for