Your alcohol addiction might tempt you to have a glass of wine or a beer to soothe your nerves in stressful days or nervous situations. However, that can increase your anxiety, especially heavily and over a long time.
If you are treated for anxiety, alcohol addiction can have serious consequences. A drink may appear to be a good way of alleviating anxiety, but it might be harmer than good. The higher the alcohol intake, the harder the effects. Heavy intake can lead to alcohol addiction. A person may drink enough alcohol to cause coma or even death and show how severe extreme alcohol consumption can be.
Many adults are responsible for their use of alcohol. For some, this could mean having a nightcap after a long day or having a celebration drink at a rally. Participation in alcohol is socially acceptable – even usual – in these situations. Some people, however, may have problems with even limited alcohol consumption. In some cases, persons with certain conditions of mental health, such as anxiety or panic, may develop a bad relationship with alcohol.
If anyone has both alcohol addiction and any kind of anxiety problem, then it is known as a “dual diagnosis.” Their addiction journey, as well as their treatment experience, will differ from those suffering from alcoholism alone. A patient’s experience of anxiety symptoms has a significant impact on alcohol, and symptoms of anxiety disorder often drive alcohol addiction. Due to the interrelated nature of the two disorders, patients need to seek a care program that simultaneously addresses both problems.
In the long term, trying to deal with alcohol addiction without specific treatment will be fruitless. Both disorders are too interconnected to treat one successfully without treating the other.
Effects of Alcohol Addiction
The central nervous system depresses alcohol. It often has a sedative effect if someone first drinks alcohol. It can cause a feeling of euphoria and lower the inhibition of a person. It may seem that drinking alcohol provides relief from fear. These effects can make it seem.
Chronic Alcohol Addiction
According to Medline Plus, approximately 18 million Americans are either alcoholics or have trouble with drinking, including binge drinking. Alcohol addiction is often exacerbated by a coexisting mental health disorder such as anxiety, which is defined by alcohol craving, physical withdrawal symptoms, if there’s no drink, incapacity to stop drinking, and high alcohol tolerance leading to alcohol addiction.
Definition of Anxiety
Today, the phrase “anxiety” is broadly used as a fast self-diagnosis. People stick to the term whenever they’re nervous or timid about a new social experience. It’s common for students or an employee to worry about a job, it’s a normal concern. Real anxiety disorders can, however, be much harder if left untreated and often cause someone to medicate themselves. Fear is not a monolithic state. There are several separate anxiety disorders connected with alcohol addiction.
What are Anxiety Disorders?
Anxiety is among the mental illnesses most commonly diagnosed in the USA. The side effects of a disorder of anxiety will vary based on the specifics of the experience and the type of disorder diagnosed.
Some of The Types of Anxiety Disorders Most Often Diagnosed Include:
- Generalized anxieties
- Social anxieties
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Panic disorder
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
If these are not only a problem with alcohol addiction, the consequence is immense symptoms.
Reoccurring Alcohol Addiction and Anxiety Issues
According to research published in the journal Psychological Medicine, approximately 2 percent of Americans have experienced alcohol addiction and anxiety disorder at some point in their life. A diagnosis only of social anxiety disorder resulted in significant alcohol addiction. Social anxieties have preceded alcohol addiction in nearly 80 percent of cases. Furthermore, the severity of the symptoms of anxiousness worsened when there was a problem compared to patients who had anxiety, but who did not have alcohol addiction.
Results suggest that while both anxiety and alcohol addiction are extremely prevalent, few have the therapy to deal with both issues effectively.
How Can Alcoholism Increase Anxiety?
Serotonin and other neurotransmitters in the brain change levels of alcohol which may worsen anxiety. Indeed, after the wearing of alcohol, you may feel more anxious.
Anxiety caused by alcohol addiction can last for a few hours or even a whole day following drinking. Alcohol can be dangerous for the treatment of social anxiety disorder. According to the American Association for Anxiety and Depression (ADAA), approximately 7 percent of Americans are concerned about it.
You may find social situations intolerable with social anxiety. Alcohol addiction is common in people with social anxiety to cope with social interactions. This can lead to a socializing alcohol dependence that could exacerbate the symptoms of anxiety. Some 20 percent also struggle with alcohol addiction among people with social anxiety problems.
Besides Having to Feel Comfortable with Alcohol when Socializing, There Are Other Signs of Alcohol Addiction:
- A constant desire to drink in the morning
- Heavily alcohol intake for four or more days weekly
- A desire to have a drink every get-together
- An inability to quit drinking
- Consuming over five alcoholic beverages daily
Excessive Alcohol Consumption Can Also Lead to Resentment. a Kid Can Cause You to Feel More Worried About Symptoms Like:
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Dehydration
- Low blood sugar
Alcoholism and Social Anxiety Disorder
Social anxiety disorder is a type of anxiety disorder that is linked with consumption and alcohol addiction. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, approximately 20 percent also combat alcohol consumption disorder among those who are socially anxious. Why does that happen? Some believe that patients with anxiety use alcohol to relieve their stress in social situations. They drink to relax and often drink too or too much to make it easier to interact with others and thus develop an ingredient alcohol addiction problem.
Whenever a patient develops alcohol addiction, they feel they can’t overcome it because they feel they need alcohol to treat their often overwhelming symptoms of anxiety.
Avoid using Alcohol to Treat Anxiety
For all genders and age groups, moderate drinking is not the same. “Moderate” Trusted Source typically refers to two drinks per day for men and one for women in the United States. Older adults metabolize alcohol more quickly, so just limit yourself to an alcoholic drink per day if you are in this age group. Ask your doctor if you are prepared to drink moderately to avoid alcohol addiction.
Sometimes, There Are More Risks to The Intake of Alcohol than The Benefits, They Include:
- Feeling of depression
- Overweight
- Liver conditions
- Heart disease
Everybody has different reactions to alcohol intake. It can make you feel sedated or cheerful after a hard day. Talk to your doctor about these concerns to see if you are safe with alcohol.
Please Remember You Can’t Drink Alcohol Safely to Avoid Alcohol Addiction if You Have:
- Low alcohol tolerance
- Tendencies towards aggression and anxiety
- Mental health issue
Alcohol is not a form of therapy for anxiety. If you have anxiety, seek assistance from a mental health professional. You seek help from your doctor immediately if you think you struggle with alcohol addiction.
Cure for Co-occurring Alcoholism and Anxiety Disorders
Even though some patients attempt to use alcohol as a form of anxiety therapy, its negative consequences quickly outweigh any of the positive short-term relief they may have. ADAA not necessarily states that the treatment of a problem of substance abuse addresses a simultaneous anxiety problem. Both conditions should be treated at the same time. If either problem is not addressed, there will be a greater risk of reverting to the other condition.
The symptoms of one disorder are often a trigger for the other disorder in co-occurring disorders. Anxiety, for instance, is often a cause of addiction. When only the alcohol problem is tackled, anxiety will inevitably be a recurring problem for the person and will eventually reappear to alcohol abuse to tackle the problem.
Choose a treatment program equipped to address both coincidence disorders is imperative. Doctors must be careful in prescribing anxiety medications, especially because benzodiazepines are frequently used, and this can be highly toxic. Since people have a history of substance abuse, the likelihood of abusing a benzodiazepine prescription is increased. As a result, in addition to further holistic treatment measures, doctors can opt for medicines with a low potential for abuse. If drugs are prescribed, medical staff shall monitor them closely.
Therapy is an effective way to treat someone who is both anxious and concerned about alcohol abuse. Cognitive-behavioural treatment is effective in the treatment of Alcohol Addiction and is often used to treat alcohol abuse and anxiety. This therapy involves changing the thinking patterns to alter the behavioural patterns resulting from them.
The presence of concurrent chronic disorders is important for medical professionals to be conscious of comorbidities. This is certainly true for people who fight alcohol abuse as well as an anxiety disorder. Strategies for addressing one condition may have to be amended because multiple issues are competing. Treatment needs to include an integrated approach to ensure the best recovery opportunities on every frontier.
An alcohol addiction study from Clinical Psychology Review reported that such disorders tend to trigger one another. In other words, symptoms of anxiety can make the person drink and drink worse. Those who refrain from drinking without treatment for their fear recur often – and vice versa. Do not wait for intensive and comprehensive treatment if your family member is struggling with double diagnostics, including worry and alcoholism. We can be of assistance. Contact us today by calling 615-490-9376 with one of our admission coordinators at the telephone number mentioned above to get help on alcohol addiction therapy.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for