In the peaceful woods lower regions of northern Georgia, Black BearLodgeis a comfort and recuperating position for those experiencing habit and psychological wellbeing issues. Since Black Bear Lodge is essential for Foundations Recovery Network, our care arrangement is perceived as the best quality level in the business, and our capacity to treat co-happening issues places us in the top 5% of treatment associations in the country.
Mountain Bear Lodge is a private treatment place offering a thorough program that tends to the entire individual’s necessities—psyche, body, and soul. We give sub-intense detox, a scope of comprehensive treatments, and demonstrated therapy modalities. Patients can self-reflect and discover strength for life change amid the excellence of the far-reaching sky and the standard safeguard that portrays our area.
The Black Bear Mission
The mission at Black Bear Lodge is to outfit people with the apparatuses they need to construct their own lives in recuperation. Mountain Bear has some expertise in treating enslavement and emotional wellness issues in a similar setting. The completely coordinated administrations are intended to meet every person’s particular requirements. Each individual can change and mend, and Black Bear meets patients with a mental acknowledgement mentality and non-judgment.
At Black Bear Lodge, patients are urged to rediscover themselves and find new inspiration to live a solid, whole life. They are engaged in living greater than their judgments to discover fulfillment and satisfaction outside of self-curing with medications, liquor, or habitual practices. We assist patients with acquiring adapting abilities and discover the certainty to conquer life’s difficulties. When medication or liquor reliance happens, it influences the patient, yet besides impacts everybody in such an individual’s reality, including those nearest to that person. Notwithstanding, with escalated proficient treatment customized to the necessities of the individual patient, the help of friends and family, and long haul aftercare administrations, accomplishment in recuperation is conceivable.
It is essential for patients determined to have a substance misuse issue to likewise have the manifestations that characterize a co-happening psychological wellbeing problem. When co-happening issues are available, Dual Diagnosis therapy tends to the two issues seriously, and all the while is suggested for outstanding achievement in recuperation.
Your excursion of recuperation starts at Black Bear Lodge. With various treatment alternatives, our informed and profoundly prepared staff is set up to help you at each stage on the way to restraint.
As indicated by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, one out of 12 grown-ups in the U.S. relies upon or mishandles liquor. What is more, 8% of the populace matured 12 and more established has utilized an unlawful medication in the past month.1 If you or a friend or family member battles with liquor misuse, you do not need to be essential for these insights. We will assist you with canning objectives that raise your confidence as you reach and outperform every achievement. When mishaps occur, the adapting techniques you have learned will help you bargain sensations of disillusionment and dissatisfaction healthily.
No two individuals are similar, which is why we modify treatment projects to meet every individual’s novel requirements in recuperation. All projects start with subacute detox to help every individual in recuperation free the group of medication poisons. Clinical groups give 24-hour checking to assist you, or your cherished one adapt to withdrawal manifestations in a safe and medicinally administered climate. Probably the most well-known withdrawal side effects incorporate the accompanying:
- Nausea, annoyed stomach, and retching
- Tremors
- Perspiration, from stickiness to plentiful perspiring
- Marked strain and nervousness
- Emotional upset, disarray, and a jittery disposition
- Trembling
- Visual and hear-able mental trips; feeling like things are contacting you when they aren’t
- Nervousness
- Abdominal pain2
At Black Bear Lodge, we trust in treating the entire patient-body, brain, and soul. Our private projects use talk treatment, sporting treatment, and time alone to handle emotions and musings. A large number of our gathering exercises happen outside where inhabitants can reconnect with the world. Occupants routinely climb with peers while having discussions that move them to see their lives uniquely compared to previously. Our occupants create fundamental abilities during treatment that guide them in remaining medication-free for quite a long time to come. The significant thing to recollect about our treatment programs is that you have options.
You will likewise be instructed to adequately discuss your sentiments with others through gathering and family treatment. Family treatment is frequently a significant piece of this since the nuclear family, by and large, endures more than any other person around a substance client. A new article in the Chicago Tribune noticed that groups of addicts have incessant clashes, including sensations of envy and harmful practices like savagery and cheating, monetary inconveniences, and wellbeing risks.3 Our treatment alternatives will help you and your relatives comprehend your habit and your recuperation venture. With our program, there is life after substance misuse and reliance.
As far as we might be concerned, treatment is not just about getting spotless and calm — it has tied in with rediscovering life and setting our patients’ character in recuperation. We accept every quiet’s treatment ought to plan them and their friends and family for a secure and solid future. At Black Bear Lodge, we view this appropriately and persistently stand separated from other treatment communities.
Our office is essential for the Foundations Recovery Network group of treatment focuses, and we offer patients and their families FRN’s proof-based, tried, and proper strategies for treatment. The FRN System of Care put the patient at the focal point of treatment and was created following government rules for co-happening treatment, proof-based treatment techniques, and inside research.
Wild Black Bear Lodge reliably and fundamentally surpasses authentic industry recuperation rates, as exhibited in our examination results contrasted with the National Institute of Drug Abuse distributions (White, 2012). Our coordinated treatment joins psychological wellbeing and fixation treatment strategies to deliver every constant necessity to guarantee recuperation begins with us but does not stop after leaving our office.
Care Model
We are known for treating co-happening issues, comprising of both compulsion and psychological wellness concerns. This can incorporate conditions like bipolar problem, uneasiness, behavioral conditions, dietary issues, gloom, post-horrible pressure, and others notwithstanding a medication or liquor compulsion. This is otherwise called a double determination, yet numerous treatment habitats are just equipped for tending to either enslavement or an emotional wellness issue — not both in a similar setting. At Black Bear Lodge, we utilize incorporated treatment strategies explicitly intended to handle co-happening issues by joining psychological wellbeing and substance misuse medicines with all wellbeing experts working together in one setting. Since our administrations are coordinated to treat the two conditions, we can give patients the most obvious opportunity at long-haul recuperation.
Exploration shows that patients who get coordinated treatment have more than twice the pace of accomplishment in accomplishing moderation one-year post-treatment than the individuals who go to conventional projects, as indicated by the public normal for balance rates (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2005). Mountain Bear Lodge fulfills and surpasses the guideline results of incorporated treatment, and we have permitted our patient results to shape the whole quiet insight and excursion.
Mountain Bear Lodge’s results in treating people with co-happening issues and setting them up for deep-rooted recuperation talk noisy and clear. Our ways of thinking show our obligation to patient-focused consideration by maintaining the conviction that everybody can recuperate in a nonjudgmental climate. We endeavor to spur our patients through recuperation and stroll close by them in this long-lasting excursion. We do not mention to our patients what fruitful recuperation implies. “Achievement” is characterized by every quiet and their family. Anyway, they decide to gauge it.
Our patient results are gathered from patient studies and investigate and reliably uncover that we convey significant consideration to every one of our patients and their friends and family. Patients also report high fulfillment with our nature of care, including the best treatment managed by our mindful staff, who are consistently accessible to address detailed patient requirements.
Our guarantee to our patients is that they will stay the focal point of our program, and we will maintain our moral responsibilities in all that we do. We keep showing this by tuning in to our patient necessities and returning to our strategies, so every persistent gets the best treatment accessible.
At Black Bear Lodge, our remedial timberland area fits various open-air choices and sporting exercises. We accept that wholesome entertainment can offer primary preparing time and an essential differentiation to standard talk treatments.
Comprehensive treatment by Black Bear Lodge envelops the entire individual. Considering that, we urge our patients to partake in certain propensities that advance in general recuperation, like ordinary exercise, which not just backings the objective of actual restoration and self-care, yet it gives freedoms to group working through sporting exercises. Patients may likewise find new interests and pastimes through these exercises that will help them modify their lives in recuperation.
While in participation at Black Bear Lodge, patients can encounter the abundance of nature that our environmental factors have to bring to the table through strolls and climbs. Our zone is loaded up with trails, characteristic water sources, and beautiful perspectives. A few undertakings of Black Bear Lodgevmay include:
- Zip lining
- Yoga
- Climbing

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for