BPD symptoms or otherwise known as Borderline personality disorder signs are one topic we can’t overlook. Do mental health illnesses ever cause a person to feel rejuvenated and revamped?. In reality, mental problems often have the opposite result. Most mental health patients are often exposed to the constraints of their minds, overwhelmed by the relentless feeling of ups and down moodiness, chronic low emotions, and overall mental torment. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) most especially, can drain an individual’s energy, self-esteem, and the lingering hope for a brighter future. It first starts with showing you some BPD symptoms and then the illness would keep manifesting until proper care to curb the illness is taken.
So People don’t need to live their lives with a chronic or serialized mental health illness. BPD symptoms or signs can be treated so that individuals can live the fulfilled life they just deserve.
Taking a Look at Borderline Personality and BPD Symptoms
BPD symptoms are characterized with similarity with Bipolar disorder and behavioral signs, the greater part of which is displayed by inconsistency and variability. BPD symptoms come with a chronic emotional unstableness and hyper reaction, and a sense of self that isn’t stable, reactions that are frantic and it is perceived abandonment, interpersonal relationships that are chaotic and characterized by perturbations between romanticizing and devaluing others, dissociative or paranoid stress reactions. Harmful impulsive behaviors, like aggression, substance abuse, self-injury, or suicide attempt also are common borderline personality disorder qualities.
Approximately 10% of outpatients and 20% of inpatients meet borderline personality disorder criteria. This means that they manifest BPD symptoms. Swartz et al., 1990; Widiger & Weissman, 1991; Grant et al., 2008) Epidemiological studies suggest that approximately 6% of the United States population will meet Borderline Personality Disorder criteria at some point in their lives. Even so, a larger majority will demonstrate clinically significant borderline personality disorder “features” yet if and when they do not meet DSM-5 criteria for the disorder (Trull, Useda, Conforti, & Doan, 1997). Although recent epidemiological evidence shows that borderline personality disorder affects both men and women equally, a borderline personality disorder is correlated to even more functional impairment in women (Grant et al., 2008). BPD symptoms know no man or woman it is the same with both genders.
A certain research body describes environmental, emotional, and cognitive triggers are factors that predict the BPD symptoms at any given time; however, little is known about the mental factors that contribute to these ups and downs. The discovery of underlying physiological triggers linked to borderline personality disorder could help develop more effective, synergistic treatments that address reactivity on both a biological and psychosocial level. Having BPD symptoms doesn’t have to cut anyone’s life short, it can always be treated.
Borderline Personality Disorder: An Examination of BPD Symptoms
All individuals on the surface of the earth have a personality, which consists of enduring ways of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about oneself and the world. A personality disorder occurs when these characteristics are static, maladaptive, and induce severe functional disability or subjective distress. BPD symptoms are more widespread, more complicated, more studied, and definitely among the most destructive of the ten personality disorders, with up to ten percent of those identified committing suicide. Borderline Personality Disorder affects 2-4 percent of the entire public, as well as up to twenty percent of all psychiatric inpatients and fifteen percent of all outpatients. One of the key things to take note of in this illness is the BPD symptoms.
In medical settings, females predominate (about 75 percent), while males are more prevalent in drug abuse and the kind of life they live. Psychiatrists determined that individuals with extreme feelings, self-destructive acts, and tumultuous interpersonal relationships represented a form of BPD symptoms on psychiatric findings dating back to the 1930s and experimental research performed in the 1970s. The word “borderline” was coined because these patients with BPD symptoms were once considered to be typical (“borderline”) versions of other diagnoses, as well as because they pushed the boundaries of whatever boundaries were imposed on them. In 1980, the disease was formally recognized. Although there has been significant improvement in recognizing and treating Borderline Personality Disorder over the last 25 years, the condition is still underutilized. This is due to the fact patients with BPD symptoms are difficult to handle and often elicit feelings of rage and resentment to those who attempt to support them. Because of these negative associations, many doctors are hesitant to make the diagnosis. Depression, bipolar disorder, alcohol misuse, anxiety disorders, and eating disorders are among the most common co-occurring disorders. The lack of adequate insurance coverage for the extended psychosocial treatments that BPD typically necessitates has exacerbated the issue. It is when the patient started showing BPD symptoms is when treatment commences, and you read further you will learn about more of these signs.
The origins of borderline personality disorder, like those of other mental illnesses, are unknown. A borderline personality disorder may be related to climate factors, including a history of child maltreatment, Reckless driving, risky sex, gambling, shopping binges, or binge eating are all examples of bad habits. Discovering the origin of BPD symptoms and mental illness is ongoing, researches and studies are carried out to ascertain the exact origin of this illness.
BPD symptoms are associated with patients often being in severe mood swings combined with paranoia, which are close to the signs of bipolar disorder or anxiety. Significant dysfunction in affairs, self-concept, and actions are a symptom of this disease. These facts are centered on data gathered from the National Institute of Mental Health, BPD symptoms are described by 9 signs, per the DMS-IV. To be assessed by a mental health professional and you must be at minimum 18 years old and show 5 or more of the signs mentioned below:
Severe Consequences of Neglect, Whether Actual or Imagined. Among the many BPD symptoms is the sense of feeling lost. Once an individual with Borderline Personality Disorder appears discarded, either actual or perceived, he or she may exhibit extreme, frequently improper responses.
- Tumultuous Partnerships: This is one of the BPD symptoms an individual usually experience, which is strong feelings regarding peers and those closest to him or her, particularly partners or guardians, that may be related to a terror of neglect Emotions can vary from deep passion (romanticization) to obvious disdain (debasement), and they can alter with no warning or predictability. Mates, partners, and relatives may appear excessively trustworthy to individuals with BPD.
- Skewed Self-Perception: This is also one of the BPD symptoms, poor self-concept or value because he or she frequently feels “bad” or “evil.” This change in one’s perception of self is often pessimistic or depressive, but this can happen quickly. An instance, someone having BPD symptoms might experience strong emotions of being unwanted or insignificant as a result of a peer being 5 minutes late for a lunch date.
- Hazardous or Impetuous Actions: Intercourse is often involved in impetuous or reckless actions, substance abuse, session, or putting a large number of funds on a credit card. These acts are often viewed as excessively impetuous and may endanger themselves or others.
- Frequent Suicidal Ideation. The National Alliance on Mental Illness According to studies, Borderline Personality Disorder can emerge as devastating actions examples of which are masochism such as self-punishment (cutting) or attempts at executing suicidal ideations. It is part of BPD symptoms, making one feel reckless and having suicidal thoughts.
- Severe feelings of Hollowness and Desperation: Borderline Personality Disorder patients frequently appear disheartened or incomplete about their positions in general.
- Unjust Rage: A individual with BPD symptoms could scream at a peer for arriving late, as in the previous instance regarding a lunch date. If that individual returns to a dysfunctional affair it’s likely that the individual will automatically shift sentiments regarding that individual and demonstrate depreciation as a consequence.
- Moods that are Extreme and Extremely Dysfunctional: As a consequence of fluctuating emotional states, showing volatile and inconsistent conduct is part of BPD symptoms.
- Paranoia or Dissociative Signs as a Result of Stress: A lack of fact or awareness is also part of BPD symptoms.
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Borderline personality disorder has just lately started to receive the recognition it deserves, despite its high incidence in clinical settings and significant public health costs. This is shown by the advent of parental advocacy/education/support groups, as well as the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) naming BPD as a focus in 2006. The US Congress passed a rearrangement in 2009 agitating for greater recognition of this condition as well as increased support for study and care for BPD symptoms. This has not happened yet. Our perception of the condition is undergoing a significant change. Its pathogenesis was once considered to be predominantly inherited and not solely ecological. We now understand it has a surprisingly positive prognosis, even though it was once considered to be an extremely severe, immune disease. Eventually, where it was once believed that undergoing Borderline Personality Disorder care required tremendous contributions, we now have a range of treatments explicitly tailored for Borderline Personality Disorder that can have substantial and long-term advantages. Part of the ways to notice and treat this disorder is you quickly noticing the BPD symptoms early enough.
Most psychological well-being practitioners previously believed that treating a borderline personality disorder is somewhat impossible as there was nothing that could be done. However, we presently understand that Borderline personality disorder can be handled. In reality, the outlook for borderline personality disorder is positive than for depression and bipolar disorder in the long term. It does, nevertheless, necessitate a sophisticated solution. Many people with BPD symptoms or the illness itself may be able to improve their health conditions over time, however, this can only be achieved with the professional help and treatment of those patients.
Care and Treatment for BPD
Changing the unhealthy habits of thought, sensing, and acting which are the actions creating pain is the first step toward healing. It’s difficult to break lifetime behaviors. At first, pausing to think and then acting in innovative directions will feel strange and awkward. But, over course, you’ll develop innovative patterns that will assist you to retain sentimental stability and power. Having the BPD symptoms isn’t the end of the world, altering your lifestyle to a more healthy one is part of the ways of gaining full recovery.
Do any of these signs sound true for you or anyone you care about? This might be the opportunity to seek assistance. Borderline personality disorder illness or BPD symptoms can only be diagnosed by a therapist, so seek treatment immediately if you believe you are suffering from it. Here, certainly is support available to you. Please contact us at 615-490-9376 and we’ll help you get the help you all the info and how to go about treating BPD symptoms.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for Dualdiagnosis.org.