Despite its glamour and high-profile endorsements, cocaine abuse is a lethal substance that can kill anything it comes into contact with. Fortunately, aid is readily available to assist abusers in leaving cocaine for good. Many drugs are in use of people in today’s world. When we make an effort to explore these drugs, then there is one single drug that stands out as the most famous among all the illicit substances. That one single drug has been named Cocaine. The reason for its fame is its use by many famous celebrities that include Hollywood celebrities and the big business tycoons of the Wall Street.
But being a famous drug does not make it suitable for use as it is one of the most addictive and harmful drugs. The aftermath of cocaine abuse is tumultuous. Any person who develops an cocaine abuse faces many difficulties in his coming life. It can also prove to be fatal. But it is good to know that due to all the advancements in medical science, cocaine treatment is also available for addicts. These treatment programs help them to quit abusing Cocaine and get back to happy days of life again.
What is Cocaine?
Cocaine is a depressant, which means it increases levels of alertness, concentration, and energy levels in the body. To do this, the pulse rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure must all be increased. Though stimulants usually cause euphoria in their users, cocaine often causes euphoria, explaining some of its toxic existence.
Cocaine affects the normal functioning of the brain. Our brain has a reward center that produces joy and pleasure whenever we do something that we enjoy. The use of Cocaine makes that reward center produce more and more and more pleasure signals. A man can gain pleasure by doing anything. These may include eating something that you like very much, having a good day at the gym, scoring in soccer, or having sex. And whenever he feels good, the brain releases a chemical called dopamine through which it associates with that positive feeling. In this way, you feel pleasure. This pleasure is a reward from the brain. These feelings do not last forever as they vanish as soon as the dopamine gets reabsorbed by the brain.
Cocaine functions by stimulating the enjoyment and reinforcement core of the brain. When you do something you like, the brain produces dopamine, a neurotransmitter that leads to happiness about yourself. For others, it’s exercise; for others, it may be having sex, eating healthy food, listening to music they love, and so on. When you do anything you like, the brain releases dopamine to establish a positive connection with that task, rewarding you with pleasurable feelings that disappear after a while – when the body absorbs the dopamine by the mind.
Cocaine, on the other hand, not only prohibits dopamine from being reabsorbed; it also cruelly causes the brain to begin pumping out dopamine. Since cocaine electrifies the whole brain into loving the experience beyond usual standards, users often combine cocaine with other thrilling behaviors (sex, concerts, thrill rides, etc.). Standard, healthy brain communication is completely disrupted during the process. Since the sensations of cocaine are so pleasurable, you are immediately tempted to do it again and again until small doses of cocaine no longer satisfy you.
But most people do not know much about the dangers that are present in excess usage of Cocaine and regarding cocaine abuse. Moreover, health care agencies have also not communicated its harms and side effects to the general problem of cocaine abuse. Consequently, the demand keeps on increasing, and the consumption increases to many folds every New Year. People also do not know the illegalities that are related to cocaine abuse, so the usage of Cocaine keeps on increasing. Its popularity seems never-ending. A study was conducted in the United States in 2012. That study showed that only in the United States a guarguanton 1.6 million people were abusing Cocaine.
What Effects does the Cocaine Abuse Cause?
Cocaine is such a potent substance that it leaves multiple telltale signs, either in physical paraphernalia or physiological symptoms. If you or someone you know shows any of the following signs, it may be a sign of cocaine abuse:
- The runny nose regularly (snorting cocaine damages the lining of the nose).
- Unjustified euphoria and a sense of invincibility.
- Anxiety, frustration, or restlessness regularly.
- Cocaine-related products are used to store or snort cocaine (rolled-up pieces of paper, small plastic cards, and tiny baggies).
- Fear of the unknown.
- Arms, buttocks, or thighs with needle marks (wherever cocaine is injected).
- Sleeping for long periods or pretending to sleep (as a result of exhaustion after the cocaine wears off).
Even though cocaine abuse gives you a buzz, it raises your metabolic rate, blood pressure, and heart rate. You can experience severe headaches, as well as stomach pain and nausea. Cocaine suppresses desire, which is why users often look malnourished and starved. The cocaine abuse may cause in its user frequent thrills and rushes. It also becomes a reason for high body temperature, rise in blood pressure, and increased palpitation rate of the heart. But many serious side effects are also there. Severe headaches, pain in the stomach, and vomiting conditions are caused due to cocaine abuse. The cocaine abuse user may also feel less hungry that may cause a decline in his physical health, and become a reason for starvation and malnourishment.
But these headaches and increased heart rates are not only the problems that are caused due to cocaine use. In extreme conditions, cardiac arrest may also be caused, which puts your life at risk. It also damages the other parts of the body that includes severe damage to the kidney and the lungs stimulant and aphrodisiac; as is mentioned before that, Cocaine causes an increase in pleasure during intercourse. But it also has a side effect in this regard. It causes a decline in the sexual power of both men and women.
Cocaine abuse causes much-increased pleasure so an abuser under the influence of the drug can lose control over himself and get involved in such sexual activities that can cause him HIV and many other diseases. Addicts can also share their used needles with some other abuser that, according to a Brazilian Journal of Medicine report in 2007, can cause hepatitis C and many other infectious diseases.
Although administering cocaine abuse via short injection holds the apparent hazards, [of contamination, viruses, and bacteria, etc.], snorting [Cocaine] doesn’t give any more excellent protection. Cocaine is often administered through the nose, though; this is a problem for people, particularly if people have nasal blockages. The nasal lining is damaged, resulting in nosebleeds and ulcers. Cocaine taken orally decreases blood flow to the GI tract, leading to severe cases of gangrene. The article “Oral intake of cocaine abuse can cause microscopic ulcers in the gastric mucosa of the stomach, according to a research article published in the Journal of Emerging Medicine in 2002.
Looking for the Ways to Treat Cocaine Abuse
Even if it is highly addictive and robust, a person can still get treatment for a cocaine abuse. Help the cocaine abuse victim eliminate any factors that could have supported their habit and purge their body of the Cocaine. Instead, they treat the addiction by helping them abstain from using certain elements contributing to their cocaine use. In the case of cocaine abuse, this procedure is known as “detoxification.” The treatment should first and foremost make the person stop using the substance entirely before having this treatment succeed. Desipramadine or a combination of phentermine, which is often used to treat drug and alcohol dependence, may be needed to combat anxiety and depression, thus stopping the use of Cocaine.
Treating the person who has an addiction with medication first and then helping them break the habit after the addiction has been overcome would be more effective. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, is a rehabilitation intervention that emphasizes education and self-related treatment. This approach to drug and alcohol recovery calls for a therapist to inform the cocaine abuse patient on long-and-and then to encourage the latter to regain-control of their life by practicing with them. The patient’s CBT treatment should recognize the reasons they initially got hooked on Cocaine, and then work on treating those issues while replacing those concerns with more productive, healthy ways of dealing with their dependencies and cravings.
The final step is bringing the person in contact with other people who have left their cocaine abuse issues to help them remain to abstain from using Cocaine again. This is a dilemma. Years and decades after use is fully conquered, the addicts will remain connected to the physical and emotional cravings. In contrast, those who have been through the same encounters and have remained sober and committed to sobriety will make Cocaine less of a threat.
Clients in Care Put a High Value on The Following Requirements:
- Treatment and rehabilitation details.
- The ability to control one’s thoughts and emotions.
- Relapse prevention facts.
- Practical life skills.
- When engaged in denial or other forms of skewed thought or actions, engage in open confrontation.
Once the cocaine abuse patient has been weaned off cocaine, the next step of recovery will help them deal with the emotional urge to use the drug again. We’ll be glad to help. If you are concerned about Cocaine’s detrimental effect on your life or someone else’s, please give us a call. Your admission representatives are available to help you with your application process and ready to include all the relevant details to help you on your journey to recovery. Avoiding cocaine abuse is the first step in being the person you want to be: the self you should be.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for