People with drug abuse often think an addicted person is enjoying the drugs or addictive-substances and is unwilling to leave them. But drug addiction is more complicated than people think. Persons, who have developed an addiction to some drug abuse, also want to leave the addiction, but they cannot do so, in most cases, without proper treatment. Medically, drug addiction is called “Substance Use Disorder,” and it needs adequate care and thorough treatment for complete cure.
It is a difficult task to measure the impact of drug abuse habits. In order to calculate this, medical researchers have to calculate the duration time of drugs inside the body of a human. Further, there needs to be a calculation of how often drug addicts use that particular drug. Researchers can find out the particular number of hours in which the body is actively damaged by the drugs by cross checking the active time with the reference of the number of hits taken.
Unfortunately, it is quite hard to take right scale measurement of persistence level of the substance or drug abuse routines. The reason behind is drugs can stay long in our bodies and can can cause damage by poking painful needles, and this happens long ago before one feels through return of sobriety.
Immediate Impacts
Drugs are very transient passengers and quickly affect emotions by altering the level of neuron hormones. Some factors which may affect the level of disturbance caused by a drug abuse are mentioned in the above section.
Some other parameters are also of great importance in measuring the impact of drugs on our body, e.g., the person’s age and weight using a specific addictive drug abuse. The changes in our body occur within few minutes after drug abuse enter our body resulting in different physical and physiological changes. These changes in the human body will surely last for a very short time, but they may leave impacts for quite a long time.
Alcohol is an example of a drug that produces short time effects on the body and mind and vanishes as soon as it enters the central nervous system. NHS Choices estimates that one unit of pure alcohol will digest and be processed in the body within one hour.
It Depends on A Lot of Factors, Including:
- Weight
- Gender
- Medications taken
- Percentage of body fat
- Age
- Food eaten that day
- Metabolism
That means somebody might take a shot of alcohol and feel weird for an hour, two hours, or even longer afterward. It isn’t a detailed science by any stretch of the imagination. When a person takes drug abuse, though, the changes are normally noticeable within minutes. And, with a few instances, those changes appear to last for a short while.
Highs that Last Longer
Some drug abuse provide longer sensations, like opioid drugs. Heroin is the purest opioid drug and shows the longest sensational period. A National Institute on Drug Abuse report showed that heroin immediately enters the central nervous system and disturbs the neurotransmitter levels. A user will feel sensations immediately due to the altered state, but these sensations may prevail for several hours. The person will have slow breathing, the mind will relax, and thoughts will faint, and blood pressure may also drop too much.
Some prescribed drugs, especially painkillers, are also derived from opium plants. These drugs also have an impact on our body for quite long periods as compared to non-opioid drugs. This happens because of the similar chemical structure and mode of action of all opioid-derived drug abuse. OxyContin, the most frequently used painkiller in the United States of America, contains a synthetic ingredient similar to heroin. That’s why it remains active in the body for several hours. Blenheim Pharmacal, Inc. reported that OxyContin might remain active for up to 12 hours in the body or even longer in some people. Such drug abuse for longer periods will cause severe dangers to life by slowing down the body systems. If the drug prevails in the body, the risk is also present.
This kind of high has its own set of risks. The human body can experience life-threatening events in cases of profound impairment over a long period, during which the vital systems run so slowly that a person abruptly passes away. The danger of drug abuse continues to exist as long as the medication is present and functioning. It makes long-acting medications look a little less enticing.
Damage that Persists
The use of drug abuse for a longer period and having difficulty leaving them is called addiction to drugs. Along with the above problems or impacts of drug addiction for shorter spams, they also cause serious and long-lasting effects on our physical and mental health. They even can cause some permanent damages in severe cases.
After being high on the drug abuse for a long period of time the person starts thinking that this is the new normal. There is no benefit of drug and no by product. But the drug can be still present. That is why drugs cause persistent changes that you can feel even after being sober. Original use of cocaine give an experience of change is of sensations that last only for few minutes but then they came back to reality in a short time. The user may think he is doing drug abuse for a short time. Alcohol drug education service tells that cocaine can cut blood supply to the vital organs and tissues it comes in contact, so the persons whose note at night can have sinus infections, holes in the septum of nostrils and running nose. Similarly marijuana can lead to changes that are felt hours later.
A study published in the circulation journal, 3000 heart attack patients they interviewed and 3.2 % of them admitted the use of marijuana an year ago. Some of them had heart attack even when they were in the effect of drug MI 7 of this patient develop heart attack 24 hours later the use of drug abuse. Alcohol is also linked with cancer.
National Cancer Institute published the Study that At the More You Drink, the More Are Chances of Cancer Particularly in These Organs with drug abuse:
- Neck
- Head
- Liver
- Esophagus
- Colon
- Breast
Therefore, even if a person was sober during this time period, those who drink heavily for an extended period could face cancer. Although they may have felt as though the drug was processed, the damage persisted.
Moreover, persistent usage of virtually every drug abuse was attributed to improvements in brain chemistry. In time, brain cells come to rely on a daily supply of drugs, and in certain instances these brain cells will only function at an optimum level if they have access to the drugs the individual usually takes. These persistent improvements are responsible for the compulsive desire to take drug abuse that many users report.
Blocking Damage
Although drug abuse damage the persons’ mental and physical health for a long time, these damages are merely permanent. A person using drugs regularly can never heal the damages; the only way is to quit drug abuse.
A study conducted by the American Heart Association showed great improvement in smokers’ lung health just after two weeks of quitting. Whether it needs a shorter time or longer, quitting is the first and most important step. drug abuse continuously damage the organs; leave them to break the chain. Converting towards a healthy lifestyle will help to heal mental and physical health issues rapidly.
If sobriety returns, the brain can adjust and amend its cells, for instance. With time, circuits that were once damaged by drugs are able to be repaired. Even natural pleasures such as a beautiful sunrise or an affectionate kiss could now be the source of pleasurable signals that once required a hit of drugs.
Why Treatment Is Necessary?
The changes in brain hormones make them difficult to quit, and the often addicted person feels it impossible to leave the drugs. Others may miss out on the benefits of professional treatment programs. Dual Diagnosis Foundation offers a professional plan for the rehabilitation of drug abused persons. These treatment plans are designed to address all the physical and mental disorders caused by drugs.
These physical withdrawal symptoms can be alleviated by medications provided by a treatment program. Having a supportive, completely drug-free environment makes it more difficult to relapse.
When sobriety takes root in drug abuse, these individuals will start working with psychologists and mental health professionals. They’ll learn how to develop a suite of strategies that will help them maintain the sobriety with which they’ve worked so long, and they’ll have the ability to exercise those skills in an atmosphere where drug abuse are hard to get and encouragement is simple to locate. Counseling may also help with mental health issues such as depression or anxiety that might lay behind an impulse to consume drugs.If people have the right resources to help them address these issues, they can see their drug cravings decreasing.
The NIDA suggests that in 2011 around 2.6 million U.S. residents completed drug abuse treatment facilities. It might sound like a lot of people, but it’s just only 11.2 percent of the amount of people needing treatment.
Why It Occurs?
Drugs, substances, and medicines, which are at risk of addiction, affect the brain by disturbing hormone levels. The effect on brain communication mechanism and can affect the way nerve cells send, receive, and interpret information. When a person takes drug abuse regularly, brain cells need proper functioning as the normal functioning is disturbed. Different drugs interfere with the brain in different ways with varying levels of disturbance. This mode of action of a drug abuse decides how much time it needs to become addictive. Opioids such as heroin and marijuana and opioid-based painkillers have the highest risk of addiction during a very short time.
Persons with substance use disorders need higher doses with time. At the start, a person may need the drug abuse to feel comfortable. But, as the use of drugs increases, an addictive person will find it quite difficult to live without the drug. Although withdrawal from these drug abuse is possible, it requires being done under the supervision of qualified and experienced physicians. If someone attempts to stop substance use without proper measures, it will cause intense cravings and physical illness, called withdrawal symptoms.
Who Can Become Addicted to Drugs?
The simplest answer to this question is that anyone may become an addict. But, it depends on different factors that make some people more susceptible than others. Medical researchers have categorized these factors into three categories.
These Categories Are Explained Below:
- Genetics
- Environment
- Development.
The first two factors go hand in hand and have the highest impact on drug abuse addiction initiation. Substance use disorders are also genetically inheritable, but the drug‘s inheritability depends on the type of drug abuse and amount used by parents.
Genetically inherited drug addiction is also affected by the environment provided to the growing kids. The social circle and availability of drug abuse will decide when and how much an inherited person will become addicted. If drug abuse is common in a family, the children are more likely to develop substance use disorder at a very early age.
Our brains remain in the developing phase and complete their development at the age of 20 years. If a person starts drug abuse before the age of twenty, it will increase the chances of being addicted to drug abuse. It will also cause abnormal growth of the brain, especially of Prefrontal Cortex (PFC). Such people have the lesser ability to make right and timely decisions and hence cannot even perform routine life works properly.
Our brain gives different responses according to the nature of the drug abuse a person uses and the amount of that drug. Opioid and opioid-derived drugs have a structure similar to neurotransmitters and disturb the normal working of the brain. Neurotransmitters are the chemicals in the central nervous system that help the neurons to communicate regularly. When a person takes drug abuse such as marijuana and heroin are taken, they enter the brain. Their similarities to neurotransmitters can trick the brain and cause abnormal messages to be sent.
In other cases, some drug abuse cause the brain to overact and release more than normal amounts of neurotransmitters. This will result in hyperactivity in a person taking such drugs. These drug abuse will also interfere with the functioning of the brain. This disturbance can cause the overproduction of dopamine and erratic movements and emotions. Dopamine is responsible for movements, co-ordination among different body parts and emotions. At the start, a high amount of dopamine feels enjoyable, and with the passage of time body needs these levels, achieved by regular use of drugs.
When our body intakes a specific amount of any substance for a longer period, our body begins to adjust to the effects of that substance. After that, we need a higher amount or dose of that substance to feel good as before. Similar is the phenomenon of drug abuse and their doses increasing with time. Here starts the vicious cycle because the addicted person continuously uses the drug and needs higher doses after a few days as drug abuse build their tolerance levels.
The brain can’t differentiate between different sources of pleasure, and it reacts in the same way for all types of sources. It may be a sexual encounter, good food, exercise, or even a drug abuse that can feel happy, and the brain want to continue that condition.
The Chances of A Substance, Drug, or Activity of Being and Addiction Depend On:
- Speed of dopamine release by that substance, drug abuse, or activity
- The intensity of dopamine release by that specific reason
- Predictability of dopamine release
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Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for