Here are six addiction theories which experts suggest to understand which can be the cause of addiction. Dual Diagnosis is when two doctors, a psychiatrist, and a psychologist, try to diagnose mental illness using two methods. These doctors have conflicting views about the cause, nature, and symptoms of the disease.
According to the addiction theories analysis of National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism’s National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Study, individuals who have had a record of alcohol addiction are much more than 4 times more likely to have a mood disorder than those who have never had such an issue.
According to addiction theories, in essence, they are trying to find proof that the patient has a mental illness when, in reality, there is no proof proving that the patient does have a mental illness. To illustrate the point here, if you go to the doctor and writes you a prescription for medication because he says that your behavior is erratic, you tell him you don’t have a problem. He promises to give you another test. The chances are that you will get another prescription for medication. Studies on addiction theories tells Dual Diagnosis: Why it is and how it affects you when one or more doctors try to make a diagnosis using two different methods, the resulting Dual Diagnosis situations take place.
The American Psychiatric Association on addiction theories research has given guidelines and rules regarding dual Diagnosis. Dual Diagnosis Treatment options include inpatient and outpatient services. Outpatient services are for patients that do not require daily inpatient treatment. Inpatient services provide inpatient treatment for people that meet the criteria for co-occurring disorders.
Let Us Dive Deep Into the Six Addiction Theories Which Explain the Cause of Addiction Deeply:
1. Biology
This is the first of the six addiction theories which can tell you the cause of addiction and mental issues. Mental disorders may seem to be spontaneous phenomena that affect certain individuals but not others. After all, a psychiatric disease can manifest itself in only one child in certain households, whilst the others may show no signs of depression at all. Any mental disorders, though, may have a genetic aspect. Studies on addiction theories tells these illnesses may be caused by a lack of certain brain chemicals used for communicating, or they could be caused by abnormal electrical activity in certain parts of the brain. While genetics is to reason for these issues, treatments may also make a significant difference in how individuals perceive and work. However, all these traits can make people more susceptible to the adverse effects of some medications.
People that have a lack of dopamine in their cells, for example, any parts of the brain may be at risk for depression because they lack the hormones needed to feel pleasure on the very same level as others. If such individuals according to addiction theories hold dopamine-boosting medications, they can feel a euphoria they’ve never felt before, and that feeling may be very addictive. This weakness is once again due to genetics.
Researchers are also looking into this theory which is one of the six addiction theories, and it’s likely that they’ll find certain genes that cause the emergence of certain addictive behaviors and mental disorders. In the meantime, it’s important for parents to recognize that a beloved one’s Dual Diagnosis condition could be caused by chromosomes. These addiction theories awareness will allow them to treat the individual with compassion rather than criticism.
2. Damage of One Issue Causes the Other
This is the second of the six addiction theories which can tell you the cause of addiction and mental issues. Whereas a Dual Diagnosis condition can arise as a result of a genetic problem, it can also arise where the harm created by addiction collides with a genetic disorder that can lead to mental disease.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse has made analysis on addiction theories, individuals who have a hereditary predisposition to schizophrenia can develop the condition when they use marijuana.
The substance seems to cause the condition that exists under the skin, which does not exist if people did not consume medications. Addiction theories tell any addiction medications can induce indirect types of brain injury, which can lead to the onset of mental disease. People who take opium, for example, can undergo repeated increases in dopamine output and absorption, and with time, the brain can generate less of that substance and adjust its ingestion of other substances.
When such changes are complete, people will be at risk for depression as a result of the harm they have suffered. Addiction theories tell it is indeed hard to diagnose a condition like this accurately since researchers can’t really tell which disorder arrived first and why the other may occur.
Many Medications, According to Addiction Theories, However, Have Been Linked to The Onset of Mental Disorders, Including:
- Marijuana
- Methamphetamine crystals
- The use of Alcohol
- Medication opiates with heroin
- Benzodiazepines
- Cocaine
- Medication Pain Killers
Those who abuse substances according to addiction theories may be creating psychological harm that will affect them for the remainder of their life, and they may not even be conscious of it.
3. Coping Mechanism Gone Awry
This is the third of the six addiction theories which can tell you the cause of addiction and mental issues. Addictions may occur in individuals who are trying to cope with a severe mental disorder that causes them to be disturbed on a daily basis.
According to the University of Utah related to addiction theories, 70% of people with schizophrenia smoke cigarettes, and all of them do so because the nicotine in each cigarette helps them think a bit clearer, allowing them to carry on a conversation.
Tobacco can also help to reduce the negative impact that schizophrenia drugs have on patients. People like this could be attempting to manage their mental disorders, but the techniques they’re using may exacerbate their symptoms accordubg to addiction theories.
People who are given prescription drugs to treat a mental disorder may experience the same development. People with obsessive-compulsive problems, for example, can be prescribed stimulant narcotics like Ritalin to help relieve symptoms, but they may also snort or chew certain substances to get high. These individuals will believe that larger doses of medication may benefit them rather than smaller doses, but they risk developing dangerous addictions that will exacerbate their mental illness rehabilitation. so, addiction theories prohibit self-medication against addiction or mental health disorder.
4. Improper Diagnosis According to Addiction Theories
This is the fourth of the six addiction theories which can tell you the cause of addiction and mental issues. If a person has been suffering from a particular medical disorder for a long time, then you may never expect him to get an accurate or correct diagnosis.
He knows that the doctor he has seen for years is not working properly and that his treatment is not helping him. This is because several factors determine the accuracy of the diagnosis. Study on addiction theories, like any disease, certain factors make it very hard to treat the condition completely. The severity of the case is one of the most important factors determining the treatment’s accuracy and its success.
Addiction Theories Tells the Manic Episodes Faced by A Patient with Bipolar Disorder Are:
- Invest money irresponsibly
- Irresponsible Driving
- Had sexual experiences with someone you don’t know
- Spend the whole night awake
For example, suppose you have been suffering from a medical disorder for years, and you have been getting the same kind of treatment over again without any positive changes. In that case, according to addiction theories, your chances of obtaining a good treatment are very slim. This is because your medical condition will not be suitable for simple treatment, and you will only be getting worse instead of better.
According to addiction theories, on the other hand, if you get a wrong diagnosis, you could lose your life in the wrong medical practitioner’s hands. So, if you plan to go for surgery or a procedure, make sure that you do it only after receiving proper medical guidance from a qualified medical practitioner.
Similarly, if your disorder has no permanent cure, then you will always remain subject to the whims of a medical professional, and there is nothing you can do about that. So, according to addiction theories, in this case, even if you get a wrong diagnosis, you would still be subject to harsh treatment, which may even result in you losing your life. So, make sure you have a clear understanding of your ailment and get the right kind of treatment and the symptoms of bipolar disorder before you undergo surgery or some other kind of medical treatment.
5. Brain Abnormalities According to Addiction Theories
Occasionally, people with a psychological condition might experience an addiction as a result of their mental condition, however, people with addictions alongside mental illness may have an abnormal brain structure because of an abnormal situation that exists within their brain.
This is the fifth of the six addiction theories which can tell you the cause of mental illness & addiction issues. Brain Abnormalities are a very real issue for those who live with them, and the only way to truly combat this issue is with effective brain fitness techniques. As the human mind is so amazing and complex, it can be not easy to understand fully. This is why brain fitness is such an important part of dealing with brain disorder issues and why you need to work hard to exercise your brain.
According to one of the addiction theories, those with schizophrenia and opioid addiction had two brain anomalies, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
One resulted in a rise in dopamine tolerance in the region of the mind that interacts with psychosis. Another one resulted in a reduction in dopamine release in reward-related areas of the brain. Another important aspect of dual diagnosis treatment is ensuring that the patient receives the appropriate counseling to address their anxiety disorders’ underlying causes. Researches on addiction theories, Schizophrenia and substance use disorders often co-occur. A substance use disorder i.e. both medications and relevant therapies are parts of the treatment process will often worsen a person’s condition because the patient cannot function normally due to their mental illness. Substance abuse often worsens schizophrenia symptoms, making it essential to address these issues simultaneously as the mental illness is being treated. Studies on addiction theories tell, the primary care physician or psychologist should be able to provide this type of information.
6. Overlapping Environmental Triggers
This is the last of the six addiction theories which can tell you the cause of addiction and mental issues. According to this theory which is one of the six addiction theories, the number one Overlapping Environmental Trigger is the presence of too many competing environmental demands in a given area. Dual diagnosis patients should consider the possibility that their substance abuse problems may require the assistance of professionals such as a Psychiatrist, a Psychologist, and a Social worker.
These professionals have training in dual diagnosis treatment and have experience working with anxiety disorders and substance abuse problems. According to addiction theories, if all else fails, there are private substance abuse treatment facilities that provide personal therapy services in addition to the social service programs that most community mental health and medical centers offer.
Making sense of Six Addiction Theories Behind a Dual Diagnosis requires examining the common assumptions that underpin the dynamics of Dual Diagnosis.
With the common assumption that “there is more than one kind of depression,” there are several conceptual boundaries according to addiction theories, that can be drawn to separate the symptoms of depression from those of mood disorders or anxiety.
This approach related to addiction theories may help in the identification of depression as well as other mental illnesses, but it is a limiting one. The are many limitations of using this approach.
According to addiction theories, the assumption of a depressive disorder necessarily supposes that the patient experiences an imbalance in the balance of chemicals or neurotransmitters. There are, however, many forms of depression that do not share this characteristic. Most models assume that there is a disconnection between the conscious and unconscious mind and that the former overrides the latter in the course of clinical depression.
Creating Sense of It Application of Dual Diagnosis
When the above-mentioned conditions are present as mentioned in the six addiction theories, Dual Diagnosis is applied. Because mood disorders often co-occur with substance use disorders which is a proven fact according to addiction theories, the criteria for Dual Diagnosis require that at least one of the mental disorders be identified and focus on a thorough evaluation and treatment plan. It is not uncommon for someone with BPD or PTSD to be suffering from alcohol abuse, which could easily lead to depression. As a result, the two disorders often occur together, and Dual Diagnosis patients must be treated for both.
Unfortunately, there are still some confusion and stigma surrounding Dual Diagnosis although the six addiction theories cover it. In particular, those in a position to know and abuse it may incorrectly assume that someone with BPD or PTSD will automatically become a sufferer of a substance use disorder. This can lead to denial, sadness, and lack of motivation. This is why it is important to let a mental health professional know about all of the symptoms and behaviors for both conditions. Studies tell addiction theories, if you or someone you love is dealing with Dual Diagnosis, let your physician know about it to find appropriate treatment.
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Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for