Alcohol rehabilitation like outpatient treatment is a common and successful way to treat alcohol use disorder (AUD). With outpatient treatment, individuals can get assistance with their AUD without interfering with everyday tasks such as work, school, and family duties.
Although every outpatient treatment includes various services, a majority of patients provide drug-assisted detoxification, alcohol therapy, different treatment types, and support groups. The entire person is treated by a structured care plan rather than the illness. This offers the best opportunity to overcome possible triggers and achieve long-term sanity through outpatient treatment.
What Does Outpatient Treatment Mean?
Outpatient treatment is a type of therapy where the patient lives and attends a drug or therapy facility. One national data set showed that ambulatory care accounts for approximately 60% of admissions to drug addiction. [1] Comprehensive ambulatory therapy for a 12 percent subset is treated to the client, for nothing lower than 120 minutes daily. [2] a greater degree of ambulant treatment is day-care, where the customer comes every day.
In certain cases, the outpatient treatment standard is sufficient for clients:
- Preventative care for consumers who are worried about their addiction and want to face the issue so it doesn’t get worse
- Novice treatment for clients at the beginning of their addiction
- Continuous care of customers who have left their homes
Outpatient treatment after residential therapy increases drug abstinence rates and reduces the arrest rate. [3] But just about 17% of clients completing those services are receiving routine ambulatory care. [4]
Types of Outpatient Treatment Programs
Several outpatient treatment services are offered throughout the world. Day treatment, acute ambulances, and continuing care groups are the three most common categories. Your doctor or therapist can recommend those programs over others, based on your personal needs. Often, during your recovery trip, you can even begin with one outpatient treatment and switch to another.
Below is a breakdown of the various types of outpatient treatment program:
Treatment During the Day
The most rigorous outpatient treatment program is daycare. Patients are typically obliged to attend five to seven days a week in full or half-day services. Because daycare is more organized, drug withdrawal, therapy, support groups, and other therapies are part of a person’s routine. At the end of the day, people will go home and be with their loved ones after outpatient treatment.
The duration of day therapies in outpatient treatment depends on the condition of an individual. In certain cases, a day therapy program can take just a few weeks and the healing process can proceed. It can take more time for others to feel sure that they will overcome an alcohol or tentative drive.
Rigorous Outpatient Treatment Programs
Intensive outpatient treatments are typically much more flexible than day programs. They normally have day or evening meeting times that are particularly helpful to people who have other scheduled commitments.
Initially, meetings are regular when a person begins an extensive outpatient treatment. However, sessions may be held less frequently when they reach different rehabilitation targets.
Rigorous outpatient treatments are an ideal alternative for people with a good and secure home care system. This gives them the chance to visit rehab professionals during the day, learn how to avoid alcohol relapse, and incorporate the lessons they have learned in daily circumstances.
Continuing Care Groups
The final step in the healing process after outpatient treatment is generally the ongoing treatment groups. These help people keep sober and provide an opportunity to speak about achievements and struggles. Though meetings are always dependent on the preferences of members, many caregivers meet for an hour or two about once a week.
Sometimes, where an individual is situated in the availability of community care groups. For example, medium to larger cities can have a wider variety of support groups covering particular recovery issues or gender. Continuous care groups can sometimes be confined in smaller regions and require a person to travel greater distances for outpatient treatment.
What to Expect from Outpatient Treatment?
The client can undergo different treatment plans. Experts need to tailor those therapies for each individual to reflect which drug type is being misused, its severity, the personality of the individual, and its monetary circumstances.
- Meds are capable of assisting patients to stop drug addiction [5]
- They can use a MET procedure to assist clients to diagnose how they feel regarding drug overuse and be committed to beginning a more rigorous therapy.[6] It is made up of 3-5 classes with a clinician with the focus being on motivating the patient to alter their lifestyle.[7]
- CBT centers on giving new abilities and procedures to patients to help them adapt to circumstances that they perhaps think places them in high danger for compulsion backslide. It likewise shows patients the proper way to handle and respond to pressure, desires, or other extreme feelings that may result in drug overuse that lasts for a long period. [8] They figure out how to create, keep up, and actuate socially encouraging groups of people amid hardship. Additionally, this treatment is viable for the cure of various psychological wellness conditions that are likely to happen over and over again with compulsion, similar to melancholy.
- Some singular treatments such as DBT or EMDR might be ideal for patients that have co-happening psychological sicknesses. Treating any emotional wellness issue that underlies habit is an imperative piece of substance misuse treatment.
- The risk management board gives good impetuses to people that encourage them to remain clean. Going to gatherings or breezing through drug assessments is remunerated. [9]
- A 12-stage session instructs clients to acknowledge the fact regarding how substance misuse is uncontrollable and that absolute forbearance is the best way to recuperate from their addictive issues. [10] The therapy comprises continuous, ordinary participation at organized gatherings and more friendly.
- Treatment involving family must encompass a guardian, accomplice, companion, or other relatives following the patient to treatment. On occasion, different relatives go to treatment. The treatment plan centers on analyzing what the compulsion of their adored one has meant for how they communicate and relate within themselves and the way that the relative can best help the person through the recuperation interaction. Such a relative may engage in different treatments.
- Treatment in groups ensures that clients come in contact with other people who are likewise fighting medication misuse. Making new companions can build social help, and realizing that they’re in good company can be gainful for different recuperating clients.
- Substitute treatments might be comprised of wellness preparing, contemplation, yoga, back rub, and needle therapy. They aren’t made to fill in as the fundamental treatments yet rather add to other options.
Two people support us here, their stories are presented in the form of various recovery phases meant to examine the part outpatient treatment has to involve in for the recovery process overall. Both of them stated the ways they support people to move from home care to good living conditions during restoration safely and efficiently.
The Advantages of Outpatient Treatment
Someone may prefer outpatient treatment over inpatient rehabilitation for several reasons. One of the advantages of outpatient treatment includes that people can continue working during recovery, among other advantages like lower costs and less perturbing to everyday life.
Maintaining Employment
In the evenings or outside hours, certain outpatient treatments are used to retain jobs during receipt of care. While the Family and Medical Leaving Act (FMLA) usually offer cover for a time when the opioid or alcoholic rehab may be missing, ensuring that you can’t be burnt to seek care for a drug or alcohol rehab. The FMLA does not fire employees, but time-outs are not charged. This can cause difficulties for people who are family stewards, or who need to care for someone else. People who care for children alone do not want to participate in the rehabilitation of staff if the children are not in full-time care from anyone who trusts them.
Outpatient Treatment Detox
Drug or alcohol detoxification is gross, particularly for those suffering from moderate addiction. Nausea, muscle pain, anxiety, and depression are just some of the common symptoms when people do not get used to their bodies. The patient needs to detox before focused therapy can start. Detoxification is often fatal if the symptoms are not controlled. You cannot try to detox on your own. Detoxification is safe and secure in an outpatient treatment clinic and medical personnel may provide medicines to alleviate the symptoms while still monitoring the vital. Instead of being separated from caring relatives and friends, it may be useful if out-patient detox patients retain family and social connections. Outpatient treatment detox patients can also go back to the same clinic in which they have detoxified to begin their care. Another advantage of outpatient treatment is that it costs less money for detoxification.
Comparing Outpatient Treatment and Residential Treatment
Insurance also covers a significant proportion of rehabilitation costs, but outpatient treatment is a much healthier choice financially for those who pay off the pocket.
Intensive therapies, longer therapy duration, and more treatment forms would usually be included in residential services than outpatient treatment programs. Residential counseling applicants also have a greater risk of recurrence with the use of drugs. Such customers can see the blueprint and monitoring provided by the local population help in preventing the use of substances. You can have coexisting medical conditions that require medical personnel to routinely treat or control them. Residential care is also suitable for customers who have sufficient symptoms to make it impossible for them to live.
Outpatient treatment services can vary from regular (day treatment) hospitalization to various other treatment options with a low-impact environment. Medically, psychologically, and physically balanced patients should survive by themselves. By staying in their houses, will have a lot of advantages including a network of social assistance and familiarity and power. The loved ones of a patient can assist to track behavior, include substance options, and assist people who are stressed.
Hospital treatment also provides flexibility for those seeking treatment for opioid addiction who cannot take time to join a full-fledged outpatient treatment program—such as parents or carers that are looking after kids or the elderly at home, experts having obligations, or school schedules students.
Another big difference is the cost of home treatment between home and hospital therapy. Costs would include accommodation, food, 24/7 personnel, including a lot of counseling and amenities in residential care facilities. In general, outpatient treatment offers fewer facilities and lower costs in turn.
How Much Does Outpatient Treatment Cost?
The costs of outpatient treatment can vary depending on the scope of services rendered. In 2004, however, a study was prepared by some experts on the overall cost of various treatments. [11] By inflation adjustment, we can calculate the recent costs based on the inflation number compiled in 2002. [12]
The long-term duration of stay for patients in ambulatory methadone therapy is part of the high cost of methadone treatment, as opposed to residential therapy; this was present for about 45 days. [13] The average treatment time of outpatients relying on non-methadone is 144 days.
Outpatient treatment services of drug overuse can be up to 3 months according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse [14] and treatment programs for outpatients can last for a long time, often taking up to half a year to the entire year. [15] Due to this, there might be an increase in costs, often more than ten thousand dollars. Fortunately, as long as the concern is the way to offset the bills for outpatient care, there are several choices available. Many institutions will collaborate with patients to ensure that the care is practicable, including arranging payment plans and covering for insurance in outpatient treatment.
The costs for rehabilitation centers differ considerably depending on which center, venue, treatments, amenities, and drugs available during therapy. Patients may need medication to help them get rid of their abused drug when care is given for such narcotics or alcohol. The recovery program also requires these costs. In general, outpatient treatment is cheaper than hospital rehabilitation. Some rehabs cost about $20,000 for a thirty days therapy program, while a 3-month outpatient treatment program generally costs about $5,000. Insurance also covers a great percentage of recovery expenses, but outpatient treatment patients have a much greater financial choice than those who pay out-of-pocket.
Which Treatment Should you Opt For?
You have two options to choose from – either private treatment or public treatment. A 2003 study discovered private treatment schemes for outpatients to be double more likely than their counterparts (public treatment schemes for outpatients) at providing treatment upon request. This doesn’t include patients within 2 days, but numbers showed that they were more likely to refuse to accept patients. [16] A potential explanation for this could be that higher rates are charged for private profit initiatives. [17] Most private schemes, which do not cover the whole expenses, accept health benefits.
Of the almost 20 million people in the United States 12 years of age or more who in 2011 needed to be treated for opioid addiction, 37 % claimed to not obtaining medicine because they did not have prescription insurance, and a further 10 % responded that medical insurance they have would not cover drug abuse. [18] Among those admitted for counseling, 60% were without insurance for their health, 21% have medical cards, and 11% received personal insurance coverage. [19] 46% of them charged for pocket care and 26% had at least one loved one who gained financial assistance.
Receiving Outpatient Treatment
If you feel like outpatient treatment would give you support, we will assist you. Our services also cover a family member or friend. All questions asked by concerned people are answered by our admission coordinators. Call us today for more details on outpatient treatment.
[1] “Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) 2002 – 2012: National Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment Services.” (2014). Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Accessed September 12, 2014.
[3] Dennis, M., and Scott, C.K. (December 2007). “Managing Addiction as a Chronic Condition.” Addiction Science & Clinical Practice. Accessed September 12, 2014.
[5] “Opioid Addiction.” (December 2012). National Institute on Drug Abuse. Accessed September 12, 2014.
[6] “Motivational Enhancement Therapy.” (December 2012). National Institute on Drug Abuse. Accessed September 12, 2014.
[7] Miller, W.R., Zweben, A., DiClemente, C.C., and Rychtarik, R.G. (1999). “Motivational Enhancement Therapy Manual.” National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Accessed September 12, 2014.
[8] “Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy .” (December 2012). National Institute on Drug Abuse. Accessed September 12, 2014.
[9] “Contingency Management Interventions/Motivational Incentives.” (December 2012). National Institute on Drug Abuse. Accessed September 12, 2014.
[10] “12-Step Facilitation Therapy.” (December 2012). National Institute on Drug Abuse. Accessed September 12, 2014.
[11] “Alcohol and Drug Services Study (ADSS) Cost Study.” (June 18, 2004). Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Accessed September 12, 2014.
[12] “CPI Inflation Calculator.” (n/a) United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Accessed September 12, 2014.
[13] “Alcohol and Drug Services Study (ADSS) Cost Study.” (June 18, 2004). Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Accessed September 12, 2014.
[14] “How long does drug addiction treatment usually last?” .” (December 2012). National Institute on Drug Abuse. Accessed September 12, 2014.
[15] “Types of Treatment Programs.” (December 2012). National Institute on Drug Abuse. Accessed September 12, 2014.
[16] Friedmann, P.D., Lemon, S.C., Stein, M.D., and D’Aunno, T.A. (May 23, 2003). “Accessibility of Addiction Treatment: Results from a National Survey of Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Organizations.” Health Services Research. Accessed September 12, 2014.
[17] Wheeler, J.R., Fadel, H., and D’Aunno, T.A. (May 1992). “Ownership and performance of outpatient substance abuse treatment centers.” American Journal of Public Health. Accessed September 12, 2014.
[18] “The TEDS Report: Health Insurance Status of Adult Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions Aged 26 or Older: 2011.” (February 6, 2014). Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Accessed September 12, 2014.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for