Hoarding and Substance Abuse Are Related Issues

Hoarding and substance abuse, When most people think of it, they think of people who collect things in strange and excessive amounts. However, hoarding and substance abuse can also occur in the caregiver or loved one of an addict. Just as with all addictions, the person who develops them can do so easily. First, a person with this problem is “addicted” to some substance such as drugs, alcohol, prescription medications, food, gambling and more. It is not uncommon for hoarders and addicts to live in fear of being homeless, and sometimes, they have to resort to violence to get what they want.

There are several ways that hoardings and addicts deal with their conditions. Some hoarders will use everything in their home, gathering items and selling them when the need arises. Other hoarders will choose to store things they don’t need or want anywhere else so that they can dispose of it all and be rid of it all. Most hoarders and addicts keep things stored in a chaotic and unorganized manner. Things can pile up in their homes and on their floors, creating a dangerous and potentially hazardous environment.

What Are Hoarding and Substance Abuse, and How Do They Impact Day to Day Activities?

Many people find themselves in a situation that they feel possession of some property is part and parcel upon them. They give too much importance to minor material objects.

According to the report in Work Today, almost three to five percent have population have the problem of hoarding.

Hoarding and substance abuse will also cause the person carrying it to become depressed, anxious and isolated. If you are aware of hoarding and substance abuse in your loved one, it’s essential to get help as soon as possible. Once a person has become obsessed with particular objects and cannot live without them, they are in danger of developing severe medical conditions that can lead to death if left untreated.

Many people linked with hoarding and substance abuse experience symptoms such as these may start to feel overwhelmed:

  •  Excessive attachment in patient of hoarding and substance abuse to material possessions and an irrational and unreasonable desire to possess them
  • Hoarding and substance abuse experience extreme discomfort with the idea of discussing letting things go and, sometimes, even with the idea of someone else touching the hoarded items
  • The presence of clutter in a person’s home, car, or other personal space
  • The stacking of junk mail, newspapers, or papers that are normally recyclable or discarded by individuals who are not hoarders instead exhibit hoarding signs
  • A significant amount of waste or trash that is not fit for human consumption
  • Indecision, which results in an inability to make a decision
  • The tendency of people to procrastinate
  • An individual with a tendency to amass excessive amounts of stuff to be used for no purpose except as decoration; an other case of hoarding and substance abuse
  • The loss of social interactions can affect an individual’s quality of life
  • A cluttered space is an embarrassment and a source of shame for any person

Sign and Symptoms Related to Hoarding and Substance Abuse

There are several symptoms and signs of hoarding and substance abuse that you should be on the lookout for if you suspect someone indulges in this behavior. In many cases, hoarders and addicts will start to accumulate things in random and strange places. Hoarders will often have multiple storage spaces, some of which they may not even know to exist. They will keep items from friends and family and hide them away so that no one knows where they are. Besides the obvious things, they may create boxes and shelves and cabinets to house medications and other materials, leaving nothing left over.

The treatment for hoarding and substance abuse is not the same as treating people who are suffering from depression and other mood disorders. It is also different than the treatment that is used for those who have bipolar disorder and clinical depression. When it comes to therapy for hoarders or substance abusers, it is most effective if the hoarder is willing and able to make changes in their life. By contrast, treatment for those who are depressed will most likely require them to go through inpatient and outpatient therapy.

Therapy can help the hoarder, learn to recognize and control their obsessive-compulsive tendencies and their negative emotions. By preventing and recognizing these urges and feelings, hoarders can gain a sense of control over their lives and their health.

It is vital to get treatment for hoarding and substance abuse before the condition gets out of control. People can get so caught up in keeping things that they can’t live without that they can become completely isolated and depressed. They might become fearful and withdrawn from friends and family and develop severe physical symptoms, such as headaches, muscle and joint pain, diarrhea, and even infections. This can eventually lead to more serious conditions and, if untreated, even death.

>>> READ THIS NEXT: Treating Mental Health and Addiction Issues Together

What Is the Disorder of Substance Use?

Hoarding and Substance use and its connected issues aren’t strange. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) shares that almost 23 million Americans need treatment for substance use disorders.

NIDA gauges that these untreated drug-related medical problems cost American citizens almost $534 billion every year.

This incorporate costs related with medical services and therapy just as wrongdoing and law requirement including prison and prison costs. These expenses are added to a great extent preventable with admittance to powerful prevention and treatment assets.

Infographic of the ascent of the narcotic use in the US. many think that drug are affecting only vagrants in the city in enormous urban communities. Narcotic use has expanded throughout the long term, explicitly in country and rural regions.

Albeit the signs and manifestations of substance abuse will fluctuate contingent upon the substance being utilized, a portion of the more broad signs and indications of substance use problem incorporate the accompanying:

  • Standard utilization of a substance
  • Failed endeavors at halting use
  • Hindered life functioning on account of substance use
  • Participating in unsafe practices while utilizing
  • Ignored appearance
  • Weight reduction
  • Monetary issues
  • Medical conditions identified with the substance being utilized

Substance use can profoundly affect the existences of those utilizing substances just as their friends and family, particularly the individuals who may rely upon the substance abuser. The consequences of substance abuse change contingent upon the drug being utilized and the person’s conditions however can incorporate genuine medical issues, issue with the law and injury to self or others. Substance use is likewise regularly firmly interwoven with other emotional well-being issues like depression, tension issues and accumulating.

The most effective way to treat hoarding and substance abuse is through a combination of therapy and medication. The medication can help control the urges and behaviors that are associated with the accumulation of things. Medications like anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants are often used to treat this condition.

Other drugs are used to treat the complications that arise when they keep adding to their possessions and become trapped in their own homes. On the other hand, therapy can help them learn how to handle the hoarding that comes with having this disorder and learn healthier ways to cope and survive.

Getting help for hoarding or substance abuse is not only necessary but well worth the effort. A doctor will assess and diagnose a patient and recommend the best way to treat their situation. Counselors and therapists can help them overcome their compulsive tendencies and learn healthy coping mechanisms for living with this condition. People who suffer from this can feel completely trapped and unable to function correctly in society and relationships. Getting help now can put them back to a routine and active life sooner than later and help them lead a happier, healthier and disease-free life.

What Is a Process of Dual Diagnosis, and The Basic Treatment of Hoarding and Substance Abuse?

Getting a professional involved is always a good idea. If someone you know is dealing with a hoarding condition, you might want to seek advice from them regarding the best way to handle the situation. Professional mental health specialists are often able to provide treatment for hoarding conditions. In some cases, they will advise on living a more active life and lessening the amount of clutter you have in your home. This can be very helpful, especially for those who have become completely overwhelmed by the chaos and refuse to live normally.

When the hoarding behaviour becomes so overwhelming, it is vital to get help. There are several programs designed specifically to help people with hoarding problems. The important thing is that the person is willing to seek help. If the person cannot admit that they have a problem, there may not be a program that will work for them. Finding a support group and talking to doctors about these issues can be very helpful, as well.

Hoarding Behavior Help

Two central problems occur in the lives of people with hoarding and substance abuse issues. One is the danger to self and others while they are out, and the other is their effect on family and friends. Let us look at the issues of hoarding and substance abuse.

One problem that exists is that of a person not being able to admit they have a problem. They may live in denial of having trouble. Living such a life can result in the hoarder eventually becoming homeless or addicted to drugs. It will be difficult for the hoarder to admit they have a problem. The simple answer to this problem is to assist the person with a treatment for the addiction.

The hoarding problem in the home is where the problems become evident. It becomes apparent that the person has a problem when there is clutter everywhere. When this happens, the person’s home starts to resemble a dumpsite. It is obvious there is a problem, and the house is quickly becoming unlivable.

The first step in helping the situation is to determine what the problem is. Is it getting too crowded? What type of stuff is there? What is the overall inventory of the home? These types of questions will be needed to get a more accurate and complete solution to the problem hoarding. It is essential to understand that some hoarding situations are just plain old boredom. A person can fall into the trap of becoming obsessed with items they find unappealing. Once you know what the cause of hoarding is, you can begin to help them solve their problem by offering assistance and alternatives.

Another issue that is commonly present in a person who suffers from hoarding behaviour is the constant rejection. This rejection can come from family members, friends, or even other professionals. To avoid this, the individual will do anything necessary to discard items they do not want. Hoarders will even resort to violence, throwing things against walls to rid themselves of the belongings. Getting help will be easier if the person understands the nature of their disorder.

How Do You Treat Hoarding and Substance Abuse?

Even those who do not suffer from a severe hoarding disorder and substance abuse should try to find some form of assistance. In some cases, people who become overwhelmed with the way their homes are organized may need to consult with a professional about how to help themselves. Getting help for hoarding behavior and substancr abuse can also make a person feel less lonely and isolated and service to provide them with a sense of purpose. It is important to remember that some frustration usually causes hoarding behavior.

There are several strategies for dealing with hoarding conditions and substance abuse. In some cases, placing some items in plastic bins and adding a minor organization system may be enough to alleviate the clutter. In other cases, the person will have to consider investing in some storage unit for their belongings. Decorating the home to improve its appearance is another option, and hiring a contractor to help sort through the junk and organize what is still valid.

There is at least one thing that every hoarding substance abuse sufferers can do to improve their condition. This is to eliminate the temptation to keep things by purchasing more items that they can’t use. Many hoarders will find that their homes are completely disorganized, which may lead them to have a difficult time finding what they need when they require it. The best solution to this problem is to get organized. Also, there are organizations available to help people do this. By learning more about hoarding and substance abuse and recognizing that they are manageable disorders, there is hope for hoarding behaviour and substance abuse help.