Speaking crisis intervention related to an individual suffering from addiction, we would be talking about people you might know. The everyday experience of individuals who abuse drugs, including overdoses, evictions, and legal challenges, often leaves them in a very stressful life, leaving them uncertain of what to do and whether to seek help. While deeply exhausting and troubling, trying times can give us just the push we need to encourage loved ones to seek crisis intervention for a sense of hope.
There are several ways individuals can receive help from crisis intervention specialists or through the use of a medical professional, other licensed professionals, or therapists. A session with the specialist will guide beloved ones and affected individuals. They all help the addict to agree to go through treatment to all work together to overcome the addiction; on the other instance where an interventionist can assist in narrowing down the treatment centers available for a loved one. People with a history of addiction to substance abuse are likely to be familiar with crisis interventions.
Drug abusers often deal with legal issues and difficulties in their everyday lives, such as overdoses, evictions, etc. Even though crises can be exhausting and stressful, an intervention can help someone who may be considering suicide get the help they need to survive and help you earn your peace of mind.
Crisis Interventions Tend to Have the Following Characteristics in General:
- There has been a trend of intervention in something of a secret in recent times, although it is still true in many instances.
- Affected individuals who have suffered from substance abuse sharing specific instances of this with their substance abuser who demonstrates a tendency to harm their family members or friends.
- An individual who is narcissistic and dependent on his or her substance abuse will find it helpful to be given a pre-arranged and fully tested treatment plan in advance that can be immediately put into action when he agrees for a rehab.
- One of the people interviewed for this article is the individual who wanted to make sure that the substance abuser knew what it would take for him or her enroll for a rehab.
Immediately Begin Damage Control Measures
In some crises, the drug addict may be exposed to danger while the addict’s surroundings may also be threatened. If someone you know has become addicted to drugs and has physical or emotional custody of his/her children while having an addiction to drugs while doing so, it becomes a crisis which needs immediate intervention. Are the food and water being provided to the children, and are they being bathed? Can they be protected from danger? If no, then the first step is intervention and make sure the children are alright.
After you have done this, try to evaluate whether your friend or family member is safe. How many of the victims possess one or more vehicles? How much did they consume of the various varieties of drugs they used during Crisis Intervention, and how much of them did they consume? Is it necessary for them to visit a medical facility that offers emergency care? The Drug Abuse Warning Network reported that at least 4.5 million emergency department visits were directly related to drug abuse in 2009 at our nation’s hospitals, leading to an increase in crisis intervention.
There are several different factors, including, among other things, the possibility of an overdose that could result in a crisis. A powerful study by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) the intervention specialists determined that up to 30% of people suffering from substance use disorders also suffer from other mood disorders, including anxiety and major depression. The disease of co-morbidity refers to the condition in which a person is affected from 2 mental disorders simultaneously or Dual Diagnosis. The symptoms of major depression may be associated with a higher risk of committing suicide. Your member or loved one may live with the consequences of depression in turn requiring intense crisis intervention measures. Several signs of danger must be observed during the session.
Among the Signs that Might Be Associated with Them Include:
- “I would rather be dead than alive.”
- If I wasn’t here and if I had died, you would be better off.
- As a result, he felt a sense of helplessness and helplessness.
- ‘I’ll take a look at him or her or them.’
Suppose the loved one has manifested manifesting behaviors such as having drastic mood swings or frequent sleeping or sleepless nights or occurring frequently. In that case, this may be a sign that they are struggling with a serious mental health issue. When you perform crisis intervention with a client, you may need to eliminate any gun, drug, or alcohol that should be removed, so they cannot harm themselves. The first step to a person who believes their loved one needs their loved one’s crisis intervention is to call 911. Safety must always be paramount; however: Make sure never to put yourself in the line of fire that would rise above your reasonable control.
Right After the Immediate Crisis
There ought to be no difference between crisis intervention and any planned session that stands independently. In an intervention, you are looking to show the loved one how/where their drug/substance addiction has negated their lives as well as the livelihood of all who are around them.
There is someone the affected individual enjoys spending time with. It is possible to encourage someone suffering from an addiction to substance disease to seek treatment by getting help from close friends and family members. When you arrange for a formal intervention, call in as many people as possible to monitor a patient’s behavior. A compassionate workplace will allow you to take on a challenging situation by acting efficiently, and getting the assistance you need.
Effective interventions involve helping the problem substance abuser accept that everyone around him is there to help him just as they are trying to help him by abusing and harming him. It is useful to consult a mental health professional in a community mental health organization to determine whether the goal of preventing a hostile work environment from developing is something that is intended or unintended. Intervention must always be safe for drug or alcohol abusers with a history of violence and illness.
A successful intervention requires more than just emotional control. It is crucial to note that there is no one way of conducting it, but that it is significant to prepare for every meeting.
While Working with The Other Members of The Team, the Participants Should Keep in Mind the Following Guidelines:
- The best individuals for this type of intervention are sober or lucid.
- The collective should have one point of contact that members should be able to get in touch with.
- An intervention should be prepared for in advance.
- It is crucial to be prepared for opposition to the rehab offer or even rejection of the rehabilitation program, allowing you to ensure that the plan is pursued.
- It would be best to make a quick decision from the substance abuser.
This makes it imperative that the intervention facility accept the substance abuser as a new patient as soon as they arrive after the session. The best thing the alcohol or drug abuser could do is exercise now while they’re at the top of their game and take advantage of any available opportunities.
You Shouldn’t Do Any of the Following During a Crisis Intervention
Emotions run high during a crisis. Sometimes, we say and do things that we might regret later. Being prepared and predicting what to expect as in intervention expert can help you avoid pitfalls that arise when we let our emotions run their course.
- You Should Not Reply During the Arguments: In many current confrontation models, accusation or humiliation do not constitute part of the confrontation model. A couple of approaches, including the Love First crisis intervention approach, which Jeff Jay and Debra Jay developed, suggest using highly refined and perfected letters and stress the need for putting patience into the relationship. Usually, the person who reads the letter will stop and let the individual be addressed rant. After the subject has finished, they will begin reading again. You’ll probably not have a letter on hand to refer to while you’re conducting a crisis intervention. Even if you were to prepare a well-thought-out letter to submit, you would likely not have time to read one just before you leave. Instead of getting into a heated argument, the calm and rational approach can be effective.
- A Violent Addict Cannot Be Subdued: A drug’s impact on the body and brain of an individual can be profound. In the long run, these drugs can turn an affected individual into an addict and make them violently react to simple, non-threatening situations due to anger management issues.
- Avoid violent addicts.
- In Our Brain, We Have a Limbic System that Controls Our Emotions, Which Is Influenced by Steroids: The part of the brain that manages emotional and mental well-being is known as the brain’s limbic system. When it’s functioning correctly, we’re less prone to aggression, hallucinations, and mood swings as well as psychosis. Some users become anxious and unable to comprehend rational decisions, and become paranoid. In case an intervention personnel approaches a person about not using drugs, it may make the individual even more receptive to the notion of changing their behavior.
- Methamphetamines: are addictive stimulants known to lead to hallucinations, violent behavior, confusion and paranoia.
- National Institute on Drug Abuse Says that Ketamine Is Also Referred to As ‘Club Drug‘:” While Ketamine is initially intended to bring people more fun, this particular drug can cause aggression and violence, along with severe and violent behavior and convulsions. That is according to, National Institute on Drug Abuse
- The Drug Phencyclidine, Also Known as PCP, Tends to Distort the Idea on A Huge Scale: When taking the drug, it may imitate signs of schizophrenia that include extremely intense anxiety that can lead a person to rage.
Additional Addictions that would Benefit from a Crisis Intervention
Addiction tends to conjure up images of addiction to narcotics and alcohol. Although this procedure is effective, many conditions can become dangerous if they are not monitored in crisis intervention. Addiction persists for a lifetime despite adverse consequences, such as financial or emotional effects.
As a result of its tendency to inspire compulsive behavior, gambling is considered a mental disorder by the National Institute of Mental Health. Crisis intervention can also help those who suffer from these other forms of compulsive or substance addictions
- Shopping
- Internet/email
- Pornography
- Overeating
- Anorexia/bulimia
- Sex
You Should Call for Help Before a Crisis Takes Place
There is an old saying that “a good defense is a good offence,” so why put off getting help and support for members of your family who are suffering from addiction until they have reached such a state of crisis? We advise that you contact a trained professional to discuss whether an intervention may be appropriate in your case to discuss whether or not an intervention is necessary. Getting help from a rehab center or program can help you and your family break free from addiction and live a new life tomorrow. call us today at 615-490-9376 for quick crisis intervention.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for Dualdiagnosis.org.