The Johnson Treatment is an intervention approach in which participants of a person’s peer network encounter him or her about the harm that alcohol or substance usage has brought them and threaten to seek measures if medication is avoided. It is extremely successful in engaging and sustaining patients in inpatient care, but two developments have arisen in the sector after initial assessments. First, the utilization of outpatient care has increased, and second, many versions of the Johnson Treatment model have been created. Johnson Treatment model involves organized attempts between relatives, colleagues, and care provides to get a substance abuser into rehabilitation. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reports that approximately 22.7 million people were addicted to illicit substances in 2013, and only 2.5 million of those people sought treatment. The Model is a well-known intervention design that might help your beloved ones get the treatment they deserve. So, let us dive deep into the Johnson Treatment Model.
What Is The Johnson Treatment Model?
Johnson Treatment Plan may be regarded as the most typical sort of intervention plan. This type of mediation takes a personal and oppositional strategy to nudge addicts into treatment. Caregivers can come in many forms, for addicted people those can be family members or even friends and colleagues too. The aim of Johnson Treatment Model is to help the addicted person individual get into a recovery facility. Despite the lack of a meaningful emphasis on the care provider’s well-being, the strain of providing care can be alleviated if clinical assistance may be sought and used. The strategy of Johnson Treatment entails one or more care providers planning and executing a confrontational meeting with the drug addict. An intervention based on the Johnson Treatment Model is designed with the aid of a qualified therapist and your family members, often without the person’s awareness.
The care provider who is attempting to treat people with this Model attempts to enlist colleagues, classmates and family members in the mediation attempt by gathering information about the addict’s social network. The addicted person is not personal to the gatherings to which the interventionist invites the caregivers and loved ones. The Johnson Treatment Model’s intervention staff would be educated about the risks of allowing as well as the Johnson Treatment Model’s intervention’s positive results, and how to manage problems with the addict in their relationship. All of this usually happens throughout two or three meetings, and then the intervention is carried out with the person experiencing the problem.
After a plan has been developed under the Johnson Treatment Model that is acceptable to all parties, the actual intervention for the addict will commence. The procedure of the Model is usually carried out at the addict’s house, where he or she is comfortable. Johnson Treatment Model’s intervention is based on the idea that an addict must reach rock bottom to accept help. Therefore this intervention of the Johnson Treatment Model simplifies the process rather than waiting for them to reach rock bottom. The family members sever their bonds in the case the addicted person refuses therapy, they will have to part ways with him, but it is kept plain that this is intended to shield them from more injury, not that they no more support him. There are seven components of the Johnson Treatment Model, stated in both the book and the Intervention Practice of Dr Johnson. They include:
An Intervention team: It consists of one counsellor who specializes in drug intervention, along with family members, co-workers, friends, as well as loved ones and friends who are in the addict’s life. An intervention team for this Model is the primary focus.
Planning: The time for the intervention and what is to be said in the letters is determined at this stage of the Johnson Treatment Model. Planning is crucial which determines that what are the challenges and how to overcome them during the procedure of the Model.
Care Focused: This component is imperative and must be followed throughout the entire process of the Johnson Treatment Model from beginning to end. It should not be a time when the addict is yelled at or even condemned. So, being focused means the care provider should invest all of his or her focus on the treatment of the victim.
Addiction Only: During the interview stage of the Johnson Treatment Model, only addiction should be discussed; nothing else should be discussed from their past. Discussing addiction only will get you some important information like what is the cause of the addiction when this addiction became illness, what are the evidences of the cause of addiction and how to overcome the addiction with the help of history?
Evidence: All past events must be discussed and detailed for the intervention to be successful. If there is evidence, it should be provided in the letters. The evidence stage in the Model is to get closer to addiction and the remedy for the addiction.
Overall Goal-Treatment: Ultimately, the goal of the Johnson Treatment Model’s intervention should be to induce the addict’s acceptance of treatment as a team. This is not to punish the addict but instead to assist him or her in improving his or her life.
Treatment Options: Ideally, all interventions in the Johnson Treatment Model will result in the addict seeking out treatment. For this to occur, the intervention team of the Johnson Treatment Model needs to develop treatment options. The team should plan and make strategies for the best treatment options for the victim.
Confrontation: A confrontation between one or more caregivers and the substance abuser is planned and implemented. Planning involves the caregiver in assessing the person’s social network and assessing the likelihood of having other members participate in a counseling session. Two sessions follow with the network to educate them on enabling, confrontational intervention principles, and problem-solving strategies for determining caregiver needs, as well as how they might perform the planned confrontation. The final session of the Johnson Treatment Model involves the addict being confronted in the presence of the social network.
Who Would Be the Best Fit?
Johnson Treatment Model interventions are most likely to be appropriate for those who do not believe that they are facing the disease or mental illness. According to the SAMHSA report published in the year 2011, less than one percent of 7 million untreated alcoholics aged 21 to 64 believed that treatment could help them. According to the White House, this is a chief reason many drug abusers do not seek medication independently. Analysis of data from 2008 to 2011, care was required by 39.2% of the total population but didn’t receive it was not ready to quit using it.
Johnson Treatment Model emphasizes aggressive confrontation of the addict or alcoholic, focusing only on the behavior of the addict or alcoholic with little to no focus on repairing the family system, a system where enabling behaviour facilitates addiction. It is imperative to focus on improving the family system and the addict, so we believe that the Johnson Treatment Model and non-professional intervention counsellors should not be used.
Physically unfit individuals may also benefit from this sort of mediation because it can help in getting them toward medication when you are incapable to reason with them fully. About 50 percent of the individuals who have the critical psychological disorder are also substance addicts, according to the Help Guide. Those who frequently involve their family members in their lives are more likely to respond confidently to this sort of mediation.
On the other hand, if the Model does not seem to fit your condition, you might wish to think of other approaches, which might be alternatives of Johnson Treatment:
- Intervention during a dispute
- Tough Love Strategy
- The technique of “love first”
- Interventions by ARISE
- Interventions in the household
What the Johnson Treatment Model of Interventions is Capable of?
There imply a couple of results during a Johnson Treatment intervention: If the alcoholic will consider assistance or he or she will refuse it. Relatives of addicted persons should not be discouraged from seeking help. Family members can receive help, which can indirectly help the addicted person and support him or her to ask for assistance. The Johnson Treatment Plan emphasises the importance of limits: family members must not enable their addicted loved one by enabling him or her, even if he/she is unwilling to accept help.
Johnson Treatment Model’s Interventions are becoming more popular as a means for obtaining an addict’s or alcoholic’s willingness to initiate treatment. However, simply persuading an addict or alcoholic to seek therapy has no long-term impact on the loved one’s sobriety. The probability of long-term sobriety is jeopardized unless the entire group surrounding and helping the addict shifts, not just during the Johnson Treatment Model’s intervention but also afterwards. The aim of our interventionists is not to push or coerce the drug user into treatment, but to help your loved one take responsibility for the addiction by leading him or her and the family down a new road Intervention is not about giving a motivational speech to persuade the addict or alcoholic to change briefly; it is about establishing healthy boundaries so that families and their loved ones do not have to continue going through the never-ending cycle of violence and insanity. The family is not to blame for the addiction. Family First Intervention will assist you and your loved one come together, get better, and your chances of long-term success and sobriety.
According to the American Psychological Association, 70% of parents who seek the Johnson Treatment Model approaches do not complete them. You should have the confidence to carry out an operation acknowledging that it will not succeed and that you might just have to deal with the adverse results such as the abuser breaking all contact with everyone. If the addicted person is open to his or her family’s support, he or she will be able to get medication with no difficulty. Even in these situations, it’s better to have a suitcase prepared and a rehab centre selected and ready to accept him or her.
Drug users aren’t often willing to respond; they may become protective and even flee the scene during the interventions of this Johnson treatment Model. When this happens, it’s better to resist the urge to pursue after the addict, which just serves to drive him or her farther away when he or she is trying to be alone.0 According to a study published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, three-quarters of care providers who undertake Johnson treatment model strategies can get their beloved ones to embrace and undergo intervention. They will not only be taken to rehab and registered, but a licensed interventionist will then follow in contact with them and develop a long-term partnership. That is essential since interventionists are fully aware of how often patients rebound. These providers aim to establish a rapport with addicts to gain their confidence such that they may be able to speak with them and re-enter care if possible in the future.
The Johnson treatment for family and the addicts of drug and alcoholism use the same models and concentrate on relationship issues and behavioral therapies. The Johnson treatment is primarily for addicts, who are people with compulsive behavioral patterns that lead to the occurrence of ritualistic behavior, which violates social norms. People with family members who suffer from alcoholism and drug addiction are also candidates for this program. The most important benefit of the Johnson treatment model is that it concentrates on solving the problem, rather than merely addressing symptoms. Family and patient relations are built upon a strong understanding that resolving the underlying causes of drug and alcohol addiction can prevent recurrence of behavior problems.
Obtaining Assistance
Although several people seek care when they want to get well, some need assistance like Johnson Treatment Model. An interventionist would not just rush the abuser through rehab and just leave him there. A therapist assists him in settling in and acclimating to his or her new surroundings, as well as guiding him through admission interviews and detox.
According to a publication by Chemical Dependency Counseling, an unprecedented 95 percent of addicts who do not seek treatment die an average of 26 years earlier as a result of their abuse. So, to get your beloved one on the path of recovery you need to get help from one of the intervention plan like Johnson Treatment Model. If you have any family member who is suffering from addiction, you should try and help them get treated as soon as possible. In fact, treatment should be started before there is a problem with the primary care giver or caregiver. By doing so, you could help your loved one to get rid of the burden of addiction.
However, your loved one’s story does not have to end there. You will support an addicted person in your community to avoid this destiny by assisting him in beginning a clean, stable life in rehab. Please contact us, to learn more about how to get started Johnson Treatment Model.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for