Mental health disorders are the most common problems in men. We are in the doldrums when we find that our loved ones have become substance abuse and drug abuse victims. We start to search for various disorders methods to cater to drug abuse to assist our loved ones. Further, if we became the victim of drug addiction, it proves disastrous for us. It can lead to damaging our mental condition and causes the comorbid conditions. Therefore, there is a need for dual diagnosis to nip disorders.
Mental health disorders have various kinds linked with drug addiction. Further, these disorders are not age, race, caste, or gender-specific, but their effect varies in specific populations.
For example, researches tell that Women suffer two times more than men do from the common anxiety and stress problem. Disorders are rampant across the world.
Researches tell that men are the main victim of these disorders. The most common disorders in men result from a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors that contribute to the onset and progression of disorders. There is an expected two percent rise in the number of people with these disorders every year.
The Most Common Disorders in men are those that tend to go non-diagnosed and untreated. Well, most disorders go untreated and non-diagnosed irrespective of gender, race, and creed. All thanks to our collective societal ignorance towards mental health. There are two types of these disorders; anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Most of the time, the social pressure that goes untreated causes people to be less social and spend most of their time alone. Men with a social anxiety disorder will spend most of their time worrying about what other people think about them and their situation. This social anxiety makes them socially awkward to an extend people start judging them. While the people suffering from mental health disorders are already overly conscious about how others perceive them and what others think about them? Do they fit in society’s standard, What if they do something unacceptable? All these questions continuously keep bugging the people suffering from anxiety, depression or disorders. Men with the obsessive-compulsive disorder will worry about things that have nothing to do with their lives, which can get to be quite stressful and frustrating to live with.
Social Anxiety Disorders have Same Impacts on Both Genders
Have you ever find someone who was excruciatingly shy? They despise having to meet new people. They always seem more at ease at home than at a movie or a party, particularly if they do not know anyone who will be present. Social anxiety disorder, which is often mistaken for shyness, is far more than getting the jitters before a work interview or speaking in front of many people. Disorders including social anxiety can be crippling on an emotional level, and it’s difficult to comprehend unless you’ve been through it. The distinction is in the way each person thinks. Whereas a normally functioning individual may be concerned about doing the wrong thing during a work interview or a meeting with a potential client, anyone with this condition is afraid of being judged on any level in mental health disorders. They have an unhealthy fear of people talking about them, judging them, and criticizing them, forming unfounded assumptions about their every step.
A man with mental health disorders condition may find it extremely difficult to go to work or school and may look to others as though they aren’t trying hard enough or lack motivation or the skills required to succeed. Alcoholism and drug abuse are potential consequences for people with disorders. It is not uncommon for adults to develop alcoholism to relax with a drink at a social event. Of course, a person who does not suffer from addiction or abuse alcohol would find this activity perfectly appropriate. Someone who suffers from disorders including social anxiety, on the other hand, can consume significantly more alcohol to overcome inhibitions and overcome the fear that governs his life. When this occurs, the chances of developing of tolerance being addicted rise.
The most common mental health disorders in men are usually diagnosed with alcohol abuse. Many men who are suffering from mental problems will be diagnosed with substance abuse problems as well. Most men will also be diagnosed with other disorders at some point in their lives. These other disorders are common in both men and women and usually affect men more than women.
An individual may suffer from disorders like obsessive-compulsive disorder if they have problems with their mind-controlling their physical actions. This type of infection involves the individual keeping their thoughts under control by performing various rituals or breathing techniques. Habits like not throwing your trash in the proper place can be a symptom of an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Individuals who suffer from OCD may become obsessed with one thing, such as polishing off a bottle of wine while watching television or checking to see if everyone has voted. OCD is a complex disorder to deal with and can cause significant problems of Mental Health Disorders for the individual’s social life.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Can Rule Over a Men’s Life
Consider crawling into bed after a long and exhausting day, laying your head on your pillow, close your eyes, and then experiencing anxiety of disorders because you can’t remember if you locked your windows. You get out of bed, check all of your windows to make sure they’re tightly fastened to keep your family safe, and then crawl back into bed. You shut your eyes, lay your head on your pillow, and you’re still not sure if those windows are closed. What if one of them hasn’t been unlocked yet? What if you didn’t go far enough with the locking mechanism? Then you get up and double-check everything in disorders. Perhaps you have a compulsion to double-check the locks three times before going to bed. You know all the windows are locked; all you have to do is double-check them three times, and you have no idea why. However, if you only review them twice, anything awful will occur, for which you will be held accountable. Men also feel a sense of duty to protect their families, and this sense of duty can worsen an obsessive-compulsive disorder. It is just one example of what a man with obsessive-compulsive disorder might go through.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, this disorders is identified by obsessive thoughts and compulsive habits known as routines. Nobody knows why anyone develops OCD, but studies have shown that it runs in families and that the condition itself has much to do with fear and anxiety.
Psychotherapy and medicine in the form of antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications are currently used in care for Mental Health Disorders.
According to a report released by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, Disorders including substance abuse and addiction affect people with OCD faster than the general population.
For example, some medications, such as cocaine, can cause or intensify OCD symptoms, while others, such as opiates that affect the central nervous system, can relieve symptoms of Mental Health Disorders. One person may abuse opiates because they unwittingly self-medicate their symptoms, whereas another may not have developed OCD symptoms until after abusing stimulants. Although knowing whether OCD occurred before or after the onset of a substance addiction disorder is not critical, it is critical to obtain adequate care effective for both conditions.
A third Most Common Disorders in men is SAD. It is a medical problem related to causes the individual to have extreme fears of public places or social situations. It can make the person unable to go out to restaurants, movies, or even work. People with SAD may have many phobias such as blushing, heart palpitations, sweating, blushing, fear of death, or fear of social settings. They fear of doing something not considered normal or something that can offend others. They feel severe difficulty in communicating with their fellow beings. All these bulked up suffocating feelings lead them to seek artificial relaxation and comfort in disorders. Sometimes people use sedative medicines, excessive use of them is also dangerous. Otherwise people with SAD will commonly be inclined towards the use of substances to make themselves feel normal, including alcohol, cigarettes, or even drugs.
The fourth Most Common Disorders in men are substance abuse or dependence. An individual who is addicted to a drug may use it excessively and may experience cravings. Cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamines, heroin, and amphetamines are some of the most common substances of choice for those who are suffering from Mental Health Disorders. Some people become so addicted to these substances that it becomes impossible for them to lead an everyday life without them.
A final disorders for a man is depression. Depression causes a person’s energy levels to fall to near zero and can be highly debilitating. A depressed person’s energy cannot be renewed, which can cause a person to become inactive, unhealthy, and irritable. Once a person is diagnosed with depression, the medical community will usually prescribe antidepressants or mood stabilizers to help the person return to a more normal functioning level.
Being labeled with one or more of the Most Common Disorders in men can profoundly impact a person’s quality of life both socially and surprisingly the impact is even greater behind the doors.
Although many individuals lead satisfying lives after suffering from one or more of these Mental Health Disorders, others don’t have such good luck. This is due to the varying effects of the diseases on the body and a person’s self-image. They know the disorder you have been diagnosed with can provide you with information about treatment and recovery options available to you.
Men Having Bipolar Disorder More Vulnerable to Alcohol and Abuse Drugs
Bipolar disorder is one of the disorders. It is a chronic brain condition marked by significant changes in a person’s mood, functionality, energy levels, and other daily life aspects. The symptoms related to this disorder are complex and can be difficult to spot, particularly in the early stages. They can show signs of depression during the depressive cycle. On the other hand, this individual may be bursting with energy, displaying excessive or inappropriate happiness, or engaging in abnormal behaviour. Although experts aren’t sure how the two are connected in Mental Health Disorders, people with bipolar disorder often engage in substance abuse, leading to addiction.
While there is no cure for bipolar disorder, there are much treatments available for bipolar disorder. Prescription drugs, ranging from mood stabilizers to anticonvulsants, can be prescribed in some disorders situations.
Some options for Treatment include:
- Antidepressants are drugs that are used to treat depression
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of therapy
- Family and group counseling
- Individuals will receive education to help them understand their symptoms and avoid episodes
- Medications for sleep
Obtaining Help with A Dual Diagnosis Treatment
The healing process for a man in your life who has a dual diagnosis that involves addiction can seem to be very difficult in mental health disorders.
No one recovery plan will work for everybody, according to experts at the National institute on Drug Abuse.
Someone may respond well to outpatient treatment while another requires treatment in a residential facility. Another may benefit from medication, and a third may benefit more from psychotherapy without drugs.
The Following Factors Can Influence Which Aspects of A Man’s Treatment Programme for Disorders Are Included:
- The period of substance abuse
- The occurrence of particular co-occurring conditions in disorders
- What kind of drugs has he been addicted to?
- The amount of support he gets from his family and friends
- His degree of dedication to his recovery
- Outside of care, he may have duties such as caring for family members such as children or the elderly.
- When you go to have Mental Health Disorders and then seek professional help
Your family physician will conduct a thorough examination and review of your medical history. From this information, diagnoses will be drawn, and a treatment plan will be developed against Mental Disorders based on your specific needs. A treatment plan for dual diagnosis will include medications, therapy, and mental and social services. In addition to this, the health care provider will make the decision based on your family’s preferences. Getting help for dual diagnosis will not only help you recover from the disorder that you suffer from, but it will also help you live a happy life with friends and family that are entirely supportive of your mental health needs.
Getting help for Mental Disorders can be a challenging task. However, you can receive the care for your loved one in addiction and when you find a skilled health care team that is willing to treat your condition and your other health problems, you will be able to attain the peace of mind you are looking for finally. Getting help for a dual diagnosis is a decision that you need to take seriously, but it can be an essential step to cater to Mental Health Disorders.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for