Opiate Addiction is getting common in the women. Statistically speaking, admissions to treatment programs for addiction to opiates other than heroin tripled between 2001 and 2011. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the rate of medical treatment for Opiate Addiction other than heroin increased 348 percent between 2001 and 2011. There are an astonishing number of people enrolling in heroin treatment programs, of course, but statistics like these suggest that Americans are also becoming more interested in other opiates such as OxyContin, Vicodin & fentanyl.
Those individuals who depend on these sedatives, regardless of whether Opiate Addiction may be to drugs, heroin or painkillers.
Although there are some generalizations that can be made about women who choose to use drugs, and in Opiate Addiction, despite the fact that their reasons for using, and their paths to recovery, are unique, it is still possible to make some generalizations about women who choose to abuse these substances and drugs.
Emotional wellness is greatly influenced by age, sex, color, and other physical factors. According to one of the research in America, it is shown that there are almost 50 million people who are affected by psychological issues and suffering from them. When we compare both sexes, women frequently face more experience, Opiate Addiction and ill effects of specific psychological illnesses.
The SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) gauges that around 23.8% of American ladies have encountered Opiate Addiction and a diagnosable emotional well-being problem somewhat recently, contrasted with the assessed 15.6% of men from the study were facing psychological sickness.
It is shown in the studies of Opiate Addiction that natural components do assume a significant part in psychological maladjustment. It’s indeed an essential element of the psychological satisfaction and potential improvement in the behavior and emotions of messes’ well-being. The serotonin level in ladies is less as compared to men. Furthermore, they have a low rate of substantial measurement of Opiate Addiction, which can add to changes in temperament. Females are by and large attached to hormonal changes. In addition to social issues, natural issues like body changes also result in behavioral and emotional problems.
They started utilizing drugs as internal loneliness, and they saw it as a way of recuperating. They may have to utilize it comparably interestingly, and there are a few speculations that can be considered about ladies who pick these medications and are in Opiate Addiction.
Why Opiates Necessary for Women?
One of the primary effects of opiates or Opiate Addiction is that they profoundly sedate the user. Once they enter their receptors in the brain, the active substance in these drugs induces intense chemical changes throughout the body, which begin to create feelings of bliss, calm and pleasure. It doesn’t take the user very long to feel 100% transformed and then, if there is a subsequent hit of that same type of drug, they might have an experience that they will find hard to repeat.
Further, the adverse effects of these drugs or Opiate Addiction can be severe if they are not used properly, which means they must be administered in higher concentrations to achieve the same effects. Opiate Addiction often develops when people feel as though it is simply not possible to function normally without the drug.
Harvard research suggests that despite both men and women being prone to Opiate Addiction, women may be more likely to suffer from an opioid addiction simply because they visit the doctor more frequently than men, and they tend to deal with chronic pain conditions more frequently than men. Although men may go to the doctor to get a prescription with a drug they wish to abuse, females might just walk away from the doctor’s office with a prescription for the drug of their choice.
An article distributed in The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse recommends that around 33% of individuals conceded to mental projects have simultaneous substance misuse or Opiate Addiction concerns which was really a concerning issue and many of these women were some how struggling from mental stress in a form of relationship crisis, financial issues, infertility, divorced, and sexual abuse.
Studies like this recommend that numerous individuals who head to their PCPs for help with an emotional well-being concern may have a substance misuse issue or Opiate Addiction sneaking behind the scenes. Recuperating is conceivable, yet the methodology should be custom-made, dependent on the psychological maladjustment’s necessities. This experience might be hard for them to replicate without another hit of the same type of drug.
Enslavement advising addresses the manifestations of opiate addiction, illicit drug use and related territories of impeded working and the substance and construction of the customer’s progressing recuperation program. This habit guiding model is a period restricted methodology that centers around social change, 12-venture belief system and apparatuses for healing, and self-improvement interest from opiate addiction.
Triggering Problems
According to a study published in the journal Substance Use and Misuse, women who are in Opiate Addiction, are often struggling with mental health problems. It has been observed that women who use opiates had higher depression and anxiety rates than men who use them. Some of the women may have turned to drugs in the first place because of their mental health issues. Opiates can bring pleasure to women with depression, while anxious women sometimes take them for relaxation or to help fall asleep. Although it is understandable that people self-medicate at times for health reasons, it has the potential to lead to addiction as a result.
According to a study published in the Journal of Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, the similarities between drugs of abuse(opiate addiction) and eating disorders can explain why some women develop them.
The researchers found that in one program for opiate addiction, approximately 20% of the women had previous histories of bulimia, and that once they had completed drugs detox, the urge for food resurfaced.
As a result of the long-term effects of these hormones, there is a high probability that Opiate Addiction and calm may be beneficial for women struggling with bulimia, as they might allow them to forget the urge to eat for a few minutes. Unfortunately, the Opiate Addiction like this does tend to lead to an addiction, and that can further exacerbate the suffering of the woman.
Likewise, Women Might Opiate Addiction After Experiencing a Traumatic Incident, Such as A Divorce or The Loss of A Child:
- Sexual offenses
- A physical altercation occurred
- Crime of kidnapping
- Abuse by a spouse
Physical injuries caused by these incidents are often treated with painkillers, and emotional scars can be soothed by pills. In the case of opioid painkillers, they seem like a perfect solution to both kinds of issues. However, they have the potential to lead to Opiate Addiction, not to mention as a result of addiction.
Recoveries with Special Considerations
The fact that women might develop opiate addictions as a result of mental health issues, and that issues might grow stronger during recovery, suggests they might need a treatment program that focuses on dual diagnosis so that they get both issues treated simultaneously. Nevertheless, women should pay attention to other factors.
According to a study of drug addicts and Opiate Addiction in New York City, male counselors work at most rehab centers, and male clients are typically more numerous than females. Despite the fact that this study was conducted many years ago, some of these facts may remain true today. There are some women who might be uncomfortable with the idea of participating in therapy with men if they have been victims of a trauma perpetrated by men, and these women may not also need the very same types of therapy as men do. It may be necessary for them to talk about their trauma or include their children in their treatment, for example. There might be differences in the needs of men. This study suggests that women may require special programs, or they may do better in programs in which only women are involved.
The Same Is True for Women Receiving Treatment of Opiate Addiction:
- Cooperation
- Providing support
- Affirmative
- Nurturing
It might be more suitable for them to attend individual therapy sessions related to Opiate Addiction that have a slightly combative, clinical tone, but they might also find that group sessions are more enjoyable with the support of other women and the ability to learn in a group setting. These settings may be less threatening for some women, and they probably won’t drop out as easily if they’re able to get help in this way.
Where to Find Help
If women are given the right kind of help, they can overcome opiate addiction. Whether you are looking for ways to help someone close to you who is suffering from an addiction, or if you’d like to find out about what it will take to leave Opiate Addiction out of your own future, we would like to be of assistance.
Our Foundations Recovery Network programs are specially designed for people with Dual Diagnosis and provide dual diagnosis treatment. Our staff is qualified to assist clients with most types of mental illness that may occur in the context of an addiction recovery struggle, and the type of therapy we provide is designed to help people gain insight and skills that will help them maintain their freedom from drug and alcohol dependency in the future. The majority of our facilities have treatment tracks that are specifically designed for women’s issues, and some of them are only geared towards women’s issues. Please contact our admissions coordinators to find out more about the admissions process, and treatment of Opiate Addiction.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for Dualdiagnosis.org.