Possibilities Of Same Day Rehab Admittance

Temporary admission to a detoxification program may reduce risks and could be lifesaving. Withdrawal from some substances can be deadly, and relapse may be life-threatening for some substances.

Potential situations where quick same day rehab admittance may help avert dangerous consequences (if a person is already experiencing significant symptoms or another emergency,

The patient is experiencing or is at risk of experiencing alcohol withdrawal. (Alcohol withdrawal can be lethal.1)

The patient is experiencing or is at risk of experiencing sedative-hypnotic withdrawal. (Sedative-hypnotic withdrawal, such as withdrawal from barbiturates or benzodiazepines, may be life-threatening.

Many substances should never be stopped “cold turkey,” or suddenly, as withdrawal symptoms can be significant and even life-threatening. Quality medical drug detox centers don't use these “cold turkey” methods; instead, they provide medications and therapy to manage withdrawal symptoms.

Additionally, same-day admission to a detox program for you or a loved one might be beneficial if a patient is experiencing or is at risk of experiencing opioid withdrawal symptoms. Abstinence from opioids can decrease tolerance, so a smaller amount of opioids might cause an overdose in a relapse, which could be fatal. If an individual pursuing addiction treatment warrants pharmacological treatment but maintenance treatment is impractical, is not indicated, or is turned down, detoxification is utilized.

Research indicates that relapse to opioid use will occur for most individuals who have opioid use disorder and medically handle withdrawal. However, psychosocial strategies can be beneficial during and after. After an adequate amount of time without using opioids, injectable extended-release naltrexone can be used to lower the likelihood of using opioids again than no medicine or place.

 Your loved one is in crisis and, right now – perhaps for the first time – he is ready to enter a drug treatment program and begin the process of recovery.

His agreement may be fleeting – tomorrow, he may feel differently – and you want to get him into treatment today to capitalize upon his impetus to create positive change in his life, but can you get him into a drug rehab program today?

Certain Admission Circumstances

 The rehab admissions process begins with a total intake assessment. This assessment consists of clients telling their stories and Addiction Medicine experts helping develop a customized treatment plan that meets all of their needs. During an intake assessment, expect a focus on health. Toxicology screenings, for example, can reveal what substances are in the bloodstream and what withdrawal symptoms clients might expect in the coming days and weeks.

An intake assessment might follow a tour of the facility. Time is not just a chance to see the premises. It is also an opportunity to ask questions, view accommodations, and feel for the recovery process. Family members and other loved ones can also get peace of mind knowing that the Gateway locations are welcoming, safe and comfortable.

In some instances, same-day drug rehab admission is not only available; it is necessary. Suppose your loved one is experiencing a psychiatric or medical emergency due to an overdose, chronic drug abuse, or an acute crisis. In that case, he may need medical assistance to be sedated or otherwise stabilized.

To release him after stabilization is likely unsafe given the compulsivity of ongoing drug abuse despite recurrent and potentially life-threatening episodes; thus, admission into rehab may be the best choice – and the sooner, the better. If same-day admission into a drug rehab program is available, it should be utilized without hesitation in these circumstances.

  Whether you're admitted on the same day you decide to seek treatment depends on the given facility's required criteria and if they have available space.  Many facilities may consider the following information when accepting same-day admissions: 

If the individual has recently suffered from an overdose.

When someone presents signs of mental illness brought on by drug use, such as psychosis, they will usually need to be admitted on the day they seek help.

Intake counselors are likely to accept someone who has a history of severe drug abuse and seek treatment in a moment of clarity to avoid changing their minds.

If family members have staged an intervention and talked someone into attending rehab, they may push for immediate treatment for their loved one.

For information on New Day Recovery's specific medical requirements for admission, please. 

Getting Ready for Treatment

To be admitted to rehab as quickly as possible, you'll need to get prepared. There are steps you can take to speed up the process, which includes :

Find a Suitable Facility

You'll need to do some research to determine which type of treatment will be best for you. For instance, find out whether you require medically supervised detoxification and decide if you'd prefer to be in a single-gender rehab facility and whether you'll seek outpatient or inpatient treatment.

Make the Necessary Preparations

If you're going to go for inpatient treatment, there will be plenty of preparations to make. Let your friends and family know your plans, make childcare arrangements if necessary and get your finances in order.

Get the Relevant Information Together

You'll need to have specific details regarding your medical history, drug and alcohol use, and other critical information on hand — and be open to discussing it. Specifically, you'll need:

Identification and personal details

Medical history, including mental health history and the name of your primary care physician

Details of your insurance or other methods of payment

Information about your emergency contact

The Admissions Process

There are three stages in the admissions process when you're accepted to rehab:

  1. An addiction specialist will evaluate you.
  2. You'll have a dialogue with the intake team about the type of treatment that's most suited to your needs.
  3. You'll begin the detoxification process or enter rehab if detox isn't deemed necessary.

What To Expect From Same Day Rehab Admittance 

When drug addict finds themselves in need of emergency rehab admission, they are in a place where they would be best served by long-term, residential rehab. Residential treatment offers the most excellent chances of success for even the most chronic addicts.

A typical residential treatment program can last anywhere between 4 and 12 weeks. It includes medicated or non-medicated detoxification, psychotherapeutic treatments, and aftercare services. Your treatment program'sprogram's length will be determined by the severity and type of addiction you are dealing with. Regardless of its size, your treatment program will provide you with:

help in breaking the physical habit (detox)

help in breaking the psychological addiction (psychotherapeutic treatment)

physical, mental, and emotional support

the skills necessary to avoid future relapse

the necessary support to reintegrate into society.

When you first arrive at the residential facility, you will undergo a medical and psychological evaluation. This evaluation aims to accomplish several things, beginning with assessing your current physical condition. In an emergency, your health is the number one priority of the medical staff.

After that initial assessment, a couple of things will happen. First, you will be stabilized medically if necessary. You will then head right to detoxification. The detox process will likely be medicated to ensure the slightest discomfort and maximum safety.

Most people will complete detox in 7 to 10 days. The following detox will be the program's rehab portion, lasting anywhere from 4 and 12 weeks. During rehab, you might participate in any of the following types of treatments:

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) – CBT is a goal-oriented therapy designed to help the recovering addict take ownership of their circumstances. It helps them understand what triggers addictive behavior and what can be done to avoid it. CBT rarely takes more than 12 sessions to complete.

Group Counselling: Almost all residential rehab clinics take advantage of the principle of group counseling. All those currently undergoing treatment meet regularly to discuss their progress, fears, problems, and so on. The main advantage of group counseling is that it provides mutual support.

12-Step Work: The 12-step program initially developed by Alcoholics Anonymous in the 1930s is something many U.K. clinics have adopted. It is a highly successful model that has yielded positive results for more than 80 years.

Group Leisure Activities: Many of the clinics we work with provide clients with organized group leisure activities away from the residential facility. The reason for doing this is to show recovering addicts there is a whole life waiting for them outside of drug or alcohol addiction. Many do not believe it is possible until they have experienced it.

Non-Emergency Rehab Admissions

Whether or not there is an emergency like an overdose or a psychiatric episode to trigger immediate entry into drug rehab, availability is crucial in the discussion. This means that if you wait for an emergency to determine the need for treatment, there may not be a bed immediately available for your addicted loved one in the drug rehab program of your choice.

However, it also means that there may be a spot available right now, ready and waiting for your loved one to begin his journey in treatment.

In other words, there doesn't have to be an emergency for your loved one to gain same-day admittance to a drug treatment program. There has to be the desire and a connection with a service that can put you in contact with an excellent drug rehab program that has immediate availability.

>>> READ THIS NEXT: Check out Foundations Recovery Treatment Centers

 Addiction Rehab Process

The journey from a substance use disorder (SUD) to a healthy, sober life is not a quick and easy one. For many, it takes a lifelong commitment to dedication and hard work. Recovery may be difficult, but professional treatment helps many people start that endeavor.

Rehab programs can cause confusion and anxiety. Need help understanding what's involved in rehab? We are here to outline some of the crucial admission processes to rehab treatments.

 1: Intake—Creating a Customized Care Plan

Admissions and Assessment

While every rehabilitation facility uses no one process, the intake process will likely involve meeting with a professional to discuss treatment options and figure out what approach will work best for you. The goal is to develop a personalized treatment plan based on assessing your medical, emotional, and social functioning.

During intake, the treatment team may carry out extensive assessments that may include a medical examination, a psychological evaluation, and a psychosocial assessment. In addition to information on your personal drug use history, family history of addiction, and even financial arrangements for treatment, these assessments will help determine how the program can most optimally tailor its treatment plan to you and your needs.

Co-Occurring Disorders and Dual Diagnosis

If you have medical issues and a co-occurring disorder or dual diagnosis, you will discuss additional treatment options to ensure that you receive the appropriate support and care level. Dual diagnosis typically applies to people who have a mental illness coupled with a SUD.6 Historically; there has been a split in the U.S. between mental health services and addiction treatment. A group that has fallen through this divide's cracks is people who've been given a dual diagnosis.

2: Detox—Safely Removing Addictive Substances from Your Body 

Detoxification may involve uncomfortable and even possibly dangerous symptoms. Medical supervision of withdrawal can ensure the patient's safety and comfort throughout the withdrawal period.

The withdrawal syndromes associated with specific physical substance dependence types can be markedly unpleasant and dangerous. People at risk of developing these dicey withdrawal syndromes benefit from the added supervision, monitoring, and, potentially, the pharmacologic interventions availed by medical detox settings. a, b,c In many instances, medication will be given to ease the withdrawal symptoms associated with certain drugs, including heroin and prescription opioid drugs.ABC

Medically Supervised Detoxification 

The treatment method—including specific treatment medications—received during detox will depend on the substance(s) being abused.

Before the detox, you will be assessed by professional medical personnel to determine certain withdrawal risks and the likelihood of a complicated withdrawal, as well as the specific types of medical intervention(s) that may be needed to mitigate these risks during detox—4 [This is not an exhaustive list; other medications may be used to address detox symptoms. 

The precise pharmacotherapeutic regimen needed during detox may differ according to the type of substance dependence and the potential severity of the associated withdrawal syndrome.

Fear of withdrawal can keep you from taking a step toward recovery. Our admissions navigators are here to guide you and address all of your worries. You are not alone. There is more to a substance use disorder than drug use. 

3: Rehab—Building the Foundation of Long-Term Treatment Efforts

With the successful completion of detoxification, the next phase of recovery is rehabilitation. This phase allows for intensive therapy, where you can examine the underlying issues that lead you to your substance use disorder.

When it comes to selecting a treatment setting, it is important to familiarise yourself with the available options:

Inpatient, Outpatient & Partial Hospitalization

Inpatient treatment programs strive to remove those struggling with substances disorders from their old ways of life by taking them out of a potentially complex home environment and placing them into a treatment facility, in a situation where you have significant work or familial obligations—such as caring for children or elderly parents—outpatient care allows you to maintain some of those responsibilities.

   Outpatient care is a good option for those with more mild or short-lived addictions but maybe a less optimal choice for those with severe, long-term addictions or those with dual diagnosis conditions.

A partial hospitalization program is a hospital-based form of outpatient drug rehabilitation. A partial hospitalization program provides care to patients with mild to moderate withdrawal symptoms that likely won't be extreme or potentially fatal and do not require medical supervision around the clock. Different Partial hospitalization programs may be tailored to meet adolescents or adults' needs;

Rehab Therapy

Effective withdrawal management and successful detoxification will allow closer focus on longer-term recovery, and that's where the rehabilitation comes in. Through extensive counseling and therapy, you can address the underlying issues behind your addictions. This is when addicts get to the core of their problems and address those issues to effectively move on with their lives without going back to drugs, alcohol, or otherwise resuming their addictive behaviors.

Individual Therapy

In individual behavioral therapy:

Patients often do some self-analysis pointing out when they started misusing the drugs.

Patients receive strategies on how they can redirect their time.

Time management skills are taught to allow patients to use their time better.

Patients learn to identify drug use triggers and deal with these triggering situations to avoid relapse.

This behavioral therapy type helps individuals reform their thinking patterns and make behavioral changes that will better route them toward a healthy, sober life.

Group Therapy

The addiction rehabilitation process usually includes group therapy.1-4 In fact, group sessions are the mainstay of many rehab programs. The group setting allows those recovering from addiction to interact with others in similar situations. It is often helpful for recovering individuals to know that they are not alone in their struggles. This sense of community support is integral to the recovery process.

Family Therapy

Many addiction rehabilitation facilities offer family therapy as part of their program. In some rehab programs, family members are encouraged to participate in family therapy sessions. Family therapy can help resolve issues so the family can serve as a pillar of support once their loved one leaves the rehabilitation facility.

Facility Amenities and Services

Participants in any SUD rehab program can expect certain aspects. At standard inpatient treatment facilities, the rooms are often basic, with a comfortable bed, a bathroom, and space for personal items. Costs may be lower at these facilities if the patient is willing to share a room. There might also be access to a swimming pool or an on-site gym, although that is not guaranteed. There is also the possibility for additional services, including massage therapy.

Beyond standard treatment options, there are also luxury and executive facilities. These facilities tend to be in beautiful locations and can offer upscale amenities and services—including acupuncture, equine therapy, spa treatments, and more—in addition to the remedies common at all rehab facilities.

4: Recovery and Aftercare—Continuing Healing for Long-Term Recovery

Regular therapy sessions post-rehabilitation, both individual and group therapy, can help patients stay accountable for their sobriety on their path toward recovery.

Even after patients have completed their initial rehabilitation program, they are not finished with recovery work recovery is a lifetime process. Before completing an addiction treatment program, the patient will meet with counselors to discuss an aftercare plan.

Building a solid aftercare plan is essential, but aftercare's components may differ from one person to the next.

Sober Living, Continued Therapy, and Support Groups

Many addiction rehab facilities host their follow-up programs to assist patients in returning to their daily lives. Such aftercare programs might consist of additional counseling, meetings, and classes for alumni of the treatment program and other community members.

A patient may live in a facility for a while with other individuals recovering from addiction.

Many addiction rehab facilities offer follow-up programs to assist patients in returning to their daily lives.

Many patients maintain regular therapy sessions post-rehab, and some submit to scheduled drug testing as a way to keep them accountable for their sobriety. Regular group therapy attendance is an excellent method for building a support system in your local area.

Is Now the Time for Your Loved One to Enter Drug Rehab?

One of the benefits of same-day admittance to drug rehab is that it allows you to help your loved one immediately access treatment before she has time to change her mind and return to active drug use. But how do you know if it's necessary?

Some red flags include:

• Lying about how much or how often she drinks or uses drugs

• Spending all her money on going out or getting high – and borrowing money (or stealing) for bills and other necessities

• Experiencing health problems as a result of ongoing drug or alcohol use

• Experiencing legal issues as a result of drug possession, drug sales, or actions under the influence

• Struggling with finding and maintaining positive relationships due to drug use

If your loved one needs drug rehab and ready to get help today, we can help connect you with a program with the immediate availability he or she needs. Contact us today and get the answers you need to assist your loved one in overcoming drug dependence and beginning a new life in recovery, free from all issues caused by substance abuse.