Foundations Recovery Network members are mandated by The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act to notify third parties of their health insurance information as required by law. You will find a link to this document at the bottom of the last page. In addition to your personal health information, including billing records and treatment records, and records regarding those records that we hold in our files, the Act applies to any information we receive about you. The topic that we will address is the subject of Organized Health Care Arrangements.
Date of Effectiveness
Considering the factors above, this Notice takes effect as of September 23, 2013. In line with the FRN’s notices and provisions, anyone enforcing them may be required to revise them from time to time at their sole discretion and for no remuneration. If we deem it necessary, we will revise the Notice and send you a revised version by mail, email (if you have agreed to receive electronic notification), hand delivery, notification on our website, or publication on our website if it appears necessary to do so. It may be in your possession at registration time if you do not already possess a copy of the current Notice, or if the Notice has been revised, you will be provided with a copy if you request it or with a subsequent visit to Foundations Recovery Network. As well as being updated at the front desk, the Notice will also be posted at the registration desk.
Our Commitment to Privacy at FRN
A-State and Federal Law requires us to adhere to these State and Federal laws. Furthermore, this Notice reminds you of our obligations regarding patient information disclosure.
Disclosure and Permitted Use
Although you may not have given Foundations Recovery Network express written authorization, FRN may use and disclose your protected health information without additional authorization. The following categories of personal information are permitted to businesses only as specified in the organization’s policies. The information you provide is protected following applicable laws, regulations, and laws. States and the federal government may impose additional restrictions on using or disclosing certain kinds of protected health information, including drugs addiction treatment, HIV treatment, alcohol treatment, mental health treatment, genetic information, and other things. In case your protected health information is to be used and disclosed for a specific purpose, we will need your written authorization, a valid court order, or a valid representative to perform the release. Suppose any state law protects or materially limits a particular use or disclosure of medical information governed by this Notice. In that case, we anticipate following that law’s more stringent requirements in our efforts to meet the laws of every State.
Treatment. Also, Foundations Recovery Network may receive PHI from and share PHI with healthcare providers involved in your treatment that come into contact with your treatment as part of your treatment experience while with FRN and following your stay with FRN. Also, suppose FRN determines that care providers will create a conflict between FRN and your healthcare provider. In that case, FRN may provide records of your medical records to your doctor and healthcare provider of the care provided to you. Likely, FRN would also rely on professional judgment used by our professional staff to interpret whether it would be in your best interests to divulge your patient data in the event of your incapacity or an emergency.
Payment. Foundations Recovery Network may contact your insurance company for payment on your account by using your PHI as a means to contact your insurance company to obtain payment for your care. FRN may be permitted to share information regarding your treatment with your insurance company or employer’s health plan so that we may be reimbursed for the services we have provided, but only if you authorized us to do so. FRN may also share details about payment sources used by providers outside of FRN who are striving to provide you with services so that they can receive payment in general.
Treatment Operations. Optimal management and operation of the organization may necessitate Foundations Recovery Network`s use, exchange, or disclosure of PHI for one or more of the following reasons. Taking this into account, the following purposes for sharing your PHI may be used without your consent: to remind you of your appointments, to evaluate FRN’s performance and the quality of the care it provides, or to avert a serious threat to health and safety. The role of compliance officers can range from managing the legal services and audit functions to determining licensing and accreditation requirements, and reducing the impact of business to determining what new treatments should be provided, what services should be discontinued, and whether some new treatments are effective. If you have not objected in the past to receiving this type of notification, you may be notified by name, only to your family members, as to where you are or what are you doing. We may need to provide the health information about you to our business associates when you agree to allow this direct disclosure. Any business associate agreeing to provide a means of protecting your privacy should limit the use of your health information to that which is acceptable to you.
Research. It may be permitted for the Functional Regenerative Network to collect, use and share confidential and personal information for research purposes since Foundations Recovery Network was created to provide knowledge to clinical professionals and clients about the diseases that people suffer from and facilitate better outcomes based on improved public health. Research can be carried out on comparing patient health and outcome using a similar condition but different medications (e.g. with and without the medication). You may come to an answer. FRN may share your protected health information (PHI) with other researchers to prepare a research study. Still, it will only do so if the researchers themselves are located within the FRN’s site. It is possible for researchers at the Foundations Recovery Network to determine whether patients who identify themselves as PHI may be likely to be appropriate candidates for participating in a research study by gathering protected health information about their health state.
Permitted and Required Disclosures
Your personal health information may be disclosed by the National Reserve System on a need-to-know basis, to the extent necessary for the agency to comply with the applicable federal, state, or local laws or ordinances, or to fulfil its legitimate purposes.
- In the event that a part of the investigation leads to a determination that the law is being observed.
- Audits, inspections and other activities for a government agency will be conducted.
- Reporting domestic violence, abuse, or neglect to law enforcement or any government authority authorized to do so by law.
- To a court, judge, administrative law officer, or other tribunal for judicial or administrative proceedings, and/or any other lawful process which may be supplied in Court, saunas, and other procedures.
- For the purpose of preventing or controlling disease, injury, vital events, child abuse or neglect; conducting public health surveillance, investigation, or intervention; and reporting adverse reactions to medications or problems with regulated products.
- The health care facility may be required by law to submit information to a health oversight agency to assist the health care facility in fulfilling the oversight activities authorized by law, such as audits, investigations, and inspections.
- Law enforcement officials may obtain access to information we collect for law enforcement or emergency purposes, in compliance with a court order, after our application has demonstrated just cause for the order’s issuance, or for the investigation of crimes occurring on our premises.
- Coroners, medical examiners, and funeral directors shall have access to any records, records, and information related to a victim by the applicable law to control their duties.
- The donation of its organs, eyes or tissues after your death, should be made in accordance with the procedures provided by the organ procurement organizations.
- Protect the President following State and Federal laws that require the provision of Specialized Government Functions.
- Your legal representative will communicate with you or advise you accordingly. According to state law, parents, guardians, and persons acting in a similar legal capacity may be permitted or required to be told about a minor’s PHI. Disclosures will be made following the state law in which services are provided.
The law of Georgia requires records to be produced in response to court orders issued by competent courts following full and fair hearings.
What Uses and Disclosures Are Agreeable or Opposable
A notice will be provided to you, and your designated representative on certain uses and disclosures, and Foundations Recovery Network will use or disclose your PHI if you don’t object.
For Example:
- A relative, a close friend, or another individual on your behalf may be given access to PHI to facilitate your medical treatment or payment or give you a detailed update on your location, health condition, or death if your authorization is obtained in writing.
- Your PHI may be disclosed to you and any other individuals who you authorized by the terms of your health care service agreement, including by phone, email, SMS, or text message. This is why it is important to know that when PHI is sent outside the Foundations Recovery Network by email or text message, there is a risk that whoever receives this electronic transmission will be able to obtain the information contained in that transmission.
Disclosures and Uses that you Must Agree to In Writing
The Marketing and Sales of Prescription Drug Information (PHI). You can trust that we will not share your PHI for any other purpose other than for fulfilling the legal and prudent purposes of the organization with which you do business, except where permitted or required by state and federal law. The purpose of market research is to figure out what marketing strategies work for a brand or product and what strategic marketing program is appropriate for the brand or product in question. Except as allowed by law, we will not use, share, or sell your personally identifiable health information unless, and until, we are permitted to do so. The operators of certain health facilities regulated by the HIPAA may receive medical records belonging to patients from new operators whose operating systems fail to uphold HIPAA principles.
Psychotherapy Notes. As required by HIPAA, a mental health provider’s notes are separate from every other page of a person’s medical record, ensuring confidentiality. The personal notes created by your psychotherapist will never be used or disclosed without your written authorization, except in cases of essential clinical treatment, in cases of legal action or proceeding brought by you, or in situations where we feel that there is an imminent threat to your health or safety. Our company may be permitted to use your information to prevent or lessen that serious and imminent threat in our own supervised mental health training programs, as well as any other instances permitted by state and federal law. In psychotherapy notes, no formal assessment of functional status, symptomatology, or progress to date is included, nor are medication prescriptions and monitoring, counseling session start times or end times, or the results of clinical tests. This Notice does not include the unauthorized use and disclosure of your protected health information (PHI) not covered by law or covered by this Notice. PHI may only be used and disclosed with your written permission which you may revoke by following the instructions below.
The Rights of Individuals Regarding PHI
Foundations Recovery Network patients have the following rights about their protected health information (PHI), as outlined in the HIPAA privacy regulations.
Right to Request Restrictions: You have the right to request any restrictions regarding your PHI to ensure that your PHI is only used, disclosed (disclosed), and acquired for treatment, payment, and facilitating health care operations. You also have the right to request a limit on the PHI we may reveal to individuals involved in your care or responsible for your health, including family members and friends. In addition to requesting that your personal health information not be revealed, you may also request that we not share your personal health information with anyone. Please let the Privacy Officer know exactly what you would like to restrict, and he or she will follow up with your specific request. It is important to specify which information you wish to have restricted, whether you want restrictions not only on our use but also on our disclosure, to whom the restriction would apply, and whether the restrictions would be lifted later.
Generally, we do not have to comply with your request unless you pay for items and services yourself or authorize someone else who does, and you request that we limit disclosures to health plans only if they are required by law. We care about keeping your personal information private, regardless of my staff’s decision whether or not to comply with your request. All of the information you provide to us will remain confidential unless the information is required to be used to provide emergency treatment.
Right To Request Communication Methods: There are several ways in which you can request medical information that will be relevant for you. Please inform us if you would like for us to contact you by any of these means, or you may request that we not contact you at all. You may be contacted in several different ways depending on how you wish your information to be handled. When you contact the Privacy Officer by calling them on the number below, he or she will direct you to contact the person concerned to determine what action should be taken in response to the request. Right of Inspection and Copy. A personal health record may contain the following information if not solely used or disclosed in anticipation of action or proceeding before providing psychotherapy notes or personal health information protected under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988. Among the records that Foundations Recovery Network uses to make these decisions are medical and billing records, health insurance records and other documents about the care and payment of the patient in question. Even though HIPAA refrains us from providing access to your therapy notes, on written request, Foundations Recovery Network can give you access to your notes if it deems such access in your best interests based on your clinical history. No content on this website is protected by copyright law, including test questions and raw data, which is why we do not publish its contents.
Further, you have the right to request that copies of your medical records be provided to you or to be sent to another individual, and ask that any records that relate to you or your health care needs and that are available in an electronic format be provided to you or some other person. These rights are also applicable to electronic medical records. The copies of your records may carry a fee, so please be mindful of this when contacting us. There should be a legal basis for doing so, as set forth by the State and the Federal laws that apply to each State in which we obtain your records. Additionally, we should be permitted to handle your records with portable media such as a CD or DVD if you so request. If it is not appropriate to decide to accommodate your needs in any particular case, we may be forced to tell you that your request will not be met. Although your application has already been denied, you may apply to have that decision reversed by a member of our Legal Counsel. It has been decided that our independent health care professionals will review the software, along with the privacy and security officers of our organization. Following the report on the revision review, we will continue to adhere to the review’s outcome.
Right to Amend: Suppose you believe the information we keep about you is incorrect or incomplete. In that case, you may request that your PHI be corrected or amended, provided that we maintain a designated record set for that purpose. Contact [email protected] and [email protected] to reach the official responsible for managing personal information. If you want to submit a request for an amendment, we will happily do so as long as the amendment request is as reasonable as possible and not unreasonable. We may deny your requests if they are not accurate or complete, if they refer to information not in the referenced records set, or if they include information that wasn’t didn’t make.
We will inform you in writing why we will not honour your request, and you accept our decision by not expressing a disagreement. Our medical records will be updated following the standards of modern health care to incorporate this information as appropriate into the medical records you provide us with. Your request will be handled as quickly as possible, the amendment will be made, and you will be informed accordingly.
Right to Revoke your Authorization: Except to the extent required, prohibited, or permitted by law, we may collect, use, or disclose your PHI in connection with transactions that we conduct on behalf of or connected with an entity that is conducting business with you for its own business needs. Revocation of your authorization to FRN before the receipt of the revocation does not affect any action taken by Foundations Recovery Network based on the authorization. You have the right to receive a breach notification if your rights have been violated. If we find a breach of your PHI, or if one of our Business Associates if they do, you have the right to be notified. State and federal requirements will provide a Notice of a possible use or disclosure of your documents.
Right to Accounting of Disclosures: We are legally required to provide you with an “accounting of disclosures” that enables you to review all disclosures we have made to provide our services.
We are Not Required to List Certain Disclosures, Including:
- Any disclosures made due to treatment, payment, or health care operations purposes.
- The disclosures will only be made with your permission.
- Disclosures made to create a limited data set.
- Disclosures made directly to you.
- Any other disclosures permitted or required by the HIPAA Privacy Rule or under any other circumstances that the Court may deem necessary.
- Disclosures occurring prior to April 14, 2003.
Our Privacy Officer must receive your request in writing, so please contact him directly with these details. In your request, you must state that you are requesting information for not more than six years before your request. Also, your request should identify how you will receive your accountings (whether you prefer them to be sent to you on paper or by email). Getting a free accounting will be offered for the first time during 12 months for the first time in the year. Our company reserves the right to charge you for the additional expense of obtaining a more detailed accounting if you request additional accounting. We will provide you with comprehensive information relating to the total cost of the work involved and provide you with a breakdown of the total costs, and we will also agree on a payment method to suit you.
Right to a Paper Copy of this Notice: The client could still elect to receive this Notice on a paper copy, even though he or she agreed to receive this Notice electronically. If you would like a copy of this Notice in writing, please contact us using the contact details provided below.
Right to Foreign Language Version: Our website provides a copy of this Notice in all languages that may be useful to anyone unable to read or speak English.
Contact Details for Privacy Officer
If you have questions or concerns about this Notice or need more information about our privacy practices, then you can get in touch with us at the following contact information:
You can file a complaint in writing if you believe your privacy rights have been violated. Either contact one of the companies mentioned above or contact the Department of Human Services through legislative legislation. I will not subject you to any penalties or retaliation for bringing forth a grievance against the company or the department.
Covered Entities of Foundations Recovery Network
The purpose of this Notice is to inform you concerning what can and cannot be used and shared about your Personal Health Information, as per the terms of the HIPAA Privacy Rules. Under the HIPAA requirements for certain entities under the law described in this Notice, the rules apply to Foundations Recovery Network covered entities.
For more information call our toll free number 615-490-9376

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for