Playing Video games or video game addiction was one time the realm of only stereotypically narcissistic young boys gamers, but now these are among the most popular forms of entertainment in America. Now, almost fifty-eight percent of the American population is on video playing games.[1] Nearly partial of these gamer are young ladies and women – old age women (37 percent) are now significantly higher than men of 18 years of age (19 percent) [2] No doubt, the average age of a gamer is 30 years [3], these video game addiction are more loved amidst old ones, and roundabout adults owing age group above 50 are playing such games[4]
The number of children is also increasing in such gaming. The Average child gameplay time rose from approximately one an hour a day in 1998 to nearly three hours a day in 2010[5]. Although More than 85% of children now have video game addiction, 35% of young men spend at least 4 hours a day on video games[6]. Most video game addiction players usually do slight fitness practice and play responsibly, like drug and alcohol consumption. But unlike alcohol, the use of video games is not necessarily an issue unless the players disregard their duties, other hobbies, family, and friends.
Every gamer cannot successfully pull off this balance between gaming and reality. Some may have trouble with these video games. These problems may interfere with everyday life, disorder and eventually lead to video game addiction.
How can We Define Video Game Addiction?
The most severe form of problem gaming is video play dependency. They may look like other forms of addiction, like gambling, distinguished by intrusive thinking and compulsive behavior. This may contain:
- We need to play more and more so that the game gives the same sense of reward
- Anger, irritation, deprivation, or frustration occurs when you can no longer play
- If you are not playing video games, then the urge to play such games
- Spending longer time on video games than scheduled or planned time
- When you aren’t playing games, you might have recurring, distracting thoughts about them.
- Persistent, failed efforts to reduce or decrease gaming
- Can’t step out of a pleasure to handle chores or tasks
- Telling false excuses to families and friends about hours spend on games
- Ignoring obligation or responsibility, for example, to play video games in school, work, or family
Although gaming addiction is not officially recognized as a mental health condition, the Statistical Manual and Diagnostic Institution for Mental Disorders recommends research and possible inclusion in future Internet gaming disorder issues [7]. According to one study, about 8% of children aged eight to eighteen years old engaged in video game addiction, based on parameters similar to those used to diagnose gambling addiction…[8]According to a meta-analysis, these parameters may falsely inflate diagnostic rates, and the number of youth and young adults is likely closer to 3%.[9].
Gaming dependence can make people dangerous for others in some rare, extreme cases.
- In 2005 in Legend of Mir 3, Shanghai gamer Qiu Chengwei borrowed his friend Zhu Caoyuan from his virtual sword. Zhu made a profit of 7,200 yuan of the sword online (around $870 in 2005). As Qiu discovered, Zhu stuck and killed him in the chest. Qiu has been sentenced to life imprisonment suspending his death sentence[10]
- In 2006, New Mexican resident Rebecca Colleen Christie became obsessed with the World of Warcraft game, playing fifteen hours a day. Her 3-year-old daughter Brandi Wulf, who eventually died of starvation, had been ignored. Christie’s 25 years in prison[11]
- After taking his Halo3 copy of his parents and killing his mother, Ohio teenage Daniel Petric shot his parents in 2007. According to the judge, his gaming addiction was so severe he lost contact with reality and forgot that death was permanent as opposed to the game. He was 23 years in jail[12]
- In 2010, Two parents, with their three-month-old son Sarang, spent hours a day in an internet café playing online Prius. Out of malnutrition, she died. Although accused of murder, the judge found that their addiction to the game restricted them from understanding their actions. They were finally convicted.[13]
- In 2014, in a café plays video game addiction, a 22-year-old unemployed individual from South Korea named Chung ignored his 2-year-old son. Only approximately once every three days came home to feed the kid who died of famine.[14]
Subjects of video gambling in South Korea where games such as Starcraft play professionally in stadiums before thousands of people could be found somewhere between 2%[15] and 30%[16] of South Korean kids. Legislators act to fight addiction, with a ‘game curfew’ set up for 6 hours at the center of the night by the Minister of Culture, Sport and Tourism of South Korea[17]. The ban is valid for approximately 19 matches, including Maple Story.
Video play addiction is also considered a reason for service exemption by South Korea[18], And legislation to regulate video gambling like drugs, alcohol, and gambling is discussed.[19]
Many games are designed to make use of human behavior reward mechanisms to maximize the user’s return.[20] The basic model is straightforward, the more rewards you get, like winning, unlocking, or leveling.
Game Designers can vary the rate of rewards, so there’s a chance that killing a monster on Diablo might or may not drop a strong sword. By changing their chances, designers can maximize the rate at which gamers continue to play in the hope of new prizes by using principles similar to those which drive gaming.
The perception of loss is another tactic. If your crops MIP in games like Farmville, for example, you must harvest them, or you will lose the crop and go back to the game within a period. Each day in another game, you can get five ‘lives.’ If you don’t play every day, you’ll lose those lives.
In certain games, gambling offers you the opportunity to gain surplus golden, lives, portion, or other awards, with bonuses such as daily spins. Combined with pay-to-play themes, the problem gets even more insidious – for instance, real money can be spent on buying keys that can only unlock chests with rare items in the RuneScape game.
Social games add another layer of pressure to play. Many games are arranged into teams, clans, or guilds that meet players to carry out more difficult tasks. You can undertake to take part in several raids every week that could take hours with your guild in World of Warcraft. You may be able to ask your friends at Candy Crush Saga to put them into your game and give them extra lives.
All these factors make the games attractive and make you more attractive. It is an attractive business model, but it promotes patterns that many people find unhealthy.
Why is Video Gaming Considered as a Big Trouble?
To experience game trouble, you don’t have to stick to video game addiction. Simply put, video game addiction as disturbs your life in school, at work, and in your home. Here are some warnings to warn you or your child that playing can be problematic:
- Paying out more timing Machine/console hours with no interruptions
- Gaming by night and sleeping by day, sleeping by night and sleeping at work or school
- Bad work or poor school performance due to video game addiction
- Skipping meals or neglecting to maintain hygiene
- No active participation in social activities with friends and family to play
- No such active interest in hobbies which are already enjoyed
- Impermanent money spending on in-game content
- If you cannot fulfill social obligations in the game like corporate searches, feel guilty.
- Losing the amount of time, it’s taken in a particular game
- Experiencing migraines, neck pains, rough and dry eyes, sobbing thumbs, or gaming wrists
Why is Video Gaming at Threat?
Many Factors May Affect Those Who Are Endangered to Video Gaming Problems or video game addiction:
- Adolescence[21] places gamers at risk of developing video game addiction, especially among men[22]. The centres responsible for pulse control and sound judgment in the developing adolescent brain have not yet been properly developed. The process of development takes longer in males so that they are at risk for a longer time.
- ADHD[23] and autism[24]. both interact with psychological addictive mechanisms. ADHD people are vulnerable to the premise structures of some games that release dopamine, and people with autism are likely to be a fixation
- Mental illness and stress can stimulate escape as people try to prevent their life problems through role play. In one study, 41 percent of online gamers have been able to flee.[25]
“Pathological use of the game can be a sign of other troubles that are more difficult to treat (e.g., social phobia and depression )
If a video game is used by someone to escape these problems, abstention from the video game addiction can only be used to treat the symptoms of using videos and leave the underlying problem intact.”
–Christopher R. Engelhardt, Joseph Hilgard, Bruce D. Bartholow, Missouri-Columbia University[26]
Poor social integration makes obsessive online gaming more likely. People who feel that they need their peer group approval or playing to obtain social status in the game are more likely to have gaming problems. [27] The report is not available. Poor social integration among children also forecasts problems in their classes[28]
The Body, Video Game Addiction, and The Brain
Video game addiction may lead to physiological difficulties in the body. The risk of heart disease increases by sitting for long periods that can occur in non-active games. [29] Many games want gamer also to repetitively move their wrists and hands, leading to repeated stress damage. Those who spend long periods playing video games may also practice less.
Spend too long on games, particularly late in the night; looking at a screen may throw off the inner clock of your body. The screen’s luminosity impairs melatonin in the brain, a hormone required to sleep quickly and restlessly.[30]
Too many games can affect the brain itself directly. Brain effects may include:
- The striatum, a brain region associated with prizes, gambling, and dependency, is overdeveloped and overacted.[31]
- Abnormal white matter forming a pattern consistent with addiction between different brain regions[32]
- Grey matter deterioration in areas related to planning, organization, and self-regulation forming the treatment centers in the brain[33]
How Can a Parent Get Involved in this Problem of his Child?
You can take steps to make sure that a child who enjoys video games does not develop games problems or video game addiction:
- Find other friends and activities for your child. Boredom can generate a powerful video game drive. Finding additional hobbies and social groups will help reduce the need for time.
- Be advised. Have a look at how long and at what hours your child spends playing video games. Learn about every game that your child plays to make sure it is suitable.
- Watch out. If you see a decrease in schoolwork, chores, or other activities, the sleep, eating, or hygiene patterns in your child may be a time for an intervention.
- Talk to Child. If your child suddenly begins to spend a lot more time playing video games, a major problem could occur. Be patient and ready to talk about what could be wrong.
- Set boundaries. Decide how long a child can play video games and make sure that that number is applied. The amount of time their children can play video games is limited to 83% of parents.[34] The US Pediatrics Academy suggests that families restrict their children’s media consumption to one or two hours a day.[35]
Make the Aid You Need
Are you, or is a friend, fighting with addiction to video games? If this happens in combination with drug abuse, a dual diagnosis may be called an underlying mental health issue that drives your behaviour. Treating video game addiction only lets you recover because your urge to self-medicate your mental illness may still be felt. Dual diagnostic clinics can treat both disease and addiction as primary disorders. You give yourself the best chance of a complete recovery by treating both conditions simultaneously.
Addiction to video games is not yet formally recognized, so many studies on what works to treat it are not yet available. Promising treatments, however, include:
- Cognitive therapy for compulsive behaviour, which can help to correct video game addiction
- Family therapy that can help reconstruct damaged families that can help over-replay
- Residential treatment means focusing people on building new, healthy behaviour who need to spend time on the site away from Game Technology.
Call for more information about how to help you step further and further away from video game addiction. Although video game addiction is not officially recognized as a mental health condition, the Statistical Manual and Diagnostic Institution for Mental Disorders recommends research and possible inclusion in future Internet gaming disorder issues. According to one study, about 8% of children aged eight to eighteen years old engaged in obsessive video gaming, based on parameters similar to those used to diagnose gambling addiction…According to a meta-analysis, these parameters may falsely inflate diagnostic rates, and the number of youth and young adults is likely closer to 3%.
To determine the number of victims affected by video game addiction and mental illness and a serious emotional disorder, researchers calculated numbers for co-occurrence by identifying adolescents with one issue and then determining how many of them were affected by the other well. Two groups of adolescents were included in this aspect of the IMPACT Study. First, in a randomly selected representative sample of adolescents on TennCare, the youth were classified as having/not having SED based on information from parent interviews. For an individual to have been classified as having SED, he/she had to meet the two-part definition required by the federal mental health block grant funding and the Tennessee Department of Mental Health. 30% of all TennCare adolescents met the criteria for being classified as SED. Of this group, 39% reported alcohol or drug use within the six months before the interview and were considered substance users. It was determined that this group of youth could benefit from a screening for co-occurring substance abuse and mental health disorder.
In a second part of the IMPACT Study, adolescents entering publicly-funded substance abuse treatment programs in Tennessee were referred by Tennessee behavioral health providers who served youth with substance abuse problems. Based upon the youth’s reported level of alcohol or drug use and their consequences of substance use, the adolescents included in the study were classified as having substance abuse, substance dependence, or no/possible abuse. 92% of the adolescents involved in the study met the criteria for either substance abuse or substance dependence. Of this group, 27% were classified as SED, according to the same criteria used in determining whether the TennCare adolescents had SED. From the data collected from the interviews of youth in the publicly-funded treatment system, some of the other preliminary findings are as follows:
- 100% of youth reported the use of alcohol or other drugs at some point in their life.
- The most frequently reported concerns of use were inter-personal problems related to use, dangerous behavior, interference with role obligations (such as family, school, work), and excessive use.
- Over one-fourth, (29%) of these youth had previously taken medication for emotional or behavioral problems.
These findings were further supported by information from interviews with providers who served adolescents with co-occurring video game addiction and mental health problems. Providers reported that approximately 80% of youth court-ordered to treatment in regional mental health institutes also had substance abuse problems. All but one of the providers interviewed indicated that most of the youth who were receiving substance abuse treatment also had mental health issues that needed to be addressed.
Social games add another layer of pressure to play. Many games are arranged into teams, clans, or guilds that meet players to carry out more difficult tasks. You can undertake to take part in several raids every week that could take hours with your guild in World of Warcraft. You may be able to ask your friends at Candy Crush Saga to put them into your game and give them extra lives.
All these factors make the games attractive and make you more attractive. It is an attractive business model, but it promotes patterns that many people find unhealthy and result into video game addiction.
- [1] “Sales, demographics and use data for 2014: essential information concerning the computer and video gaming industries.” (2015). The Software Association for Entertainment, September 11, 2015, accessed.
- [4] Gamers Over 50: You are never old to Play.” (n/a)The Software Association for Entertainment. September 11, 2014, accessed.
- [5] Gentile, D and Anderson, C. (March 7, 2020). “Extreme video gaming effects on hostile thoughts, feelings, and behavior.” Media and children’s violence. CT: Praeger, Westport. September 11, 2014, accessed.
- [6] Prot, S., McDonald, D.A. and Anderson, C.A. (June 2012). “Good, Bad, Video Games: or Other?” North American Pediatric Clinics. September 11, 2017, accessed.
- [7] “Internet Recreation Disorder.” (May 2017). Approach September 16, 2018.
- [8] D.Gentile, (2010). “Psychoneurotic Video-Game Use Among Young Ages 8 to 18.” Psychological Science. Accessed September 16, 2018.
- [9] C.J., Coulson, M.Barnett, J. and Ferguson,(December 2017). “A meta-analysis of neurotic gaming generality and comorbidity with psychological health, academic and cultural problems.” Journal of Medical specialty Research. Accessed September 15, 2018.
- [10] “Chinese gamer final decision to live.” (June 15, 2005). Accessed BBC News. September 16, 2016
- [11]Press Associated (June 3, 2011). “Brand-new Mexico mammy gets 26 years for malnourished daughter.” Fox News. Accessed September 16, 2014.
- [12] Associated Urgency (June 16, 2009). “Teen who murdered over video game gets 24 years.” NBC News. Accessed September 11, 2014.
- [13] Newman, L.H. (July 30, 2014). “Can a Baby’s Death Tell Us Anything About Video Game Addiction?” Slate. Approach September 18, 2018.
- [14] Lee.Moran, (April 18, 2017). “Video-game hooked South Korean father let 3-year-old son starve to death: cops.” New York Daily News. Accessed September 11, 2014.
- [15] New York Post. Accessed September 11, 2014. “South Korea: Are video gamers as bad as drug addicts?”Associated Press. (December 11, 2017).
- [16] Huffington Post. Accessed September 17, 2016. “South Korea Imposes Midnight Gaming Ban To Combat Addiction.” Bosker, B. (June 11, 2011).
- [18] “South Korea’s video game enthusiast may be duty-free from military service.” (July 22, 2017). News Fox. Accessed September 15, 2013.
- [19] Sa Youn.Hwang, (June 23, 2017). “South Korea’s Game Addiction Law could treat games like drugs and alcohol.” CNET. Accessed September 16, 2014.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for