An Interview with Someone who Has Undergone an Intervention

An intervention is a procedure that uses peer pressure to encourage a dependent on admitting his or her problem and then seek adequate treatment. The intervention brings together a group of close friends and families, and the meeting is normally a surprise to the addict. Each group member discusses how the addict harms him or her, advocates treatment, and lists the implications of not seeking treatment. For example, a wife may describe how addiction to her husband affects her children and marriage, so they might suggest that she will leave the family home if her wife does not seek help through an intervention.

Interventions are charged with the emotions, and family members try to be aware of drug and alcohol addiction’s worst effects. Instead of saying that the abuse is harmful, members of the group can identify the specific types of suffering to aid the addicts in understanding its profound effects.

Often, but not always, interventions are monitored by an interventionist or mental health professional who guides the procedure. In general, if the addict decides to seek care, they will be treated immediately after the process. Many who reject treatment such as an intervention will anticipate their loved ones’ effects; this strategy aims to search for treatment to seem the simple, simplest, and most worthy option.


Usually, interventions are calm, closed-door activities. People involved in these discussions could find them unbelievably beneficial; however, some people might not be free to talk publicly about their work. Fortunately, someone has had this experience a lot of time and has willingly agreed to share his intervention experiences with us.

In this post, we have an interview with Miles’ (imaginary name), and he replies to our questions with his wife, Sarah, about his intervention procedure (also a fictional character). We desire that this Q&A session will convince you to speak for yourself because this story has a successful end.

What Drug Did Sarah Abuse?

Mostly, she used heroin; however, she also used other synthetic opiates. She used drugs like Dilaudid in addition to Vicodin. Anything she could lay her hands on.

What is the duration of time the problem persists before Sarah willingly goes for therapy? 

It lasted for about 12 months. She struggled with drugs during her younger age, but she got clean. The problem started immediately as soon as I changed my old friends and started hanging out with new people. Unfortunately, a person among those new people abused several substances. He was smart in doing this; however, it fascinated me. I isolated him, and then I informed her; this got her curious about substance abuse afresh. I joined her in using the drugs when it started, but I haven’t liked it. However, she became addicted very quickly, and I wanted to act as if I didn’t know what was happening. I feel bad I began the entire situation.

The condition deteriorated gradually for nearly six months. She invented reasons for going out with friends who I knew were users. She linked back to her friends during her time in school and quickly robbed our neighbors, our home, bought credit card products, and then brought them back for cash. My friend recognized her, and a friend of someone who abused drugs coming into the shop to attempt to make him buy something. Sarah was subsequently detained and forced to take a course. However, that did not contribute to her addiction.

Have you ever attempted to discuss her habits with her informally? How did it go? 

I didn’t have the confidence to confront her. I had just begun a job with little pay and was not contributing a lot. We had a family home owned by her father. It was not my feeling that I could make her see the repercussions of her actions; therefore, I avoided the entire issue. It didn’t work well. I would emotionally retract or go on the attack if I were to say what she was doing was becoming worse and negatively impacting her life. The talks finally were focused on me rather than her practice.

What episodes did she exhibit that convinced you to make a long-term change?

Sarah drained my savings to figure out during my visit to my bank. To add to that, my friend had kept many important items in my home. I attempted visiting the renowned store quickly to avoid the sale when I learned she’d hocked some of it for drug money.

In my rush to get there, my car crashed in an accident, and I got badly injured. The auto insurance money was spent on illegal substances a little more than $2,000.

Did Anybody Come to Her Intervention Program?

Yes, I, her family members, including her dad, her sisters, and her most trusted buddies.

Were you Helped by An Expert in Pulling it Together?

Her sibling was the one who directed her towards the intervention program; however, she also sought out a psychiatrist who assisted us by providing a strong foundation for the case and creating a strong framework for her day.

Did the Idea Get Her Furious?

During the start of the intervention program, she got infuriated but attempted to deny it; however, she was already tired during that period and had no strength to fight the idea.

Did she know about your plans for her to attend the healing program?

She didn’t.

Did the Idea Make you Edgy?

I was terrified! However, as soon as the expert gave a speech, I took the lead. That place became friendly, and I thought it was past time to speak up.

Was it What you Thought it’d be?

I can’t say; I didn’t come with any expectations. I believe that the intervention was great. It was devoid of any violent action or shouting. Although it made her cry a lot.

What Was Her Reaction to the Session?

She slowed down and allowed us to talk after realising that everybody present wanted to help her. She had an innocent and sorry expression on her face. There was no doubt that her close friends adored her. But I am not sure if she meant it seriously. Her expression was unique in that it got to us.

Did you Succeed in Convincing Her to Take Part in Treatment? 

Yes, and her dad offered to offset the bills of her treatment.

After the Session, Was She Sober?

Sarah joined the recovery therapy as soon as I suggested it; however, during the session, her situation got worse. After that, we were apart for almost a year.

Eventually, Was She Clean?

I can say yes, she got sober. We got together after I noticed the good changes in her life.

In your thoughts, would she have gotten clean if not for the intervention?

Although I felt Sarah told many lies during our discussion, I’m convinced that that program was a necessary first move. The session made room for some fresh atmosphere and gave me the courage to challenge the bad action. Also, it brought all of her close ones to one place. Additionally, it demonstrated to Sarah how to construct a safe space.

Can Interventions Help? 

An intervention may be the starting point and the first step in pursuing care. Family members and close friends can use the intervention to make an alcoholic know they need help and begin moving towards sobriety. Interventions are typically the first step in the healing process. 


Before an intervention, it is important to fully and adequately plan. Working with an expert is frequently helpful since they can act as an impartial third party to direct participants through volatile feelings, tension, and anxiety. They act as an unbiased agent who can help navigate the process and keep the intervention on track, even when

confronted with circumstances in which coercion or disruptive patterns arise. Interventionists support loved ones in learning about addiction and educating themselves as much as possible using reliable tools to understand their contribution to the situation better.

A Call to Action 

Interventions can act as a wake-up call for both the addict and their family members. Understanding the change in family dynamics and prioritising oneself are important components of an intervention. In certain

cases, family members or friends may give indefinitely in an attempt to repair whatever fractured relationship remains, which eventually contributes to the worsening of addiction. Although not the purpose of an intervention, the urge to protect a loved one can build habits that activate addictive behaviors and intensify familial relationships.

Family Relationships

Changing family dynamics is not a quick process and takes effort from everyone involved. Participants in the intervention must make tough decisions because consequences must be identified if they refuse to care. Setting up an intervention effectively creates a room in which the person must choose. This assists family in establishing boundaries that promote self-care.

Get Assistance

This story on intervention contains a lot of detail, and we wouldn’t be surprised if you have questions about how treatments function and how they can be carried out after reading it. Please call, and one of our admissions coordinators will gladly link you with a family mediator who can assist you in staging an intervention for a loved one. Call us for intervention on 615-490-9376