Substance abuse disorders are a peer support and counseling program called Friends Connection that assists people who have a mental illness. The Friends Connection operates on the theory that people with psychological disorders or substance abuse engage in illegal drug use and drinking, fearing the feelings of solitude, tediousness, and fear of the stigma of drug abuse. Such behaviors should be avoided. We accomplish this by offering attachment, counseling, social backing and relationship, and fruitful actions against substance abuse. As a result of the program's philosophy, recovery begins as soon as individuals experience hopefulness and support.
Dual Diagnosis Task Force's mission is to build on the shared values of our nation's citizens against substance abuse. These citizens recognize that no one individual alone can diagnose the disease of substance abuse. The Task Force believes that there is a biological, mental, or social connection between the person who has an illness of substance abuse and those who do not. As such, it attempts to bring together all perspectives to identify causes and treatments better.
TFC, formerly the Community Friendship Project, was created in 1989 by the Mental Health Association of South-eastern Pennsylvania in combination with the closure of Government Hospital of Philadelphia when the money was spent for the patients to provide the utterly needed help for substance abuse, which is social support and therapy services rather than clinical or medicinal support. At that time, not much was known about treating individuals with mental illness and substance abuse issues. During the past few decades, too few substance and alcoholism treatment and recovery plans have addressed this substance abuse issue. There was nothing for the victims who were resistant to old-bound rehabilitation methodologies.
The Dual Diagnosis Task Force was organized in starting weeks of the year 2008 with the help of Commissioner of the Dept. of Human Services, Jennifer V., to address the severe substance abuse and deficiency of mental health community-based support facilities, not meeting the requirements of mental health services and the significant factors stopping from getting the psychological treatments and advanced facilities for specially-abled persons confronted by the people with progressive disabilities and dual diagnosis illnesses, substance abuse and psychological diseases. The Task Force issued a report in October 2008 to emphasize the importance of reform and offer a basis for improvements against substance abuse disorders that can make the system proficient for the betterment of the treatments and rehabilitation programs for those with developmental incapacities and psychological, including dual diagnosis illnesses and substance abuse disorders.
Since the Task Force observed that people encountered positive results when facilities are delivered in the form that concurrently addresses an individual's psychological health disorder, substance abuse and intellectual impairment by competent professionals who operate collaboratively through various care networks, collaboration and coordination became core operating principles this structure.
The Friends Connection was created to link the holes. But, the created Friends Connection was based in Philadelphia. At the start of the year 2001, the Montgomery County program was long-drawn-out. Additionally, the Dual Diagnosis Task Force will be embarking to finalize the research project of 4 years, subsidized by the Department of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, to find out the efficiency of customer-functioned service plans in controlling substance abuse disorders. The significance of such programs is already well documented. For instance, after one year of the Friends Connection program, practical indications indicated a significant decline in hospitalization rates for people getting provisions from the plan's operation.
Studies suggest that individuals experience more extended periods of sobriety increasingly while treating substance abuse. Some people have been abstinent for an extended period, while others are in a recovery state of substance abuse disorder. All participants have maximized their community-based systems, including their relaxation interest and accomplishments. A lot of the program's success depends upon the program's ability to remain with an individual long enough to ensure recovery.
Currently, approximately two million Americans are suffering from a severe mental illness or substance abuse disorder. The actual figure may be much higher due to the inability to detect infections early, scarring resulting from accidents, or a reluctance to seek treatment. Due to our reliance on doctors to diagnose and treat patients, many patients suffer for years before receiving the treatment of substance abuse they need. When a doctor suggests a course of treatment against substance abuse, most patients take them at face value, believing that they must have a mental disorder to warrant treatment. Unfortunately, not everyone diagnosed with a mental illness or substance abuse takes this route, leaving many untreated for years. The Dual Diagnosis Task Force hopes to change this by bringing together all medical specialists in the area to find the conclusive evidence needed to prove that patients do have a disorder.
TFC employs employees recovering from addiction and contrasts them with the patients who still are suffering from their dependency. Staff members serve as optimistic representations to follow and advocates who know both the suffering of substance abuse and the serenity of recovery, engaging their assigned consumers in activities and experiences conducive to a drug-free lifestyle. The staff members speak openly regarding their existences and fights, encouraging the abusers to continue doing what they do. Noble counsellors play a more significant role than healthy role models as they provide reliable, consistent, and accessible services to clients who are hard to trust. Once a bond has been established, the friends attend 12-step sessions and participate in freedom goings-on collectively.
The Friends Connection offers support for individuals requiring homes and jobs. This project has no limitations. It assists during times of temptation and a high potential for the use of substances or addictive medications against substance abuse. The co-workers demonstrate to the customers that a positive existence is possible without the adverse effects of substance abuse or substance addiction. The project imparts ideologies of rehabilitation of substance abuse in accomplishment: how to find clean and sober activities and how to navigate drug-infested neighbourhoods in a completely controlled setting, such as a four-week plan or one-week detoxification plan, rather than being exposed to those temptations on the streets.
Adopting a recovery program against substance abuse disorders then becomes an outlined professionals support and their objectives which the client is encouraged to pursue by the team of peer counsellors. Peer counsellors are placed under intense training at the beginning of their careers and are supervised on an ongoing basis. Whenever possible, all-time consumed with a client is deliberate and recorded utilizing permitted record-keeping methods.
Friends Connection is a program that incorporates the multidisciplinary tactic to the ICM and views itself as a part of ICM. The plan's philosophy is shaped by patience and education. The program does not pass judgment on the “picker,” but the staff is aware of the need to “use” when clients are not high. It is their primary mission to advocate for better policies for mental health care and treatment against substance abuse disorders. They develop forums and newsletters to draw attention to these issues. If they cannot agree within the organization themselves, they will bring their concerns before the organization. Families and patients can turn to them for advice. Their newsletter helps those who are not familiar with what to look for when it comes to treatment options. Despite the danger lying ahead because of mental disorders, including drug abuse, isolation, unemployment for a long time, the break-up of relationships, self-destruction, and other related causes, they do not get the help they need. However, they need to seek psychiatric diagnosis, which can save them from the future dangerous and harmful effects. Often, anxiety, rejection, and other related substance abuse conditions do not allow patients who are currently suffering from mental illnesses to seek help from a psychiatrist. But receiving a medical remedy for a psychiatric disorder is as essential as receiving a cure for other ailments like cancer, diabetes, fever, high B.P., etc. As mentioned above, “Mental health can mean a lot for you. To some physicians, mental health is more critical than physical health. Having a physical illness or substance abuse or even disability cannot stop you from getting a future according to your future needs like job, money, occupation, desired family, relationships, enjoying tours, and even earning popularity.
On the other hand, if you are physically fit and have a mental disorder due to substance abuse, all of the above can go away from you.” So, being concerned about your mental health is need for the hour. You need to seek help from a psychiatrist, followed by proper strategies, rules, and guidance. Hope is everything if you want to be successful in future. We understand that hope comes after we are defeated or we fail. If we do not forget, we would never know what “hope” can be and can do to our future. So, we can support the hypothesis “being optimistic in the days of hardships means getting the key to success” So, hope for recovery and discover ways to heal yourself from any disorder you are facing. If you are struggling with a mental illness and cannot make the way to recovery on your own, then definitely you need to seek help from professionals, specialists or clinics. They are here to help you, not to make you feel shameful about your disease.
Consumers are sometimes able to identify it and sometimes not. The Friends Connection understands reversion to the old habit is a standard chunk of the rehabilitation procedure and constantly searches for new approaches. The task force gives people hope. They allow those with a severe illness to feel like they are not alone in their struggle against their disease. This awareness of medicines against substance abuse can support families that might otherwise be unsure of how to deal with a severe illness.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for