“The Hangover Anxiety got sub-standard… “The hangovers got worse…..My family had picked up on the fact that I was a heavy drinker. I did not mind…since I was numb from the alcohol “I was just 22-23 years old, and secret bottles kept concealed, slurred voice, sleeping all day (passed out), and isolation were all normal occurrences,” Shawn A. consider it in his HeroesInRecovery.com story. “Sadness and consternation had a stranglehold on me in Hangover Anxiety, and what is the perfect way to feel better?” I believe you are aware… Every day, I felt ashamed, guilty, remorseful, and terrified when I awoke. When I was sober, this feeling would never go away.” To be sure, hangovers are a normal occurrence for those who take them excessively daily. Hangover Anxiety, on the other hand, can be terrifying for those who do not know when to stop drinking.
Hangover Anxiety is a sensation that induces a stress reaction and the production of stress hormones, which trigger irregular heart rate, breathing, and sweating. Consequently, we may conclude that fear is a natural stress response, as well as abnormal heart disorders and traumatic stress. Post-traumatic anxiety disorder, compulsive-compulsive condition, and communal anxiety condition are ideals of nervousness disorders. It is estimated that 40 million people in the United States suffer from Hangover Anxiety.
After a crazy night of drinking and partying, there is a slew of topics to be concerned with. People that are susceptible to Hangover Anxiety and terror. Nausea and headaches are possible side effects. Then there is sweating, dizziness, and rapid heartbeat. Throw in the risk of liver disorder, heart disorder, or depression, and Hangover Anxiety has a field day. Any of this condition could elicit a lot of stress.
Hangover Anxiety may be caused by several reasons like one’s diet, economic status, environmental situation, mental wellbeing, and physical condition. According to a study, fear is an inherited disorder that can be passed on from generation to generation. Another important thing that causes fear is alcohol.
Alcohol’s Erroneous Perception
Ironically, that we have been socialized to believe that taking a drink would relax our frayed nerves. Drinking has the potential to make people feel less inhibited, less afraid, and more comfortable in small doses. Drinkers, on the other hand, may grow a tolerance to alcohol’s stress-relieving effects over time. Therefore, when alcohol is drunk, the body’s chemistry can promote even more Hangover Anxiety and tension.
Alcohol, as a sedative and depressant, can cause much more than dependence and addiction. When ingested in large amounts, it can cause an overdose or even death by slowing down the brain’s function.
Hangover Anxiety-Inducing Effects of Alcohol in The Body
Due to the presence of alcohol in blood, the positive emotions e associated with consuming, such as calm pleasure and relaxation, occur. Increasing the concentration of BAC increase the feeling of relaxation, and decrease the concentration of BAC can cause a feeling of depression.
In scientific terms, alcohol affects various neuronal processes, but when it comes to Hangover Anxiety, gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, plays the most important role. The activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the brain is increased by alcohol. GABA is a neurotransmitter that is involved in a variety of brain functions, including motor control, memory stress, and Hangover Anxiety. It is also the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter.
Alcohol changes brain functions by reducing serotonin levels. This body’s natural message-sender has an effect on mood, sleep, and memory — all of which are significant stabilizing factors for healthy bodies and minds. The lower a person’s serotonin level, the worse their sleep, Hangover Anxiety, mood, and memory would be. Any of these areas will perform better if serotonin levels are higher.
Alcohol stimulates the brain’s inhibitory mechanism (that GABA activity. As a result, the brain’s main stimulatory system is depressed. (The glutamatergic system).so in short one who consumes alcohol, it increases the level of GABA in his body so as result neurotransmitter decreases and neurotransmitter are responsible for Hangover Anxiety, exciting the body and mind. The effect of inhibitory neurotransmitter also increases by alcohol.
Why Do I Feel Anxious the Day After a Night of Heavy Drinking?
A prominent symptom of a hangover is anxiety. It is a typical Hangover Anxiety sign, but not all allow it—some people articulate being achy or feeling an irritable stomach. As a result, the morning after a night of heavy drinking, you could feel ill to your stomach, sick, sensitive, and worried.
Anybody that consume a large amount of alcohol and never stops will have more serious adverse effects, such as vomiting, diarrhea, and, most certainly, a panic attack. To put it another way, there may be undiagnosed withdrawal symptoms such as Hangover Anxiety depression (not serious enough to be diagnosed).
It is normal for people to be worried about how their bodies respond to excessive alcohol consumption. After all, it must compensate and find balance extra hard. The typical effects, on the other hand, are usually transient in Hangover Anxiety.
- Mood swings –Mood swings always depended on alcohol impact on the serotonin level of the body. Serotonin is an important molecule. Individuals feel amazing because there is a lot of it. People can become nervous if there is only a small amount.
- Blood sugar drop –Since alcoholic beverages typically carry a lot of sugar, blood sugar levels will significantly lower the next day. This can cause dizziness, jitters, and Hangover Anxiety. Fatigue, numbness, and trembling, all of which can heighten depression levels
- Dehydration in the body –The symptoms of dehydration, such as nausea, dizziness, exhaustion, and weakness, may increase health fears, offering even further depression.
- Overactive nervous system – To prevent the tranquillizer impact of alcohol, the body becomes hyperactive. This reaction can cause trembling, sensitivity to light and sound, and sleep disturbance.
- Racing heart –Alcohol makes the heart beat faster. This false beat sign may be misconstrued by some other problems like a heart attack. This can raise a person’s depression and Hangover Anxiety levels once again
- Inability to focus –Extreme drinking will leave the brain feeling foggy the next day. This induces disorientation and makes it difficult to concentrate.
How to Prevent Hangover Anxiety
The first step in preventing hangovers (and therefore hangover anxiety) is to drink less, which is easier said than done for certain people. What’s most important is being mindful of your personal tolerance—not just in terms of how much you can drink but also in terms of which forms of alcohol appear to drive you over the edge or make you feel worse emotionally. In addition to self-control, strive to exercise mindfulness while drinking to avoid Hangover Anxiety. Have a conversation with yourself in which you foresee how you will feel physically and mentally the next day, and then proceed from there. If you’re still hungover and nervous, take an aspirin and drink plenty of water, but having some exercise, according to Koob, is the best treatment. Consult a therapist if you’re having trouble with alcohol.
To Reduce Hangover Anxiety in General:
- Sleeping time–six to eight hours a night is recommended – to alleviate anxiety in general.
- Restrict caffeine intake– In addition to restricting alcohol consumption, avoid Caffeine overdose, particularly late in the day
- Eat smart, balanced meals at regular intervals throughout the day addition to reducing alcohol consumption, avoid overdoing caffeine, especially late in the day for Hangover Anxiety.
- Nourish the soul – Build a relaxation routine, such as meditation or yoga.
Get Some Physical Activity
Exercise can enhance a person’s attitude and self-esteem in Hangover Anxiety. Finally, try to look for all the positive in your surroundings. While the phrase “count your blessings” is overused, consistently reminding yourself of the positive things in your life will help you change your perspective. A positive outlook will also help to alleviate fear and Hangover Anxiety. It can also help you reclaim your life’s balance and joy.
There Are Few Useful Tips for Coping with Hangover Anxiety:
Drinking two or three glasses of water (if possible) will help you rehydrate, according to Fong. If you can feel it, consume a quick, light lunch — just enough to fill your stomach — and take a long shower to help your blood supply.
Fong suggested doing everything attainable in Hangover Anxiety to avoid high-stakes events for the day. “If you have material that is not completely important but requires a ton of resources and calories, put it off for later. However, if you have anything you really must visit, it is better to do so earlier rather than later,” he advised for Hangover Anxiety. “So many people see the day as a penalty for alcohol, and the attitude leads people to feel more nervous. You won’t be motivated to do your work properly if you aren’t doing well, and you’ll find yourself more nervous about fulfilling your commitments if you aren’t feeling right in Hangover Anxiety.”
Analyze Your Alcohol Behaviors
If drinking to the extent of anxiety is not enough to slow you down, Naqvi advises taking a close look at how much you are drinking. “Regularly managing one’s Hangover Anxiety is a symptom of an alcohol addiction, not a solution,” he said, noting that an episode of anxiety should be chalked up as a learned lesson. “It’s safer for your wellbeing to truly feel anxiety so it’s most likely to stop you from drinking excessively in the future. “If you think you have been drinking too much and want to cut back, Naqvi suggests visiting Rethinking Drinking, a platform run by the US Section of Health & Social Services’ National Organization on Whiskey Misuse, Alcoholism & Hangover Anxiety.
1 “Alcohol and Anxiety.” Healthline, medically reviewed by Timothy J. Legg, PhD, CRNP, November 30, 2016.
2 “6 Reasons Why You Can Suffer From Alcohol Anxiety & What to Do About It.” Calmer You, November 26, 2015.
3 “5 Ways Alcohol Worsens Anxiety.” Anxiety, Panic & Health, October 21, 2016.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for Dualdiagnosis.org.