Appendix C, Web Sites Relevant to Dual Diagnosis Disorders

List of Dual Diagnosis centers and their websites which are providing services both in-patient and out-patient.

American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry 

The American Academy for Addiction Psychiatry is a dual diagnosis center, located in East Providence, Rhode Island, is a professional association and an authorized Medical Education provider. Its participants include addiction psychiatry experts and other healthcare providers who work with addicts.

 The basic purpose of this dual diagnosis organization is to give knowledge on a broad spectrum of addiction issues, including co-morbidity, scientific results, and technological advancements are all factors to consider… There's also a lot of information on schooling, science, care, public policy, and instructional materials in this website of AAAP's…

American Council for Drug Education (ACDE), Affiliate of Phoenix House 

It is a dual diagnosis center for substance abuse prevention and education group that produces services and materials focused on the new clinical findings on drug use. And its social implications? The facts for Employees portion of the ACDE website is designed to help businesses recognize the power they have to empower staff across America to deal thoughtfully and knowledgeably with substance use and the risk of drug use – by their children, friends and neighbors, and coworkers. Information on ACDE's prevention and education efforts focused on the most up-to-date clinical research, services, and materials to help minimize drug abuse. Links to publications and websites that are connected to them are given.

American Managed Behavioral Healthcare Association (AMBHA)   

The American Managed Behavioral Healthcare Association is a dual diagnosis center that was founded by a group of the country's leading national behavioral health managed care organizations to influence national policy debates and document the cost-effectiveness of managed care techniques in this field… It gives a complete description of how to treat alcoholic substances and mental illness. One of the main goals of AMBHA since its inception in 1994 has been to “promote health plan, management agent, and provider transparency through performance assessment.” AMBHA members administer the insurance plan coverage for over 100 million individuals with mental disabilities and drug abuse disorders. .Provides planning knowledge for articles studies and for views there are different website.

American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)

ASAM is a dual diagnosis center who's criteria is the most commonly used and detailed set of guidelines for patients with addiction and co-occurring disorders who are being placed, held, transferred, or discharged.. Educating physicians in order to improve the treatment of people with alcoholism and other addictions. The ASAM Criteria is the most commonly used and detailed set of guidelines for patients with addiction and any many other dual syndrome disorders who are being placed, held, transferred, or discharged.

Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse (AMERSA) 

AMERSA is a dual diagnosis center and was established in 1976, it is a nonprofit able association whose mission is to improve health and well-being through interdisciplinary leadership. This article, the author explaintechnology transfer, medical education, and research all play a role in promoting faculty growth. There are also links to other blogs, as well as information on posts and discussions on various subjects. Also included are links to other internet resources, as well as information on articles and discussions on different topics.

Bowes Center for Alcohol Studies (University of North Carolina) 

This is a dual diagnosis center which describes the center's attempts to enhance substance dependence or alcoholism prevention and care. A charter of activities, a resources, and links to other websites are all added.

Brown University Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies (CAAS)

Describe how this dual diagnosis center uses research, publications, education, and training to help people recognize, avoid, and treat alcohol and other drug abuse issues in our society. The basic purpose of this all association to promote health and provide precautions from alcohol. 

Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University 

This is a dual diagnosis center. The Center has created and tested groundbreaking protocols that promote collaboration between the juvenile justice and mental health sectors. Compiles current notifications, news statements, and various erudition on CASA research programs

The College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) 

CPDD is a dual diagnosis center. The CPDD's annual scientific meeting aims to present and disseminate knowledge about current research in the biomedical, behavioral, and social sciences. Since 1976, the college has operated as an autonomous body connected with precise and technical societies expressing a range of disciplines dealing with opioid addiction and abuse. 

The conference will include a well-balanced blend of state-of-the-art symposia, special seminars, conferences, oral presentations, and poster sessions, all aimed at presenting the most up-to-date research findings on drugs of abuse and substance dependency. Provide brief explanation of drug. Disorder studies, policy statements, research statistics, fact sheets, a calendar of events, and a list of related websites, as well as a calendar of events and a list of related websites are present.

The Dual Diagnosis Web Site 

Frequently offers advice and information to service providers, clients, and family members who are seeking assistance or education in the area of substance abuse. Also provides information on complex co-occurring diseases that are treated in a small number of opioid treatment facilities. Son dual diagnosis websites are commonly used website for treating dual disorder including alcoholic related substances.

Dual Recovery Anonymous (DRA)

Describes how dual recovery anonymous can benefit people who are internally dependent as well as suffering from an emotional or mental disorder. Provides information about upcoming meetings, as well as connections to the Dual Diagnosis Treatment.

Indiana Prevention Resource Center (IPRC) 

The Indiana Prevention Resource Center (IPRC) is a dual diagnosis center, was established in 1987 to support alcohol, tobacco, and other drug prevention initiatives in Indiana…Provides a detailed overview of the IPRC's operations in the fields of prevention technical assistance and information on alcoholic disorder, tobacco substance, and other drugs.This website also provides information about the implicit institution, prevention data, local and national prevention news, and an event calendar.

The Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)

This is a dual diagnosis center. The primary aim of this institute is to work with the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research to provide access to the world's largest computerized database of social science data. Learning facilities for the study of quantitative social analysis techniques; tools for social scientists who work with cutting-edge computer technology…Statistics on education, ageing, criminal justice, drug abuse, and mental health are also available.

National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC)

This is a dual diagnosis center. Education, support, awareness, and codes of work, integrity, for the development of professional skills, and analysis are all resources that addiction-focused practitioners may use to improve the health and improvement of patients, families, and communities. A list of papers, discussions on policy topics, and information on parity for alcohol and substance addiction care. 

National Association for Behavioral Healthcare (NABH)

This is a dual diagnosis center. Describes how the department coordinates clinically effective psychological and substance misuse treatment and prevention programes. Provides advocates for mental health care with a resource catalog, press releases, and marketing opportunities.

National Clearinghouse on Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI) 

NCADI is a dual diagnosis center. Existence of a broad variety of data, tools, and referrals, studies and statistics on alcohol and substance addiction, as well as new medicine and alcoholic disorder awareness programs and leadership and a review of workplace issues. DATIA's mission is to provide drug and alcohol testing professionals with information, support, and advocacy. There are much information and clinical approaches are present to treat the dual diagnosis.

National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD)

This is a dual diagnosis center that provides information is provided to alcoholics and their families, as well as youth, teenagers, and parents, as well as Policymakers at all levels of government, the media, medical practitioners, educators, and other national health organizations…

National Drug Prevention League

This is a dual diagnosis center that provides a platform for national private-sector substance abuse awareness organizations; provides summaries of national surveys and studies; and reviews government policies, budgets, legislative activities, and other facts and tools.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

This dual diagnosis center provides press releases, links to other sites, and other resources are also available. The National Institutes of Health's National Center on Substance Addiction and Alcoholism is a dual diagnosis center which promotes and performs scientific and behavioral studies on the causes, effects, recovery, and prevention of alcoholism and alcohol-related problems. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NIAAA.

National Institute on Drug Abuse  

This dual diagnosis center provides substance trafficking data, surveys, international events, and training are all available, as well as research meetings and summaries, media advisories, and funding.

Society for Prevention Research 

Scientists cooperate with society, physicians, advocates, personnel, and policymakers to advance preventing prescription, alcohol, and tobacco abuse based on scientific evidence programs and systems through research studies… The Early Career Perfectionists Network, a newsletter, and information on the International Classification of Defensive Tests are all available.

Web of Addictions (WOA) 

This dual diagnosis website that provides a substance of abuse groups, as well as links to addiction-related web pages, on different medications, upcoming events, and extensive information on specific topics.The mission of the Web of Addictions is to provide reliable information about alcohol and other drug addictions.For a variety of reasons, the Web of Addictions was created. Provide information about pro-drug messages posted on some blogs and in some user groups. 

Here is the summary of the whole guide which lists all the available Dual Diagnosis centers and their websites which are providing services both in-patient and out-patient. The American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry is a specialist dual diagnosis that also offers accredited medical education. The American Council on Drug Education is a non-profit organisation dedicated to preventing and educating people about drug addiction. A coalition of the country's largest major mental health managed care agencies formed the American Managed Behavioral Healthcare Association. The facts for Employees section of the ACDE website is intended to assist employers in recognising the leverage they have to inspire employees throughout the United States. The ASAM Criteria are the most widely used and comprehensive compilation of treatment recommendations regarding alcoholism and other addictions. The main goal of this dual diagnosis center is to improve fitness and include alcohol prevention. This essay discusses the economical and civil costs of opioid use in the lives of Americans. Technology transition, medical education, and study all play a role in fostering faculty development, according to the author. There are also connections to other sites, as well as details on updates and forums on a variety of topics. The annual scientific conference of the CPDD is designed to discuss and disseminate information on existing studies in the biological, behavioural, and social sciences.

The Dual Diagnosis Web Site is a popular resource for managing dual diagnoses, including alcoholism disorders. The Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) has access to the largest computerized archive of social science data in the world. The Indiana Prevention Resource Center (IPRC) was established in 1987 to aid in the prevention of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. NAADAC (National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors) offers guidance, assistance, recognition, and professional standards of conduct and dignity. The National Center on Substance Use and Alcoholism of the National Institutes of Health supports and conducts scientific and behavioral research on the triggers, symptoms, treatment, and avoidance of alcoholism and alcohol-related issues. The National Institute on Alcohol Dependence and Alcoholism (NIAAA) offers a voice for national private-sector drug abuse advocacy organizations. Web of Addictions' mission is to provide trustworthy research about alcohol and other opioid addictions. There's a newsletter, an Early Career Perfectionists Network, and details on the International Classification of Defensive Tests. Here ends the summary of the whole guide which lists all the available Dual Diagnosis centers and the websites which are providing services both in-patient and out-patient related to dual diagnosis.