Digestive health is more important than a lot of people think. Studies show that around 70% of your entire immune system is found in your gut, as well as up to 80% of your plasma cells which are responsible for producing immunoglobulin.
Achieving optimal gut health has numerous health benefits, and people are starting to alter their diet to ensure their bodies are getting what they need. As well as a healthy diet, a dietary supplement can also help with your digestive and overall health.
Gastrointestinal disorders can be a sign that all is not well. It is advised that you speak to your health care provider before making any decisions about changing your diet or using dietary supplements.
One such product is Bio Complete 3, a blend of probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics. This supplement is said to promote a healthy gut microbiome and boost gut health.
What is Bio Complete 3?
Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 is a supplement designed to support optimal gut health. This is achieved by combining prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics in a blend that is claimed to create a healthy balance, strengthen your immune system, and nourish the beneficial microorganisms in your gut.
It’s also claimed that Bio Complete 3 can aid in weight loss, boost energy levels, improve digestive issues, and suppress junk food cravings.
The product was designed by Dr. Gundry, who believes that a combination of pathogens, unhealthy diets, and consuming lectins (a protein found in some plant foods) can lead to gut dysbiosis and leaky gut.
Leaky gut syndrome is also known as the permeability of the intestinal lining. This can cause toxins to pass through to the bloodstream and cause digestive issues such as bloating, diarrhea, and stomach pain.
Leaky gut is not recognized as a medical diagnosis at present, and more research is required to confirm any links between this and chronic diseases found outside the digestive tract. Though probiotics are commonly advised to treat this issue, more evidence is needed to establish their effectiveness.
Bio Complete 3 in the test – We have checked the effect
In principle, we recommend to our readers only products that we have tested ourselves. The best results, related to the improvement of digestion, energy and general health, are observed over a period of two to four weeks. For this reason, and to see the product for ourselves, we conducted a Bio Complete 3 test with a volunteer participant Lucas, age 38, for 4 weeks.
Day 1: Our volunteer Lucas came to the office for the first meeting, where we waited very anxiously for his report. Lucas reported that taking Bio Complete 3 went smoothly for him. He took two capsules in the morning before breakfast and two capsules before dinner, with a glass of water each time. In the next sections we will present our results on the test.
Day 15: According to Lucas, the capsules are tasteless and well tolerated. He also told us that his well-being had improved and he was no longer quite so flabby. Lucas wanted to continue the test in order to achieve further possible success with Bio Complete 3. For this reason, we made the next appointment, said goodbye and wished him continued success.
Day 30: Lucas came to our office for a final consultation after 30 days. His well-being had again improved significantly in the last few days, he felt full of energy and fit. Problems he had with the intestinal flora before the test had completely disappeared thanks to Bio Complete 3. His bowel movements were now consistently bloodless and have completely normalized. Lucas himself was balanced and energetic after the test. He was thrilled with the tolerability of the capsules and plans to continue consuming them.
Due to the individual ingredients, people react differently to the active ingredients. The mode of action can vary depending on the person. However, we and our test person were very positively surprised by the test result. The Bio Complete 3 test was more than successful.
Are there any Bio Complete 3 experiences or customer reviews?
Although we have achieved satisfactory results with the dietary supplement, we are aware that the mode of action of a remedy varies. That is why we went in search of Bio Complete 3 reviews. We found reports that coincided with what happened to our test person. There are reports on the Internet of improved well-being, increased energy, and improved sleep.
Almost all customers have noticed an improvement in their bowel activity. No side effects were mentioned. The good tolerability of the capsules is praised. In terms of taste, the dietary supplement convinces many people. Based on the numerous positive reviews about Bio Complete 3, it can be said that it is a thoroughly effective well-tolerated remedy.

Bio Complete 3 Ingredients
The ingredients of Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 lists three main ingredients and their weight in milligrams as follows:
Tributyrin (as CoreBiome)
The postbiotic section of Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 is provided by Tributyrin coming from Compound Solutions, Inc as CoreBiome.
As a triglyceride, Tributyrin supplies the short-chain fatty acids to the body that should help influence your metabolism and maintain a healthy gut lining, as well as other benefits. This is usually provided when your beneficial gut bacteria ferment food compounds like fiber, helping to supply the cells lining the digestive tract with energy.
With minimal research on the effects of Tributyrin in humans, it would be difficult to confirm how beneficial the dosage would be.
The prebiotic ingredient of Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 is Sunfiber that is manufactured by Taiyo International.
Sunfiber is a soluble fiber, listed as being kosher, gluten-free, organic, and non-GMO. Sunfiber is shown to help reduce bloating and gas in patients with irritable bowel syndrome; however, the 0.2 grams in the dosage advised for Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 is considerably less than used in test patients.
Bacillus Coagulans (as ProDURA)
The probiotic used in Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 is Bacillus Coagulans, made by UAS Labs as ProDURA.
Though the weight provided is in milligrams, Dr. Gundry has claimed that the number of probiotics in one serving is equal to the 2 billion CFUs that were used in studies that saw effective management of diarrhea symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome sufferers.
The ingredients also fail to mention the particular strain of Bacillus Coagulans used in Gundry MD Bio Complete 3, making it difficult to compare against studies.
Pros and Cons of Bio Complete 3
There are a number of pros to Gundry MD Bio Complete 3, making it one of the more popular probiotic supplements on the market that consumers purchase to improve digestive health. However, as with any probiotic supplement, there are pros and cons that need to be considered before investing.
Pros of Bio Complete 3
- Bio Complete 3 is made with natural ingredients
- Has been tested by a third party
- It helps combat the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome
- Promotes weight loss
- 90-day money-back guarantee for those that don’t feel the benefits
Cons of Bio Complete 3
- It is a relatively expensive probiotic supplement
- Unspecified elements to the ingredients
- Limited human testing on some ingredients
- Only one strain of probiotic which isn’t listed
Buying Gundry MD Bio Complete 3
Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 products are only available to purchase at GundryMD.com. Regular users of Bio Complete 3 can make savings on the usual price of $69.95 per bottle when they buy more than one. Three bottles will cost $188.85, giving you a saving of $21.00, and six bottles come in at $353.70, saving you $66.00.
The 90-day money-back guarantee allows you to call their customer support team on (800) 852-0477 if you are not satisfied with Bio Complete 3 or any other Gundry MD products for a full refund. Shipping and handling costs are not covered in the money-back guarantee.
As well as Bio Complete 3, Gundry has a number of other products available. There are a variety of supplements to aid in health and wellness, including;
- Skincare products
- Healthy foods
- Books
- Magazines
More savings can be made at Gundry MD by signing up to the Gundry VIP Club. Benefits include;
- Exclusive discounts
- VIP savings
- Monthly refill
- Free membership
- Free Vital Reds Supplement
Side Effects of Bio Complete 3
It is always advised to get advice from your health care provider before taking gut health supplements. They will be able to advise you of what may work best for you in terms of diet or if supplements would offer increased health benefits.
Some side effects can include:
- Some probiotic supplements can cause gas, bloating, and other digestive discomforts.
- Some people, including immunocompromised, the elderly, and critically ill children, are at greater risk of gastrointestinal problems and infection.
What is the Gut Microbiome?
Understanding the gut before changing your diet or considering supplements is essential. The gut microbiome is a complex system made up of microorganisms and is found in the large intestine.
A popular way of discussing the gut microbiome talks about good bacteria and harmful bacteria. The good bacteria found in your gut will help digest food and work all over your body to improve your physical and mental health.
When food is broken down in the digestive tract, nutrients are turned into things your body can use. A healthy balance is created in your gut when the good bacteria multiply, restricting the space available for harmful bacteria to grow. This healthy balance is called equilibrium.
Too many harmful bacteria can cause IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis. This underlines the importance of maintaining a healthy balance with good bacteria.
Research has also linked the production of TMAO (trimethylamine-N-oxide), a chemical made by some gut bacteria when you eat certain foods such as eggs and red meat, to the build-up of cholesterol leading to heart disease. This can also lead to chronic kidney disease.
Studies have also shown that your brain can also be affected by the balance of gut bacteria. It can impact your senses, as well as affect mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression.
Your appetite can also be affected by your pituitary gland getting crossed signals concerning your hunger levels. This can lead to obesity and the health-related issues that come with it.
The way you live your life and your diet will determine your microbiome. That is why making slight alterations can improve your general health and wellbeing.
A balanced diet and a healthy blend of probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics can make a difference. Other, more serious ways of altering your gut microbiome include fecal transplants and deep transcranial magnetic stimulation (dTMS), which is used to change gut bacteria by stimulating the brain.
What are Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Postbiotics?
Put simply, probiotics are live microbes that should give us health benefits when ingested, prebiotics are foods that benefit the healthy bacteria in our guts, and postbiotics are the chemicals produced in our gut to help our system.
In order to better understand the part that probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics play in our system, here’s a more detailed breakdown of each;
Prebiotics are the nutrients found in our food that we aren’t able to digest. They feed the bacteria and promote growth.
To be classed as a prebiotic, it must stimulate the activity or growth of microbes that are beneficial to our health. Most prebiotic molecules are found in plant fibers and can be broken down into the following types;
- Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) – Fructooligosaccharides can be found in onions, artichokes, bananas, leeks, garlic, grains, asparagus, wheat, and other fruits and vegetables.
- Inulin – Inulin can be found in asparagus, bananas, burdock, chicory, dandelion root, garlic, leeks. It can even be found in some processed foods to replace fat, such as yogurt, cheese, and ice cream.
- Galactooligosaccharides (GOS) – Galactooligosaccharides can be found in beans, some root vegetables, chickpeas, and lentils.
- Beta-glucan – Beta-glucan is found in oats, barley, mushrooms, algae, and seaweed.
Probiotics are live microorganisms that will provide more diversity of bacteria in the gut and increase their numbers.
The benefit of incorporating probiotics into your diet is that they can aid digestion, reduce the pathogenic microbes (harmful bacteria) in your gut, produce helpful chemicals, and improve your immune system.
By altering your diet, you will be able to get a natural source of probiotics. Probiotics can be found in many foods, including;
Yogurt is made by fermenting milk with lactic acid bacteria as well as bifidobacteria. Yogurt promotes better bone health and can help to reduce blood pressure. It can also be an excellent way to relieve some irritable bowel symptoms like diarrhea.
It is essential to check the labeling on yogurt to ensure it contains live and active cultures and that there isn’t a high sugar level.
The Japanese seasoning Miso is traditionally made with fermented soybeans, salt, and koji (a type of fungus). It can also be made by mixing the soybeans with rye, rice, or barley.
It is most commonly used in miso soup and is high in vitamin K, copper, and manganese, and is an excellent way to get protein and fiber into your diet.
Studies have shown links between consuming miso and reduced risks of breast cancer and strokes.
Made by adding kefir grains to milk, it is a probiotic milk drink that has been linked with a number of health benefits, including protecting against infections and improving digestive issues.
Kefir is a better probiotic than yogurt and can also be tolerated by lactose-intolerant people.
Sour pickles
Pickles, also known as gherkins, are cucumbers that are pickled in saltwater. When left to ferment, the lactic acid bacteria present gives them a sour taste.
Pickles are a good source of healthy bacteria and vitamin K and provide nutrients essential for blood clotting. However, cucumber pickled in vinegar will not contain active probiotics.
Acidophilus milk
Acidophilus milk contains the healthy bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus. This probiotic drink is reported to suppress toxin-producing organisms, helping to improve gut health.
Other benefits Acidophilus milk is reported to have include properties that help reduce cholesterol, reduce and even prevent diarrhea and other symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, and promote weight loss.
Soft cheeses
Not all cheeses will contain active cultures, so it is always advised to check the labeling. Cheeses like Gouda, mozzarella, cottage cheese, and cheddar are all nutritious sources of protein. You will also find a good level of minerals and vitamins, including calcium, phosphorus, selenium, and vitamin B12.
Tempeh is made from fermented soybeans and is used as a meat substitute due to its high protein levels and because it is formed into a patty.
Fermenting the soybeans reduces the phytic acid and increases the minerals you will be able to absorb. Fermentation also produces vitamin B12.
Kimchi is typically made from fermented cabbage but can use other vegetables. The cabbage is rich in iron, vitamin B, vitamin K, and lactic acid bacteria that can help digestive health.
This is a black or green fermented tea drink that contains yeast and healthy bacteria and is particularly popular in Asia.
It is claimed the glucaric acid present in kombucha can cleanse and detox the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. In addition, D-saccharic acid-1, 4-lactone (DSL) is said to support the immune system and improve digestion.
There are a number of other reported benefits, including an increase in energy levels and metabolism and a reduction in joint pain.
Natto is another dish made by fermenting soybeans. It is a nutritious option that can offer fiber, protein, manganese, iron, copper, vitamin K1, magnesium, calcium, vitamin C, potassium, zinc, and selenium, all in one meal.
The fermentation process promotes the growth of healthy probiotics that will help improve your digestive health.
The waste molecules produced by the microbes in your gut are known as metabolites. Metabolites, cells that your microbiome produces, and dead cells are known collectively as postbiotics.
Hundreds of postbiotic chemicals are produced in this way, and all play a different part in your overall health and wellbeing. Some of these include;
- Antimicrobial molecules – Antimicrobial molecules fight off and kill harmful microbes.
- Bacterial fragments and cells – Bacterial fragments and cells play a vital role in priming your immune system, so it is in a position to fight infections.
- Short-chain fatty acids – Short-chain fatty acids have a variety of critical roles in your body’s health. They have anti-inflammatory effects, influence your metabolism, signal to your body and brain, and maintain a healthy gut lining.
- Vitamins B and K – Vitamins B and K help with blood clotting and maintaining cell health.
Maintaining a healthy microbiome
To ensure you maintain a healthy microbiome, it is essential that you have a healthy diet and lifestyle. The right foods will help to promote the growth of microbes in your gut. Stress can also impact your microbiome, with short-term stress affecting your appetite and digestion and long-term stress triggering gastrointestinal issues.
As well as ensuring your diet is healthy, it is also possible to take a dietary supplement designed to promote beneficial bacteria and improve overall gut health.
What is the dosage of Gundry MD Bio Complete 3?
The advised dosage of Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 is two capsules to be taken twice a day before food.
IS Dr. Steven Gundry a qualified medical professional?
Dr. Steven Gundry is a qualified medical professional who was the Head of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Loma Linda University. He was a leading expert in heart surgery before leaving his post to set up The Center for Restorative Medicine and spend the time studying the human microbiome.
How does Bio Complete 3 differ from similar products?
Many other leaky gut products include added sugars and sweeteners, which can be bad for you and can be addictive. There are no artificial sweeteners or sugars in Bio Complete 3, which is also lectin-free.
Bio Complete 3 contains only natural, high-quality ingredients that are tested in-house and at an outside, third-party facility. It is also soy and dairy-free, making it an ideal option for people with specific allergies.
Will Bio Complete 3 work for everyone?
There is always the risk of allergies or an intolerance to any product. The success of any supplement will also rely on the makeup of the individual’s microbiome, so results may vary.
Speaking with your healthcare provider before starting any dietary supplement will help you find the one most likely to work well for you.
If you do not see any results, you will always be able to return Bio Complete 3 for a complete refund.
How will I know if Bio Complete 3 is working?
If Bio Complete 3 is working, you will begin to feel improvements relatively quickly. You should start to feel more energetic after around a week, have a clearer head, be able to digest meals smoothly, and lose your lethargy without crashing like you would from drinking coffee or eating sugar.
What should I consider when choosing a probiotic?
Choosing a probiotic supplement should never be a case of simply picking one up off a shelf. Instead, there are certain factors that should be considered.
Researching your condition
Speaking with a health professional or dietitian about any condition you may have is essential. They will need to check how severe your illness is before advising on your diet or whether supplementation is the best course of action.
Picking the right probiotic
There are many different genera, species, and strains of probiotics, and selecting the right one for a specific condition will significantly impact its success.
Sometimes a combination of microbes will work best, and you should always research what are present in the probiotics you choose.
Ensure your safety
Clinical trials and studies are put in place to check how safe a product is and monitor what kind of side effects could be present.
The WGO (World Gastroenterology Organization) considers Probiotic supplements low risk because humans have consumed probiotics in food for centuries. The FDA has minimal control over supplements, but that does not mean that you should not look out for evidence of third-party testing, clinical trials, and studies.
Reports by The National Institutes of Health show very minor effects from probiotics. Only very rarely have there been cases of people suffering from severe infections, which involved immunocompromised people.
Check CFU numbers
CFU stands for the colony-forming unit, and this describes the cells that will be able to multiply to form a colony in probiotics.
Generally speaking, it is accepted that supplements should contain a minimum of 1 billion CFUs per strain. Supplements with lower numbers like this can be a way to ease into taking supplements, helping to avoid excessive gas or bloating.
The numbers of CFUs present in supplements can go as high as 50 billion. You should also check the labeling to ensure the CFUs are shelf-stable and not just alive during the manufacturing process.
Look out for third-party testing
Because regulations aren’t as stringent with supplements, third-party testing can give you more confidence in the product’s ability to do exactly what it claims to.
Ensure the supplements have been adequately stored
The only way you will get the benefit from probiotic supplementation is if the microbes are still alive. Learning how to store your supplement in your home correctly is vital, and you should also ensure they have been adequately stored before purchase.
When buying online, this can be difficult as you will be unable to see how the product is stored. Heat and moisture can significantly impact the microbe’s survival levels.
Consider the importance of synbiotics
Synbiotics are supplements that contain both probiotics and prebiotics. This means the microbe and food that will help it flourish are present.
Plant-based diets are much more likely to allow the microbes to thrive in the gut, and synbiotic supplements also give the bacteria strain a better chance of colonizing.
Final Thoughts
As with most supplements aimed at boosting human health, results will vary. Anyone taking supplements with the objective of supporting gut health is also likely to have made other lifestyle changes such as improving dietary habits or exercising more. This makes it challenging to monitor the positive effects of Bio Complete 3 on its own.
With minimal human testing on some of the ingredients aimed at boosting the good gut bacteria in your system and quite limited information on the ingredients, it is difficult to say how successful Bio Complete 3 should be in theory without more clinical research.
Anyone that is suffering from poor digestive symptoms should always consult their qualified healthcare provider to ensure they are getting enough dietary fiber from their diet.
There is not much, if any, evidence supporting Gundry’s claims that taking Bio Complete 3 will help you lose weight or give you higher energy levels. However, the ingredients used are shown to have some properties that will benefit the human microbiome, which can then improve overall human health.
When coupled with a healthier lifestyle, users may find that Bio Complete 3 does help their digestive system.
Dualdiagnosis avoids using tertiary references. We have strict sourcing guidelines and rely on peer-reviewed studies, academic researches from medical associations and institutions. To ensure the accuracy of articles in Dualdiagnosis, you can read more about the editorial process here.
- Anon, (2021). FastStats – Digestive Diseases. [online] Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/digestive-diseases.htm [Accessed 18 Sep. 2021].
- Vighi, G., Marcucci, F., Sensi, L., Di Cara, G. and Frati, F. (2008). Allergy and the gastrointestinal system. Clinical & Experimental Immunology, [online] 153, pp.3–6. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2515351/ [Accessed 18 Sep. 2021].
- Journal of Immunology Research, [online] 2018, pp.1–13. Available at: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jir/2018/9671919/ [Accessed 18 Sep. 2021].
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- Sunfiber. (2021). Role of guar fiber in improving digestive health and function – Sunfiber. [online] Available at: https://sunfiber.com/research/role-of-guar-fiber-in-improving-digestive-health-and-function-nutrition-2019-158-169/ [Accessed 18 Sep. 2021].
- Fda.gov. (2020). CFR – Code of Federal Regulations Title 21. [online] Available at: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=184.1903 [Accessed 18 Sep. 2021].

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for Dualdiagnosis.org.