As you attempt to use EMDR for PTSD therapy, remember that whenever anything demanding occurs, a person’s body can either react or escape. The students dilate tense muscles and slow digestion. In only seconds the whole body is ready to react, and all EMDR for PTSD treatment occurs deeply in the mind – mostly found at subconscious parts. Nobody can claim to possess total control of their reactions, which means that they can neither be switched on nor switched off with aware thoughts, but that it is reported that they’re extremely strong when it comes to saving people’s lives during crisis strikes.
But, if it resembles a control prompt that is turned on by the mind, how can the reflection of combat or flight be switched off in the future? Sadly, a lot of individuals discover that their nervous emotions simply cannot be turned off. The research suggests that a new EMDR for PTSD therapy, including speech and eye movement, can be a key for the turn-off that restores a person’s sense of relaxation and normality. This may be PTSD.
What is EMDR Treatment?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy Is an interactive technique for psychological stress alleviation psychotherapy. It is an effective treatment for trauma and stress disorder after trauma (PTSD). You revive traumatically or trigger experiences at short doses during EMDR for PTSD therapy sessions, whilst the therapist controls your eye movements.
The EMDR for PTSD is considered effective because it is often less emotional to remember distressing events when your attention is distracted. This allows you to be exposed without a strong psychological response to memories or thoughts. Most people believe that the EMDR for PTSD method reduces the impact that the memories or thoughts have on you.
A fairly new, untraditional kind of psychotherapy is Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). It is becoming increasingly popular, especially in the EMDR for PTSD treatment. Often after military fighting, physical assault, violation, or car accidents, PTSD occurs. Even if the research continues, some healthcare professionals remain controversial with EMDR for PTSD treatment.
EMDR for PTSD seems to be approaching psychological problems unusually at first glance. He doesn’t depend on speech therapy or medicines. Rather, EMDR for PTSDuses the fast, rhythmic motion of the eye on its patient. These eye movements dampen the power of memory of traumatic events of the past.
What to Expect From EMDR for PTSD Treatment?
EMDR for PTSD therapy may take up to 90 minutes. Your therapist will take your fingers back and forth before your face and ask you to follow with your eyes these motions. At the same time, you will remember a disturbing event from the EMDR for PTSD therapist. This includes the emotions and feelings of the body. The therapist will gradually guide you to make your thoughts more enjoyable. Some EMDR for PTSD therapists uses finger movement alternatives such as tapping hands and toes or musical tones.
Persons using the technique say the impact of negative emotions can be weakened by EMDR for PTSD treatment. Your therapist will ask you to assess your level of distress before and after each EMDR for PTSD therapy. The hope is that you will become less disabled with your troubling memories. EMDR is sometimes used experimentally to treat many other psychological problems, although many researchers in EMDR for PTSD have examined its use in persons with PTSD. Including:
- Panic attacks
- Eating disorders
- Addictions
- Anxiety, like discomfort with public speaking or medication appointments such as dental procedures
What are the Advantages of EMDR for PTSD Therapy?
The most benefits of EMDR for PTSD treatment are thought to be people who deal with traumatic memories. For those who struggle to talk about their previous experiences, it is particularly effective. While insufficient research is available in these areas to demonstrate its efficiency, EMDR for PTSD therapy is also used to:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Panic attacks
- Eating disorders
- Addictions
Surviving with PTSD
Most military persons experience PTSD at some point in their lives; they, therefore, need EMDR for PTSD. People involved in fighting wars are most prone to this because they mostly witness the death of friends or other people and they see events that can cost them their lives. Such an encounter may be cumbersome, and it is not uncommon for soldiers to get back to their families with memories, and emotions that they can’t keep in check.
Sad Occurrences that cause PTSD
Based on a report by NIMH, signs of PTSD don’t only come because of battles. PTSD can be experienced when the body reacts to various traumatic events, such as:
- Rape
- Torture
- Kidnapping
- Car accidents
- Abuse
- Floods
- Mugging
- Plane crashes
- Natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes
Any of these events can cause a combat reaction that is going through the haywire and stays on for a long time after the real issue is solved.
According to NAMI, people with PTSD are constantly ready to react and feel irritated, no matter their location, even in safe areas. Good sleep is difficult for them, they get easily frightened even the slightest touch, and they can’t focus. Additionally, those that are suffering from PTSD may appear numb because they are unable to speak about what they’ve gone through or connect with therapists. They may shy away from communications and events; they might have no future aspirations because they do not believe they will be around for that long.
Some individuals with PTSD exhibit these symptoms right after a traumatic event, but NAMI reports state that there are patients that show these signs many months after the traumatic event.
Popular Therapy for PTSD
Therapists may employ a variety of approaches to assist clients suffering from PTSD. They could apply Cognitive Behavioral Treatment, where the professional admonishes patients to reflect on the event and individuals linked with the event. Therapists may also assist their clients in learning additionally on cure processes.
Physicians may also use longer treatment plans, where individuals with this condition are asked to gain additional knowledge on ways to calm themselves during stress, and when they are asked to apply the same methods while recounting things that happened that resulted in their condition.
Based on the Department of Veterans Affairs in America, this type of exposure therapy is considered the best in curing PTSD. However, a new version might assist patients who are having a tough time with recollections even more.
Phases of Treatment with EMDR
Clients in EMDR for PTSD treatment will need to speak about the sad occurrences they experienced, and how they felt when they recall the events today. Patients are told to make a sideways movement with the eyes as they discuss. They may use their eyes to follow a therapist’s hands or to view different colors as they move.
Based on a report by EMDR for PTSD, the treatment session usually consists of eight stages:
Phase 1
The patient speaks about their past, and both the professional and the patient create a good plan for EMDR for PTSD therapy
Phase 2
The patient gets knowledge on various skills that enhance being calm; this is important for the patient to discuss without feeling stress.
Phase 3 through 6
The patient recalls an important visual picture associated with the trauma, as well as a constant thought that arose at the time. A patient discusses what they see and think during eye movement. When the image no longer causes stress, he or she advances to the next image.
Phase 7
The patient should have all the techniques and methods used for the treatment of PTSD.
Phase 8
Both the therapist and the patient take an evaluation of the EMDR for PTSD therapy sessions. This leads them to speak about options that might influence or affect future treatment plans. The treatment session ends in this phase.
EMDR in PTSD aims at assisting people in exploring past events in-depth and identifying every emotion or idea stuck in their minds as a result of trauma. They may discover that the memories do not have the power to harm them during the healing process. They are in charge, and they can challenge any lingering imagination. This helps to switch off the frightened response, allowing people to move on rather than remaining hooked to the traumatic event.
Recommendations of the Guidelines
The credibility of EMDR for PTSD has recently risen as a result of guidelines issued by multiple professional organizations. These guidelines specify who is eligible for the EMDR for PTSD treatment. As an example:
- The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has stated that EMDR for PTSD is effective in treating acute and chronic PTSD symptoms.
- According to the APA, EMDR for PTSD may be especially beneficial for people who have difficulty talking about traumatic events. According to the APA guidelines, more research is needed to determine whether the benefits of EMDR can be sustained over time.
- Clinical practice guidelines have been issued jointly by the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Defense. EMDR for PTSD was “strongly recommended” in these guidelines for the treatment of PTSD in both military and non-military populations. They also point out that in some studies, this approach was as effective as other psychological treatments, while in others, it was less effective.
How Effective is EMDR for PTSD Treatment Option?
The EMDR for PTSD treatment may appear unusual, especially since it requires eye movement. However, most studies have been carried out to prove the efficiency of this treatment method. A lot of what has been discovered shows that patients improve after EMDR for PTSD treatment if it is done at the appropriate period.
For instance, a research published by Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, where people suffering from PTSD were shared in 2 groups. Group 1 got EMDR therapy, while the other didn’t get any treatment. After the studies, it was reported that 67 % in group 1 didn’t have any PTSD symptoms at the end of the study, but just 11 % in group 2 showed no symptoms. These types of studies prove that this treatment option has the potential to assist patients to get better and remember past events efficiently.
According to another research published by Scientific American, movements of the eyes are an important aspect of healing from this condition. In this study, scientists provided some PTSD patients with quality EMDR treatment, and a different set of people sat still and shut their eyes. Those that had eye movements experienced more healing than those that stayed still during the therapy, according to this study. They didn’t have a hard time when exploring past events.
Things to know Before Going for an EMDR for PTSD Therapy
EMDR for PTSD rehab is thought to be safe, with far fewer side effects than prescription medications. Having said that, you may experience some side effects. EMDR for PTSD therapy causes a heightened awareness of thinking that does not end with the end of a session. This can result in dizziness. It may also result in vivid, realistic dreams. It is common for EMDR therapy to require several sessions to treat PTSD. This means that it does not take effect immediately.
Because of the increased focus, the beginning of therapy could be very triggering for people dealing with traumatic events. While the therapy will most likely be effective in the long run, going through the treatment process may be emotionally taxing. Discuss this with your therapist when you begin treatment so you will know how to cope if you experience these symptoms.
How to Begin the Treatment?
A lot of individuals on EMDR for PTSD therapy decide to get self-medication by consuming a lot of alcohol or meds in the hope of numbing all agonies and making memories more difficult to remember. Those having PTSD and drug overuse get double treatment options, and even though it may appear difficult for such people to recover, our experts can help.
Though EMDR for PTSD may play a vital part in recovery in most patients suffering from this condition, it’ll only be effective if those suffering from the condition partner with an EMDR for PTSD therapist. Sadly, a lot of patients with PTSD are uncomfortable speaking about how they feel or about past events.
There are a lot of treatments that specialize in dual diagnosis treatment. Trainers and clinicians found in the treatment houses remain up to date on research on the intersection of brain conditions and drug overuse, by using various treatments to assist those affected to get better. All these entail utilizing EMDR for some people. However, some view this as a process of using a different type of EMDR for PTSD treatment in conjunction with additional treatments.
Whatever EMDR for PTSD treatment plan you choose, we can assist you. Please call if you’d like to get additional information about this treatment plan available near you, or if you want to look at the facilities to enable you truly break free from the past. We’ll assist you in locating the EMDR for PTSD program that’s ideal for you.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for