Smart Drugs and Nootropics are on the rise in the United States, and they are not a sign of the future. With the advancement in science and technology, the world is looking to enhance the functional capability of the brain. Nootropics are smart drugs commonly used to enhance cognitive functions. Nootropics include various tablets, drugs, substances, and various supplements.
According to The Viewpoint of The Online Salesman of Nootropics, Most of The Consumer Uses Substances Because They:
- Enhance the attention of the mind
- Burgeon motivation
- Strengthen Alertness
- Increase intelligence
- Improve mental power [1]
Doctors prescribe these medicines for certain patients having memory loss or another health issue. However, in the contemporary globalized world, Nootropics are in the limelight, and a myriad of people used them without the prescription of doctors. Subsequently, it results in various adverse impacts on the health of patients. Likewise, it is also considered unethical as it creates unfair competition. In recent years, the sale of Nootropics crossed US $ 1bn in the USA alone. Reports tell that some Nootropics have various illegal chemicals, and they are supplied through illegitimate means. In America, Food and Drug Administration has taken serious action against the sale and use of Nootropics. It has highlighted and aware the masses of the various traps of advertising companies to sell Nootropics.The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) projects that twenty-nine states will increase drug abuse through 2021. The reason for this increase is due to our country’s worsening addiction to prescription medications. Prescription drugs have been around for a long time. Still, in the last decade, there has been an alarming increase in the number of people that steal them and for their purposes, and this trend is only going to continue.
There is a new drug on the scene, changing how we think about our health and well-being. It is called “smart drugs” or “neurotransmitters.” These synthetic drugs are derived from natural substances such as botanicals, herbal extracts, natural amphetamines (like crystal meth), or even sugar. They are taken into the human brain through intravenous or intramuscular injection, typically in a powdered drink or pill. They affect increasing the brain’s neurotransmitter levels, amplifying functions, and ultimately enhancing well-being and mental function.
Of course, these new drugs of abuse don’t come without danger or side effects. Unfortunately, they are common, especially in the world of pharmaceuticals, where significant corporations reap handsome profits from selling these products at all costs. Many of these new drugs have not been tested on humans or are under scrutiny for potentially dangerous side effects or addiction. FOR YEARS, the FDA has been warning manufacturers that their product may not be safe and has recommended that they remove it from store shelves or sell it under different names. This includes kola nut, ginseng, Indian Ginseng, L-Deprenyl, and Muira Pauma, all of which have been used to treat depression, Parkinson’s disease, and other mood disorders.
It is impossible to regulate the problems of the heart as the real culprit. This shows that the human brain desires to have a super-charged brain. But still this wish of the public, to domain the fiction regulation largely.
With that said, let’s look more closely at what the Feds are saying about this new menace. The FDA, they claim, is concerned about the continued abuse of prescription pain killers, which account for most of the new drugs on the national and local market. Overuse of these drugs, they say, is creating an increasing number of addicts and is leading to mental health problems. As with all medicines, there are certain dangers associated with taking these medications; there is a possibility of severe side effects and addiction, as with any drug. According to the FDA, the genuine concern is that more people turn to drugs such as ADHD, Botox injections, anti-anxiety medications, and even Viagra. So the question becomes, what can we do to curb this epidemic before it gets out of control?
No research explains up-till now that nootropics are bad for public health. The good thing is that the nootropic drugs prove that these are beneficial for the public and a purpose full treatment for those who used nootropics drugs.
The Evolution of Smart Drugs and Nootropics (History)
Since the dawn of human consciousness, there has been a need to develop cognitive functioning. Increased mental endurance has been linked to fitness and improved chances of success and development in our evolution. Global nootropics were not invented until 1964, even though brain-stimulating concoctions had been used in Chinese and Indian medicine for decades.
Doctor Corneliu Giurgea was the first to synthesise Piracetam in that year. Even though the word “nootropic” was not coined until 1972, Piracetam is a nootropic. [2] The concept “nootropic” was invented by Dr Giurgea by incorporating the Greek terms for “conscious” (nous) and “bending” (bending) (trepein). In English, the word “nootropic” means “mind bender.”
Mind is Beyond the Limits
On the big screen, the human need to become more innovative is a common theme. In the sci-fi film Unlimited, Bradley Cooper, an Oscar winner, starred troubled writer Eddie Morra. Morra acquires the (fictitious) nootropic NZT-48 in the movie, which helps him access 100% of his mind. Despite his various misfortunes, his use of the Nootropic propels him from penniless writer to multimillionaire and eventual US Senate nominee. The film pays homage to a profoundly ingrained American dream: that everyone will become superhuman and live an extraordinary existence.
Nootropics; Various Kinds
There are six different types of non-prescription nootropics available right now. Many were made decades ago, and others were made only a few years ago. [3]
Below is a Quick Rundown of the Different Types of Nootropics:
Racetam, a Type of Nootropic
The acetylcholine and glutamic receptors in the brain, for example, are said to be activated by Piracetam (which are involved in the pre-frontal cortex, where abstract thoughts occur).
Nootropics Derived from Synthetic B Vitamins
It’s a pyritinol and sulbutiamine-rich mixture resulting from a B vitamin alteration.
Intermediates of Choline and Acetylcholine
This group of compounds, which includes alpha-GPC and citicoline, is believed to increase acetylcholine levels in the brain. It’s even used as a kicker to make racetams perform faster.
Ampakines are a form of ampakine that is used for a variety of purposes. This class, which includes standard and uniform, has a more significant effect on glutamic receptors than racetams; it was created recently and has not been thoroughly studied. It is a good addition in Nootropics research.
Nootropics from Nature
Some consumers believe huperzine A, vinpocetine, and bacopa monnieri are effective, whereas others believe synthetic nootropics are more effective. Noopept, semax, and cerebrolysin are peptide-based nootropics; although these nootropics are healthy, they must be ingested in various ways, including by mouth, nose, or injection[4].
The 5 Most Often Used Nootropics
The Most Common Nootropics, According to the Vendor Site Elite Nootropics, are:
- A dietary supplement called Piracetam
- Noopept Aniracetam (Nootropic) is a form of aniracetam used to help people lose weight.
- Pramiracetam is a form of nootropics.
- GPC-Alpha
The above information was obtained from Elite Nootropics
Anyone who wishes to increase their cognitive ability and is eager to purchase powders, pills and other forms of natural and synthetic supplements may be interested in nootropics. Nootropics consumers use the word “stacks” to refer to closely measured combinations of nootropics, vitamins, and minerals. On Danger and Play, a forum for engaged people, for example, a beginner’s stack, can be found. [5] The formula calls for 1600 mg of Piracetam and replacement doses of ALCAR, Rhodiola, and magnesium. There are stacking recipes for the morning, midday, and evening and daylong guidelines for enhancing control, focus, and information retention. According to the stack tip, the ingredients are not addictive, particularly if ingested in strict accordance with the recipe.
Nootropics can be Misused
In the available literature on cognitive enhancing, practises, nootropics and “smart medications” are often lumped together. Provigil (modafinil), Adderall, and Ritalin are common names for brilliant medications that aren’t legally specified. Misconceptions about the addictive ability of multiple brain-enhancing medications may help spread misleading knowledge about the drugs themselves. Since there are too many nootropics to choose from, it’s better to concentrate on the addictive potential.
Nootropics haven’t been related to addiction as a whole.[6] Two of the most distinguishing characteristics of opioid medication are dependence and withdrawal effects when the prescription is discontinued or reduced. Although some nootropic patients suffer brain fog after avoiding use, these side effects are not thought to be comparable to the withdrawal symptoms associated with opioid drugs. [7]
Some people worry that if they avoid taking nootropics, their cognitive capacity will suffer; however, this is uncommon, particularly with racetam nootropics. Any benefits acquired would be lost if a person ceases taking nootropics. In another way, nootropics do not seem to have any long-term effects on the brain; their advantages seem to be equal to their application. There is no suggestion that nootropics affect cognitive performance in healthy people.
Sulbutiamine, a nootropic made from synthetic B vitamins, is commonly thought to be a safe supplement, but some users say it has addictive effects. Addiction to sulbutiamine has not been shown, but heavy doses can increase the risk. Users who use this substitution for ten days in a row, for example, can suffer withdrawal symptoms for two to five days. When sulbutiamine is mixed with antipsychotic drugs, there are additional risks. [8]
Sulbutiamine is an excellent example of why nootropic patients should be cautious when using these products. Before initiating or ending therapy, it’s best to speak with a doctor.
Choline, a nootropic that aids in dopamine production, can help mitigate rather than cause this disease. Cocaine users, for example, have reduced levels of dopamine. People suffering from opioid use will sleep healthier and experience fewer cravings if they take choline supplements. Given the lack of studies, it appears to be encouraging. [9]
Modafinil Addiction is a Possibility
Any people are worried about the side effects of modafinil. On the internet, there are anecdotal personal stories of people who have been addicted to this drug. Modafinil is the generic name for the Nootropics Provigil. The FDA certified Provigil to help people who suffer from sleep disturbances like narcolepsy and sleep apnea remain awake. When Provigil was initially introduced, it was thought to have a non-addictive, non-addictive profile. As a result, Provigil is classified as a Schedule IV agent by the Drug Enforcement Administration, indicating a low risk of misuse. Provigil, according to new studies from the NIDA, can be addictive. [10]
Ten stable male participants were included in the NIDA study. Since taking either Provigil (200 mg or 400 mg) or a placebo, the men underwent two rounds of PET brain scans. Provigil patients have a greater level of dopamine in their brains, according to the scans. Dopamine is an essential neurotransmitter in the reward system of the brain. Cocaine and methamphetamine provide a similar effect on the brain to Provigil. However, they are more violent and operate quicker. Provigil is thought to be toxic in the same way that cocaine and amphetamines are.
According to Emory University’s Professor David Weinshenker, most people who take Provigil should not experience euphoria or even enthusiasm in the same way caffeine might. Provigil has a low risk of relapse, according to Weinshenker, and is used in a variety of treatment environments. Provigil can help those with depression, ADHD, autism, and other psychiatric disorders.
Provigil is a nootropic that exemplifies how different patients may have widely different encounters with this drug type, despite the advantages and disadvantages of being debatable. Since personal accounts of dependence cannot be ignored, patients taking Provigil should be informed that this drug is not as safe as a vitamin substitute.
Aside from health risks, using prescription drugs for non-therapeutic uses creates legal questions. Marijuana, crack cocaine, ecstasy, and other illegal drugs and beer can be used irresponsibly. Even though rules governing the distribution, ownership, and use of controlled substances are constantly changing in various jurisdictions, opioid sales remain illegal for those who engage in them.
Another source of drug risk is that those who misuse these drugs are unaware of their actions. Intentional corruption is much more dangerous than unintentional neglect. You will never imagine reflecting and trying to stop consuming a substance when you are ignorant that you are using it over what is intended. They can mistakenly believe they are having a bad day. It’s a risky trait, particularly considering the high overdose rates and death associated with the drugs. Another thing to bear in mind is that synthetic drugs like crack and cocaine have been used to commit various offences. Here, there is a lot of room for abuse.
Is it Right to Call Adderall a Nootropic?
Keep in mind that while all nootropics increase brain function, not all cognitive-enhancing medications are nootropics. Adderall is a clear example of this. This non-nootropic medication is only available by prescription and is used to treat disorders such as ADHD. [11]
Adderall is made up of amphetamine salts, which are chemical compounds that can assist with attention, memory, and alertness. Amphetamines produce dopamine, a neurotransmitter related to pleasurable behaviours such as feeding.
However, an amphetamine-induced release of dopamine happens spontaneously – no pleasurable action is needed – but a come-down experience is almost always present, along with sensations of lethargy and mental dullness. Adderall isn’t considered a nootropic because of this side effect. [12]
It’s important to note that nootropics are just brain functions that improve brain performance. Even though they are not drugs, nootropics are treatments that are primarily used to increase cognitive ability. Adderall is in the same boat.
According to common opinion, drugs are the only thing available to cure conditions like ADHD. Nootropics are not included in this group. Adderall comprises a mixture of salts, such as amphetamine salts, and chemical compounds that have a tonne of dopamine ability. Pleasurable behaviours are linked to the neurotransmitter.
Furthermore, an amphetamine triggers the release of dopamine on its own. At the same time, no movement will occur, but a feeling will be sensed that will fade with time. Both feelings are similar to lethargy and dullness, and they are similar to emotional dullness. Owing to the above side effects, Adderall cannot be classified as a nootropic.
Misuse of Ritalin
Methylphenidate is a medicine used to treat infants and adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (ADHD). According to the US Institute of Medicine, 11% of Americans aged 4 to 17 were diagnosed with ADHD in 2011. [13]
Since so many people suffer from ADHD, there are many prescription medications available in hospitals worldwide to treat it. Any of these medications are ultimately smuggled into the hands of non-prescribed patients, such as college students who feel that taking them would make them learn more and do better on tests. Ritalin does not seem to make students do well in school, according to a report. According to the study, prescription stimulants do not improve the learning or reasoning abilities of individuals who do not have ADHD. Students who misuse opioid stimulants have lower GPAs than those who do not, according to studies. [14]
Although Ritalin increases focus, it is commonly confused by non-prescribed patients. These drug patients believe that if they consume a medication that is not prescribed, they will get the same benefits as licensed users. Ritalin abuse may also include taking too much of the medication or consuming it recreationally.
When compressed and snorted or combined with water and ingested, prescription stimulants may cause feelings of euphoria. Misuse of prescription stimulants like nootropics is a major problem, and those who are involved may need help. People must also think of the different kinds of recovery services available to them.
Because of the risk of undesirable side effects, some patients may choose to avoid such therapies. We would prevent people from taking these drugs and nootropics for non-medical purposes as more information about them is made available to the public.
When a person with bipolar disorder takes Ritalin or other drugs like nootropics, there’s a big risk he or she won’t act normally in society. Before choosing which drug you take or may need in the future, it’s critical to educate yourself on the different drugs available. Since the world has become more violent over time, it is safer to use safe and affordable drugs.
Unfortunately, so many teenagers and adults use illegal drugs like marijuana. If you or a loved one is consuming drugs, you should get help at a drug recovery centre. They will provide specialist advice on the multiple abused medications and nootropics that are appropriate for the person. And if these and related drugs are used to cure a particular disease, they also take over the senses and nerves of the person who takes them.
This can lead them to act erratically or as though they are under the influence of an addictive substance. People who take these nootropics for reasons other than medication cannot act normally and behave in a socially acceptable way. They are unable to follow society’s predetermined set of rules.
The Potential Nootropics
Any question of nootropics’ future is inextricably tied to the future of mankind. As long as the pressures on job efficiency continue to increase, mental capability can develop in lockstep. It’s not shocking that smart drugs and the nootropic industry are ever-expanding, as Vice explores in a thoughtful article offering some insights into why nootropics are famous.
According to Vice, science fiction writers once thought that robots would gradually overtake humans, but now humans are transforming into machines and taking on impossible work responsibilities. [15] Taking nootropic medications is similar to putting premium petrol in your car to speed up and boost results.
There is no research to back up the argument that non-prescription nootropics are harmful to public health. Ritalin and other drug nootropics are being carefully monitored these days. Furthermore, these medications work well for the patients for whom they were administered. The real cause of the issue – humanity’s appetite for a supercharged brain – could be impossible to manage.
For the time being, this fantasy is still confined to book pages. Researchers point out that boosting such brain regions’ capacity, such as those involved in learning and concentration, would undoubtedly deplete the power of other brain areas that are critical for survival. Despite the allure of super-intelligence, maintaining a healthy brain and lifestyle is always preferable.
The future of drugs like nootropics and substance abuse is presented in the National Institute on Drug Abuse’s “hap Topic: Drug Abuse the Future,” which features research being done by NIDA regarding its definition of abuse potential, the effects it has on society, and its treatment and rehabilitation programs. In this paper, the term “future” is used intentionally because, as of right now, these drugs have a lot to offer. The National Institute on Drug Abuse defines abuse potential as anything that a medicine may cause an adverse physical or psychological response. When looking at the future of drugs and substance abuse, one must consider the negative consequences of using illegal drugs. These effects include but are not limited to extreme euphoria, anxiety, paranoia, impaired judgment, and a general sense of lack of control.
On analyzing the future, it is easy to see how dangerous these drugs (nootropics is one of them) are. The National Institute on Drug Abuse states, “Overdoses can lead to death or other physical and mental effects while taking substances increases the risk of developing psychological disorders such as depression and schizophrenia.” Smart Drugs & Nootropics, when misused, can cause all sorts of damage to a person’s health. Unfortunately, most people who become addicted to prescription drugs do not even realize that they have a problem until it is too late – by then, it could have been too late for any real benefit to have been had.
To spoil the rise of nonprescription about nootropics, that enemies or opponents who are against the nootropic drugs may rally for increased regulations. Moreover, no such research is there which is against the nootropics that while an individual takes these nootropics will have a danger or will affect the health.
Future humanity and future nootropics are directly related that any consideration of the future of nootropics direct to the future of humans. Increase in the productivity of the work, the demands will increase proportionally like to soar. This will directly raise the power of the brain because when the work productivity demand increases then it will increase the power of the brain. This article explains and the discussion is based on the nootropics and why the nootropics are important and popular. Whenever we think that the nootropic industry and smart drugs like nootropics are expanding day by day so this thing will not be shocking or surprising at all. The point raised by the writers of sci-fi that once people warned that they people will be overtaken by the machines, but nowadays human beings are overtaken and became a machine, taking this as an unrealistic and at some work levels. To move faster and for better work, nootropics drugs are commonly used, the nootropic drugs are akin that helps in loading up on the premium fuel
Various Kinds of Nootropics
Obviously, as with most new drugs out on the market, intelligent drugs like nootropics will have to undergo serious testing. Any unused medication or is generally thought to have unique therapeutic benefits must undergo rigorous testing to ensure its safety and effectiveness. For example, antidepressants are presently undergoing trials to determine whether they affect anxiety and cause addictive behaviour. While the FDA has warned manufacturers that they face “a high likelihood of liability,” medical experts agree that more studies are necessary.
Once nootropics are proven safe for long-term use, they will be placed on the market for everyone to purchase. It brings us to the next step – how do we prevent them from being abused? The first thing that people should do is learn as much as possible about these drugs & nootropics to be aware of their possible side effects and the dosages recommended. There are many online resources where you can learn a lot about this topic and where you can also discuss any questions you may have. It is important, as not knowing the facts could very well put you at a disadvantage when deciding on these drugs.
Abuse of Different Drugs
Even though there are many different abuse drugs, it is essential to understand that drugs usually start with prescription medications. The younger generation generally abuses prescription drugs like nootropics because they are easily obtained with the help of a doctor. The example may seem funny and non-realistic to most people but some kids tend to enjoy cough or fever syrups or medications despite their bitter taste. This is true, if you have ever lived with a kid and observe there are chances you know this. The thing is may be the kid have that gene which make them enjoy these sedating substances. Hence there likeliness towards sedating substances or drugs in common man language starts with the consumption of medication, provided by their own mothers intended to provide them relief from pain. Little did those loving creatures know they are providing them a start to live an intoxicated and disastrous life, if go unchecked. Also, street drugs such as cocaine and crack cocaine often contain dangerous amounts of synthetic stimulants that create anxiety, panic attacks, and other mental conditions. In many cases, the drugs cause the individual to become paranoid, extremely nervous, depressed, or anxious. If you or a loved one suffer from prescription drug abuse symptoms, you should contact a treatment center immediately.
Why Intelligent Drugs & Nootropics?
The reason why intelligent drugs & nootropics are being looked at as the following drugs of abuse is the ease with which they are available. Often, a person will need only to walk down the street and purchase them. They are commonly found on the internet and in many health food stores. As such, they are easily obtained and relatively inexpensive. This factor is further substantiated because they are highly addictive, making them very appealing to anyone looking to take advantage of another person.
The last thing that should be mentioned about smart drugs like nootropics is that many people who become addicted to these drugs do so unknowingly. Because they do not recognize the symptoms they are experiencing, they cannot distinguish between the drug’s presence and their experience. When this happens, they can create severe and irreversible harm to themselves. For this reason, it is vitally important for anyone who is considering using them to carefully research their options and choose those that are best suited for them. It can be tough to find help when you are suffering from an addiction. Your doctor will most likely recommend that you seek professional help to overcome your current situation. Unfortunately, the road to recovery from Smart Drugs & Nootropics can be pretty long and challenging, but the results can be life-changing.
We all want to see our lives change for the better, and the use of intelligent drugs & nootropics can undoubtedly contribute to this. However, one must be careful and never let addiction take control of their life. Life is too short to suffer from mental disease. And let’s remember excess of everything is bad and implement it strictly when it comes to the use of smart drugs. Smart use of smart drugs like nootropics can make our lives free of many problems while abusive use can guide us towards disasters. Now it’s own us how smart we are to deal with smart drugs and Nootropics.
[1] “Understanding Nootripics and roadmap to Nootropic Supplements .” Research Institution. Accessed March 26, 2021.
[2] “Brief about Nootropics” Research foundation. Accessed March 26, 2021.
[3] “Various Kinds of Nootropics.”Study Medicine Agency . Accessed March 26, 2021
[4] Ibid.
[5] Cernovich, “Link between Nootropics and Newbies.” Journal. Accessed March 12, 2021.
[6] “Relation Between Nootropics and Adiction” Research Agency. Accessed March 11, 2021.
[7] Ibid.
[8] Ibid.
[9] Ibid.
[10] “Understanding Provigil Addiction” Research Gate. Accessed March 16, 2021.
[11] “Adderall relation with Nootropics and its impacts” . Research Agency. Accessed March 16, 2021.
[12] Ibid.
[13] “Basics of ADHD Medicines; Methylphenidate and Amphetamines” . Medicine Agency. Accessed March 12, 2021.
[14] Ibid.
[15] “Implications of nootropics on our Lives” Research Agency. Accessed March 26, 2021.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for