What Characteristics Do I Aim for in a Sober Living Home?

What should be in there in a sober living home? This is why every victim on the recovery path and on the critical stage that is “relapse prevention” should ask before entering a sober living facility. So, we will try to analyze what sober living homes provide, who should go to a sober living facility, what are the necessities for living in a sober living facility, the rewards of staying in a sober living community, what are the rules of the sober living facility and is it necessary for every victim to follow the rules and regulations of sober living home? So, let us dive deeply into it. A sober living home’s purpose is to prepare patients to reintegrate into modern society while staying sober.

If you have passed that stage of rehabilitation in the process of recovery, the most important thing to do and to care for is to be sober as long as you become responsible and serious for your life.  Rehabilitation provides victims with a pause from burdens and everyday duties because they can pay more attention purely to abstinence. Once you have passed that stage of medication and therapy, you need to focus on your activities which should be constructive and environmentally friendly.

The next stage in the recovery procedure is to leave the stage of medication and enter the stage of learning about how to live in the actual world that is more charming but risky. Suppose you leave the facility and company of professionals. In that case, those who care for you after completing treatment can be riskier because the chances are higher that you may relapse into the addiction after some period of sobriety. So, learning how to live in sobriety and drug-free life is the last and vital step in the process of rehabilitation. Before some victims, that decision is frightening. But the professionals consider that if you want to complete the recovery process, you should go to a sober living home facility that is also called midway houses. 

These sober living home facilities are the best option for those patients who have completed the stage of medication or therapy and now want independent living free from medications and professionals like the life of rehabilitation centers. These houses are also the best option for those who have a past with relapse, and they failed at the stage of relapse prevention. These homes are also the best option for those who know that their actual environment is alcohol or addiction-friendly and will not control themselves before the drug or alcohol presence. And these houses are also the best help for those who are dually diagnosed with the recurring condition of psychological disorders, and they have passed the stage of medication or treatment. Still, they need more attention and care to be taken by professionals. If you are one of them and want to establish good and sober-friendly habits, you should consider sober living houses worth living before you leave for a pure, addiction-free life. 

Almost every sober living home has its functions, rules, regulations, and mechanism of working. However, all of them function for the same purpose, which is to provide victims at the stage of recovery with an environment that is alcohol and drug-free and provides an opportunity to individuals to continue the process of recovery and prepare themselves for the actual interaction with social and real-life that can be a challenge without going to a sober living house. These houses are only beneficial for those entirely medicated and are at the last stage of recovery. These houses provided them with an alcohol-free and drug-free environment and society for LGBT people.

The individuals who are discharged from treatment facilities and are recommended to live in a sober living home must follow some rules and regulations of these houses. They need to do all the works that are a must for living in a house in groups. They are expected to cooperate. They are expected to live like they are living in their own home. They need to pay for the facility every month. They are provided with enough facilities worth living. These houses do not bore the victims, but they enjoy life. The individuals are expected to participate and share their experiences in the meetings of the house every evening. A sober living home’s purpose is to prepare patients to reintegrate into modern society while staying sober. Mealtimes are arranged daily, with tasks for planning and cleaning delegated. Tasks include washing, yard care, sweeping toilets or shared living spaces, and washing dishes. Attend town hall sessions. Participate in group 12-step sessions

Sober Living Houses can be Best Option for

  • People who are already able to leave the formal rehabilitation framework are not ideally committed to independent life.
  • Those that have a record of relapse.
  • People who might re-enter societies fraught with drug abuse.
  • Individuals with a Dual Diagnosis require more time to improve rehabilitation patterns.

Some Key Characteristics of Sober Living Houses

Many transitional houses work uniquely. Nonetheless, they both have the advantages of a drug- and alcohol-free world that provides structural support and identity for LGBT individuals. Several primary facts about sober living home facilities include the following:

  • These are residential treatments for individuals in recovery from addiction.
  • Tenants must charge rent.
  • There are limited women’s transitional houses than there are boys and men.
  • They have a new beginning for self-sufficiency.

Rules to be Followed During Stay in Sober Living Homes

LGBT people who live in a treatment environment are generally supposed to obey stringent guidelines. Furthermore, they are generally supposed to do the same things about themselves as if they stayed in an average household. Among the Most General Requirements Are the Following:

  • Abstinence from all drugs and alcohol
  • Participation in group home activities
  • Observance of lockdowns and visiting hours 
  • Checking for drugs

Sample Agenda of Sober Living Homes

The framework is a significant part of a sober living home. LGBT tenants usually have a regular worklist that contains the following:

  • Mealtimes are arranged daily, with tasks for planning and cleaning delegated.
  • Tasks include washing, yard care, sweeping toilets or shared living spaces, and washing dishes.
  • Attend town hall sessions.
  • Participate in group 12-step sessions.

REMEMBER: A sober living home’s purpose is to prepare patients to reintegrate into modern society while staying sober. It is easier to conquer dependency and achieve long-term sobriety with professionals and other rehabilitation resources.

Devising a Recovery Plan

As per the Research Centre on Substance Abuse, almost 80% of individuals who’ve been sober five years after recovery appear to remain sober indefinitely. That ensures that every activity people do to improve the period they are straight helping their long-term wellbeing. But it’s still significant to mention that a minor mistake would not have to result in a complete downward spiral and a systematic return to substance use. In reality, a little slip may be nothing more than a brief lack of nerve, leading to a more incredible feeling of sobriety and engagement.

A person who has been sober for a month and drinks a glass of wine at a party, for example, is legally relapsing to alcohol use following rehab. However, suppose the person follows up the wine with a doctor’s visit to explore what caused the intoxication, what feelings took place, and what thoughts were racing through his or her mind. In that case, that person might gain a better understanding of what occurred during the error. And those lessons can help the person avoid repeating the same mistake at the next occurrence. The objective is to accept a slight lapse and get back on track to sobriety as quickly as possible. Thus, the downward spiral is halted, and the individual will continue to live a stable, safe, and addiction-free living.

We’d be happy to help you understand more about how drug rehab centers help their patients brace for the complexities of rehabilitation. Please call the number, and one of our admissions coordinators will be happy to teach you all about how therapy functions and what parents can do to help someone they care about getting on the road to recovery.

On the Way to Treatment

Selection of the best rehabilitation plan is the primary step in your route to healing. At our hospitals in Tennessee and California, we deliver care at home and clinical treatment to people with Dual Diagnoses. Our mission is to provide you with the help you need to have a healthy recovery for the rest of your life.

So, Here Come the Dual Diagnosis centers Into the Play.

These Centers administer mental illness and addiction symptoms simultaneously with appropriate manners and treat them after the complete and actual symptoms are diagnosed fully. The professionals are trained efficiently to diagnose and treat such complex cases every day. To measure the exact cause of the symptoms, professionals at these centers are prepared to make the victims open up about mental illness and drug addiction habits. This process helps to treat further. If the patients open up about the symptoms’ causes, they may start providing further treatment information. They achieve this goal by cooperatively treating individuals, and they offer a safe and supportive environment for the victims. This is what they need after facing so much isolation and solitude. This treatment style has helped hundreds of thousands of victims go against complex mental disorders. They engage the victims and make them a part of their own life. Hence we can say that “the best treatment for these types of complex disorders is to treat victims like we treat our family, and our family does not hide things from us if they believe in us.” The same is the case with the people living with any other mental disorder to be treated in a sober living home. 

Citation and References

  1. Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgendered Rehabilitation Centres (DualDiagnosis, March 2021)
  2. After Rehab Interactions (DualDiagnosis, March 2021)
  3. Overview of a Sober Living Home (DualDiagnosis, March 2021)