Let’s face bipolar mood swings: everybody has good days and bad days, and mood swings are an unavoidable part of existence. Bipolar mood swings disorder, on the other hand, is an entirely different species. Untreated bipolar mood swings disorder may have a significant adverse effect on one’s life in several ways when mood swings are so severe that they interfere with one’s ability to maintain relationships, a job, or general mental and physical health. It can be difficult to tell whether someone is going through the usual ups and downs of life or is suffering from bipolar disorder, so it’s important to understand the differences.
Identifying the Signs and Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder
Despite some similarities, a few distinguishing features can help you distinguish bipolar disorder from regular mood swings. The following are some examples of bipolar disorder symptoms:
- Psychosis
- Rapid cycling between moods
- Seasonal mood shifts
Some people with bipolar disorder experience bipolar mood swings that lead to changes in the seasons. In the spring and summer, they can become psychotic or even hypomanic1 and then undergo depression in the fall and winter. Others can be able to reverse their tendencies. Individuals with bipolar disorder can experience rapid mood swings. This is described as four or more significant mood swings in a calendar year. Some people experience mood swings much more quickly than others, even within hours of the previous one.
Individuals who suffer from bipolar mood swings and extreme episodes of mania or depression can develop psychosis, which is characterized as a loss of touch with reality. False perceptions, also known as delusions, and hearing and seeing images that aren’t there, or hallucinations, are all symptoms of delusions.
What Encompasses “Natural Ups and Downs?
It’s hard to be happy and carefree all of the time, and part of the human experience is dealing with situations that can change one’s mood or life in the blink of an eye. Here are a few examples of typical highs and lows:
- Sadness
- boredom
- And mood swings
Due to a traumatic incident, it is common for a person to feel sorrow. It’s also natural for these feelings to last a few weeks, but they shouldn’t entirely change someone’s life. It is also normal for a person to lose interest in activities they used to enjoy. On the other hand, this experience should not be long-term or last more than a few months. A few weeks after a traumatic incident, a person can feel lost and depressed, resulting in mood swings. However, these mood swings may not occur more than four times a year or be severe enough to change an individual’s or others’ lives.
Treatment for Drug Use and Mental Illness
Please call our toll-free helpline at 844-768-1171 if you or someone you know suffers from bipolar mood swings disorder or a related addiction. Our highly trained and experienced counselors are available to answer your questions and assist you in finding the best care options seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Quit worrying about a better life and contact us today to make it a reality!
While hypomanic episodes are rarely severe enough to interfere with occupational or social functioning, family and friends frequently notice a change in mood that is out of character for the individual. Hospitalization is not recommended in a hypomanic episode, and there are no psychotic episodes. Individuals with hypomania are often diagnosed with Bipolar II, a milder form of bipolar disorder, although they should be treated by a medical professional. Bipolar mood swings cannot be healed, although it can be successfully treated. Medication, rehabilitation, and behavioural adjustments are often used in treatment.
When a person is diagnosed with bipolar mood swings disorder, therapy can begin as soon as possible. This disease can be effectively treated with medicine. While some people with severe episodes may need to be admitted to a psychiatric facility for some time, many others may live stable and productive lives. Mood stabilizers, for example, are incredibly effective in the treatment of this disease, mainly when used in combination with antidepressants. Sufferers may also benefit from various types of psychotherapy to help them avoid relapse.
On some days, most people are happy and energized, but on others, they are not. If mood swings last for a week or longer and are intense, making it difficult to sleep, concentrate, or go to work, it may be a sign of bipolar mood swings disorder. Bipolar disorder can be destructive and damaging relationships, affecting grades and making it difficult to maintain a job.
Manic-depressive syndrome, also known as bipolar disorder, is characterized by severe mood, energy, and behaviour changes. These “mood episodes” or bipolar mood swings can last for a week or more, with symptoms present for most of each day. Patients with bipolar disorder can become depressed and inactive at times. They struggle to concentrate, miss things, and lose interest in enjoyable hobbies. They are capable of injuring or destroying themselves. The psychiatric term for this is depression.
Bipolar mood swings disorder patients may also have periods of unusual happiness. They become busier and more excited than usual. They become reckless and take significant risks as a result of this. They can do things that cause them to lose their jobs, spouses, or all of their belongings. The psychiatric term for this disorder is mania. “They don’t see the consequences of their decisions,” says Dr Carlos A. Zarate of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). “Or they see it but don’t seem to care.” It can be difficult to tell whether someone is going through the usual ups and downs of life or is suffering from bipolar disorder, so it’s important to understand the differences.
Bipolar disorder can also affect children and teenagers. Dr Ellen Leibenluft of the National Institute of Mental Health, who specializes in infants, describes that a recent spike in diagnoses has sparked debate about whether children with extreme irritability but no apparent episodes of mania are being misdiagnosed as having bipolar disorder. “There isn’t much discussion about whether or not children have bipolar disorder,” Leibenluft says. “The question is how general it is.” But, in the end, any child diagnosed with bipolar mood swings disorder needs assistance.
The amygdala, located deep inside your brain, appears to play a role in bipolar disorder. According to Leibenluft, the amygdala “tells us what is emotionally important in our world.” “It appears to function differently in adults with bipolar disorder than it does in children with bipolar disorder. In response to emotional stimuli in the environment, we see increased activity in the amygdala.”
During a manic episode, a person may:
- Feeling “up,””high,” or “elated.”
- Increase your irritability
- Speak quickly and fluently about a variety of subjects.
- Attempt to accomplish several tasks at the same time.
- Appear to be “jumpy” or “wired for sound.”
- Do things that are dangerous and reckless.
- Much less sleep is needed.
- Get a smaller appetite.
During a depressive episode, a person may:
- Feeling depressed, unhappy, or hopeless.
- Be more concerned.
- Slow down your speech, or don’t say anything at all.
- Feeling unable to carry out basic tasks
- Appear to be “slow” or “inactive.”
- Have no desire to do so.
- Oversleeping or waking up too early
- Overeating leads to weight gain.
Some (but not all) of the above symptoms are experienced by people with bipolar disorder, though often in a milder form that helps them survive and maintain their daily lives. They may not know they have bipolar mood swings disorder at first, but family, friends, and colleagues will sometimes notice the mood swings and increased activity levels that are hallmarks of this life-long disorder.
Make an appointment with your doctor to be examined if you think you or a family member has bipolar mood swings disorder. “It’s important to get help as soon as possible,” says McMahon. “There’s no need to see a doctor first. Your primary care physician will assist you in getting started.”
Zarate says that you can inform yourself as soon as possible if you’ve been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. “You, as the patient, should take responsibility for your illness and do everything possible to stay safe,” he says. He suggests mood charting, which entails keeping track of what causes episodes and how effective therapies are. Mood charts will assist you and your doctor in developing a more effective treatment plan.
Zarate adds, “Having a strong support system of friends and family is critical.” They will assist by learning how to recognize the warning signs of an episode and what to do if they do.
Patience is needed. “People get irritated from time to time having bipolar mood swings,” Zarate says. “These drugs don’t operate in a day or two.” Controlling the symptoms can take several weeks, and stabilizing the condition can take months. So stick to your routine and keep in touch with your doctor.
Never be afraid to ask for assistance. You will live a happy and successful life if you seek help. If you suspect a loved one has this crippling mental condition, make an appointment to see a doctor. If your loved one has been diagnosed with bipolar mood swings, depression, remember that many effective therapies are available to help them live everyday life.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for Dualdiagnosis.org.