History of drug abuse is one intresting topic to learn about, drug abuse history extends far back in time as opposed to what many people think . The University of Pennsylvania published a study that found alc being made as early as 7000 B.C. Besides, hallucinogens have been found in caves at Peruvian sites dating from 8600 to 5600 B.C. This issue has been prevailing long before now. Now going through this piece would help you see some unseen realities when it comes to the history of drug abuse and its Dynamics.
To comprehend the history of drug abuse, researching the positive and negative effects of drugs, and looking for patterns in the twenty-first century are all excellent opportunities to learn how we can provide advice and care. Learning about how people abuse drug would give you the previlegde to even care about your loved ones who are at the moment facing this challenge.
The Latest Trends in Drug Abuse
The history of drug abuse is linked to various major social issues, including drugged driving, aggression, stress, and child abuse. Homelessness, crime, missing jobs, and job retention issues may result from drug addiction. Drug abuse and misuse can be treated in a variety of ways. However, the safest approach is to avoid substance addiction in the first place.
Stats on History of Drug Abuse
Most of the reporting on the history of drug abuse in recent years has been negative, but there are some encouraging signs. For example, drug abuse by youths has decreased from a high percentage of 34.1, from 27.2 percent in 1997 to 27.2 percent in 2014; there has been a steady decline. Such figures, however, do not paint a complete picture, as there are some cases where drug use has just gotten worse. An example involves the age-adjusted incidence of deaths caused by drug-poisoning. This case involving heroin nearly quadrupled from 0.7 per 100,000 in 2000 to 2.7 per 100,000 in 2013, with most of the rise occurring after 2010.
It is widely accepted that legitimate earthly rewards can be “earned” through hard work, personal sacrifice, and a strong sense of duty to one’s country, existing social order, and family. One might be depriving his or herself of earthly reward because of Drug abuse.
Reasonable in terms of the voluntary nonmedical use of psychotropic medications, modern industrialized cultures are far from neutral. Whether one accepts an American psychologist’s position, Erich Fromm states that people are raised to want and value the kinds of behavior required by their socio-economic systems, this explains the history of drug abuse of mankind. A person may go so far as to suggest the Protestant ethic exists because German sociologist Max Weber described the industrialist’s quest for salvation by worldly work alone. Many modern societies’ social and economic needs have changed dramatically, despite conventional values. Current drug abuse debates in some places reflect cultural lag, with the resulting clash of values reflecting the lack of correspondence between conventional teachings and the worldview as it is now viewed by a significant number of people in society. As a result, new communities in rapid change often undergo periods of uncertainty regarding dominant attitudes toward drugs abuse and substance use.
How the History of Drug Abuse Has Evolved in 21st Century
Following the history of drug abuse of for thousands of years, humans have engaged in ingesting mind-altering substances. Human has over time figure out these substance, the more the sustance the higher the rate of Drug abuse. Furthermore, drug and alcohol use has always been a part of everyday life in some communities.
Controling Drug abuse is paramount in creating a stable and working society. Science & technology has evolved has made significant progress modifying our drug use from natural substances that were available in prehistoric times, such as:
- Alcohol
- Opium
- Cannabis
- Blue Lotus
- Tobacco
- Cocaine
Though we still use many of the same substances in the twenty-first century, science and technology have improved drug and alcohol potency and created new medicines and synthetics. The listed substances above has brought about Drug abuse overtime, staying away from such harmful substances is one of the ideal way of syaying clean.
The Drugs We Have in The 21st Century
The Following Are Some of The Drugs Developed Since the 1800s:
- LSD is a form of hallucinogen (Lysergic acid diethylamide)
- Amphetamines are a form of stimulant.
- Painkillers on prescription
- Cocaine crack
- Morphine is a narcotic
With the increased use of prescription drugs in recent years, removal from these drugs, whether prescribed or not, can be difficult, particularly in patients who are still in excruciating pain which leads to drug abuses. People with excruciating pains are forced to use these substances to palcify the pains and might likely result to Drug abuse.
When the stresses of modern life kicks in, some people turn to illicit drugs as a way of escaping and self-medicating.
Heightened Efficacy of Drugs
Science and technology have contributed to the development of more potent medicines over the past century, which has affected substance addiction in the twenty-first century as opposed to the potency of drugs while tracing the history of drug abuse. The following are some examples of drug potency changes:
- Marijuana: THC levels percentage was somewhere around 10 percent, now, some are around 30%, with the most potent at 55 percent in marijuana. Other studies also discovered a 160 percent improvement in purity between 1990 and 2007.
- Alcohol: It was well-known in Medieval Europe and North America, a “small beer” was a popular lager or ale. It had an ABV of between 0.5 and 2.8 percent, relative to today’s beers, which usually have an ABV of 4.0 to 6.5 percent or higher.
- Heroin: Heroin purity has increased above 60 percent between 1990 and 2007
- Cocaine: Purity improved by 11 percent between 1990 and 2007.
Changed Perspectives of Drugs in The 21st Century
In tracing the history of drug abuse, the shifting attitudes about drugs in the United States is one hypothesis about substance use in the twenty-first century. The general attitude toward substance use has shifted since the 1960s. Since 2000, more states have reduced penalties and relaxed rules of Drug abuse due to this sentiment.
Marijuana is perhaps the substance that best represents the US switching its sentiment. In 1969, for example, only 12% of Americans supported legalization. According to Pew Research, this figure increased to 61% of Americans in 2017.
As a result, 29 states, including the District of Columbia, Guam, and Puerto Rico, made medical use of marijuana legal. Besides, there are eight states and the District of Columbia where recreational activities with marijuana are legally permitted. As more states are increasingly legalizing the use of marijuana, measures should be made to cut down Drug abuse.
Changing the Approach of Punishment for Drug Abuse
It’s not just about drug legality; it’s also about whether or not to descplining or treating those who have been arrested for illegal drug use or sales. For several years, this has been a topic in Leading public health programs and the field of addiction treatment as we try to help those addicted to drugs and alcohol become functional and contributing members of society. According to a 2012 drug use study conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 63 percent of Americans agree it is a positive idea for state governments to move away from mandatory jail sentences for non-violent drug offenses. This orientation is a significant shift from 2001 when 47% believed mandatory incarceration was a good idea. Furthermore, 67 percent believe the government should devote more resources to treating people who use illicit drugs like heroin and cocaine. This belief unlike the earlier beliefs following the history of drug abuse contrasts with 26% who believe the emphasis should be on punishing illicit drug users.
Demographic Change of Drug Users
The shifting demographics of drug consumers are another factor leading to drug use trends or drug abuse in the twenty-first century. Recent patterns, such as those mentioned below, are vastly different from those seen in the second half of the twentieth century. Find out the demographic change of Drug abuse after going through the list below.
More Affluent Population Are Into Drug Abuse
Many people associate the word “drug addict” with the homeless or the disabled. The stereotype, particularly in the twenty-first century, could not be a further from the fact. It is not only the homeless or disabled are into addiction, this perception of Drug abuse should be corrected.
Indeed, affluent children from Alameda and Contra Costa counties in California were to use drugs most likely than their peers from poorer counties, according to the 2007 Healthy Kids Survey. They have the buying power so going into Drug abuse would be easier for them.
This Rise May Be Due to A Variety of Factors, Including:
- “Rich kids syndrome,” in which maternal, societal, and professional responsibilities result in fewer family experiences.
- With hired help, you’ll have more time.
- Overworked lives lead to mental illness and a loss of family connection.
- More money to spend
- More pressure to perform well
Late Users (Baby Boomers)
Adults aged 50-64 were the only age group with increment in non-daily marijuana use both before and after 2007, according to two reports from Columbia University’s School of Public Health. If current patterns continue, this age group’s marijuana usage could exceed that of the 35-49 age group in the coming years. So why are late bloomers abusing drugs in more significant numbers?
The Following Are Some of The Reasons Result to Drug Abuse:
- They were the generation who grew up in the 1960s and 1970s when drug use was at an all-time high.
- Many people gave up drugs to raise their families and are now empty nesters.
- Many people live with chronic pain and limited mobility.
- Some people who were addicted to drugs before they turned 25 are relapsing.
- Managing feelings of invisibility and alienation
- Downsizing, leaving familiar surroundings, and losing friends and family make significant life changes.
Women Has the Lowest Cases of Drug Abuse
Women consumed less drugs and went to rehab less often than men in the early history of drug abuse particularly the twentieth century. On the other hand, women used drugs more often, used more complex drugs, and used them for various purposes, according to a report published in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. As a result, the study discovered that substance abuse treatment programs designed for men originally could not work as well for women. to buttress further, the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence estimates that 4.5 million number of women over the age of 12 suffer from a substance abuse problem. More than half of the 6.5 million Americans who misused or abused prescription drugs were female in 2013. In all Men tops the list when it comes to Drug abuse.
Emerging Demands of Drug Care
The history of drug abuse is changing, likewise opioid trends and so do the needs of recovery centers and medical practitioners attempting to help addicts recover. Prescription drug addiction treatment is also similar to illegal drug abuse treatment since both affect the same brain processes. Buprenorphine, incredibly effective in treating heroin addiction, can also treat opioid pain medication addiction. Prescription stimulant addiction, which affects the same brain processes as illegal stimulants like cocaine, can be managed with behavioral therapy since there are currently no treatments available to treat this form of addiction. Behavioral therapies can help patients stay in addiction recovery by motivating them, providing techniques for coping with drug cravings, teaching people how to stop narcotics and avoid relapse, and assisting them in dealing with relapse if it occurs.
Continue reading to learn how you can improve your mental health with journaling or how a graduate degree in substance abuse therapy can help you help others.
Gradschools.com has contributed to this report.
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Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for Dualdiagnosis.org.