Dialectical Behavior Therapy is based on human life emotions that do not always stick to a single form. People feel and react in different ways when they are exposed to different situations in daily life. One might feel way happier, energetic, positive, and motivated one time and in other times sad, angry, and annoyed over little things and miserable. Emotional transformation is not as easy as it looks like. But still, it’s usual and essential for spending an everyday life.
Sometimes people won’t go through mood and emotional alteration. They stick to the same wave of sentiments. That may be due to emotional trauma or sudden hurtful incident in their lives which affects them so much that they adhere to it for an abnormal period. As a result, they are pessimistic, demotivated, and away from a lively feeling of life. People around them are joyful and optimistic. Everything seems normal in their surrounding, but they feel worse, alone and at times finds no one to whom they share what they are going through? That they are still stuck to the same feeling of misery while everyone else in their surrounding has moved on. Thus they get hyper over little things and get irritated unexpectedly.
Spending life with such a mental state is terrible. Our loved ones also tolerate us for a limited time, and a point came where they no longer bear. They expect and demands the person to change their behavior. They might complain at the start that the way you are dealing with others is wrong. It’s away from decency. You require conversion in the way you are responding to minor matters. On another side, the person is not getting why they are complaining, and what’s the problem with me? What needs to be changed? Where to work on? This state of mind is hurting, that the person ends up feeling more irritated, puzzled, angry, and isolated. They are so much stuck with the misery that the only option they find to escape from reality is suicide that could relieve them.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is designed to bring them out from such a state of mind for such persons. DBT assists people in dealing with the confused, annoyed state of mind. They are being taught about how to calm themselves. And how to restrain from reacting over things that are opposite from their nature and expectations.
With the progression of Dialectical Behavior therapy, they start feeling better, lively, and light. Their lifestyle and relax state of mind bring happiness over little things, and they began to feel the essence of ecstasy.
New Approach to Dialectical Behavior Therapy
People who arrive in a standard treatment program are asked to think about how their lives are now and make changes that could result in a happier and healthier life. In the initial stage of treatment, participants are investigated with questions that could help the therapist understand where they are standing right now, how upset they are mentally, and the possible way for them specifically to bring positivity contentment and a healthier lifestyle. Furthermore, they are asked to tell the therapist what changes they want in their personalities for their wellbeing. Most of the time, this involves attending sessions with a counselor who helps them understand that their behavior of dealing with situations, people, and other stuff is unfit with social standards without making them feel embarrassed. They are advised what could be the possible ways of substituting their current set of behavior with the ones that could bring optimism for them and their loved ones. Thus, few adults appreciate the counselor for what they are being told to do. There are the people engaged in Dialectical Behavior Therapy who realize in the initial stages that the counselor’s advice is facilitating them for their betterment, and they can deal with their standardized irritated mindset calmly. They are clear mind that they need to change themselves not for their wellness but also for their loved ones. This motivates them to participate in Dialectical Behavior therapy and follow the counselor’s advice whole heartily and energetically.
Moreover, there are the people in whom this kind of Dialectical Behavior therapy and set of questions are painful; they started feeling the old incident the way that it happened yesterday. Thus, it’s part of the recovery process. Sometimes to treat old wounds, it’s better to face them and change one’s perception of dealing with it despite spending a considerable period escaping from reality. For such heartbroken, sensitive people, a Dialectical Behavior therapy designed for their betterment brings censure in their thoughts, and they might react with a set of statements like:
- I am not able to change myself.
- Why the people in my surrounding understands my perspective, the way I feel?
- I’m the one among all who suffers the most.
- No one ever tried to get what I want, what I’m looking for, what my expectations are from them.
This kind of session is sometimes combative, and it ends with a futile outcome. As a result, the relationship developed between client and therapist is weary. Thus, the client terminates the Dialectical Behavior therapy sessions feeling like it brings no productive outcome and worsens the mental state.
Dialectical behavior therapy requires a lot of persistence, confidence in the counselor in the courage of changing the existing state of mind.
People in the surrounding expect the person to change entirely or become the one that he used to be before incidence that had a strong influence on his personality. This isn’t the sensible way to expect, one who had been dealing with mental trauma has adopted a certain way over the years, and he cannot change himself completely. Dialectical Behavior Therapy can improve him and lessen how he used to behave, but it doesn’t mean that he will be charged 100 percent. In the Dialectical Behavior therapy journey, if a good bond gets developed between the client and therapist, it proves beneficial for understanding each other’s perspective that will lead to the client’s speedy recovery.
Understanding Contraindications of Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Journal of Clinical Psychology published a report that the primary aim of Dialectical Behavior Therapy is to assist people and involve in such activities that could help them improve their behaviors. So, they could feel the joyfulness of life even though they are dealing with authoritarian sentiments. It’s a conflict that they are used to dealing with situations and people in a certain harmful way, and now they have to oppose their thoughts. They have two contrary perspectives in their minds at a time, and they have to decide what to choose that has optimistic consequences.
It’s the “dialectical” part of Dialectical Behavior Therapy and it could be influential. People who spent an extended amount of their lives being advised by others that they need to change now need to understand that they are just required to choose a completely different expression while dealing with others. Instead of feeling embarrassed and ashamed over their past, they need to realize that it was just a different way of choices about how to react from a wide variety of expressions.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy Tools
There are many constituents of DBT. It’s a time taking therapy. Clients enrolled in sessions have individual one-to-one sessions with a therapist and spend hours in group classes. In group classes, they are being taught to:
- Involve themselves in conversations in which they can express their thoughts openly in an optimistic way.
- Not reacting over the tense and emotional situations.
- Calm deep emotions in a positive, energetic manner.
- Face reality, harsh circumstances instead of taking sedatives for escaping from it.
Those clients who are not involved in active sessions are expected to work on homework assignments, and they willingly do that. The therapist also asks them to try different techniques under stress with friends and family members and notice what works best. People who become a part of DBT have rare handling skills, and sometimes they won’t find a way to deal with stress and end up suicide or life-threatening reaction. To avoid such complications, DBT practitioners:
- Follow up by mobile in between the physical sessions.
- Give emergency numbers that clients could use when they encounter a difficult situation.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy is helpful for those enrolled in DBT, and therapists are available round the clock for clients. Thus, the suicide ratio seems to drop in patients that are enrolled in DBT. National Institute on mental health published a report according to which suicidal risks are decreased by 50 percent for those enrolled in DBT compared to other therapies held for patients suffering from borderline personality disorder (BPD).
Additional Benefits
In addition to reducing the suicide ratio and making the person choose a different way to react, there are additional benefits for those enrolled in DBT. For instance, some practitioners modified the treatment by adding solutions for eating disorders. For this, the behaviors responsible for a change in eating patterns are focused and altered. The Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology initiated a study according to which 89 percent of the women who have eating disorders were recovered when DBT ended. That’s a fantastic outcome for those who practice eating habits to express pain.
DBT was also altered to help those who are dealing with depression. These people are unable to move on when something wrong happens to them. They are unable to control themselves and react way more than just average. According to a report published by the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry: 71 percent of those enrolled in DPT were in the recovery phase when treatment was completed.
People dealing with mental disorders like depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, and many more can enroll themselves for DBT. This program will help them in getting better.
DBT team will develop a plan after interviewing the client and assessing the exact problems a person is dealing with and then putting it to action. Feel free to call to find a DBT near you. We will give you information about DBT programs near you and help you in going through the enrolment process.
History of DBT
Dr. Marsha Linehan and his fellows founded DBT in the early 1990s after discovering that cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is not effective enough inpatient with Borderline personality disorder. Dr. Linehan and her colleagues have evolved new approaches and therapies to fulfill these patients’ unique requirements.
Dialectical behavior therapy integrates a method based upon philosophy known as dialectics. Dialectics is founded on the idea of something being made of contrasts. It is working on the principle that everything is consists of opposites, and the transition happens as dialogue occurs in the competing powers. Dialectics can be summed up as theses, antithesis, and synthesis in more educational terminology. Three fundamental conclusions come from the process:
- All are interlinked
- Continuous and inevitable change.
- Conversely, a closer approach to the facts may be integrated.
DBT solves the apparent contradiction between recognition and improvement and brings about meaningful change in a patient. A patient and therapist work at DBT to overcome the inherent inconsistency between self-acceptance and transformation, leading to significant patient improvements.
Linehan and her team gave evidence of a specific technique. Linehan and her colleagues observed that patients were more likely to co-operate and less likely to suffer distress in the transition concept, while affirmation was used along with the drive for change. The therapeutic confirms the patient’s behaviors “make sense” in the light of their specific experiences. But without actually acknowledging that this is the only way to solve a dilemma.
How It Works
DBT has developed into a psychotherapy technique based on data used for the management of many disorders. In therapeutic environments, DBT is used in the following ways:
- Group environments in which patient’s communication skills are learned by completing homework tasks and creative ways of communicating.
- Psychotherapy by a skilled specialist, in which a patient’s acquired therapeutic skills are applied to their personal lives.
- Phone coaching where patients can contact the psychiatrist in appointments to be guided on how to cope with a challenging situation
DBT also offers a consultation team to help independent therapists to address the emotional needs of their patients. Consultation teams also assist therapists in the navigation of challenging and complicated therapeutic problems. Any clinical environment has its structure and aims, but for DBT counseling following characteristics are to be seen in group preparation, interpersonal psychotherapy, and telephone coaching DBT
- Improvement. You will understand how your life conditions, feelings, and yourself embrace and withstand. You can now learn skills to help you improve your attitudes and relationships with others positively.
- Aptitude. You can learn to analyze and replace challenges or patterns of negative behavior with healthier or more successful ones.
- Cognitive. You can work on modifying feelings, convictions, attitudes, and acts that are not useful or successful.
- Collaboration. You learn to collaborate and function as a team effectively psychotherapist, psychotherapist, and psychiatrist group.
- Sets of skills. You will learn new skills to improve your skills.
- Assistance. You will be motivated to consider and build and use your positive qualities and attributes in Dialectical Behavior Therapy.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for Dualdiagnosis.org.