It can be stressful to meet new persons or put yourself in new circumstances. Our fear of saying or doing anything wrong can be daunting, so we always look for the fastest way to relieve ourselves. It can be stressful to make new friends or put yourself in new circumstances. Our fear of doing or saying anything wrong can be daunting, so we always look for the fastest way to relieve our stress. Many people use alcohol as a “social lubricant” to help them cope with stressful circumstances and communicate with others.
On the other hand, some people misuse alcohol rather than enjoy it. Alcohol Abuse has been reported by an individual belonging to all age groups, including teenagers, youths in college, middle-aged people, and even the elderly, to relieve depression, anxiety, and a range of other emotional or mental issues.
There exist a variety of reasons why people engage in alcohol abuse, and a lot people who engage in unhealthy drinking activity may be doing so as a result of an unidentified cause. One factor is severity, which can vary from moderate (e.g., regular hassles of family and job among healthy people whose basic needs are met) to severe (e.g., extreme adversity that threatens one’s health, home, life, and physical integrity).
Other dimensions one has to consider are whether the stressor occurred during childhood or adulthood, the severity of the stressor, whether it is acute or chronic, anticipated or unforeseen, whether the danger is emotional or physical, and the difficulty in determining whether the stressor was the cause or effect of the health outcome under consideration. It would help if you were alert for the signs of alcohol abuse by an acquaintance, friend, family member, or neighbor who consumes alcohol..
Alcoholism and Other Conditions Can Be Linked in Many Ways Including the Following:
- By chance, alcoholics and people with another condition will co-occur, either sequentially or concurrently.
- Alcoholism may cause or exacerbate a number of medical and psychological problems.
- Co-occurring conditions may either cause or worsen alcoholism.
- A third disease may be the cause of both alcoholism and the co-occurring disorder.
- Substance abuse or withdrawal may cause similar symptoms to those of a separate psychological disorder.
Alcohol as A Treatment for Anxiety
Anxiety is a perfectly normal and healthy response to a variety of conditions. The anxiety which becomes crippling or disrupts everyday life, on the other hand, is not common and can suggest an anxiety disorder like panic disorder, GAD, or OCD. According to a study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, 13% of the adults in the United States admitted to using alcohol one-time or more to deal with panic or mild anxiety. Alcohol abuse. The researchers found that individuals with anxiety disorders who self-medicated could develop a drug addiction within three years two to five times as likely as those who did not self-medicate Alcohol abuse.
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), 20% of people with social anxiety disorder abuse or rely on alcohol somehow. In addition to temporarily reducing anxiety, alcohol abuse can also exacerbate it after just a few hours. Only small alcohol levels can cause anxiety, and the effects can continue until the next day. Anxiety is among the most known causes of alcohol addiction, partially because people believe that indulging in alcohol usage soothes their nerves. According to research, alcohol abuse induces changes in the brain that potentially make anxiety even worse, amplifying vulnerability to feeling anxious. Many that use alcohol to mask their distress can be visibly nervous or afraid most of the time, almost without cause.
A strong association exists between alcohol withdrawal and anxiety symptoms Alcohol abuse in the sense of alcohol dependence. After 4 or 5 days, the severe tremors, restlessness, stress, and insomnia associated with withdrawal begin to fade, though susceptibility to panic attacks and generalized anxiety will last for months. Since these symptoms fade away with abstinence, it is unlikely that they are anxiety disorders in and of themselves, or signs of alcohol abuse.
Alcohol misuse has been reported by individuals cutting across all of the age disparity, including children, youths in college, middle-aged people, and even senior citizens, to relieve depression, anxiety, and a range of other emotional or mental distress.
Alcohol Abuse and Depression
It’s difficult to pinpoint the connection between alcohol abuse and depression. Around one-third of people who suffer from depression also have a drug abuse problem, but experts differ on whether depression causes alcoholism or alcoholism causes depression; in fact, it’s most likely the two. Alcohol, a depressant, results in altered brain structure and functioning in ample quantities, resulting in depression in alcohol abuse. For this reason, amid the haziness of the exact causal relationship between the two afflictions, there are a lot of individuals who suffer from both alcohol addiction and depression, a condition known by the term dual diagnosis. Major depression and alcohol abuse are related for two reasons Alcohol abuse. First, both disorders may share underlying environmental and genetic factors that increase their likelihood of occurrence. The two disorders may also be related, with one increasing the risk of alcohol abuse.
According to WebMD, about a third of people with major depression also have Alcohol Use Disorder. It’s understandable that the people who are depressed would turn to alcohol for temporary relief; however, alcohol dependence only exacerbates the depression. Many who have been given a diagnosis of depression and are taking antidepressants to treat it can experience additional negative consequences resulting from alcohol abuse. Alcohol cannot be safely mixed with antidepressants, and its depressive effects can worsen depression that is already untreated. In addition to lethargy, weight gain, disinterestedness, dysphoria, irritability, and a lack of energy, those who use alcohol to treat depression display pronounced symptoms of Alcohol abuse.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Alcohol Abuse
Stress and anxiety are symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, which appears to be related to alcohol abuse in the past. PTSD is common in survivors of physical abuse or childhood sexual. Yet, it is also commonly found in veterans who have seen extreme brutality, victims of car accidents, natural disasters, violent attacks, and rape and others who have experienced various types of trauma from Alcohol abuse.
In a nutshell, PTSD develops when people are exposed to events whereby they cannot heal by themselves alone, giving them higher tendencies to turn to drug abuse as a coping mechanism. The severity and type of PTSD that individual encounters contribute to alcohol addiction and PTSD patients. PTSD is still associated with alcohol abuse in more than one-third of those with the disorder.
The brain reacts to trauma in the same process it responds to their consumption of narcotics or alcohol, producing an increase in endorphins to alleviate anxiety and pain. Alcohol abusers are susceptible to outbursts of emotions accompanied with binge drinking to ease those emotions; however, alcohol intensifies anxiety and terror feelings, releasing spiked endorphins, subside, and cause another binge drinking session.
Those who make use of alcohol for PTSD treatment are very likely to fall into the vicious cycle. According to studies, the connection between PTSD and alcohol abuse may begin with either problem. People who have PTSD, for example, may have more issues with alcohol both before and after they develop PTSD. If you have PTSD, you’re more likely to develop a drinking disorder. People with alcohol disorders are often more likely to experience stressful experiences, leading to PTSD.
Look at Treatment Options and Mental Well-Being Solutions
Alcohol addiction can be a coping method for a variety of psychological problems. It’s uncertain if the high increased number of dual diagnosis— together with mood disorders, bipolar disorder, depression, and other psychiatric afflictions—shows that psychological health issues can induce alcohol abuse activity, or if alcohol abuse can lead to further problems psychologically. Still, there is no doubt that alcohol intensifies the symptoms of emotional and mental issues.
Alcohol abuse can be prevented by recognizing the moment it is used to mask a problem, providing people with the best treatment services available, reducing the risk of more damage or worsening their substance abuse behavior. This relationship may also be cyclical, with a person being trapped in a cycle of abusing alcohol and using alcohol to alleviate the depression that follows. There are many co-occurring disorders in Alcohol abuse, and clinical support is necessary.
It is important to address all conditions together, regardless of the type of psychiatric disorder that may co-occur with alcohol abuse. They will feel protected while being cared for, and they will eventually be released. When they return to their daily lives, however, the stress they felt experienced prior to starting to misuse the alcohol may resurface, prompting them to participate in the same habits of abusing alcohol as they did before seeking help. They could be in a better place to prevent risky relapses if they obtain medication for their stress problems when seeking alcohol abuse treatment.
Learn more about the benefits of substance abuse care for your loved one by calling 615-490-9376, It is our pleasure to assist you in matters concerning Alcohol Abuse and much more.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for