Once you’ve finished therapy, one of the most crucial aspects of rehabilitation is what happens next. The task of staying positive after you’ve left the support group you built while in recovery becomes more challenging the longer you’re away from it, so make sure you’re ready to create and sustain a support group that will last the rest of your life.
Addiction is also an isolating condition, but it can be managed in the long run with the help of friends, family, and practitioners. People who regularly attend services and participate in a support group after rehab have a better chance of remaining sober in the long term, according to Research. After you’ve finished treatment, here’s how to build a solid support group.
Sober Living Facilities
Participants who spent time in a sober living house had lower rates of drug and alcohol abuse than those who did not receive any post-rehab treatment, according to a 2010 report by the Alcohol Research Group. Sober living homes are places where recovering addicts can share living quarters with other addicts while being monitored by a live-in manager. When residing in a sober living home, residents are expected to work, volunteer, or look for work and follow all house rules, which include no drug use.
Groups of Support
There is a support group for a variety of treatment approaches. There are Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings for those who follow the 12-Step program, and there are free SMART Recovery meetings for those who follow the SMART Recovery program. Support group allow recovering addicts to structure their treatment while also increasing their exposure to sober, like-minded people. Since not every support group is the same, it’s important not to let a bad experience deter you. Recovering addicts may also share thoughts and stories with a support group that they might not share with friends and family.
Family and Friends
Because of the far-reaching family dynamics and childhood experiences that we sometimes associate with addiction disorders, substance abuse is often referred to as a “family illness.” Your family can be a great source of encouragement and support during your recovery, but they should not be your sole source of help. It is important to have close friends who act as support group for your recovery and will not encourage your addiction or urge your cravings. Humans are social creatures by nature, so be honest about your recovery with others.
Professional Assistance
Therapists, psychologists, and other health practitioners who specialize in assisting those in rehabilitation are available. “While opiates addiction has increased in recent years, it has increased at an alarming rate in some areas,” says David Bell, CEO of USA Mobile Drug Testing, a national drug testing company. Unfortunately, the negative consequences of this extend well beyond the addict. Drug misuse has a detrimental effect on households, employers, and the whole society. In reality, costs associated with violence lost job efficiency, and health care totals $740 billion per year in the United States.”While physical dependency is a major factor in many crippling addictions, virtually all addictions have a psychological component, such as stress, depression, anguish, and anxiety. It’s important to be open and frank with a licensed therapist or counselor about your problems if you decide to seek professional support group. Sharing the facts is the best way to optimize the effect of professional assistance.
The Volunteers
In your culture, there is still a need for additional assistance. Volunteer your time to an agency that you are passionate about supporting. The animal shelter, museum, food drives, and special events are all options to consider. Volunteering is a great way to introduce yourself to new people in a constructive and meaningful way. Helping others is a common way for recovering addicts to combat drug cravings and increase self-esteem. Keep away from activities and organizations where alcohol or drugs may be present.
Matthew Boyle Contribution
The chief executive officer of Landmark Recovery is Matthew Boyle, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. He has been in the healthcare industry for seven years, with a recent focus on recovery. Boyle earned his bachelor’s degree in 2011 from Duke University and later worked for Boston Consulting Group before discovering his true calling was in the field of rehabilitation. With a creative approach to rehabilitation that provides a positive community through confidence, care, and action, his mission is to save a million lives in 100 years.
Addiction takes control of your mind. It works by replacing hormones produced naturally by your brain to make you feel happy or fulfilled. You become depressed if those hormones are not developed regularly.Physical and emotional withdrawal, long-term cravings, and behavioral changes are all part of the healing process, and they can help you combat the original causes of your addiction as well as the addiction triggers.
Although pursuing treatment for addiction is often the first step, you can start building a support group while in treatment so that you can depend on someone to help you if you lose access to a clinic or hospital. As part of your counseling, your therapist or counselor will almost certainly address the formation of a support group or community, and this guide will assist you in understanding why you need one and how to shape and sustain one in the future.
It’s important to note that while you can do a lot on your own, getting help makes things easier. Since completing outpatient services, people who live with other sober people and join social support group (such as AA) are more likely to stay sober for the next 12 years than those who do not. This is true for both men and women since women often substitute alcohol or drugs for emotional support, while men often overlook emotional support in favour of drug or alcohol use. Knowing to whom you should speak, trusting them, and relying on others to help you escape cravings can be extremely beneficial to your health and well-being. A support group will also help you remain responsible by reminding you that others rely on you to stay clean or positive for them.
One of the most difficult things any of us would ever have to do is ask for help, particularly if it also needs us to expose our addiction. Talking about addictions can be difficult because too many of us mask our addictions and refuse to embrace them. This is especially true given the stigma associated with addiction, which affects men and women alike, as well as the life-altering effects of addiction.
It would be best if you first determined what you want to say, how much you want to say, and whom you want to tell, and then be completely honest with yourself. You should emphasize the following points in your conversation: You’re going through a transition, you’re fighting for your future, and you need emotional support. If you have wronged someone when addicted, now is a good time to make a sincere apology. Know Whom You Can Trust – Attendance is not required, and not everyone should attend. It’s important to know who will be available at all times and whom you can trust in specific circumstances, but not all of them. Close friends, for example, will almost always be there for you unless you have a tense relationship with them.
You must go through your support group to choose people whom you can call in an emergency and who will always be there for you. Create a list of your supporters and rank them according to how and when you should reach them. If you’ve asked your coworker to make sure you don’t go to the bar during a 4 a.m. call, for example, you can’t count on them to assist you. Know whom to contact and when to contact them so that all you have to do is pick up the phone when the time comes.
First and foremost, it’s critical to comprehend why getting help is so vital. It’s easy for many addicted people to feel lonely and alone. After all, you’re dealing with a disease. You’re less likely to make sound decisions if you’re feeling alone. Instead, you’re purely concerned with getting through each day. Addiction is particularly harmful because it weakens the brain.
Addiction takes control of your mind. It works by replacing hormones produced naturally by your brain to make you feel happy or fulfilled. You become depressed if those hormones are not developed regularly. You resort to drugs in a futile effort to experience anything other than pain. The loop continues to repeat itself. However, getting support group means that you have someone to speak to about your depression. It’s an alternative to drugs that will provide you with peace and guidance.
You or a loved one will develop positive, long-lasting relationships with people who are also committed to living a life of recovery through our programs. We provide extended care and sober living environments to assist our program graduates in transitioning from the treatment facility to a more flexible setting that still offers stability and counseling while solidifying sober living principles by support group.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for Dualdiagnosis.org.