Research on hangover symptoms shows, If you are one of the 136.9 million existing American alcoholic drinkers, one-quarter of whom binge drank in the previous month, according to the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), you have most likely suffered a hangover symptoms at some stage.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on hangover symptoms, alcohol, especially binge drinking, cost the U.s. estimated $224 billion in 2006 in lost workplace production, law enforcement, alcohol-related health care costs, motor vehicle crashes, and fatality costs (CDC).
Much research has been performed to decide what causes the agony of a hangover symptoms, as well as how to treat or cure it. Scientists and experts are continually proving and disproving hypotheses on how and why alcohol, which is distilled ethanol in general, reacts to the brain the way it does. Scientists have also coined the word veisalgia to describe hangovers.
Most experts suggest that hangovers and intoxication are influenced by a chemical imbalance in the brain. However, they are still divided on which imbalance is directly related to hangover symptoms. According to the Smithsonian, some claim that hangovers are caused by acetaldehyde accumulation, which is a byproduct produced by the body as it absorbs ethanol and is 10 to 30 times more harmful than alcohol itself. Others address the possible relation between the conversion of the enzyme NAD+ to NADH that occurs during alcohol production and the cell’s other biochemical duties, which may interfere with the cell’s other biochemical duties and increase hangover symptoms. Both of these hypotheses, however, have detractors.
The Science of a hangover symptoms then describes the mechanics of the three major hangover causes – dehydration, alcohol, and dehydration combined. It takes you through each cause and gives you a working solution or a course of action to help cure the hangover symptoms. The course of action usually takes an antacid, which lowers the body’s pH levels in general and prevents fluid retention in the body.
The most recent research tends to confirm a relation between hangover symptoms and an immune system response, or, more precisely, cytokine development. These substances are some of the primary messengers of the central nervous system, and they are normally generated in an effort to ward off an infection or as an aggressive immune system response. Cytokines cause many of the same hangover symptoms, such as cognitive and physical impairments. According to research published in the journal Alcohol, those suffering from a hangover have an elevated level of cytokines.
The Science of a hangover symptoms is an excellent resource because it looks at every angle of hangovers. It doesn’t just deal with the symptoms but also examines why they happen in the first place. It’s up to date and helpful, so you don’t have to worry about being stuck with a hangover forever. Don’t wait until your next trip to the bar before getting the correct answers about your next hangover. Find out now!
Symptoms of Hangover
If you have a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.10 g/dl or higher, you are likely to encounter hangover symptoms the next day.
These Symptoms, Which May Occur Between 12 and 24 Hours After Your Bac Has Returned to Zero, May Include:
- Jaw dryness
- Nausea
- Thirst
- Discomfort or pain in the stomach
- Sleepiness
- Difficulties focusing
- Vertigo
- Perspiring
- Impaired cognition
- Nervousness
- Migraine
- Decreased sleep quality
- Body aches and pains
- Light sensitivity
- Unusual heart rate
- Reduced response time
These symptoms can occur with varying degrees of severity. Much as BAC levels are affected by alcohol tolerance, genetic composition, and the type of alcohol consumed, so are hangover symptoms. The amount of food in your bloodstream will also reduce the incidence or possibility of a hangover. It doesn’t seem to matter what kind of food you consume as much as having anything in your digestive tract slowing the absorption of alcohol through your stomach and intestines and through your circulation. Especially when it is associated with alcohol overdose, which can be life-threatening and need immediate medical attention.
There are many causes of alcohol-induced dehydration. They include vomiting after alcohol is consumed, failure to hydrate enough following drinking alcohol, taking large amounts of alcohol (that your body can handle), or combining alcohol with food. The biggest threat of dehydration during a night of drinking occurs when someone doesn’t drink enough water. If you go without water for more than three hours, you run a high risk of developing hangover symptoms (which can be fatal). It’s also important to keep hydrated while on alcohol, as alcohol in excess can cause the throat to dry up and cause nausea and vomiting.
When you’re experiencing hangover symptoms, there are a few things you can do to minimize the discomfort and help heal more quickly. Drinking water is a good start, but don’t stop drinking water until you’re well hydrated. Water is beneficial after eating, which is why it’s good to drink a lot before going to sleep. Avoiding alcohol is also recommended.
Many people experience symptoms of a hangover symptoms in the morning, which means staying up until as late as possible in the evening is required. Fortunately, there are other ways to alleviate the symptoms. Sleeping on your stomach will help reduce some of the discomforts. Drinking water instead of alcohol will also help flush out the alcohol out of your system when you wake up. Eating crackers, eggs, toast, or cereal with a bit of sugar in it will also help people feel less uncomfortable after the night’s festivities have come to a close.
Some hangover symptoms are more intense, such as blurry vision, slurred speech, dry mouth, nausea, and thirst. If these symptoms last for more than a couple of hours, it is probably time to go home and rest. Some people who have these symptoms may choose to take energy drinks or coffee before going to sleep, as these can help combat hangover symptoms by giving the body an extra kick during the waking hours. However, these methods should only be used on a short-term basis, as excessive caffeine or alcohol use during the day can lead to health problems and, in some cases, cause serious problems. It is possible that symptoms of a hangover could become worse if you do not take care of it in the right way.
Effective Hangover Cures
Alcohol is a recognised pain reliever of the central nervous system, influencing natural reward circuitry and the development of neurotransmitter dopamine and gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA). Research on hangover symptoms shows dopamine is an excitatory neurotransmitter that is responsible for pleasure, while GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that is responsible for relief and calm.
According to Wired, Richard Olsen is a UCLA neuroscientist who is researching alcohol use and the reaction of neural mechanisms to it in connection to both intoxication levels and hangovers. His findings suggest that certain GABA receptors are highly sensitive to the presence of ethanol and that suppressing this receptor can alleviate hangover symptoms.
Although research continues, Olsen and one of his postdoctoral students, Jing Liang, discovered that certain Chinese herbs and traditional medicines contained an element, ampelopsin, that they were able to isolate. They developed BluCetin, an over-the-counter pill that appears to reduce intoxication and hangover symptoms. Although the FDA has not approved this for use on hangovers, scientists are trying to find a solution for a hangover.
For years, people have been looking for a remedy for hangover symptoms, and many swear by methods such as “hair of the dog” or drinking more to alleviate the effects, which likely only leads to more intoxication and another hangover. While prickly pear cactus extract is thought to be safe, it is difficult to locate, and many other substances are advertised as hangover remedies, most of which lack scientific support. If you want to drink alcohol, the only way to prevent hangover symptoms is to drink in moderation.
The first way to prevent a hangover symptoms is not to drink too much alcohol at any one time. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you cannot drink alcohol as much as you would like. You need to make sure that you limit yourself to no more than a couple of alcoholic beverages per day. This way, your body will be able to eliminate the hangover symptoms within a couple of hours effectively. Of course, you don’t want to make it a rule never to drink again. It’s much better never to drink again than to drink too much and have a severe problem with your body.
Another way to help combat a hangover symptoms or prevent it from occurring is to eat a healthy diet the night before. Many people who suffer from a hangover realize that the night before they drink their first alcoholic beverage, they consume a lot of food. This is something that you want to avoid at all costs because not only does it cause a hangover symptoms in the morning, but it can also affect your weight loss efforts. So, eat a healthy dinner and plenty of healthy snacks before going to bed, and this will help your body get the rest it needs to heal itself properly.
Some herbal remedies promise relief from hangover symptoms, but many people find they aren’t accommodating. One of the best ways to find relief is simply drinking loads of cool water. Water, freezing water, tends to help the body get rid of toxins more quickly than other drinks. Ginger tea is another favorite hangover symptoms-relief method. Peppermint tea is also thought to help lessen the symptoms of a hangover and tea, soda, and juice.
A common practice among people looking for tips for alleviating hangover symptoms is to drink more alcohol. Although experts do not recommend going beyond one or two alcoholic beverages per day, more is sometimes better. As long as you avoid alcohol for at least one day after the event, you’ll be fine. It’s also essential to take care of your hangover symptoms, as well. Brushing and flossing your teeth right after the alcohol effects will help prevent other dental problems later on.
After you drink the alcohol the night before hangover symptoms, you must make sure that you get a good eight to ten hours of restful sleep. By ensuring that your body gets the proper amount of sleep, you are giving it the best chance to rid itself of the toxins and other harmful substances that may be in your system at the time of your hangover symptoms. Sleep is the best way for your body to rid itself of the toxins produced by alcohol during the night.
These are just a few tips to ensure that you are getting the hangover symptoms cure that you need. Don’t forget, however, that there is no permanent cure for a hangover. It will simply be a case of finding the best hangover symptoms cure that suits your particular case. Just remember that taking care of yourself before, during, and after your alcohol hangover symptoms will ensure that you get through your night without taking a lot more alcohol!
Finally, one of the best cures for a hangover symptoms is to drink some water the night before you go to bed. By drinking water, your body is dilating the blood vessels in your body, which helps reduce the amount of alcohol it takes in during the night. It’s vital to ensure that you also drink enough water before you go to bed. If you do not give your body the water it needs, then the following day with hangover symptoms, you will feel highly thirsty and might even vomit. You don’t want this to happen, so make sure you take in enough water before you go to bed!
The good news is that there are many natural remedies for symptoms of hangover symptoms available on the market today. Some of these remedies include drinking a cup of warm tea, placing crushed ice into a warm glass of water, drinking small amounts of ginger ale, eating celery, or consuming a teaspoonful of baking soda. These natural remedies can help combat the hangover symptoms without using medications or expensive prescription drugs. Before trying any of these home remedies, however, it is essential to consult your physician.
Furthermore, if alcohol negatively impacts your interpersonal, emotional, and physical well-being but you continue to drink, alcohol treatment will significantly enhance your quality of life. Treatment targets both the physical and emotional components of addiction. FRN recovery centers provide intensive services of the highest quality care. To learn more about our services, please contact us to discuss hangover symptoms.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for