Different ADHD medication is used in the treatment of disorders like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. And the treatment can be complex as it is challenging to choose from all the ADHD medication. A small guide about ADHD medication is made just for others’ assistance in which all the medicines are mentioned that many patients use. This short includes the names of medications’ names they work and the medications’ adverse effects. Also, some information is collected from those who have already used these medicines before. It should be kept in mind that the side effects of medications are seen but can be finished in a few weeks or days of the treatment. It is possible that after some trials and errors, it can be figured out which medication is suitable for which person.
The Stimulants Amphetamines
Common ADHD medication: Dextrostat, Adderall, Dexedrine, Vyvanse
How ADHD medication work: It is believed that neurotransmitters in the brain are balanced and controlled by these ADHD medications. An increase in concentration, changes in focus, attention, and decreasing fidgeting all are under the control of these medications. Many of these ADHD medications or stimulants are acting for a concise while, and due to this, they require very frequent dosing. Forms of medicines that have a long-lasting effect can cause an increase in sleeping issues and other difficulties in appetite.
Potential side effects: There are many side effects of ADHD medication, including sleep problems, irritability, tics, loss of appetite in sleep, etc.
User experience: “I used Adderall-an ADHD medication or stimulants, and after using it, I felt a little weird. I became very anxious, and there was an increase in the irritation in the skin. I wouldn’t say I liked this medicine and will never prefer it. I requested my doctors to change the ADHD medication after taking it for a month and seeing the side effects. After this ADHD medication, my doctor recommended me to take Vyvanse, and that was good for me with zero adverse effects. I really liked this medicine and could see an improvement, but I also had to leave this medicine because of some other reasons.”
—Jody Carroll, 36, diagnosed at age 26.
“I used Adderall medicine and had better results with it until some bad effects were seen in my behaviour in which anger and irritability were included, and the Tourette’s tics became so poor that I had to leave that medicine and try some other ADHD medication.”
—Keri Nichols,* 27, diagnosed at age 7.
Medicine Of Methylphenidates (stimulants)
Common ADHD medicines: Methylin, Ritalin, Concerta, Focalin, Quillivant, Metadate, Daytrana patch
How they work: This ADHD medication help improve focus and concentration as there are several natural substances in the brain that control the change. Many of these medicines are acting for a concise while, and they need doses very frequently. Forms of medications that work for an extended period can cause an increase in sleeping and other difficulties in appetite.
Potential Side effects: These ADHD medicines may cause problems in sleeping, loss of weight, irritability, tics, loss of appetite.
Experience of Users: “I used Ritalin, and it was really effective as ADHD medication. It had a good result. I liked it so much because I could concentrate and focus on my work after 40 minutes of using it. My mental clarity was increased. But this drug of ADHD medication also had some adverse effects on me, like I started losing my appetite and had to face breathing problems if I intake it after eating food. My heartbeat increased so much, I faced headaches often, and my Tourette’s tics increased. I had to face anxiousness and irritability and also nervousness when I stop using that medicine. This was the most discomforting thing from all the potential side effects of the medicine.”
—Keri Nichols
“I usually fell asleep when I used Ritalin.”
—Shelly Hampton,* 35, diagnosed at age 34
“I used Ritalin (ADHD medication), and after using it, I felt a little weird. I became quite upset, and there was an increase in the irritation in the skin. I could not see any improvement. Rather, I lost my focus on everything. I could not concentrate properly. So, I had to leave this medication. Then I used Concerta, and after using this medicine, I felt like it was a little better, but still, the skin picking was increased by using it.”
—Jody Carroll
Various Non-stimulants
Common medications: Strattera and Intuniv
How they work: Increase in concentration, changes in focus, attention, and decreasing fidgeting all are under the control of these medications, just like amphetamines. These medications should be taken after every 24 hours.
Potential side effects: There are many side effects that an individual might observe after consuming this medicine that includes the following: mouth becomes dry, the stomach may be upset, issues related to sleep, fatigue, occasional frequent headache, pain in the abdomen, and sleepiness.
Experience of User: “It’s been five weeks now I have been using this medicine named Strattera a form of ADHD medication. Even after five weeks, I still yawn for few hours after taking a dose of this medicine. But then, I did not face the sluggishness. When I stand or get up, I feel light-headed. There were some major side effects of this ADHD medication when I started taking this medicine that included feeling sleepy and dizzy all the time. Furthermore, There was no improvement seen in my ADHD. Instead, I had to face regular mood swings now.”
—Carmen Davis,* 30, recently diagnosed.
“I used Strattera (ADHD medication) in my younger age, and it was not good for me as side effects of taking this medicine were seen, so I had to take off through that medicine.”
—Keri Nichols
Various Antidepressants
Common medications: Tofranil, Aventyl, Norpramin, Wellbutrin, Pamelor
How they work: Like amphetamines and non-stimulants, it is believed that neurotransmitters in the brain are balanced and controlled by these ADHD medications. An increase in concentration, changes in focus, attention, and decreasing fidgeting all are under the control of these medications.
Potential side effects: The potential side effects that an individual may observe after consuming these ADHD medicines includes the following: Occasionally frequent headaches, problems related to sleep, a running heart, issues related to fatigue, anxiety, the stomach becomes upset, the mouth becomes dry, and the person feels dizziness.
User experience: “When I started using Wellbutrin, I initially thought it was working and will have good results, but after I started feeling a little tensed most of the time, I had to stop taking this medicine.”
—Shelly Hampton
Medicine Blood Pressure
Common medicines: Clonidine, Catapres/Kapvay, Tenex
How they work: These ADHD medication are used to relax blood vessels and increase blood flow. They are considered off-label when they are used for the treatment of ADHD.
Side effects: The following side effects can be observed: Feeling dizzy, blood pressure becomes low, the mouth becomes dry, problems related to fatigue and behavior, and an increase in irritability.
Experience Of User
“When I used Clonidine a form of ADHD medication, I felt like it is functional medicine and helps in ADHD as ADHD medication but not as much as the other stimulant medications can do. But still, this ADHD medication was better than others in a way that other medicines were not easy to take as they caused an increase in Tourette’s tics. I had to face some potential side effects of this ADHD medication as well, like loss of energy and feeling dizziness. My mouth became dry, and I also had nightmares when I use that medicine. I felt drowsiness. But Clonidine was helpful as it helped me reduce the side effects of Ritalin medicine and helped me relax with very few adverse effects than other ADHD medication. I often used these medicines, and they also helped me adjust to which medication must be taken and at what time. Although more years of driving experience will help develop driving behaviors , adults with ADHD must be continually aware of how their symptoms affect their driving. Adults with ADHD are more likely to be involved in car accidents, receive traffic fines, and drive without or with a revoked license.
—Keri Nichols
Carroll said that it takes time to fit in any ADHD medication with appropriate doses. Do not get panic, and instead of this, give yourself some time to adjust to these ADHD medications Do not be afraid; instead, tell him the potential side effects you are going through. You are never alone in this. There are a lot of people who are going through all this like you.
Nichols said that it is a long process to find the treatment and that will work best for you. To find the ADHD medication and supplements that are good for you and determine whether the prescribed drugs are working well or not, you need to change them and see if these medications have some side effects on your body. This is all because we all are different, and our metabolisms, our immune systems are other. The way our body reacts to ADHD medication is distinctive for every medicine. Thus, it takes time to determine which drug is good for you. It may have some side effects initially, but there is a possibility that your body will get used to it later, and at that time, it will be worth it. Just stick to the medicine and remember that you are making an effort, and a big step towards improvement is taking ADHD medication.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for Dualdiagnosis.org.