Dual Diagnosis; Outreach & Advocacy
Dual Diagnosis and Co-occurring disorders need to be made less stigmatized through public awareness and advocacy. As a group involved in Dual Diagnosis Recovery Network, we advocate for more effective treatment of patients with co-occurring disorders.
To inform and make consumers and families aware of the need for more appropriate co-occurring treatment, we work with chemical dependency, mental health, and consumer advocacy groups. Our goal is to facilitate recovery of Dual Diagnosis.
Dual Diagnosis Recovery Network provides people complete awareness about dual disorders and also advocates the treatment plans.
Drug dependency, Dual Diagnosis mental health, patient, and family are the main areas of concentration when talking about co-occurring disorders treatment plans. We are working to enhance facilities for individuals and families to ensure maximum output in dual disorder recovery.
We Are Taking the Following Steps to Maximize Our Services Related to Dual Diagnosis:
- Collaboration with other organizations working for the exact cause of Dual Diagnosis in any way
- Arrange public awareness seminars and presentations
- Offer residential services for patients suffering from co-occurring disorders
- Provision of motivational sessions to in-patients
- Distribution of different brochures and pamphlets to educate people about co-occurring conditions and Dual Diagnosis
- Campaigns to advocate issues related to social problems associated with these combined drug addiction and mental disorders.
Dual Diagnosis Recovery Network is also working with other organizations to treat the mentioned mental health issues. We are networking with regional community-based institutes working on mental health and drug-associated disorders. These Dual Diagnosis regional institutes may include different social agencies providing relevant services, churches, regional communities, and organizations that provide advocacy.
Read More Outreach & Advocacy
Task Force on Statewide Issues
The Next Step Statewide Task Force on Dual Diagnosis Final Report and Recommendations to Address Co-Occurrence: Bridging the Gap for Change. The Dual Diagnosis Recovery Network hosted a Task Force on Co-occurring Disorders from November 2001 to January 2002, with the support of the Tennessee Mental Health Planning Council and other major groups.
144 individuals across seven regional work groups comprised the task force…Read More Statewide Task Force
Support Groups for Self-Help
People can develop trust and explore illnesses openly and honestly in self-help support groups through Dual Diagnosis Anonymous. These groups also offer emotional support and acceptance. Support and encouragement can be provided by joining a self-help group to stay on the path of recovery. Self-help groups should be chosen in accordance with your needs and personality. It is important to go regularly…
Read More Self-Help Support Groups
Education and Training
In its Training Institute, DDRN offers access to the latest research and services for professionals, consumers and family members related to Dual Diagnosis. Through its workshops and conferences, DDRN has held over 100 days workshops throughout its history. Training can be customized to suit the needs of an organization, and staff offers formal and informal consultation to individuals and organizations around the U.S. Our company has gained National…
New researches on Dual Diagnosis are carried out every day. Medical professionals are doing research work for the ease of humanity by giving cures to evolving diseases. Different training and educational seminars are arranged to educate the people about growing problems of health. Dual Diagnosis Recovery Network is an institute working 24/7 to help humanity against mental health disorders and drug-associated addictions. We serve in two steps mainly. First, we arrange meetings and seminars with professionals, patients, and family members to learn about different types of dual disorders. Meanwhile, we provide our services for the cure of these disorders. We have various recovery programs. Our qualified medical professional chose the best-suited plan after a thorough checkup of coming patients. All the patients, either out-patients or admitted ones, are thoroughly followed up to ensure complete recovery. DDRN has also conducted more than 100 day-long workshops at different levels. We have qualified and experienced staff for consultancy related to Dual Diagnosis throughout the whole country of the United States of America.
Focus Groups
DDRN develops community-based groups to help individuals in Dual Diagnosis. They also participate with family members of the affected persons and services providers for problem identification and discovering community-based solutions. The participants of these groups form a task force to enhance recovery opportunities for individuals having co-occurring disorders, and Dual Diagnosis.
Speakers Bureau
We also have a speaker’s bureau. They are responsible for addressing the issues and enhancing the people’s knowledge regarding the organization’s theme, recovery from co-occurring disorders, and Dual Diagnosis. The bureau involves affected individuals, their family members, and relevant professionals treating the issues.
Regional Chapters
We are also working in different regions with the cooperation of some regional personals. These regional groups or chapters provide individuals, families, and service providers opportunities to coordinate and communicate better related to Dual Diagnosis. This is useful in providing better opportunities to the patients for complete and fast cures.
Regional chapters help the local community develop improved services for better treatment of persons suffering from dual mental health problems. This can be made even more supportive with the participation of state government and educational institutes. To get more information about the active group in your region or starting your regional chapter, feel free to contact us 24/7 and get Dual Diagnosis.
Moving Forward with Co-Occurring Disorders
During November 2001 and January 2002, the Dual Diagnosis Recovery Network arranged meetings between Tennessee Mental Health Planning Council, regional groups, and government officials. These meetings aimed to identify the needs of the increasing problem of co-occurring issues of mental disorder and drug addiction. At the end of these meeting sessions, the final report was sent to the Tennessee Departments of Health and Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Commissioners.
After meeting with Commissioner, two survey reports were conducted from the public to prioritize the issue and needs for their solutions.
After the Completion of These Surveys and Evaluating the Results, the Committee Recommended the Following Suggestions Regarding Dual Diagnosis:
1. Education/Recognition of Need:
- Collaboration of local bodies with local educational institutes, colleges and universities etc. to educate young generations about the threat of dual disorders and awareness about Dual Diagnosis.
- Efforts for relevant curriculum changes the courses of psychology, sociology, criminology, law, and the medical sciences.
- They are sharing knowledge about Dual Diagnosis, co-occurring mental disorders and their integrated treatment.
- Communicate about methods of prevention in school education.
- Develop an online system for people to stay connected to treatment centers.
2. Policy’s review:
Collaboration Between Different Departments in This Regard:
- Make necessary changes to local laws
- Review insurance regulations
- Evaluate and encourage diversion into treatment rather than jail
3. Provider Capabilities:
- Provision of assessment plans statewide.
- Implementation of evaluated plans
- Establishing a master calendar to convey meeting times between different responsive bodies better.
Self-motivated Supportive Groups
An example of such a supportive group is Dual Diagnosis Anonymous, which offers a suitable environment to promote the recovery process. They provide support in all the requirements to affected persons along with emotional and moral help. These activities developed the trust of people in these groups, and people more openly explore their issues. It also helps to get better treatment and pinpoint focus during the recovery process. Self-help group must be wisely chosen according to yours needs and problems. These groups also guide to suitable plan for a specific Dual Diagnosis patient. Regular treatment will lead to a healthy and happy lifestyle.
Some self-support groups are mentioned in the below lines:
Dual Recovery Anonymous
Dual Recovery Anonymous offers a self-help recovery program based on the 12 steps principle. It helps both men and women to cure drug addiction along with mental health disorders.
This system only requires two basic conditions if you want membership in this system. The patient should want to leave any abusive drugs and want to manage psychological illness. It depends on the will power of a patient that how much time and treatment is required for complete cure from combined effects of drug addiction and any mental disorder prevailing.
The members of Dual Recovery Anonymous develop a network of people like social workers, medical facilities providers, psychiatrists, and religious or spiritual persons also.
Everyone’s Recovery Groups (ERG)
This program is designed to cope with the problems of patients facing multiple physical, mental, and addictive problems. This group addresses complex issues of such people. Everyone’s Recovery Group follows strict medication and psychiatric programs to cure these types of persons. All the patients are properly followed up for a long time even after recovery to ensure the complete eradication without any withdrawal side effects.
Double Trouble in Recovery
It is also another twelve-step recovery plan for both men and women who express their drug addiction(s) experiences and mental health disorder(s). The double trouble recovery method is planned in such a way that it helps the patients in all the aspects.
This program primarily focuses on psychiatric medication along with allopathic medicines. Regular psychiatric sessions are carried out by qualified and expert psychologists for the mental grooming of patients. We are not taking any charges for the membership of the Double Trouble in Recovery program and even during the whole treatment plan.
Schizophrenics Anonymous
Schizophrenics Anonymous was established in 1985 by the Mental Health Association of Michigan. It is a non-professional self-help program. This program is also based on the Twelve Steps principle. It was especially designed to cope with the problems of patients having dual disorders along with schizophrenia. If you need help regarding Schizophrenics Anonymous, it is directed to contact the Mental Health Association of Michigan.
Depressive Manic Depressive Association (DMDA)
The Depressive Manic Depressive Association is a huge national organization and have its branching in most of the major cities of the country. They educate people by different means including meetings, seminars and other ways. They are also providing self-help support programs to cater Dual Diagnosis. These meetings are often arranged in different mental health care centers and at other public facilities with prior schedules monthly.
The purpose of these meetings is not only to educate people but also to guide them about different treatment plans for their Dual Diagnosis specific problems. These meetings also help their attendants to avoid misconceptions about various mental and addictive disorders. They also provide helpful information to the families of affected persons and other professionals to better support their loved ones suffering from these diseases.
Foundations Recovery Network (FRN)
Foundations Recovery Network (FRN), the parent institute of Dual Diagnosis Recovery Network (DDRN), was founded in 1995. It was established to treat the person suffering from dual disorders. It was reported in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2010, that 45% of drug addictive people also have some mental health disorders at the same time. Diagnosis Recovery Network (DDRN) offers treatment to such people.
FRN offers a 12-step mega program for the treatment of dual disorder persons. The services include out-patient services, residential programs, and also rehabilitation. Our recovery program has a major part of motivational sessions. These sessions are found to be very helpful in fast recovery. Our residential programs are also becoming famous nationally because of their high rate of success.
Foundations Recovery Network (FRN) has highly qualified, experienced, and caring staff with state-of-the-art lab and treatment facilities. All these, when working simultaneously, ensure complete cure of Dual Diagnosis in minimum time.
How it Will Work ?
Our bond makes us more robust, and we can better serve humanity. We aim to help the affected persons to recover from dual disorders. Sharing experience makes us stronger. We share expertise to perform better and also to remember our aim to provide services regarding Dual Diagnosis.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for Dualdiagnosis.org.