Dissociative Ketamine also referred to as Special K and Vitamin K has been used in the U.S. since the 1970s, as both a human and veterinary anesthetic. The addition of Spravato to the Ketamine family of drugs was approved in 2019 to treat depression and acute suicidal ideation in people who are at risk for or who have experienced severe depression. Ketaset is a surgical anesthetic brand name used by veterinary surgeons.
Ketamine is a powerful drug that is likely the most commonly used anesthetic planet. It is classified as an essential drug, which means that sufficient quantities should be available at all times to meet healthcare needs. In 1985, it was added to the WHO (World Health Organization) Model List of Essential Medicines and the Model List of Essential Medicines for Children.
The substance is also helpful for pain relief. It is perhaps the most commonly used anesthetic in veterinary surgery. In recent years, the drug`s abuse and maltreatment have been targets of a lot of research involving substance use as a treatment for anxiety disorders and epilepsy ketamine abuse.
Those who abuse dissociative drugs perceive themselves differently and perceive their surroundings differently because of ketamine abuse. You can get the drug as a powder or liquid for intravenous injection or take it orally. It is not considered a narcotic or barbiturate, even though it is listed as Schedule III on the federal controlled substance’s list.
Modern Ketamine is mostly used in the veterinary field nowadays, but it has long been used in medicine for surgery and pain treatment in humans decades past. One big difference between drugs and anti-analgesics is the potential effect on receptors. It however, interacts with glutamine receptors to turn off the brain. In effect, it makes it appear that the brain and body are separate.
Partnership for a Drug-Free World , an organization that promotes drug-free and drug-free communities, notes that Ketamine was a controlled substance in 1999. However, the opioid has been in use since 1962, when the drug was introduced as a replacement for the opium drug PCP during Vietnam War. Almost three years after the drug was discovered, it was being used in clubs — what it has been most famous for throughout history — to where it has now spread throughout the world.
Phenotypic Analysis of Ketamine
It is believed that Ketamine can block the action of HCN1 receptors, a non-competitive NMDA antagonist that affects brain neurotransmitter processing. However, since it does not bind directly to opioid receptors itself, it can be blocked by the combined action of ketamine abuse with other drugs. The brain chemical glutamate is interfered with. Learn, remember, and perceive pain with glutamate. It increases heart rate, blood pressure, and blood circulation in a manner comparable to that of a sympathomimetic, so it is a physiologically similar substance to acetaminophen or valproic acid.
Although it is related to phencyclidine (PCP), it’s considerably less powerful than PCP, with total potency approximately 10% higher.
Ketamine has lipid-soluble compound whose half-life is between eight and fifteen minutes allowing for a detailed study of its occurrence in the body. Furthermore, the drug is injected into the body rather rapidly to be taken to a larger surface. It is then removed from peripheral tissues for a longer half-life until it is removed from the body.
Use and Abuse of Ketamine
A typical use of Ketamine during a surgical procedure is to induce a sedative effect, which is moderately effective in relieving the sensation of pain. Aside from sedating the body, the drug interferes with normal motor functions, and one cannot move. Risk of overdosing always exists when abused.
Most Ketamine exists in powder form, which is snorted or swallowed. It may also be dissolved to be injected. The drug, which came in tablet form, has fallen out of favor with the clubbers since its early days. However, many still mix the tablets with other stimulants, usually caffeinated ones. Pharmacopoeia drug is a liquid used by medics & vets.
According to WebMD, up to 14 million Americans suffer from major depression, with hallucinogenic, psychedelic effects. The danger of antidepressants for people suffering from depression is that 30 to 40% will find little or no improvement while taking them.
Until recently, the only reliable method of ingestion of the substance was in the form of injections. However, now there are several ways users can consume the drug, including snorting. However, the other methods come with a higher risk of harm because they call for ketamine abuse. The substance is usually swallowed in tea, milk, or other beverages. Unfortunately, most people are going to mix it into alcoholic drinks. Since alcohol and Ketamine both have depressant properties, both also slow breathing and decrease lung capacity, which leads to comas and deaths.
Who Abuses Ketamine
A 2006 study by SEMHSA noted 2.3 million people aged 12 and older used the substance at some point in the past, with 203,000 using Ketamine in the last 12 months. The substance abusers are mostly minors. As of 2011, they were Monitoring the Future notes 0.75% of 8th graders were aware of its use. It has been used without victims’ knowledge by some. As a user becomes numb to the drugs, they tend to forget happenings while under its influence. The abuser may also be more inclined to participate in unprotected sex or sex with strangers if it lowers inhibitions.
A fan-favorite among the gay community for decades, the substance has traditionally been a major part of the club scene. In 2012, a study by the Daily Mail found homosexuals and bisexuals were 13 times more likely to use it than the general population. Mentally ill patients tend to abuse the drug just like the general population. Ketamine may be better for someone with mental illnesses like bipolar or another neurodegenerative disorder such as epilepsy than for people without them. Its ability to enhance the sense of smell is a huge advantage when used for a long period.
Are You a Ketamine Addict?
Most ketamine abusers report this kind of feeling, so it seems that they are looking for this feeling to use the drug in the first place. Many people have reported far more extreme effects from its abuse other than the feelings of being detached from their body. It is called the “K-hole.” Because it kills pain receptors while on it, people get injured while on the drug they do not realize they have. Ketamine abuse or dependency can manifest in many ways. Here are some signs to watch out for:
- Slurred speech
- Moving on is hard for some people.
- Depression
- Tolerance
- Getting preoccupied with the drug
- Skin flushing or redness
- Reducing withdrawal symptoms by continuing its use
- Anxiousness
- Having a strong desire for it
- Unsuccessful attempts to stop
- It is preferred to sociable time
While ketamine abuse tends to be short-lived, it can also create a sustained state of emotional instability. Fans of the drug develop an inability to learn new material, a memory loss, and memory loss that is worse than general memory loss. The International Journal of Clinical Practice noted that its use had also been linked with impaired neurotransmission, which may lead to urinary tract dysfunction.
Regulations on Ketamine Use
Some nations believe that criminals could misuse Ketamine in their country, so they have agreed to control it federally. They can make storage, delivery, and use restricted to prevent theft or non-medical use. A trip to the coast is banned by any treaties, but not the substance
According to the WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependency in 2015, Ketamine is not recommended for scheduling as a controlled drug due to the health risks it poses to humans and the powerful dependence-producing properties that it produces, which can lead to its dependence. However, just like other drugs of abuse, there isn’t enough evidence to justify scheduling the drug as a schedule II marijuana product. Those countries that have a serious ketamine abuse problem can choose whether to accept national control measures or not. In general, the FDA’s position on access to the substance and other anesthetics in human and veterinary medicine should still be clear.
Health Effects & Hazards Associated with Ketamine
Taking Ketamine more than the recommended dosage can cause serious short term and long term health risks.
- Short-Term: Increased blood pressure, difficulty concentrating, slowed breathing, paranoia, reduced appetite, grogginess, and disorientation are signs of a problem.
- Long-Term: Blister ulcers; kidney problems, stomachache, depression poor mental judgement.
Side effects of this substance are, vomiting, dizziness, nausea, diplopia, lability, and uneasiness. Getting HIV, hepatitis, etc., from needles shared by others can be dangerous.
In alcoholics and severe alcohol-intoxicated people, ketamine use may result in death. the substance and caffeine in combination are toxic to animals. The substance abuse is often associated with energy drinks, often consumed in nightclubs.
The Extent of The Abuse
Ketamine can only be diverted from prescription medications. In illegal production, the injectable solution is normally diverted to a pot in which the liquid is evaporated and dried to obtain a powder sold as tablets or powder of intranasal applications.
- As Ketamine became more widely used in subcultures beginning at the end of 1970s, abuse of the drug began in a wide variety of ways.
- It is more recently used as “club drug”, mostly by teens at parties. In general, those between the ages of 16 and 25 are the most likely to abuse the substance.
- Researchers have also used this drug for “dating rape because of simultaneous confusion and amnesia.”
Monitoring the Future: Trends in Prevalence of Various Drugs report that the prevalence of use of Ketamine was on the decline or steady among 12th-grade students in 2019. Throughout recent years, there has been a steady decline of use by 0.7% compared to 1.5% for the same period in 2014.
Many reports about veterinary offices lost the the substance stock due to robbers. as said by the DEA, a primary source of illegal drug in the United States is getting them across their border with Mexico. It appears that Ketamine is mainly used illegally in diversion from authority.
It is a Time for Healing
Coming off the drug can cause withdrawal syndrome. Nausea, diarrhea, depression, and anxiety are common withdrawal symptoms. The substance should not be addictive, some users will claim it’s not addictive. Ketamine abuse doesn’t cause such physical dependency as alcohol or heroin do. Its effect on the mind can be profound, leading to frustration, as a result of which many abusers continue to seek relief from it by continuing to use it.
While suffering without benzodiazepine withdrawal, your symptoms are calmed with a low-dose plan that combines the effects of a benzodiazepine with a benzodiazepine. The patient will require a more detailed treatment plan to address the specific symptoms and course of illness arising due to the ketamine abuse co-occurring conditions. It is recommended that someone who has depression and its addiction and is experiencing withdrawal symptoms be more likely to be suitable for an inpatient program since they are likely to experience suicidal thoughts during withdrawal.
There are a number of treatment options available. By calling today, you can find out more about how to make the right choice for you or your loved one. Contact us today on our toll free number 615-490-9376 for further guidance regarding ketamine and many more.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for Dualdiagnosis.org.