A Symptoms Checklist for Bipolar Disorder and Addiction

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder are not rare. Most of us have mood swings. You might feel great one day The next day; you might become irritable and shout at drivers while in traffic. Few people attribute the change in pattern to a rough day, hormonal fluctuations, or not feeling well. People who have mood swings tend to have trouble at work, with friends, or with family.

American Psychological Association has propagated that approximately four percent of Americans have bipolar disorder. Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder, also commonly called manic-depression, can be characterized by the extreme swinging of mood from over-excitement and happiness (mania) to feeling extremely sad and depressed (Depression). Bipolar disorder causes mood swings that can be much more severe for those who can progressively worse for those who are untreated.

Bipolar illness can affect almost everyone. The bipolar disease affects approximately 2.5 percent of the United States population of about 6 million individuals. In patients with symptoms of bipolar disorder, mixed phases are prevalent; a quarter or more of the individuals suffering from bipolar disorder experience some manic signs throughout an entire depression episode. Mixed symptoms are more common in people who share bipolar disorder at an early stage of life, especially in puberty. People who have made by mixing periods of bipolar disorder can also undergo “pure” depressive, “pure” psychotic, or hypomanic stages of the disease. Low-grade mania signs may appear in individuals who’ve had significant Depression but not complete hypomania or mania symptoms. Some characters aren’t severe or common enough to have been associated with bipolar. An episode consists of a unipolar (significant) depressive condition or mixed Depression, with symptoms associated. Even though symptoms of bipolar disorder come and go, bipolar disorder is usually treated for the rest of one’s life and does not go away on its own. Suicide, work loss, and family strife may all be linked to bipolar disorder, but adequate care leads to better results.

An Exploration of the Types of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder affects manic and depressive episodes differently, having a different frequency of Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder. Since unusual mood swings characterize them, mania and Depression may happen separately, with one occurring more frequently or co-occur with mixed episodes.

We have 4 forms of bipolar disorder: bipolar disorder type I & II, cycothymic disease, and unspecified. They affect different people differently. Bipolar disorder usually worsens if left untreated, and has disastrous effects concerned patient and people around him.

  • Bipolar Type I. Manic episodes of this disorder can last more than a week. That persist for more than seven days. In extreme scenarios, a manic episode is so intense that hospitalization may be necessary. The  National mental health Institute notes that Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder, episodes of depression occur and persist for about 14 days.
  • Bipolar Type Ii. The opposite side of the coin to bipolar 1 is bipolar II. In contrast to an intense bout of a manic episode, a Patient having type 2 bipolar disorder will have frequent episodes of Depression accompanied by hypomania (the less intense expression of mania). We have rare instances of severe or mixed manic episodes.
  • Cyclothymia (a Type of Cyclothymic Disorder) Symptoms of cyclothymia include less intense manias and depressions but are not up to to the criterion of bipolar disorder.
  • Bp-Nos (bipolar Disorder (that is) Not Otherwise Specified). Symptoms of manic/depressive episodes can be found and perceived as abnormal for “normal” human behavior. However, despite all of the above, the individual is not entirely meeting the DMS-IV criteria for symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Mixed Bipolar Disorder and Addiction are the two most common problems. In many cases, a patient diagnosed with bipolar disorder deals with depressive symptoms and periods of psychosis or becomes highly energetic. However, mixed bipolar disorder is described as the symptoms of bipolar disorder experienced by both Depression and mania simultaneously or even in rapid succession.

Bipolar Disorder Has Symptoms and Signs As:

As discussed above, people having bipolar disorder tend to have extremes of happiness and sadness, which is not acceptable. What are the signs and symptoms of this disorder? Let’s examine a few.

Manic Symptoms

  • Frequently distracted
  • Height of happiness and joy ; a feeling of exhilaration; excitation
  • Fluent speech: flight of ideas: thoughts in which person has difficulty keeping up and changes topics or patterns of thinking frequently
  • Impulsive behaviors; chances of risky behavior, such as ending a relationship or quitting a job
  • Insomnia or sleep disturbances in which the person appears to be able to function despite little sleep
  • Unrealistic beliefs of grandeur in which a person may see himself or herself is invulnerable, have superpowers or is capable of more than he/she is
  • Can be distracted with ease

Bipolar disorder, manic-depressive syndrome, is a brain and personality disorder characterized by frequent oxygen saturation fluctuations that find it impossible to work. Bipolar disorder impacts more than 5.7m individuals in the US and 2.6 percent of people aged 18 and over per year. While it may appear in children and young adults, the disorder usually begins at the onset of puberty. People suffer from the condition without receiving diagnosis and treatment.

Depressive Symptoms

  • Poor concentration
  • Symptoms of restlessness
  • Loss of pleasure from once enjoyable activities
  • In a state of depression, hopelessness, or sadness
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Constantly experiencing fatigue or exhaustion
  • Suicide attempts. The Journal of Clinical Psychology reports that suicide attempts fifty% of bipolar patients

Disorders of memory, appetite and weight imbalance,  feeling sluggish, tired both mentally & physically, are Other general symptoms. People can also suffer from more severe forms symptoms of bipolar disorder, such as psychosis. Bipolar disorder can manifest itself as hallucinations or delusions, making a person believe they are someone else.

Treatment Options for Bipolar Disorder

As more bipolar disorder is left unchecked, the worse it will get. If you are experiencing Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder of bipolar disease or believe you might be bipolar, you must seek clinical help. This condition can be treated, and with the right care a person can lead a balanced and happy life. People suffering from mixed experiences and drug dependence should seek care that tackles both things simultaneously, regardless of how the two problems appear.

Despite these bleak figures, many people diagnosed with bipolar disorder go on to live happy, healthy, and prosperous lives after receiving treatment. It is essential to recognize that you are not alone whether you or a loved one are experiencing symptoms of bipolar disorder!

Any patients have an active drug abuse or alcohol crisis, but they still have mixed episodes. Their drug and alcohol use will intensify complications, extend the duration of a diverse bipolar illness, and boost the volume of symptoms they have. You must have had at least one psychotic or hypomanic episode to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Your mood isn’t relaxed, which is a sign of manic activity. It can feel good at first, particularly if you’ve been depressed. 

Well trained psychotherapist may assist individuals having bipolar-disorder in understanding their feelings, behaviors, and emotions. Psychological practices such as Cognitive-psychotherapy therapy which employs techniques that changes negative thinking patterns by offering healthy alternatives.

When depressed and psychotic symptoms are present simultaneously (symptoms of bipolar disorder), then the typical antidepressants like paroxetine, fluoxetine, and sertraline exacerbate mania effects while generally enhancing symptoms of Depression. As a result, most professionals warn against including—antidepressants Throughout the series with several characteristics. Atypical antipsychotic drugs and mood stabilizers will be the first therapies for mood episodes with mixed features initial symptoms of bipolar disorder. Infections of mixed, depressive, or suicidal states of Depression are common in mixed bipolar disorder. As a result, it is generally suggested that medication and avoid relapses; patient should pursue treatment, until a vulnerable age has passed. Treatment is referred to as “maintenance care” on occasion.

Other treatments, like ECT, stimulating the brain electrically and magnetic stimulation TMS, can treat bipolar disorder in certain instances. Additionally, some vitamins, regular exercise, maintaining a “mood map” have been shown to help people control bipolar disorder.

Once you have been diagnosed with symptoms of Bipolar Disorder, you will need to start treatment. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, your doctor will most likely suggest that you see a psychiatrist for further evaluation and treatment. Some psychiatrists are even known for treating patients who have had experiences that may support the idea that Bipolar Disorder happens to be a form of mental illness. Your psychiatrist may decide that you should start medication in addition to or instead of therapy, depending on your circumstances.

At Dual Diagnose Recovery Center, we provide intensive, customized bipolar disorder care. We have a compassionate, certified care team—doctors, psychotherapists, case managers, wellness counselors, and nurses—who specialize in helping people with mental illness mitigate and manage their symptoms. Our ultimate aim is to promote a vibrant and satisfying life in the future.

Now find a Dual Diagnosis Rehabilitation Facility. Suppose your family member or relative has mixed bipolar disorder or other troubling mental health issues and substance abuse problems. In that situation, we will assist you in finding a suitable rehab facility for them. Right now, to talk with an applicant’s manager about getting your beloved ones started on the road to recovery soon related to addition and mixed bipolar disorder. Soon they will get rid of symptoms of bipolar disorder.