The abuse of prescription drugs in the USA is a major problem in health care issues. According to the Centers for Disease Control (and cited by Forbes magazine), 16,235 American citizens died from prescription opioid overdoses in 2013.
Fentanyl withdrawal effects can be lethal in relation to the level of abuse. The abuse can be due to several reasons, but if you ask me, a desperate effort to relieve pain is third on the list of reasons patients use prescription drugs improperly. This is where fentanyl abuse comes from. There is also a risk of fentanyl withdrawal associated with fentanyl abuse, and unfortunately, people with prescriptions that are overprescribed are doing a very dangerous thing to their health.
It Has Eighty Times the Effect of Morphine
It is widely known that Fentanyl has a particular appeal for patients and abusers because it is much more potent than other painkillers when it comes to fentanyl withdrawal. It is known that Fentanyl in large quantities could be used in treating various types of depression, anxiety, and chronic pain. Since it binds to opioid receptors in the brain, that will depress the central nervous system and subdue the patient’s attention to physical pain. Fentanyl withdrawal patients will feel better and more positive as long as they’re in this state. This, however, is primarily a result of the medication they are receiving. Patients who are in a vulnerable state will likely up their dosage, believing that this will help them feel better sooner during fentanyl withdrawal.
The most important thing is to get Fentanyl to the patient as soon as possible, and this is precisely how Fentanyl differentiates itself from other opioids. Fentanyl withdrawal treatment. In the Annals of Palliative Medicine journal, it is reported that Fentanyl had a potency upwards of 80 times greater than morphine. When patients receive mild to moderate anesthesia but experiencing severe fentanyl withdrawal, it could diagnose them as suffering from rapid-onset pain. There is a lot of news regarding Fentanyl, as the journal described it as a “rapid-onset opioid,” which is certainly good news to patients suffering from the effects of the drug. The Journal of Pain Symptom Management reports that fentanyl tablets are more effective than morphine-based pain medication for individuals experiencing breakthrough cancer pain and those who wish to experience the intense (and immediate) rush of a fentanyl trip.
After becoming addicted to Fentanyl, people use it for various reasons, including coping with physical discomfort, psychological stress, or getting through the days of substance withdrawal.
After a while, the patient will become increasingly reliant on Fentanyl as a source of comfort.This type of problem is often caused by forged prescriptions, is caused by falsifying pain levels, and is the reason for diverting money to acquire more and more Fentanyl.
Abuse of a drug
As a result of the powerful properties of fentanyl withdrawal, can produce strong symptoms in its users and patients who attempt to stop abruptly, opioids such as Fentanyl can be considered to be psychologically addictive New Zealand Drug Foundation. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), listing Fentanyl as a Schedule II drug is sufficient evidence that it should be classified as such, a substance with legitimate medical use, but also one that can lead to physical or psychological dependence fentanyl withdrawal.
For instance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) clearly state in their own words: “Fentanyl is a drug that is often abused.”
Effects of Withdrawal, Duration, and Causes
To get away from the effects of abuse, it is imperative to discontinue the consumption of a particular substance. Patients who cease fentanyl consumption usually experience physical and psychological symptoms of fentanyl withdrawal. A substance withdrawal is when a body’s long-suppressed systems are suddenly deprived of a substance upon which they have become dependent. Regardless of how devastating addiction can become on its own, it is nearly impossible to overstate the devastation of withdrawal symptoms for fentanyl withdrawal.
As a General Rule, fentanyl withdrawal Symptoms take on The Following Characteristics:
- Sweating
- Trembling that is uncontrollable
- Vomiting and nausea may also be experienced.
- Headaches
- In a constant mood for more drugs
- Muscle cramping
- Diarrhoea
- Sleeplessness
- Mood changes such as depression, anxiety, and agitation.
- Miscarriage
It is also possible to experience hallucinations or seizures when withdrawing from Fentanyl, especially if the drug has been taken for an exceedingly long period or in overly high doses. Fentanyl withdrawal begins between six and 36 hours after the last dose is taken. The withdrawal process can last for one to two days.
However, the Actual Length of Withdrawal is Likely to Depend on Several Factors:
- What is the duration of the patient’s use of Fentanyl?
- Last intake and average dosage
- History of the patient
- Generally, how much pain medication is tolerated before the effects are felt.
The symptoms at the 48-hour point and later on start to progress gradually, culminating in a downward spiral around the one-week mark. If a patient was going through fentanyl withdrawal episodes, they might feel tempted to take more Fentanyl (or some other form of substance) to alleviate the frustration of their symptoms. Fentanyl is a highly potent drug, so relapsing at this point will increase the severity of addiction, even to the point of death, and therefore, it is necessary to consider health and safety when using this substance for fentanyl withdrawal.
Since Fentanyl can hook the patient into an addiction that results in fentanyl withdrawal, weaning them off the drug must be done systematically. During clinical psychotherapy, the psychological component of the problem will be addressed. Meanwhile, the fentanyl withdrawal process will be supervised by treating anxiety and convulsions administered under controlled conditions.
Withdrawal from Fentanyl and Methadone
In addition to its ability to relieve withdrawal symptoms in individuals who have developed opioid addiction, methadone is popular in detoxification programs. In addition, the drug has been found to appear to show fewer high-intensity effects than other opioids like those seen with fentanyl withdrawal. A review of the drug by WebMD suggests that it acts on the same opioid receptors in the brain as other narcotics and opioids, much in the same way that they do. It is an opioid that blocks other narcotics and opioids but does not build up the euphoric high associated with fentanyl withdrawal.
A study published in Medscape reveals that 22 children were given methadone to help them withdraw from Fentanyl faster and avoid fentanyl withdrawal symptoms. According to the study results, it was found that patients who received Fentanyl for more than a week were more likely to develop withdrawal symptoms – or, as they put it, “opioid withdrawal syndrome.” This meant particular movement disorders and behavioral issues.
If a patient received one to nine days of continuous fentanyl infusions, there was a 100 per cent chance that he or she would develop opioid abstinence syndrome.
An experiment at the University of Minnesota showed that prescribing methadone for one or two days before tapering a patient’s Fentanyl effectively stopped the patient’s consumption of the opiates in two days of fentanyl withdrawal. The method was effective even for patients who had been on Fentanyl for more than nine days. Methadone, however, is abused for its analgesic effects (it is a Schedule II drug in the United States and is only available from authorized pharmacies), so the dose of methadone used to treat fentanyl addiction must be sufficiently low.
It is important to note that as well as the side effects discussed earlier, methadone can also cause fentanyl withdrawal along with the side effects of methadone. It can have adverse reactions in patients whose medical histories or conditions have a certain tendency to react negatively to it. Methadone is an excellent substance to aid in the fight against fentanyl addiction. Still, it should not be taken unsupervised as fentanyl withdrawal might result in methadone dependence if taken unsupervised.
Although the researchers concluded that oral administration of methadone reduced the risk of fentanyl withdrawal and opioid abstinence syndrome, the researchers also did not suggest that it was the best way of stopping Fentanyl abruptly.
Detox from Fentanyl
The process of fentanyl withdrawal usually occurs in a hospital, rehab facility, doctor’s office, or specialized clinic. Outpatient detox can be offered at particular facilities, where the patient self-reports to the clinic to receive methadone infusions before being discharged. The PsychCentral website states that withdrawal patients can remain in touch with their family and take care of their professional responsibilities while eliminating Fentanyl withdrawal from their daily routine. In addition to outpatient detox, even patients participating in a 12-Step program must receive some form of support in the form of individual counselling, family therapy, etc. Even though outpatient detox provides freedom of movement, people should still avoid detoxing alone despite fentanyl withdrawal.
The ideal patient for inpatient or residential treatment will not relapse if left to their own devices, so going home is not an option. A less stressful and safer fentanyl withdrawal experience can be achieved by controlling withdrawal symptoms. The staff must administer the opioid abstinence syndrome patients with methadone at the appropriate times and the right doses to help them manage the relapse symptoms. It is recommended that the patient undergo psychotherapy following fentanyl withdrawal to overcome the psychological problems caused by fentanyl abuse. By combining individual therapy with group therapy, the patient can learn new skills and strategies for managing recurring temptations to abuse Fentanyl by creating a more productive and user-friendly environment with more positive and productive thoughts, emotions, and behaviours fentanyl withdrawal.
It’s possible to improve your life and reduce expenses for fentanyl withdrawal by increasing productivity at home and cutting costs. The FRN team understands how frustrating it can be when something designed to help you heal can become a source of suffering for you. Contact us on 615-490-9376 and our admissions coordinators will answer any questions you may have about using Fentanyl to overcome an addiction and fentanyl withdrawal effects.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for