Understanding Sleeping Disorders
Otherwise called idiopathic hypersomnia, the primary hypersomnia issue is characterized by hypoarousal.
It is as well-known as a condition where people feel less conscious and alert and encountering lesser psychological capacity. Now in less difficult terms, the individuals who are living with primary hypersomnia problems are always feeling drowsy and experience an extended scene of non-REM (Rapid eye moment) kind of sleep when contrasted with the overall population. So when it comes to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders it indicates that primary hypersomnia is a condition that comes with much sleepiness but doesn’t confuse it for narcolepsy or better still or another sleep disorder. The individuals who battle with this disorder frequently wake so regularly during the night regardless of having a significant period in nocturnal sleep that they experience “sleep drunkenness” when they wake up the following day.
To numerous patients with idiopathic hypersomnia, it can be so hard to wake up and feel alert in the day. So they most times consume stimulant medications with expectations of giving themselves a lift. You see them take drugs like Crystal meth, cocaine, and prescriptions stimulant that bring about the impact that might be used by patients to assist them with defeating the lethargy that prevents them from working or living their normal life. But regrettably, this never really takes care of the primary hypersomnia problem and can at last cause a drug addiction that can be deadly.
Classifications of Primary Hypersomnia Disorder
It is a known fact that primary hypersomnia problem is either monosymptomatic or polysymptomatic, as indicated by a report that was published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. The monosymptomatic kind is characterized exclusively by repetitive awakening for the duration of the night. The polysymptomatic type is portrayed by long hours of sleep in the night followed by “sleep drunkenness” the following morning.
The report recommends that the three unique subgroups of primary hypersomnia are as follows:
- Subgroup I: A family background or history of the problem of mental illness and having symptoms of a broken autonomic nervous system
- Subgroup II: A viral contamination that brings about neurologic side effects followed by symptoms of persistent exhaustion and long nighttime sleep.
- Subgroup III: Devoid of family history or viral disease
Dual Diagnosis: Struggling with Two Disorders at Once
As described by research published in the diary Psychosomatic Medicine, the patients who were tested to have primary hypersomnia problems regularly battle with co-occurring substance abuse disorders. Sometimes, this can mean a psychological health challenge like despondency. In another hand, it can mean drug and liquor misuse or addiction.
When Primary hypersomnia disorder is tested in a person, regardless of whether a patient has not started using stimulant medications to deal with the issue all alone, they might be prescribed addictive stimulants to treat the issue, and the following are the drugs:
- Modafinil (e.g., Provigil)
- Methylphenidate (e.g., Ritalin, Daytrana, Concerta)
- Dextroamphetamine (e.g., Procentra, Dexedrine Spansules)
- Dextroamphetamine and amphetamine combination drugs (e.g., Adderall XR)
The conceivable development of drug reliance is consistently an issue when these drugs are consumed. These drugs do have drug abuse potential and, when joined with different medications and liquor, particularly, can bring about various issues including:
- Overdose and health-related crisis
- Having accidents while under the influence
- Severe medical issues
- Legal issues when practices related to being under the influence or getting more medications are unlawful
- Monetary issues and additionally issues at school or work
The causes of Primary Hypersomnia
While the specific reasons for Primary Hypersomnia are still a mystery, analysts have researched various potential factors that may add to the advancement of idiopathic hypersomnia. A certain kind of researches has been made to look into the expected roles of neurotransmitters which include orexins, dopamine, serotonin, histamines, and gamma-aminobutyric corrosive (GABA). Research recommends that there may likewise be a hereditary part to Primary Hypersomnia since a family background of the condition is available in 26% to 39% of Primary Hypersomnia patients.
One of the diagnostic for primary hypersomnia is that its symptoms aren’t brought about by a circadian rhythm problem; even some research recommends that there might be an association between primary hypersomnia and the body’s system inner clock. Recent studies have discovered that the regulation of specific genes engaged with circadian rhythm might be diverse in individuals with primary hypersomnia.
Excessive lethargy, like wisely called hypersomnolence, is a typical encounter for 33% of Americans that are persistently sleep deprived. National Sleep Foundation Sleep in America poll disclosed that 43% of individuals report that daytime sluggishness meddles with their activities at least a couple of days a month.
Hypersomnolence isn’t an issue in itself; it’s a side effect of different conditions. Most instances of excessive lethargy are identified with inadequate or interruption of sleep. Not having good sleep may result from different types of conditions, including sleep problems like insomnia, obstructive rest apnea, and sleep-related movement issues.
For certain individuals, however, extreme sluggishness isn’t the aftereffect of other conditions and can’t be eased following an entire night’s rest. When hypersomnolence isn’t brought about by disturbed rest or another rest issue, it could be named a central problem of hypersomnia.
Hypersomnia is a clinical term used to depict a different kind of condition in which an individual feels unnecessarily drained or rests longer than expected. A few scientists group hypersomnia as a primary or secondary. Primary hypersomnia is a neurological condition that happens all alone and has no known fundamental cause. Secondary hypersomnia happens as the aftereffect of an underlying ailment.
What is the ideal amount of Sleep We Need?
Hypersomnia, or excess sleepiness, is a side effect of other clinical conditions. Hypersomnia can be named secondary when it is because of ailments, prescriptions, substances, mental problems, or inadequate rest disorder.
Hypersomnia caused by an ailment: Medical conditions that may cause hypersomnia to bring about Parkinson’s sickness, epilepsy, hypothyroidism, multiple sclerosis, and even adding excessive weight. Hypersomnia can likewise bring about tumors, Brain tremor injuries, and sicknesses of the nervous system.
Hypersomnia because of a medicine or substance: A kind of sedating prescriptions, liquor, and medication use can cause hypersomnia. Hypersomnia can likewise be a symptom of stopping to use stimulant medications and a few meds.
Treatment for All Disorders
At the point when primary hypersomnia problem is present with working together with drug misuse and addiction, then dual Diagnosis rehab is suggested. At these extensive treatment programs, patients can take care of the two problems simultaneously viably and decrease the danger of relapse.
So feel free to reach us at the telephone number listed above now to get informed about your loved one’s choices in Dual Diagnosis treatment.
Lacking enough sleep condition: Perhaps the most direct reason for hypersomnia, inadequate sleep disorder happens when an individual consistently is deprived of adequate sleep. Inadequate sleep or night shift work may make an individual build up the ability to acquire the necessary measure of sleep.
Hypersomnia related to a mental problem: Many states of mind issues may cause hypersomnia, including depression, bipolar disorder, and occasional affective disorder.
Primary Hypersomnias
Primary hypersomnia depicts hypersomnia that happens all alone and isn’t secondary to another condition. The central problems of hypersomnia that can be named primary are narcolepsy type 1 and type 2, Kleine-Levin disorder, and idiopathic hypersomnia.
Narcolepsy type 1: Narcolepsy type 1, which can also be called narcolepsy with cataplexy, is a serious or chronic neurological problem brought about by a deficient neurotransmitter called orexin. Even though hypersomnolence is one prevailing symptom of narcolepsy type 1, different indications are cataplexy (unexpected muscle weakness), severe sleep disorder, and hallucinating.
Narcolepsy type 2: Narcolepsy type 2 has a large number of similar symptoms to type 1, yet does exclude cataplexy and isn’t brought about by a deficiency of orexin.
Kleine-Levin condition: Kleine-Levin disorder is portrayed by repeating episodes of extreme hypersomnolence that happen close by mental, conduct, and surprisingly mental aggravations. This condition fundamentally influences young guys and the episodes regularly decline over a time of 8 to 12 years.
Idiopathic hypersomnia: If a patient has an excessive sleep disorder, without cataplexy, that isn’t revived by snoozes or rest, they might be determined to have idiopathic hypersomnia.
Idiopathic Hypersomnia
Idiopathic hypersomnia is a sleep problem wherein an individual feels exorbitant tiredness, even following a full and continuous evening of sleep. Individuals with this condition may sleep longer than ordinary, in some cases at least 11 hours per night, yet still, feel tired during the day. Other likely indications of IH incorporate non-therapeutic rests and sensations of drowsiness after you might have woken up, and it is called rest inertia. Sleep inertia can also be called sleep drunkenness, can be chronic in individuals experiencing IH. The progress from sleep to attentiveness can take as long as a few hours, leaving an individual mentally hazy and experiencing issues participating in even the simplest assignments—like getting up.
In individuals with IH, hypersomnolence can occur whenever during the day or night. severe tiredness can cause critical difficulties at work, school, and even in your relationship. Alongside drowsiness, patients with IH may encounter disposition changes, slow reasoning and response times, and memory challenges.
Treatment for All Disorders
When you have a primary hypersomnia ailment that exists in concert with drug abuse and addiction, Dual Diagnosis rehab is recommended. At these extensive treatment programs, patients can address both disorders at the same time effectively and reduce the risk of relapse.
So feel free to contact us with the phone number listed above now to learn more about your or your loved one’s options in Dual Diagnosis treatment.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for Dualdiagnosis.org.