Information on Tourette Syndrome

Tics, or involuntary and repetitive movements, are a symptom of Tourette syndrome (TS) that can manifest in various brain functions. Some tics can be so distracting to patients that they find it difficult to remain in relationships or to take up some kinds of work or projects.

The symptoms associated with Tourette syndrome may not be the same for everyone, nor will they be experienced all at the same intensity. Patients need to seek professional treatment, regardless of whether the disorder is mild, moderate, or severe.

Due to this and the associated frustration and depression, and an afflicted patient may switch to alcohol or drugs for relief or a way to escape from Tourette syndrome. Addiction to substance abuse may develop when substance use becomes a regular practice. Patients may experience the following problems as a result:

  • Mental health issues, including TS, exacerbate manifestations of undiagnosed cerebral health problems
  • Overdoses and accidents happen when people are when controlled by drugs.
  • An altered immune system as a result of long-term drug consumption
  • Different drugs have different effects on brain health 
  • The violations of the law on drug abuse, the buying, and sale of illegal drugs, and the behaviors of people that are under the influence can result in criminal charges.
  • Increasing difficulty in finding or retaining employment causes financial hardship
  • There are more social problems than lost attachments, divorce, and the absence of parents’ assistance.

A dual diagnosis, which is also called dual diagnosis, is a treatment plan that combines an abuse of both drugs and alcohol. If you or a loved one suffers from Tourette syndrome and substance abuse, we can support you. Reach out to us today for added knowledge.


Researchers from the University of Tartu have linked Tourette’s with the basal ganglia, the part of the brain responsible for body changes. Neurons and the chemicals they use to communicate may be harmed by variations in the spinal cord. Scientists believe Tourette’s may stem from difficulties with this brain system.

Genes probably play a role in brain issues, but doctors are not sure why these problems occur. There are probably to be several causes. Tourette’s is more common among people who have relatives with the condition. But even within the same household, symptoms may differ.

Risk agents

Risk agents for this syndrome are:

  • History of the family. This condition may run in families and may result from other tic disorders.o
  • Sex. Females have a three-fold to a fourfold greater probability of suffering from this condition.

Facts and Figures about Tourette Syndrome

Tourette syndrome and those with the disorder share the following characteristics, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke:

  • Dr. Georges Gilles de la Tourette, a French neurologist, first described the disorder in 1885.
  • Signs usually start to appear when children are between three and nine years of age.
  • TS affects 3 times as many men as TS affects women.
  • Everyone is fairly affected by this condition.
  • Tourette syndrome is one of the most common neurological disorders in the United States, affecting approximately 250,000 people each year.
  • The symptoms of TS are less severe in 1 in 100 Americans.
  • Getting overexcited or stressed out can make tics worse.
  • A person suffering from Tourette syndrome can experience signs of improvement over a period.
  • It is recommended to treat patients medically and to conduct therapeutic interventions for maximum recovery.


One of Tourette syndrome’s primary symptoms is their inability to control their gestures or noises. Often, they do not have any real meaning or reasoning behind their actions. Common tics include:

  • Occasionally blinking quickly
  • Clearing the throat
  • Repetition of words
  • Some words are blurred out
  • In some people (15%) with TS, coprolalia (swearing without understanding the words) occurs.
  • The repetition of a message from other people.
  • jerking or twitching of the limbs
  • Kicking, hopping, spinning, or kicking
  • Groaning
  • Shoulders shrugged

A few spasms can be unsafe to the patient (e.g., hitting themself in the face). Others are introduced by a portentous desire or described by a sensation or feeling that it is going to occur. A few patients report the desire or need to rehash the spasm on various occasions before they can rest. Others track down that consultation or seeing somebody say or do their spasm conduct may trigger the patient’s inclination to go with the same pattern (e.g., seeing somebody skip or bounce may cause them to feel constrained to do likewise if that is their spasm conduct) or certain sensations like inclination tightened or awkward may trigger the spasm also. 

Also, however, spasms are reduced during rest, they don’t stop totally, which is the reason numerous patients report rest interruption issues.

Tourette Syndrome and Popular Co-occurring Conditions

Tourette Disorder frequently happens with other related conditions (additionally called co-happening diseases). These ailments can incorporate consideration deficiency/hyperactivity issue (ADHD), over the top habitual issue (OCD), and additional social or direct issues. Individuals with TS and related conditions can be at higher danger for learning, conduct, and social issues. 

The side effects of different issues can confound the finding and treatment of TS and make additional difficulties for individuals with TS and their families, instructors, and health experts. Most youngsters who are determined to have TS additionally have another psychological health, conduct, or formative condition.

Most patients who were diagnosed with Tourette syndrome in childhood also suffered from co-existing ailments such as these:

  • There was a 64 percent prevalence of ADHD
  • Drug misuse
  • Dependence
  • Problems with behavior: 43%
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Disruption of sleep
  • Stress: 40%
  • Grief: 36%
  • There is a 28 percent rate of learning disabilities

Behaviors that are Obsessive-Compulsive

OCD sufferers feel they need to act upon the obsessions (compulsions) they have. People with OCD behaviors may repeat things over and over or to themselves. It is often difficult to distinguish between obsessive-compulsive behaviors and complex tics (a kid with TS may have many tics).

Conduct Disorder

Conduct disorder kids behave defiantly towards their peers, breaking rules, laws, and social norms. These children may also experience more damages and have difficulty interacting socially. Additionally, CD symptoms affect more than one aspect of their life (for example, at home or school).

Treatment for disruptive behavior involves behavior therapy training for parents. Behavior problems can cause a lot of chaos and disruption for the child and others in the child’s life. It is paramount to locate a mental health specialist for diagnosis and treatment.

The Co-occurrence of Tourette Syndrome and Substance Misuse

To reduce the disturbance caused by Tourette’s syndrome patients’ tics, they may need treatment. Based on the Centers for Disease Control, patients can seek treatment for HIV through several options, and counseling is a popular method. They are also recommended to utilize integrated treatment programs to get patients counseling and access to treatments.

The following services are available depending on the individual’s needs:

  • Behavioral therapy. Regularly, people attempt to veil their spasms or stifle the inclination until they have a sense of security to finish the spasm. Tragically, many portray a development of stress that may happen subsequently that can cause compulsory or potentially more extreme articulations of the spasm. Figuring out how to oversee spasms appropriately can lessen the recurrence of spasms as well as decline their seriousness and effect also. Propensity inversion, or supplanting of the spasm with another conduct, and Thorough Social Intercession for Spasms (CBIT) are generally successful social treatments for TS patients that attention to this objective.
  • Medication. A lot of people won’t need medicine because their spasms are nonintrusive in their lives; nonetheless, for the individuals who think that it’s hard to work, a prescription might be useful. A class of drugs called neuroleptics is regularly utilized for the treatment of TS. These medications might have the option to help the patient in smothering their spasms. Frequently, haloperidol and pimozide are utilized for this reason. Sadly, there might be results with these meds or potentially they may not fill in just as trusted, which implies that they are not generally a possibility for all those affected.
  • Family education. When it comes to treatment, the family’s support is indispensable. It can be very helpful to educate loved ones about the condition and to give them insight into how to manage symptoms.

Drinking and Using Drugs for Self-Medicating

What factors contribute to the development of drug misuse in Tourette syndrome patients? The inability to control TS symptoms can cause TS patients to develop problems with depression, anxiety, or frustration — all of which can lead to substance abuse.

The initial escape provided by drinking or using drugs has the potential to turn into a host of problems of its own and can help turn an addictive behavior into a crippling obsession that will require therapy in addition to alcohol and other drugs.

Treatment using Dual Diagnosis 

Co-occurring disorders often co-occur with Tourette Syndrome. Rehabilitation programs for children and adolescents with tics and other disorders must provide them not only with access to treatment but care that addresses the tics associated with TS. Treating one disorder separately then treating the other is not a sustainable way to make lasting progress; rather patients should approach all of their disorders simultaneously to be effective at treating both areas.

There are some treatment options to be considered in a Dual Diagnosis program that includes Tourette syndrome.

  • Evaluation. The problems related to Tourette’s condition can change because of certain co-happening issues, similar to substance misuse. An exhaustive assessment can serve to recognize every one of the issues that are risky to the patient (counting substance misuse, learning inabilities, ADHD and that’s just the beginning) to make a successful treatment plan characterized by coordinated restorative intercession.
  • Personalized therapy. Every patient of TS is diverse they would say of side effects as well as in co-happening issues too. Thus, no two treatment plans for TS ought to be something similar and decisions in care ought to be made dependent on the patient’s requirements.
  • Medicines. Notwithstanding the prescriptions that might be utilized to help moderate the seriousness of spasms, patients who battle with depression, OCD or fixation might be endorsed medicine to assist them with overseeing explicit issues identified with these issues also.
  • Therapeutic custody. For patients with co-occurring mental, physical, and social illnesses that require medical attention, including detoxification, if one of those mental illnesses is addiction.

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  • Traditional therapies. The therapies mentioned here that have been proven effective in the treatment of TS will also include those that have been proven effective in treating co-occurring disorders. Other suggested options include individual therapy, group treatment, and other common methods.
  • Alternative therapies. In addition to exercise and adventure remedies, dance therapy, art remedy, animal-assisted therapy, and other options, a well-rounded approach for Dual Diagnoses often includes other forms of therapy that help patients overcome obstacles to recovery.
  • Holistic help. TS and other disorders may be helped by reducing stress and learning to manage frustration. Yoga, reflection, nutritional treatment, herbs and supplements, and more are among the treatments that may be beneficial.
  • Aftercare aid. Patients and their family members may need to continue receiving care after treatment to adjust to life in recovery. It is recommended to join alumni groups, attend 12-Step gatherings and continue therapy afterward.

A better tomorrow is possible today

If your loved one is suffering from Tourette syndrome and co-occurring psychological or substance use disorders, then they may be eligible to be accepted into a Dual Diagnosis rehab center. Contact us at the above phone number to find out if your loved one is a good match.