Studies on dual diagnosis have found that women are more likely than men to develop addictions, but a study related to dual diagnosis published in The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse found that women develop addictions more rapidly. Furthermore, they tend to seek treatment for addiction sooner in their lives. There is also evidence that therapies that may help are also very different between males and females, in addition to the differences in addiction development.
Addiction is characterized as the ongoing, enthusiastic utilization of a substance or commitment in conduct, paying little heed to negative outcomes. Sex is used to allude to a person’s portrayal as female or male from natural and morphological highlights. Studies on dual diagnosis say as examined beneath, there are comparable sex contrasts in people and rodents in addiction or addiction-like practices individually. Studies on dual diagnosis say that there are some fundamental natural differences among females and males that sway how each response to drugs of the maul and take an interest in addictive practices
Studies on dual diagnosis say Ladies will, in general, enter treatment sooner in the wake of turning out to be substance subordinate than men, yet they present with more mental trouble, and especially with more state of mind and uneasiness problems, as per research by Christine E. Grella, PhD, research analyst at the University of California, Los Angeles. Researches on dual diagnosis say most exploration of gender-based contrasts in addiction treatment has zeroed in on hierarchical issues (for example, the more noteworthy need to furnish ladies with kid care and work preparing) instead of pharmacology. Nevertheless, even this center does not generally advance into changes in the dual diagnosis treatment that is given.
Concerning Factors
Addiction Recovery dual diagnosis programs strive to identify what caused the substance abuse problem in the first place. It is quite likely that these triggers are associated with men’s traditional gender roles. Drugs and alcohol abuse can serve as excellent tools for conformity among men if they are seen as adventurous, in control, and just a little unpredictable. Moreover, Studies on dual diagnosis say men may be urged to numb their feelings and thoughts, which might lead to them relying on drugs and alcohol as a way of numbing them.
In addition to these concerns, women may use drugs and alcohol to “deal with” traumatic childhood experiences, according to a dual diagnosis study in The American Journal on Addictions.
There were 25 to 59 percent of women providing addiction treatment with a Dual Diagnosis of PTSD and substance abuse, usually associated with sexual assaults or physical abuse. Studies on dual diagnosis say Women might not be able to discuss these events during the unfolding process, expanding the likelihood of addiction as they try to numb themselves and forget.
Studies on dual diagnosis say Addiction is generally seen as a confusion of memory measures. In the course of recent years, considers drove by Cahill have shown solid hemispheric gender contrasts in how the cerebrum reacts in memory preparing in the wake of seeing genuinely exciting material. For instance, Studies on dual diagnosis say men’s reactions are more grounded from the correct amygdala, and ladies show more grounded signals from the left amygdala. Later work has shown perceptible contrasts of this sort even in the resting condition.
Such examination may assist with clarifying past proof for impacts of the period on desiring and gender contrasts in the viability of treatments, such as the nicotine fix. Studies on dual diagnosis say there is additionally immediate proof for impacts of the period on marvels pertinent to substance abuse. Using positron outflow tomography and utilitarian MRI (fMRI), Karen Faith Berman, MD, and partners at the NIMH in Bethesda, Md, have discovered that variances in steroid chemical levels during the monthly cycle influence neural reactions to rewards. They noted striking anatomical contrasts between the genders in their fMRI considers while expecting an unsure award, and men showed more activity in the ventral putamen than ladies. While getting a prize, ladies showed more activity than men in the front average prefrontal cortex.
Studies on dual diagnosis say the presence of cocaine will, in general hose typical gender contrasts in light of pressure, desiring, and unwinding, announced Marc N. Potenza MD, PhD, partner educator, and associates in the branch of psychiatry at Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
Studies on dual diagnosis say this was generally because of an increment among cocaine-subordinate ladies in actuation of the corticolimbic hardware engaged with pressure and desiring. Studies on dual diagnosis say Potenza’s exploration group did not see this expansion among men or among ladies who were not cocaine-subordinate.
Grella, who was absent at the APA’s yearly gathering, said she does not know about any immediate utilization of this sort of examination to the pharmacology of addiction. Nevertheless, Studies on dual diagnosis sayshe added that it has “enormous potential” to illuminate backslide anticipation techniques that would be more explicit to ladies.
A Therapeutic Approach
Considering how different the addiction triggers are between men and women, it makes sense that the treatments would differ too.
The Development of Core Skills Might Be of Benefit to Men, Such As:
- Communicating effectively
- Impulsive control
- Regulating emotions
- Managing anger
Studies on dual diagnosis say It might be beneficial to take part in individual therapy, particularly for men who struggle with the concept of speaking in public with their friends, but group therapy can also reduce feelings of isolation.
The Dual Diagnosis approach may prove beneficial to women. Therapies that aim to help clients reframe their memories in new ways may help, as might treatments that help clients calm down without the use of drugs or alcohol.
Women are also often opposed to entering addiction treatment by their families and friends, according to the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. This may make it more difficult for women to access outpatient care, as they may always face family violence and harassment when they return home between appointments. Studies on dual diagnosis say they are more likely to stay enrolled in treatment for longer periods of time if they build new connections with other addicted women when they are in inpatient care.
Studies on dual diagnosis say utilizing conduct treatments for medication and liquor addiction has numerous advantages, and studies show that particular sorts of treatments are viable for assisting individuals with defeating their medication addiction.
Here are the Reasons:
- The dual diagnosis treatment connects with individuals in substance misuse treatment
- The treatment gives impetuses to individuals to stay calm
- The treatment adjusts people groups’ perspectives and practices toward drug misuse
- The treatment builds fundamental abilities and shows individuals how to oversee pressure, triggers, and high-hazard circumstances in recuperation
Studies on dual diagnosis say regardless of whether a customer is not intentionally going to treatment, treatment can assist break with bringing down a person’s protection from treatment and open up the chance for recuperation. There is no single viable remedy for addiction.
Nevertheless, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) upholds the idea that conduct treatment and guiding is a fundamental piece of the recuperation cycle despite the fact that numerous other treatment modalities can be utilized at the same time to accomplish positive, enduring results.
For men, a more prominent recurrence of substance use toward the beginning of a change period strongly affected, decreasing their odds of moving from utilizing to recuperation. Studies on dual diagnosis say we did not discover support for our speculation about the average, more meaningful relationship of treatment investment with recuperation for ladies; all things considered, interest in treatment over the span of a change period was all the more firmly connected with moving from utilizing to recuperation for men. Interestingly, Studies on dual diagnosis say earlier treatment scenes improved the probability of moving from recuperation to utilizing for ladies yet decreased the probability for men. Consequently, recurrence of substance use following treatment might be a more grounded marker for use among men, while earlier treatment’s recurrence might be a more grounded marker for the hazard of backsliding among ladies.
Moreover, Studies on dual diagnosis say during the change time frame, treatment investment was all the more emphatically connected with moving from in recuperation to treatment for ladies, while it was all the more firmly connected with moving from utilizing to treatment for men. These differentiating pathways into treatment for people from one or the other utilizing or recuperation propose that various powers may incite people to reemerge and support treatment cooperation.
Self-improvement cooperation was all the more unequivocally connected with moving from utilizing to recuperation for ladies. Studies on dual diagnosis say this finding is steady with the discoveries from a longitudinal investigation of people who looked for help for liquor issues, showing that ladies were almost certain than men to partake in self-improvement gatherings and to have more prominent decreases in drinking simultaneously with their self-improvement cooperation during an eight-year follow-up period.
Studies on dual diagnosis say all the more, as of late, these discoveries have suffered all through a 16-year follow-up period. The discoveries also agree with those of the 3-year follow-up investigation of members from local area-based treatment. Support in treatment and self-improvement gatherings were identified with more decreases in drug use and criminal conduct among ladies, with less predictable relationships among men. Studies on dual diagnosis say this examination likewise showed that ladies’ medication use and criminal conduct following treatment were bound to be impacted by their mate’s proceeded with drug use, contrasted and men in the investigation.
Choosing Treatments
Patients who present with an addiction problem can be difficult to counsel because there are so many different treatment approaches that might help or not. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need help. The Foundations Recovery Network can assist you through their dual diagnosis programs.

Ben Lesser is one of the most sought-after experts in health, fitness and medicine. His articles impress with unique research work as well as field-tested skills. He is a freelance medical writer specializing in creating content to improve public awareness of health topics. We are honored to have Ben writing exclusively for